Thank you for taking the time to learn about the various ways to give to and through Oaks Christian School. We truly believe that God will continue to bless the ministry and impact of our school, and your generosity is a vital component of extending the Oaks Christian School legacy for future generations. “Just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” - 2 Corinthians 8:7
Oaks Christian School provides a distinctly Christian environment with a mission “to dedicate ourselves to Christ in the pursuit of academic excellence, artistic expression and athletic distinction while growing in knowledge and wisdom through God’s abundant grace.”
Giving to the ONE Oaks Fund has, over our 23-year history, provided important support needed to fund our programs, build amazing facilities, and provide first-rate opportunities for students. The advancement team is here to advance the OCS mission by engaging families to become active members of the OCS community and by providing them opportunities to give monetarily in support of our students.
Charitable giving is an essential aspect of the partnership forged with our families and finances significant enhancements to our student programs, annual improvements in our facility, critical opportunities for faculty professional development, and financial aid for deserving students. Philanthropic gifts from our current families—generous people like you—are the center of this partnership. For some, an Oaks Christian School education is only possible because of the generosity of others.
Annual Giving Philosophy
The OCS senior leadership team, administration and board of trustees are committed to being good stewards of your generous contributions. Your gifts ensure excellent opportunities for every student - through academic programs, extracurricular activities, faculty development, tuition assistance, and facility improvements and maintenance. “My fellow believers, do not practice your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of partiality.” - James 2:1
The impact of annual giving at Oaks Christian School is evident throughout our campus. From the classrooms to the stages and fields, we see a legacy of giving that has elevated our students to the next level of thinkers, scholars, artists, and athletes. A tradition of philanthropy has inspired every gift, no matter the size, and the longstanding partnership that has been foundational to student success. We ask each family to contribute annually to support Oaks Christian School. Annual gifts to the ONE Oaks Fund are used to supplement the general operating budget for the fiscal year and ensure that each student and teacher has the resources needed to enhance academic and student programs.

Families are also invited to make gifts to capital campaigns or capital projects that prioritize growth and innovation on our campus, for restoring or building a new facility or improving personalized learning through curriculum. These campaigns are of the utmost importance to Oaks Christian School.
Endowment Continuity and legacy are especially important for our future. A growing endowment will ensure sustainability of Oaks Christian School’s finances, in perpetuity, for today’s students and future generations. As a beacon of Christcentered education, it is imperative we establish a model of sustainability that provides for current and future students. A carefully calibrated endowment is an important support for most private educational institutions.
Annual Gifts to the ONE Oaks Fund
Planning Your Giving
Capital Projects
It is our hope that all members of our school community will support annual giving at a level that is appropriate for them. We ask all families to prioritize their giving through the ONE Oaks Fund each year.
Your gift to the ONE Oaks Fund is foundational to the success of our students and programs. Additionally, there are other ways to make an impact through giving.
For over two decades, families have played an important role in growing and sustaining Oaks Christian through the tradition of philanthropy. We are grateful to those who give their time, talent, and treasure to advance our mission. We recognize and thank our supporters in our Annual Stewardship Report, which is published each fall, as well as host a series of events for both donors and volunteers to show our immense appreciation.

OAKS CHRISTIAN GUIDE TO GIVING AND GETTING INVOLVED ONEOAKS FUND Deciding How Much to Give Our hope is for every current family to join the community by giving annually at a level equal to their financial ability and personal desire to see young people equipped with “minds for leadership and hearts for service.” To achieve the necessary funding to maintain our commitment to excellence in all our programs, families with higher wealth may be able to contribute more money than others. In a manner consistent with all philanthropic giving, these communitybased fundraising initiatives provide that each gift, no matter the amount, is meaningful and matches your capacity and heart to give. Gifts of $2,500 or more are considered leadership gifts (as shown below) and those donors join the Leadership Giving Circle. Annual Giving Categories Oaks Christian Leadership Giving Circle- The Oaks Christian Leadership Giving Circle members contribute cumulative gifts during the current fiscal year of $2,500 or more. Pledges are counted in the year they are funded. • ONE Oaks Diamond Level: $50,000 and above • ONE Oaks Platinum Level: $25,000-$49,999 • ONE Oaks Gold Level: $10,000-$24,999 • ONE Oaks Silver Level: $5,000-$9,999 • ONE Oaks Cardinal Level: $2,500-$4,999 ONE Oaks Nation- Members of the One Oaks Nation contribute to the school in many ways including financial gifts up to $2,499. ARTISTIC Please scan this QR code to make your online gift today.


Pay special tribute by making a gift to Oaks Christian School in memory or in honor of a family member, friend, colleague, or group. “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” - Luke 12:48
How to Give Monthly Add a monthly contribution to your budget for the most convenient way to support the school. Monthly giving is easy to initiate and manage.
Gifts In-kind
Cash, Check, or Credit Make one-time gifts with a check payable to “Oaks Christian School” and either drop it off at the school or mail it to the school: Attention- Advancement Office. Additionally, please visit oakschristian.org/give to conveniently make a gift online using a credit or debit card.
Gifts of Stock Visit oakschristian.org/give to view our Stock Transfer instructions.
Visit oakschristian.org/give to download the In-kind gift form for use when giving tangible personal property. This is a great way to contribute to our golf tournament and dinner auction gala. Memorial or Honorary Gifts
Planned Giving
For more information about including Oaks Christian School in your estate plan, please contact Chief Development Officer Eddie Moore at emoore@ oakschristian.org. Matching Gifts Double your gift to Oaks Christian School! Many gifts qualify for company matches. Find out if your company will match your charitable donations. Visit oakschristian.org/give and click the Matching Gift tab.

Getting Involved
Join Parent Community Groups
This is a great way to connect with other parents in the same grade level, learn about volunteer opportunities and grow together through each school year. Log into your AXIS account and search for community groups.
Volunteer There are many tangible ways you can use your gifts, talents, or expertise! You can help organize and execute special events, serve in our school café, join an event committee and many more. These are vital responsibilities of our current families in the One Oaks community. If you have a knack for getting great items donated, please consider joining our golf tournament or dinner auction gala committees. Volunteering is a great way to bond with other parents while benefiting the school’s main fundraising events. Please take a few minutes to take our volunteer match survey at oakschristian.org/volunteer.
If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Teri Kupfer, tkupfer@oakschristian.org.
-Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 Please scan this QR code to take our Volunteer Survey Match.
Giving means so much more than just dollars at Oaks Christian School! Find a passion and get connected! We are excited to forge this partnership with you.
In partnership with our teachers, the spiritual life department and parents, the advancement office is committed to helping you make long-term, meaningful connections with the school and each other.
“Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and does not have another to lift him up.”

How does peer-to-peer fundraising work at Oaks Christian School?
Oaks Christian School has a tradition of philanthropy, and your gifts help ensure that we continually strive for excellence in our school. Every aspect of the school and mission is touched by annual giving through the ONE Oaks Fund including our A3 curriculum (Academic Excellence, Artistic Expression, and Athletic Distinction); Financial assistance; and Teacher/Staff Compensation Support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does Oaks Christian School have an annual giving campaign and why do you ask that I support the ONE Oaks Fund?
We have a growing group of OCS parents who are passionate about seeing our school continue to advance through philanthropic giving. They are part of a committee who will reach out to other OCS parents and ask you to join them in giving to the ONE Oaks Fund. We hope that you will respond with excitement and make a gift!
Oaks Christian School, in a manner consistent with many Independent Schools, relies on income beyond tuition to fully support its students and programs. Annual gifts to the ONE Oaks Fund are used during the year in which they are received and are the primary source for ensuring broad support of the most direct and immediate needs of the school and our unique programs.
The solicitation of tax-deductible donations helps our families give based upon their ability and calling rather than by forcing their hand by raising tuition. As an added benefit, Oaks Christian School is a 501 c 3 organization so gifts to Oaks Christian School are tax-deductible.
Parents often come to Oaks Christian School with very different views of and experiences with philanthropy, and many have questions. It is our philosophy that all members of our school community should support annual giving at a level that is appropriate for them. To offer a better understanding of our philanthropic philosophy, we provide this list of some frequently “un-asked” questions.
OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 31749 La Tienda Drive Westlake Village, CA 91362 www.oakschristian.org