M4 journal

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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM2, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD Oasis Hei Ching Chiu

838135 Carl Areskoug (Studio 8)



Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) Durer’s rules stated that: Fristly, all perpendicular/ orthogonal lines of the perspectival projection must meet a vanishing point in the centre which revolves a perpendicular line drawn from the eye to the picture plane. Secondly, The images in a perspectival projection are not accurate in diamension, since images are distored to satisfy the viewer’s perspective which is is not unqiue and truthful (fully represetative).Thirdly, All parallel lines in such projection converges to the same point (common vanishing point)

Question 2: Describe homogenous space? (Maximum 100 words)

Homogenous itself means singular, unique and irreplaceable. Homogenous space is a purely mathematical space that assumed a fix point of view. from which elemental points in this space are mere determinatioin of position, possessing no independent content on their own. It is constructed through subjective optical perseption.





Intial Old Quad Modelling



The annotations represented designed mirror location from the story, Marco Polo’s walking pace, emotional changes, and view respectively. These annotations gives a basic idea of the flow of Marco Polo’s movement in the old quad.


QUAD PERSPECTIVE 1 + 2 “The traveler, arriving, sees two cities”. This perspective is dedicated to record the first impression of Marco Polo when he arrived at Valdrada. Hence a opening is chosen to later compose a imaginative Valdrada which will set the feel of Valdrada from its scenery.

“lovers twist their naked bodies....Murderers plunge knife into the black veins of neck” This perspective is chosen to set in a room where both the murder and the sex happened in this location in the past. I hope to create perspective that represent Marco Polo’s imagination.



Fisherman took Marco Polo for a ride arriving at Valdrada, here he sees two cities one erect above the lake and the other reflected-up side down. It was intentional to put the reflection and the real city the “wrong way around”. Perhaps representing that “the world that is distored is the real world, the mirror in fact reflect the truth in contrast.” The two children is added to increase interaction between the inhabitant of the city with the “mirror”.

This room recreates the venue which both the murder and the sex happened in the past. Since Marco Polo arrived long after the two incidents, the room is already deteriated hence look hold and broken. However evidence of the past can still be found if one is careful. Therefore, Marco Polo, being a imaginative man, was able to organise the two scene in his head and saw them as if they were happening in the mirror.”As the compulating and the murdering of the images, limpid and cold in the mirror”.


WEEK 4 READING: MAPPING THE UNMAPPABLE Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words) Autographic depends heavily on authenticity and reader will require contact with author in other to receive accurate interpretation of the product. E.g. Sulpture with deep meaning or totally abstract. In contrast, allographic are made to be reproduced by different author using the same set of “axioms”, hence the product will have a unique message depending who created it but also contain a “universal” or “understantable” set of meanings of their represetantions. E.g. Music score or common notations for maps.

Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words) Firstly, since some products are sometimes complicated to be deliver with language or impossible to immeidately deliver its actual physical form for the public to understand, architects hence need ways to represent thiings. Also, representing often achieve “delivering maxium information possible with minimal resources”, it is economical way to deliver ideas. For instance, architect cannot physically build 10 buildings just to test out certain design. Hence they use computer software to represent or simpulate their ideas to see if they are feasible or not.



Key Heavy Step Regular Step Quick Step Mirror Thought Perspective 1 Perspective 2 0




Relax Thoughtful

Perspective 2

Perspective 1

Perspective 2

The final and combination of the drawings organised for pin-up


APPENDIX Characters and objects

The Fisherman

The child throwing pebbles

The bed


The child leaning wall

The bookself

The couple

The broken chairs

APPENDIX Characters and objects





Standing mirror

Wall mirror

The baot


APPENDIX Work flow

The old quad building was modelled using Rhino and given dimensional cross-sectional drawings. This will later be used as a venue for the story to take place

This is the completed modelling of the old quad

By using two desinated points (for for camera, one for target), two of the best views for perspectives are chosen and set.

After placing in outline of characters and obejcts using Illustrator trace and Rihno, the view was “Make 2D� to be flattened into line work.


APPENDIX Work flow

The linework is later combined with this exported rendered view with photoshop. Before that, the weight of the different line are modified to different thickness to represent depth

Using photoshop, different effects and filters are added to the combined image to blend shadows and create sense of reality of the image.

Notations are added to the old quad model in Rhino and then exported to Illustrator for filling in the colour of the notations. Lines of the roof are also adjusted to reveal a better view of the notation map


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