Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM2, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Oasis Chiu Hei Ching
838135 Carl Areskoug (Studio 8)
Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) According to Le corbusier, Pictorial space is a presentation of a three diamentional space onto a twodiamentional of which it is the layout of lines and shape that gives an sence of structural order to human brain. It is a “illusion of of depth” by carefully constructed lines (at thoughtful angle) to gives the reader “sensation of order” and the sence that the image is receding backwards into the canvas that creates depth. It is a space that is seem from puralistic viewpoint that it cannot be entered or circulate through. It also contains all of the movement created by lines and shape in the illusional space.
Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to firstly, the continouity of edges (Marriage du Contour) and secondly, pure extension. Continouity of edges means the “collation of objects” that are joint together by the flow of line constellation. This produces fluidity across the whole painting. Pure extension, maintain the frontality of the picture while presenting regestered object by the use of precisely contoured shapes. These two property pitted against the need of physical depth in painting. The use of representative appearance converted an innovative and imagainative to transform an object onto a canvas without any need of actual depth and leave the span of lines to convey the message to the reader.
Initial projection drawing
Scanned image of the original drawing
WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words) PIctorial space is one diamentional and actual sence of depth is subjective to the reader, it does not provide any measureable information that allows reader to recreate the reality, hence it act as a breif distorted repersentation of the signle perspective that is the space is viewed from. On the other hand, Projection correspons to the true spatial diemention hense the sence of depth and size are objective and universal. Its accuracy in measurements allows useful informative communication between the drawer and the reader which is prefferable when constructing technical drawings for public use.
Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) Axonometric projection first arises in the early 20th century in the militaistic studies of the balllistics and projectile motion. As mentioned, Axonometric project retain real diamentions and accurate distance information in the drawing, it allows visual communication across reader and created a fuctional piece of drawing. The application is particularly useful in military for stregic planning and in craftmanship to deliver accurate product information.
Finalized design with colours
The first reference photo was placed 45 degree tilted and prepared for projection
I picked the floor to be the first object to project to form a base to the following steps
Location of indiviuall objects were determined and projected in order
Initial drawing was formed after projecting both reference photos 9
Occational use of modelling clay during the process helped to visualize how the oulines of objects are affected in isonometric view
The mountain was desgined to be a 3D cone shape instead of a extruded plane, thus difficulty in drawing is increased
The hand drawn design is then outlined with outliner for better tracing in the Illustrator
The drawing is converted into vectors in Illustrator by tracing with pen tool
Vector tracing in Illustrator
Colouring using live paint tool in Illustrator
Finished product
The theme of my design is about the realisation of Mario when he first found out the operation of the world he is in. I feel like my work is a success in the sence that I was able to master using a lot of essential tools in Illustrator in a short period of time and that the work produced is to my expectation. On the other hand, I think my work would have been even better if I have more time to learn more about the fuctions offered by the software, especially for colour matching and shadowing. The part that I found most difficult in this module is the visualisation of plain object in 3D world. Although we live in a 3D world, only now that I realise how little attention I pay in observing what makes a daily object look like they are present in the three diamentional space. The delicate change of colour and what parallel lines mean to a human eye finally make sence after completing the module.