Keep quality care close to home through your support of our diagnostic imaging programs
Almost every patient who walks through the doors of Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital requires diagnostic imaging (DI) of some sort. The use of diagnostic imaging technology is one of the greatest advances in medicine, enabling physicians to diagnose and treat their patients safely and rapidly. Whether it is a pregnant woman requiring pre-natal ultrasound scans or a senior being monitored after suffering heart failure, the first step to recovery is the discovery that something is wrong. Medical equipment, however, has a finite
lifespan and current DI technology at OTMH is approaching its end of useful life. Over the next few years, more than $100 million in funding will be needed to support the priority needs of our hospital in areas such as diagnostic imaging, laboratory, surgery, and other key programs. We must ensure our healthcare teams at OTMH have the resources they require to respond to the needs of our community and enhance the delivery of care. Medical advancements are rapidly changing the way hospital care is delivered. By making crucial investments in
lifesaving equipment and best-in-class technology, our hospital will be able to keep pace with current innovations, leading practices and new models of care. Your support tonight during cause-withina-cause will help position OTMH for a new era of care; for your health, our health, and the health of everyone who turns to our hospital for compassionate care.