Oaks Christian School E XP ER IEN CE TH E DIFFERENCE
Oaks Christian School has been committed to a single purpose: to provide an outstanding educational experience to both middle school and high school students by preparing minds for leadership and hearts for service. At Oaks Christian, we’re committed to providing students with opportunities to discover who they are and what they want to be become. With an outstanding academic curriculum, a nationally recognized athletics program, an allencompassing performing arts program with state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant spiritual life program, Oaks Christian School provides an educational environment full of rich and rewarding opportunities for each and every student.
Preparing Minds for Leadership and Hearts for Service
Oaks Christian School students receive a broad and rigorous education and they graduate fully prepared for success as they enter the finest colleges and universities nationally and abroad. However, an education should be measured beyond college success.
Oaks Christian School students have something that runs deep. They have depth of character, respect, compassion, faith, values and dedication. They enter the school with these traits, but they are molded, guided and shaped by the faculty and their fellow students who also share this same character and depth. The academic and developmental opportunities that each Oaks Christian student experiences shape the core of our student body in profound and positive ways. Our students develop skills and personal qualities that truly inform them and inspire them for a lifetime.
Oaks Christian School students are compassionate. They care about others and the world around them. They involve themselves in all kinds of service and leadership opportunities. Their commitment to helping others and their drive to make things better in the local community, nationally and abroad, is inspiring and contagious. Oaks Christian students and the entire Oaks Christian School community of faculty, staff, alumni and families lead and serve. Involvement in the lives of others to make the world a better place is a core value of our students and of all who are a part of this unique and special educational community.
Oaks Christian students develop a lifelong love for learning. They partner with excellent faculty who are their teachers and mentors, who inspire them, challenge them and encourage them to question, explore, to think critically, yet passionately, about the world around them. Our students are bright, respectful, motivated and receive the tools and critical thinking skills to truly be informed. They are educated within the context of Christian values which truly inspires and informs them to be wise, thoughtful, and successful individuals who make a positive impact on the world.
As a Christ-centered school, Oaks Christian offers all students the opportunity to embrace and develop their relationship with God or to explore the Christian faith and learn more about the richness of its offerings. At Oaks Christian, faith becomes a part of daily life. It’s a foundation of the school that is reflected in both our teachers and staff, and in the curriculum we teach. All faiths and backgrounds are accepted and welcomed at OCS. Whether it is through academics, visual and performing arts, athletic competition, or mission trips to serve others, the Oaks Christian community strives to reflect the moral values and principles instilled through faith.
Christian Foundation
Academy V provides the opportunity for a select group of students to experience Oaks Christian with the advantage of a self-contained classroom. A small class of students experiences the excellence of academics, arts, and athletics from a Christian worldview. The curriculum is aligned with state standards, but designed to provide a primer to each core department of Oaks Christian School. The schedule is specifically designed to provide a unique and distinct experience for 5th grade with access to the amazing facility, but separate daily schedule from the middle school students to limit interactions. Academy V students have the opportunity to experience many electives and service opportunities that are offered in our Middle School. They are also able to participate in many educational class trips throughout the year. Class trips include: • Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach): overnight science trip • Theatre Trip: Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza for a dramatic play • California Science Center • Discovery Center at Ronald Reagan Library • Americans and their Families at Skirball Museum
Academy V
Middle School Academics
The middle school grade-level environment and integrated curriculum are specifically designed to encourage students to think independently, impartially, critically, and creatively. The innovative architecture of the middle school academic complex makes use of grade-level pods, providing our students with a smaller school setting, a safe and secure learning environment, and a place to collaborate and build teams. Pods are equipped with audio/visual technology and provide a space for teachers to combine efforts in instruction across the curriculum. Excellent teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason. It’s about sparking curiosity and inspiring students to develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime. It’s about listening, questioning, responding, and motivating students to discover their own potential. Our teachers challenge the mind, heart, and soul of every Oaks Christian student.
Oaks Christian High School students are challenged academically with engaging teachers who find joy in developing the strength of their students. Comprehensive knowledge and critical thought have become hallmarks of the wellread and competent alumni of OCS who develop knowledge, wisdom, and conversational intelligence that go well beyond high test scores and grade point averages. Small class sizes allow students and teachers to form stronger bonds that enhance the desire to learn, while fostering the concepts of unity and teamwork. Our intentional design for success delivers a strong record of placement into many of the nation’s finest colleges and universities.
High School Academics
Visual and Performing Arts
Art helps to develop the “whole student� in mind, body, and soul by mirroring the creative nature of God. The Arts program adds diversity to an Oaks Christian education. The combination of expert teaching, student-centered learning, and superb facilities makes Oaks Christian a wonderful place for students to experience art-making and to grow richly in their creative endeavors. The visual arts program allows all students to explore and discover the joy of creative expression, regardless of their perceived ability. The performing arts program provides dedicated students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in their creative avenue of choice. The Oaks Christian artistic community fosters creativity and produces accolades that extend far beyond our school.
Middle School Athletics The focus of Oaks Christian athletics is to develop positive and confident boys and girls who express exceptional character and high moral value on and off the field. We embrace the belief that the athlete’s character comes first, and winning is secondary. Winning must be accomplished while competing in the purest sense of fair play and good sportsmanship. Character shaped through athletic competition will carry over into all other areas of life. Fall Season Sports • Cross Country • Swimming • Cheer • Girls Tennis • Girls Volleyball • Flag Football • Tackle Football • Equestrian Club
Winter Season Sports • Basketball • Soccer • Water Polo • Cheer
Spring Season Sports • Baseball • Golf • Boys Lacrosse • Boys Tennis • Track and Field • Softball • Boys Volleyball
Oaks Christian excels in the athletic arena, consistently producing award winning championship teams. The cornerstone of the athletic department is rooted in inspiring our student athletes with lifelong skills of personal character, leadership, discipline, and excellence. The spirit of the Oaks Christian student body is alive and well at athletic events. Fall Season Sports • Cheerleading • Football • Girls Volleyball • Cross Country • Girls Golf • Girls Tennis • Boys Water Polo • Equestrian Club
Winter Season Sports • Basketball • Cheerleading • Soccer • Girls Water Polo
Spring Season Sports • Baseball • Lacrosse • Boys Tennis • Boys Volleyball • Boys Golf • Softball • Swimming/Diving • Track & Field
High School Athletics
Student Life
Connection to others and involvement in the school community are important pieces of the middle and high school experience. Oaks Christian School strives to create opportunities for students to express creativity and lead in ways that deepen personal and community connections and foster school spirit. Students develop pride, commitment, and love for their school that keeps them coming back to alumni celebrations year after year.
Local and International Opportunities
Developing students with hearts for service requires an awareness of the issues facing those beyond our walls. As a faith-based school, Oaks Christian encourages students to reflect on their core beliefs, deepen their faith, and apply their worldview to everyday situations. International and local service opportunities challenge students to live out their beliefs and values in practical ways. Preparing students for leadership includes fostering their ability to engage in global conversations. Students are given the opportunity to go beyond their classroom learning through international travel and interactions with cultures different from their own. Through educational opportunities and service trips, students are able to travel, learn, and serve around the globe. Past trips have included locations such as: Educational Opportunities • Australia • Belize • Costa Rica • Egypt • England • Fiji • France • Galapagos Islands • Israel • Italy • Scotland • Sweden
Service and Mission Trips • China • Guatemala • Haiti • Honduras • India • Jamaica • Malawi • Mexico • Romania • South Africa • Uganda
As a college-preparatory school, Oaks Christian faculty and staff fully support students’ personal and intellectual growth as it relates to their future college decisions, and assist them in gaining access to the appropriate and desired college or university upon graduation. Our college counseling staff endeavors to guide students, beginning with the ninth-grade year, to demystify this potentially intimidating process and to teach students where they have both an opportunity and responsibility to control the college application and enrollment process. Using the most current technical tools, we enable students to become informed stakeholders and responsible decision makers. At the same time, we understand college admission to be a family experience. We invite parents to work alongside us to help students not only plan for college but for the rest of their lives. School sponsored college visitation trips, workshops, and seminars are available to students. Over 150 college and university admissions officers visit the campus annually to recruit our students. OCS graduates attend the most prestigious universities in the country including the U.S. Naval Academy, Brown, Columbia, Duke, Harvard, The Julliard School, Pepperdine, Princeton, Stanford, UC Berkeley, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Military Academy, Yale, and many others.
College Counseling
Since the first graduating class of 2003, Oaks Christian alumni have returned year after year, remaining connected to their Oaks Christian family. Our alumni consistently report that their Oaks Christian School education prepared them very well for their college and university experience and beyond. Whether coming back for the Homecoming game in the fall, participating in the annual Alumni Turkey Bowl, attending a class reunion, or just stopping by to say hello to teachers and friends, we are always happy to see our alumni and celebrate their successes. Oaks Christian alumni have also given back to the school in many ways including: working with students as tutors; chaperoning mission trips; coaching student-athletes; and even as full-time teachers. It is their love for the school and its unique culture that make our alumni community a vital part of the Oaks Christian School family and its legacy.
Oaks Christian School welcomes international students. We issue I-20 forms for diploma-seeking students (F-1) as well as accept one year study-abroad students (J-1). Recent international students have attended Oaks Christian from Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Portugal, and Russia. Oaks Christian Homestay is a unique feature of our boarding program. We believe that international students living with American families creates a much better educational environment and provides more social and emotional support than an impersonal boarding dormitory. Host families are carefully chosen by Oaks Christian School after a background and reference check and personal interviews. Orientation and ongoing support is provided for both host families and international students.
International Student Program
Average Class Size
Average SAT Score
Average ACT Score
Advanced Placement Pass Rate
Average AP Test Score
Student to Faculty Ratio
High school graduation requirements meet or exceed all University of California and California State University requirements.
Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) Member of National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Member of Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Member of the National Association of College Admission Counseling Complies with the NACAC Statement of Principles of Good Practice
Percentage Admitted to Four-Year College
Middle School High School
Percentage Attending College
% 52% 48 / FEMALE MALE
David Price and Dallas Price-Van Breda in 2000
Percentage Admitted to College
Middle School and High School
Middle School Students
High School Students
Total: Grades 5-12
Please consult our website for current information
Financial Aid
Based solely on financial need
High School Athletic Teams
Middle School Athletic Teams
State Championships
CIF Championships
League Championships
Academic EXCE L L E N CE
Artistic EXPRES SI O N
Oaks Christian School, a college-preparatory school serving grades 5-12. 31749 La Tienda Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91362 818.575.9900 www.oakschristian.org