SKY Magazine

Page 1


june 2016



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SU R E KsAs,:Ambition,

o p a h S a: k e l in


What is

? Y SK

d o o h a t s i s a s i s s Y o r c SK a s l r i g n of tee na ! Bo tswa

e SKY h t s i s i Th I ple dge…

To be tru e to myself and what I believe in. To be who I am, not who som eon e else thin ks I sho uld be. I will say Sure Ka Yon e to the thin gs that I am all abo ut – like sta ndi ng up for my frie nds and foll owi ng my dre am s. I will say Shapo Ka Yon e to the thin gs that I am goo d wit hou t – like smo kin g and bac kst abbing . I will ma ke cho ices that are tru e to me. I will foll ow my sky line. I pled ge to find my SKY.



CONTENTS Mag t A t zine

r teenage gi fo y el iv us cl ex a am Finally, a dr ic and more! us m s, ie or st ic at dram exciting characters, KY Nation... Watch this space, S

G N I H C N U A L SKY IS ! A M A R D O I D A RA rls, featuring


Kindness is the New Black 6 8 10 12

How to Become a Kinder Person Big Sister SKY Cover story Behind the Scenes at SKY

Careers & Ambition 14 15 16

What Field Should You Get Into? So You Want to be a Model? Ideas for Careers – that you might have never heard of!

Relationships 18 20 21 22

Celebrity Besties! How to Get Over a Breakup What is Love? SKYGuys answer *your* questions

Fashion Forward 24 26 30 31

Winter Fashion SKY revamped Backstage at Fashion Without Borders Brilliant Kodie

And the Rest… 4 5 32 33 34 36 38

Editor’s note SKY Spotted Body Beautiful Letter to my 14-Year Old Self Music InstaSKY SKYscopes

e t o n s ’ ED h other sation wit r e v n o c e careers! start th t different u o b a ls ir SK Y g o praises se girls wh cold o th l f ia o c e e n p I am o thes the out this s er and loa excited ab m is upon the summ I am super SKY mag. Not only a las, winter a t e u b th o r f e ls o a tea in but weath edition an sipping ite you all th r r w e to th o d ts e d h r hlig g forward us a n honou am lookin e issue hig I n , u s J a e e r m o th ja m e y ends eed my p becaus e fashion tr to ve we all n th e t li e u b o I g t c in e y order ed . to tr a n asp is mag, in self includ y th m in f, e d o e w e d c d an T Y L E! inclu practi eason in S tures drop s a e r , e th p ts e e m k m te n o welc As the eeced bla r heavily fl our ly n o ontinued t dig out ou o n rm up ed at the c a y w , jo r ll to e a v y r o e tr . Aft rhood. In I am let us hearts too e SKY siste r th u f o o t u th b s w feature gr o k’ ;) bodie e new blac re is also a e th th is , g s s a e m n the new SKY ‘kind t with the o o g h a s a m Y m us being fro e SK h celebrate e to also dition of th s SKY as ic e h r w te ts in ir w r t-sh This thing king. Be su ation of all urselves. apoKaSmo g and the h S lo # v is a compil o Y K to S e w u e tr n y e ta th s n! check out to you soo we always articles on a, coming filled with m is a d r e n d u s a io s is d r ra This e s s b ea our kindn p os , ma k e d n a the fruits m u r e s & s ha e s r th u e o r a to h s k n by Let us stic tantly find how we ca ho we are tter. I cons mbrace w e e h b d ic n h ld a r w o e f il w o sm this estion ue. ing the qu I staying tr myself ask will undertake and I ly n career path e that I am not the o ur s le c y ti tt r e a r p g am irin ut the insp o t’s k le c d e n h a C . s one r path e e r a c g n ti on interes

ation, Hey SKY N




SKY Girls at the Slip ‘n Slide event

Check out all the awesome places where SKY has been spotted in BW’s streets :D If you spot yourself on this page, you WIN a SKY T-shirt!

SKY girl at the Slip ‘n Slide event Boitshepo Holy Mmopi on FB



Janella Queen Rap Keeletsi BW

Yvonne Ben #True to myselfz

SKY Girls and guys excited for the new magazine at Tlogatloga

Rapelang Wandipa Manyepedza rocking the SKY vest

s Kindnneesw i s th e c k ! b la

How to

Become a Kinder Person This issue, we’re talking all things kind! After all, the most confident, popular and happy people are often the kindest! By following a few simple steps you can become kinder to yourself, and to others. Let’s make the world a kinder place, SKY Nation!


1. Learn to be kind to yourself first

If you’re not taking care of yourself (exercising, having alone time, doing what you enjoy) – then your ‘kindness well’ is empty and you won’t have enough for other people! Spend 20 minutes a day having ‘you time’ to refill your kindness well :) Try to identify the negatives in your life – get rid of the ones you can and what will remain is a happier, kinder you!

2. Resist the urge to gossip – be smarter and wiser!

3. Be kind to *everyone*

We love this quote: “Be kind to unkind people – they need it the most”. Most unkind, negative, gossiping people are actually unhappy people deep inside. If you spare them some kindness you are showing them the best way to be, and you might just change their character, spreading love and joy along the way :)

Unnecessary conflict and drama is such a waste of your precious time! Plus, if you’ve ever been the target of gossiping, you’ll know how hurtful it can be. Although gossiping can feel good in the moment, rather take pride in knowing you are a better person than that. The most genuinely popular people don’t gossip, they rise above it.

There are no situations where you should not aim to be kind. A waiter deserves as much kindness as a CEO.

4. Let it go!

Elsa from Frozen sang ‘Let It Go’ so that we could be free from negativity! There is no benefit to holding a grudge, only the knowledge that ‘you’re right’ (which is actually quite negative!) Be the bigger person, forgive and forget when you have been wronged, and set an example for everyone else to follow <3 You’ll be amazed to see the respect people give to those able to ‘let it go’…

5. Kindness is free, so be generous!

Showering someone with gifts is not free, but showering someone with compliments is :D Think about your friends’ positive attributes, and tell them every day. You’ll help to build their confidence and they will help to build yours too. You can’t fake kindness, but if you tell them sincerely what you appreciate about them, the world will be a slightly better place <3

As Mother Teresa said: “Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”





Mag t A t zine

Lee X Matlapeng

Being nice first begins with you...If you don’t appreciate the finer things about yourself, it probably will not be really easy to say something nice to or about someone. It starts with humbleness but mostly tolerance...

3. Onneetse Ponkie Kwenaemang One way of being nice is thinking before talking. That reduces many chances of saying rude things. The golden rule: do unto others what you want done to you :)

Think about how your words will affect the person you are talking to, and how you would feel if someone said those words to you

My everyday rule: if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone or something... It’s best you shut up. Works all the time :D

Jayla Jay Zepellin

Avoiding being haughty and moody, you must try to smile even if you’re not in good mood when talking to others...




Do you spend time reflecting on your own actions/behaviour? When gossiping starts, do you avoid getting involved? Have you given an unexpected compliment in the last week? Do you remember to ‘think before you speak?’ Are you just as kind to strangers as you are to your friends? Are you able to let go of anger/ negativity, and not get revenge?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to all the above, well done! You clearly know how to be kind, and we are sure you will become a popular, successful young woman.


La Nina Kruger

If you answered ‘No’ to any of the above, perhaps you have a little work to do before you and those around you are truly happy. Try working on ‘SKY’s top 5 tips’ – you can even concentrate on one per week, and see how you go. Good luck, follow our advice and you’ll be fine :)



s Kindnneesw i s th e c k ! b la

G I B ister s

Hey girl, I’m sorry to hear that. It takes a lot to trust someone with your heart because they might just break it. We still fall in love anyway and it’s OK to. We learn and we live. When someone cheats, that is the first sign of disrespect and disloyalty. That person had a choice and they chose to cheat. That shows that they are not an honest person at all and that is not kind. Communication is the best key in any relationship, so it’s cool that before you assumed boo, you talked to him first to find out what was really going on. But the moment you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do. Some people may feel that when they apologise a hundred times, or shower you with gifts and chocolates, that things will be ok. The thing is, once trust is broken it is not easy to mend it. And our love cannot be bought ka these material things.


Hey sky nation. Last year I met a guy and dated, we really love each other. This year around February I caught him cheating and I 4gav him. We tried to fix things but I caught him with the girl he cheated me with. He said there is nothing happening between them. I don’t trust him anymore. Please help wat should I do?

Re shapo ka boyfriends who cheat and are dishonest. As teens, when we fall in love we tend to feel like this person is the love of our lives and we can never love like this again, but there is so much life out there and so much more to explore and experience. Think about yourself. Do more of what makes you happy. Build yourself, follow your dreams, work on your passion, and be amazing. When you love yourself, you stop letting people step on you, that’s being nice to yourself and it shows you are growing as an individual. Go out there and slay boo.


Sisters help !!! about a yea I’m 16yrs old and have rn been dating books and s ow. I now feel I have s top dating… to concentra ome guy for N t ow the thin e more on m his mom is Hey bo g is I love h soo sweet! y o, now I im re w s a o ll h o y a really that is m t d a u o c b n h o ’t u and t his feeling want to dat ni s s?? And his e anymore.. you m ce and kind o cute, you s m . a ke a c person ee m l i N o m ow ? Please help ke h someo . m e … ne else oice you are The fact tha a th

a ’s feeli t hin k i t them s ng abo before st t will accom ng h udies, modat ut you ar ows kindne s and what ss it e up a st and every th e your time your b in a predica . First of all, would do to u to ing els m oy it e in yo gether, you wall fo dy timetabl people friend and ent to choos seems like e u r r a rl e n veryo yo e w of bre ne to s d plaster it ives. Draw impor ill tell you t ur studies. between a k o e i n n e tant w Now y hat yo g up, y y a b ee n ou ur hi ou can nd respect. our t h is c h Instea oice co ch is true, b education i know tha spending w reduce ut it is d s more ith yo uld hu t you the t a rt you you tw need to spe ur boyfrien ime you’ve , and y lso true tha W hy d nd mo d . I f yo o t our bo on re u feel friend can study t yfrien will le ’t you try to ogethe time with s a d n . ave yo d fi h g h r i u i i . m t t r G ’s t e out a , u all h he libr a a w in that m app ary to ther a grou pla w i n! a gether p of relatio tters? Comm y, since tha n that . That t’s n u If your way, your b ship so it’s b nication is k all boy f r i oyfrie e s t t ha e y in a e y n o d u n n t If he’s d and does n need as k i n expres you sit dow y ot u don’t w to take a s d and n s under w w tand t nderstand t i h t a at you h nice a n stand n a os h compr you tw ’re sy and al omise how him th is, o ca n so try ou are, he w feeling. o y a hold h o t you u come u f d isc i ill r stud and p p with true b line and foc s. It’s gonn ies so that a plan a need abe, a nd spr us, but it ca n happ a lot ead th e kind e ness. x n! Stay o

Hey SKY. I am a young girl of 17 years old who has struggled so much in accepting my body image and structure. I had always wanted to have that curvaceous body and be that girl with a smooth yellow face with dimples and long hair. I am failing to embrace what I see in the mirror, even when am out with my friends I feel so belittled by the short height and brown skin with a frowned face. What can I do to see myself worth a look in the mirror and feel good about my body features?

Hi beautiful, aaww, I feel you boo. That is not a nice thing to feel and carry around babe. Please remember - how you treat yourself and other people, what you say and do, who you are as a person in this world defines your beauty. Not the aaz zz zzvavz of your skin, or the size of your body. What matters is what you see, and you need to be kinder to yourself and realize that you are indeed beautiful.

As teens, our bodies are still growing and developing. When we get older, our bodies will be different. Obviously we will be shaped differently and look different from each other, but we need to learn that everyone has their own beauty. We cannot all look the same. The one thing we need to know and understand is that you are beautiful no matter what size, colour, or shape you are. There are a few tips I can give you to help you feel beautiful. First, be kind to yourself and love you. Secondly, build some self-confidence. There is nothing more beautiful than a girl who is confident and knows who she is. Hold your head high and carry it around, it will transcend out to the world. Thirdly, define your own beauty, rock your own style and be on top of your game. The girls around you will notice that and ask for some tips, trust me. Fourthly, surround yourself with people who love and accept you for who you are. People you vibe with and are kind to you. Our fifth tip is to remember that everyone has different tastes, and there is someone for everyone. It’s easy to assume that everyone has the same idea of beautiful as you, but it’s not true! Somewhere out there is someone who thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in the world <3 Lastly, remember it will all get better. You’re gonna grow into this amazing, strong woman who will look back and realize that you should have loved yourself more. If you’re waiting for the right time, it’s now.

s Kindnneesw i s th e c k ! b la


This issue’s cover competition was all about kindness. We asked you to nominate a friend who embodies kindness. And your winner, appearing on this very magazine, is Abie Toteng, nominated by her friend Nami. Read her entry here! Abie and I met about 10 years ago since we were put in the same class in standard 1. I believe we clicked right away. This was the birth of our friendship. Throughout primary our friendship was very strong. However life threw an obstacle to us as we had to go to different schools for our Junior Secondary. I met different people and well, I did not give her much attention as before. Although I pushed her to the side, Abigail never left my side and was always there for me even in the darkest days. This was when I knew she was a real friend indeed because honestly I wasn’t the best friend I could possibly be to her.

NESS is the

As time went on we both went to Gaborone International School where we were both reunited and well, till now we are like finger and nail. Our friendship has had ups and downs though. Being a teenager for me hasn’t been the easiest thing because I was almost mixed with the wrong crowd due to negative peer pressure. But not to worry, Abie was there. I don’t know what I would’ve done without the tons of advice Abie has given me. I probably wouldn’t even be SKY girl if it wasn’t for her. With Abie by my side I know I cannot go wrong. She’s more than just a friend to me, she’s my sister.


Even my family loves her. Abie has taught me to stand up for myself and be confident since I’m a bit shy. She demonstrates her confidence by showing off her talent of singing infront of our school. She also reminds me the importance of staying away from negative peer pressure as it can destroy my future. It’s wonderful for an age mate of mine to worry about my future so I take her advice to the heart. In today’s generation there is a lot of negative peer pressure. Some teenagers drink, party and smoke all day long and well, with Abie, she disciplines herself. By being a SKY girl Abie lives to her rules ‘Ke shapo ka ..’ It takes a strong girl to discipline herself and Abie is just a mini hero. With this being my 10th year knowing Abie I have never seen her being nasty or even mean to anyone. She’s the kindest person I’ve met and sometimes I just wonder ‘how does she do it?’ With her in my life I’ve managed to stay on the right path and I’m very grateful for her. I just want to show the world and her how important and how much I love Abie because I don’t think I’ve been the best friend I could be to her as she has been to me. I hope you pick her because I would like her to know how grateful I am of her being my best friend, sister and advice giver.

Love Na mi

Na mi

s Kindnneesw i s th e c k ! b la

Kodie_SKY social media takeover at the SA Fashion week

Behind the makeup with Lerato Phiri and model Jessica Eyman The SKY squad and Bike stunt guys at the 3 on 3 event


Tiana showing her skills at the 3 on 3 event



Mag t A t zine

SKY Girl rocking her SKY shades at the slip and slide event

Wame, winner of the SKY candy competition at the slip and slide event

At the pop up market shop

Behind the scenes at SKY

The team behind the vlog, coming soon!’

CAREER QUIZ Car&eers ! Ambi tion


GET INTO? What do you want to be when you’re grown up? It’s an exciting question! If you’re curious about what job you would be great at, take this quiz and see what it tells you about your amazing skills and talents!



Your favourite movie would be… A – A romantic comedy B – An inspirational drama C – A movie based on real events



If you wanted to learn more about something, you would… A – Ask your best friend B – Ask a teacher/ older relative C – Find out yourself using the internet or the library

Mostly A People’s person You would be great working in a team, giving everyone a big boost of positivity to get the job done! You could consider a career in events, sports, non-profit fields, retail, sales and marketing or nursing and medicine!


In your friendship group, you are…

A – The girl who resolves arguments! B – The girl who gives the best advice! C – The girl who organizes your study sessions!

If you’re working on a team project at school, you… A – Prefer to work as a whole team B – Prefer to guide the team and give direction C – Prefer to divide up the work and work on your own section


If you had your own house, it would be…

A – A little messy, and always full of friends B – Just fine, but you would probably spend your time at friend’s houses instead C – Organised - the place you host your dinner parties on weekends!

Mostly B Mentor You’re probably a natural leader, and the one your friends go to for help! You could succeed in a field like teaching, counselling, management, training, motivational speaking, coaching, or business consultancy!

Mostly C Analytical You probably consider decisions very carefully before jumping in – that’s a great skill! You would be amazing at administration, research, accountancy, statistician, economist, journalist, law, and entrepreneurship!

Loads of SKY girls tell us they want to be a model! But although it sounds like a glamorous career, it’s not as easy as you might think. 21-year old freelance model and mentor Peo Mmolai gives us the lowdown! “A model is a person with a role either to promote, display, or advertise commercial products, notably fashion clothing. This is something that has started trending in Botswana for the past two years or so. As a model and model mentor, I have come across cases with teenagers who have been taken advantage of trying too hard to fit in as a model. They become recruited by illegal modeling agencies that operate without licenses. All this unravels when they do not receive due payments, or when there has been ill treatment. In most cases this happens to young ladies.


Let me try and get this message out to the young aspiring models out there. Modeling is not necessarily a glamorous job. There is a lot of hard work put into it. And given that our country is not too well equipped or educated enough about it, there are too many challenges involved in it. Please be very careful when you get out there trying to get into modeling. Some of you tend to get carried away and get taken advantage of. Modeling has nothing to do with “escorting”. This is what some young models are forced to do when they have joined “modeling agencies”. Please respect yourselves. Modeling is not about taking your clothes off in front of the camera. It is not about fame either. Modeling is a profession like any other, so let us treat it that way. #Sure ka being a respectable model #Shapo ka nudity and controversy

So you wanna be a model?

1. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t make it – the industry in BW is small! 2. If you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to do the job! #SureKaYone 3. Always have a backup plan – models retire young (like 23!) so don’t give up on your education to pursue a modeling dream <3

Car&eers ! Ambi tion

Name: Keletso Mophuting Age: 25 Job title: Social Media Community Manager How did you get into this field? I possess a BSc In Computing, but with so much love for the marketing industry I managed to sway my way into Digital Marketing. I merged my qualifications with what I’m passionate about and landed in this interesting digital space! What does a normal day look like for you? Hmmmmm! There is really nothing like a normal day for me….LOL! Well usually my day is a fun filled one, I spend 80% of the time surfing the internet. Mostly managing and analyzing ad campaigns, social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), and developing marketing strategies that relate to different brands. What is your favorite thing about your job? The ability to learn every day and seeing technology evolve on the daily within the digital space. Interacting with clients in a more “modernized way” i.e. via various digital platforms. What qualities or experience would teenage girls need to possess to get into the same field as you? Curious mind, eager to learn, sociable, and ability to create own content – these are just some of the few qualities you need to possess to enjoy and fit into the digital space. As for professional skills, one would require the following; marketing, communication or an information technology qualification. Besides a qualification, passion can drive someone a long way!

Name: Oriah Nthobatsang Age: 30 Job title: Professional Guide, Chobe Game Lodge How did you get into this field? Growing up, I used to go to the farm a lot with my family and my father used to tell us stories about his younger days, which involved herding cattle and often coming into contact with wild animals. He gave birth to my guiding passion. One time we saw elephant tracks and I sized my feet with it and I was blown away. What does a normal day look like for you? Whoa! Our normal is epic, #chuckles. My day starts with a 04:30 wake up call, transporting the staff from their compound to the lodge at 05:00 (04:30 in summer) and a 05:30 early morning tea with guests which gives way to the early morning safari drive. We get to do 3

activities each day which include a 06:00 game drive, 10:30 boat cruise and a 15:30 game drive/ boat cruise. What is your favorite thing about your job? Interacting with guests from all around the world thus building relationships globally. This way I get to learn about their travels, interests and cultures. Learning something new about animal behaviors on a daily basis! What qualities or experience would teenage girls need to possess to get into the same field as you? Education, education, education. I can’t stress enough how important it is to get an education and stay focused. Guiding requires a lot of passion as it comes easily to you as you guide. You have to appreciate nature and be friendly to the environment



Mag t A t zine

Ideas for


This issue we feature 3 young women working in professions you might have never heard of! Get inspired by these ambitious young women; there are endless possibilities out there for unique careers…

Name: Tanya Phiri Age: 26 Job title: Program Assistant, International Study Abroad office, UB How did you get into this field? I started volunteering with Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE) while I was doing my undergraduate degree at the University of Botswana. I did not know much about this industry besides hanging out with international students. Later I learnt that international education and study abroad was a multi-billion dollar industry that could possibly turn out to be a career choice for me! What does a normal day look like for you? A typical day in the office starts off slow with coffee followed by errands. At about 10am I can always count on my crazy students surrounding me at the office with questions or simply to make coffee and use up our Wi-Fi! Thereafter, we wind down with staff meetings with local and international staff. What is your favorite thing about your job? My daily interactions with my students! I love interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. I am a big part of a journey that they will remember for the rest of their lives! Hearing their experiences and understanding their challenges is what keeps my job interesting. In addition to that, my job allows me travel to all corners of Botswana and the world so my experience is not only local but global! What qualities or experience would teenage girls need to possess to get into the same field as you? I would encourage young girls to explore study abroad internships or volunteer work at the University of Botswana. I would also encourage them to take any opportunity to work with people from different countries and backgrounds. I like a quote that says ‘you can’t think any higher than the level you’re exposed to’ - to me that means expose yourself to as much as you can socially and academically so you can take your mental and physical self to a higher level!


Rela tiipons sh

MISSGEEKAYS How did you first meet Sadi ? I met her through Loungo , and the first time I met her we clicked, thereafter we started hanging out and we became close buddies. What were your first impressions of her? In my mind I felt she was quiet and too reserved but I was wrong. It turned out that she is as crazy as us (Loungo and I) but not too loud. What is the nicest thing Sadi has ever done for you? Pray with me. She is a great spiritual friend. I consider that really nice! What makes Sadi unique? Her warm character plus her laugh… her laugh is cute and unique.


Tell us one of your ‘inside jokes’ Hahahaaa its called an inside joke for a reason!

SADI How did you first meet Miss Gee Kays? We first met at the Gaborone celebrations of Orange Monyaka. We then met at many other events but finally got a one on one at Palapye Clap Your Hands Event where we were both working!

What were your first impressions of her? Wow! She lights up the room! Lol. She has a presence about her. She is hilarious and a chatterbox. Its no wonder we clicked. She’s also God fearing, something that attracts me to anyone. I respect that about her. What is the nicest thing Miss Gee Kays has ever done for you? There was a time when I had a personal challenge early last year. Upon noticing I was down she dropped all she was doIng to be in my presence and give me the support and attention I needed. For that I am eternally grateful. What makes Miss Gee Kays unique? She’s a big softy in spite of the tough exterior she exudes. She is very thoughtful in her own way and will even act in kind towards a person even if she’s cross with them. She has a lot of humility. Tell us one of your ‘inside jokes’ We like talking like some people who add extra twang to their English. Those that put “R” s where they do not belong! “Why did you do tharrrrrt?” Our favourite line!



Mag t A t zine

ZIZI How did you first meet Drew? Hahaha hahaha....We met through a mutual friend one night when we were out painting the town red! What were your first impressions of him? I looked at him and thought ‘this is a pretty cool guy’, plus I found out that he’s from Palapye and I’m from Mahalapye which was even cooler! We hit it off from day 1.

DREW How did you first meet Zizi? I met Zizi through a mutual friend, we clicked from the get go. What were your first impressions of her? I was like “why is this little small thing so talkative and so active?” Lmfao! Realized later her energy is what every human being needs in one’s life. What is the nicest thing Zizi has ever done for you? She bails me out at the toughest times, she is the kind to leave what she’s doing to be at one’s side. What makes Zizi unique? Her ability to make everyone laugh. Tell us one of your ‘inside jokes’ Its dirty, you don’t need to hear that, smh.

What is the nicest thing Drew has ever done Drew let me use his office when I was new at Yarona FM, every single day and let me annoy him all the time... He schooled me about the entertainment industry and that’s one lesson I will forever cherish. What makes Drew unique? His sense of style and love of music! I keep telling him that he was born in the wrong country. Lol! Tell us one of your ‘inside jokes’ If I told you, it wouldn’t be an inside joke, now would it? Hahahaha (my lips are sealed).

Rela tiipons sh

break up A broken heart can feel like the end of the world – but believe us, things *will* get better, and the #SKYNation is here to help!


Here are some super-SKY top tips on how to mend a broken heart, straight from the voices of the SKY Nation…

Take a deep breath, and accept it! Anahstusiah Nkosazana Gomez “Accept it’s over and take time before getting into another relationship.”



Look forward, not back! Amogelang Ditlhobolo “Just don’t look back and think about it, after all if it wasn’t meant to be then it’s probably for the best...”

Think positive! Bella Angie Amo “Tell yourself it’s not the end of the world - I was happy before him and will be after him. Girl he doesn’t determine your happiness. You are in control.”


Stay true to yourself! Vanessa B Thibelang Magetse Some things are not meant to be. Somehow in life we can’t always have what we want. So stay true to yourself and the right guy will come at the right time. Take life as it comes and respect yourself :)

Let go of any anger! Thipe Andrew Thipe “It’s a stressful situation that needs your patience and your time to cool down before you may proceed. The most important thing to remember is don’t act full of anger because Anger is a short word, full of Danger! Take it easy and slow.”



Do things that make you happy! Mimi Mogotetsi “Find a new hobby, you might find something that can develop you mentally, physically, or even find your career! Also, surround yourself with positive people.” Nhlanhla Bronte Langa Avoid thinking about him by spending most of your time doing the things that make you happy Melissa Charlie Go out and have fun with your BFF’s!



Every day SKY receives messages from girls around the country who tell us they are in love. But what does this mean – to love someone? We’re not talking about bestie love, or family love, those are kinda obvious XD We’re talking relationship love. Choosing to date is totally your decision, and you should only do it when you feel ready, but if you DO decide to date, it’s good to know if you have a crush, if you ‘really like’ him, or if you actually love him. So here’s our guide to what love truly is.

nt of love. This is an important eleme seness you feel It’s the same kind of clo best friend, or when you are with your l like you can be your parents. Do you fee him, and tell him completely honest with a nice close vibe, anything? If so, you share member, it can which is so important! Re se to someone take some time to feel clo st friends with (you wouldn’t become be u meet them, someone the first day yo would you?)


Mag t A t zine

Relationship love is made of 3 parts! They are attraction, closeness, and commitment. Let’s check them out.


nd and family This is what separates frie e. It’s natural for love from relationship lov to people, and teenagers to feel attracted l reaction. You this is generally a physica ur stomach, or might get butterflies in yo u’re around them you might blush when yo u are attracted to – these are signs that yo ppen the first time someone. This can even ha ember – being you meet someone, but rem es not mean you’re attracted to someone do in love!

Com m itm ent

Clos e n ess

Here’s the


Attraction = just a crush

love. It means that you This is the final element of ds before your own, and put the other person’s nee e to get there! It has to be it usually takes a lot of tim ur needs before his own? mutual too – does he put yo u cheat on someone, you Lots of people say that if yo ause you are not putting don’t love them. That’s bec hurting and disrespecting their needs first – you are happy. Imagine your them just to make yourself opportunity to study boyfriend gets an amazing is to try and persuade him abroad. Your first instinct s him if he leaves. But the to stay, because you will mis to let him go, because you mark of true love would be good luck, and want him are genuinely happy for his to be happy too.

Attraction + closeness = you really like each other

Attraction + closeness + commitment = you love each other


For bookings call +267 75680940 or email us at

We usually reside at Maitisong Theatre which is the home ground for performing arts. We are currently preparing to host the biggest dance event, “Evolution of Dance”, on the 20th of August at Maitisong Theatre. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel ‘Urban Empire’ and like our Facebook Page ‘Urban Empire’

Urban Empire Dance Organisation is a group of people that work together to reach heights with performing arts and to empower and create a stable platform for the art of Dance in Botswana.


#SKYGUYS Rela tiipons sh

Mix Hey SKY guys.. What I want to know is when a girl has wronged you, not cheating, what is it you expect from her just to forgive her?


Mix: I would want a gift or to be spoiled on a date in order for me to forgive Flex: an apology that contains enough legitness Kluch: if she shows she is sorry and admits her faults and proves during her apology that she will not repeat the same thing again

with 3 of SKY caught up ope dance the guys from d pire and m E n a b r U w e r c ions to t s e u q * r u o y * t pu a t gu y s h w t u o d in F . m t he ! think right here


How can I tell if a guy has a crush on me?

Hi SKY guys, what do most guys love about girls? Mix: an amazing personality Flex: personality, hair, smile Kluch: in most cases positivity and enthusiasm.

What does it take for a girl to win a boy’s heart at this teenage stage?

Mix: an outgoing personality is extremely attrac tive and also a sense of fashion a girl should know how to dress to impress Flex: being real Kluch: stop being an attention seeker and er drama queen. Stop being an attention seek being Stop . code on social networks. Dress half-naked. It really doesn’t do it for me. Have a goal and a purpose in your life.

it when Do boys like e? girls smok NO. It is a

ns Mix: Heave rn off and it tu te le p com ad ad health, b promotes b th e te w yello breath and y , nope, sorr h a a Flex: na ins ru It not at all. Kluch: no, your t u b h lt ur hea not only yo se o as well. Th appearance smoking, nah om black lips fr ork out w ’t it doesn

Mix: if he behaves funny around you or is too afraid of you he probably has a crush on you Flex: weird behaviour only in their presence and giving them more than 2 compliments a day Kluch: he would want to spend time with you and want to be part of your life and he will try by all means to impress you and to understand you

What do boys like as a gift from their girlfriend? Mix: clothes, sneakers and great food Flex: shoes, clothes Kluch: depends on a guy’s character but most guys are into shoes

What really puts you off a girl? Mix: bad attitude Flex: when she is fake Kluch: a girl who does not love herself. A girl who doesn’t respect herself and one who doesn’t value herself



Step into winter with Glotto’s retro inspired collection.

WINTER WINTER Look 1: Jersey, Stylist’s o Own; Tan Mini Skirt, Glott




BOUND Warm winter hues, textured fabrics and sensual style unearths a feeling of seventies’ nostalgia. Dreamy, moody, and styled by SKY Girls.

Mag t A t zine



Photography: Uyapo Ketogetswe Model and Make Up: Sesma Saidoo


new e e r f e K o Sm TEES


“Not smoking means you can turn your back on the negative things in your life. And walk towards the better things in life.”



“Being smoke-free means that you’re assertive and believe in individualism, make your own rules don’t be a follower”




Mag t A t zine

“It re-assures me that there are people out there that still care about the next person’s well-being”


“It gives me a sense of self worth and self respect”


“The best version of us is smoke-free”

Backstage S


Fashion without Borders Botswana 2016 was packed with talented designers from Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Mozambique. Watching backstage mayhem at any fashion show is both exciting and nerve-wracking, and FWB had its moments of thrill. SKY had the opportunity of seeing what Autumn/Winter ‘16 trends you’ll be wearing up close this year. Our favourites included Glotto’s palette of earthy tones and Nikiwe’s Fashion House variety of textures that included multi-coloured crotchets and ruffled skirts. Sharp tailoring and a contemporary feminine flair were brought to life with Angelina Betty Couture’s blue and gold collection, while L.T Peculiar Couture juxtaposed silky fabrics with leather to create some sporty and some luxe looks.




Perhaps the most exciting thing from behind the scenes was watching some of the local bright young designers take charge, multitasking, delivering amazing designs and pushing Botswana fashion well beyond the confines of what it has been done before.

Kodie, a 21 year old SKY Guy with a really dope camera and a blog, uses that to capture what most people fail to see. He took over our SKY social media pages during the exciting SA Fashion week about a month ago! His brilliance in photography radiates in his work. You will undoubtedly be pulled in by the essence of his storytelling. Check out his blog #BeBraveWithKodie bebravewithkodie. com, where he captions fashion, lifestyle, travel, and his journey in life. Follow him on Instagram and Tumblr @ brilliantkodie if you just can’t get enough cos we at SKY, re sure ka Kodie and his work.

bodybeautiful Being kind to yourself is a great way to nurture your body and soul; follow our top 5 tips on being kind to yourself, and you will truly glow! #SoulOnFleek


Your body is an amazing machine that carries you through life, and YOU decide what fuel to put in it. If you fill it with sugar, or with not enough food, or with too much food, that machine will be under strain and you’ll start to feel less than your best. Adding toxins to your body (such as cigarettes) is def one thing to avoid. If you fill yourself with good things (veggies, healthy fats, protein, whole grains) you will notice the benefits, and your body will carry you further.


Try to self-reflect for 20 minutes a day. Think about your reactions to things – why did you react badly to something, and how could you improve that? The power of the mind is amazing, and getting to know your own personality and who you are as a person can really improve your overall wellbeing. That maturity will shine through physically if you learn to self-reflect, too!


It’s so helpful to do little things that your future self will feel proud and happy about. Try going to bed a little earlier (the ‘morning you’ will feel fresh and grateful!), or swapping an unhealthy snack for a healthy one. Also, avoid doing things that your future self would be disappointed about. That includes smoking – accepting a cigarette for the first time is something you will really regret, so try to rise above it. Staying away from smoking is a great way to care for your body – it makes you look better and feel better <3 Remember that your future happiness is the most important thing <3


If your friend came to you upset and disappointed about something, you would hug her, tell her she’s amazing, and list all the ways that she makes the world a better place, wouldn’t you? The strange thing is that we forget to do that to ourselves when things go wrong. Next time you are unhappy, and doubting your worth, give yourself a big hug and reflect on all the amazing strengths you have, and the achievements you are most proud of!


Nobody is physically ‘perfect’! But in a world where all celebrities are airbrushed, or have even undergone surgery to change their bodies, it’s easy to forget that ‘normal’ doesn’t mean booty-popping, tiny-waisted, flawless-skinned superheroines. Normal means you, with the gorgeous dark chocolate skin. It means you, with the curvaceous feminine thighs. It means you, with the wild, kinky hair. The sad thing about women is that so often ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence’. While you’re busy being jealous of your friend’s green eyes, she’s probably busy being jealous of your waist! It’s time to appreciate the blessings we have; compliment each other but ultimately, love yourself <3


y m o t lEttEr


Mag t A t zine

yEar f l E s D ol

e! While traordinair th and x e r e m r fo and per ve, grow is a law yer plores themes like lo , g n o s e v o he also ex A Leshie L hunga, AK rights on one hand, s t yo u c N o g e s d a d dy g o e L man u b e r h ow h m s e d of n a ! m s e io te g s R p n d so n a lu e CD in h en s B she cham w m In s e k Blu e? o ’s e p r e w a Co r in her la ck a n d in a f ew loo d t B o ys ’ B e e inspiration ace tr f lea rn th is s e k sister ’s b c th a

B ha ng e o f yo u r hysteria . o in g to c th e sig ht a lways a fit o f T h at is g to . Yo u a re in u r, u o e o y b r m e o f m e ho ic r to sses y s of m u rst yo u e o n es w (s be th e fi k fo r th a use yo u y, wo o ill a c lo d e w ut l b B It o , to . o y io h g n g o in o n a sc th e ra d e of m a yea rs o f layed o n t o n ly o n r th it) p w u o e w t b f o w o h n t n s u e e r v o r e a a ch y in g d yo u r fi ho will te nd lea rn ‘be will spen r r r rl th at is w e loved . A in g to u n r y a rrrrrrr tr r u r r o d e Y ir o v e . g o e b e h n n d lt r n fi ill u e A d v w e . a e r g f yo u r u n a in Yo u to s elf’. Yo Yo u will ho a rse o o n yo u rs ent ea uti f u l. in g . T h e t. d m b s n r o a e u ile h m r o s . Yo u’ll a t y e w c u n r a a o yo ca n o t a fl r th e ex tl e bit m e ill lly b lit a w m a tu u e c o e e m a y b e th r it. But a ble to vo ice is g row into u lea rnt n ’t u rself to wh en yo s, yo u ca avin g e s m r ti u Allow yo see. e o y m e t so a rn ich will b kn ow th a d fun a use yo u o u will le c Y e . vo ice wh b it , s m y o a e n uts a n r m o st d l, eath e f reath e. a lways b r ir b b g ill to w ow to g h in u lf o ld e w g ra ce o n Y u nyie e. er kn o d yo u rs rce a n d of a u will n ev to rem in ts. Breath e o r r e y u r fi h d e n ild it a re a fi e th a w n t e a wh be h at rig h g row into Especia lly seem s to bo red . T ’s o k to it. e It t r ! e lif who will o g s? n f k e u r h a o w o ug h or h o s e sp ! Tha n k y Especia lly t yo u th r o log ize f wo m a n . T is a g em e ba g g y h erself a e n ever a p g th a in o e T ill w r . o w B r m o u fo r th . u e y e th o Y k th . n a ug h y a e n h r a rid e th T B p om ters th ro dows. ome u r ow n c o pen win a n d swea it ag a in . C yea rs. ts n o e a r lovin g yo D p o . g e n m m lo e ti love . at fo r 4 Fo r th e one mor e m oo dy Yo u ca n be lik e th s u m m er. d in g a n d e yo u a r a n do it! ow a s c N e u r l. a , u s t c o ir r n e y g e e b , d p n o sett a g oo It is n o t n ig hts s th e Pa ce ! T h ere’s e so u n d s pa n y o f yo u rself ath e. in g to th and e n i, r a te B s T h e co m . lis e g D in ita cti c g irl, a re ea re, A n k eep pra lif e. Yo u a rry yo u c f Sh a k esp o ill w s An d e Will ia m why yo u a m a zin g . ill n o t Ten n esse lly lea rn a ctu a lly hts. It w a ig tu n n s e . s v it e le fo r sleep u will lo d i a n d Yo u will th ro ug h I love yo u to Mo ko e. But yo re stay sa n th e visits o e m w to v o e y r lo s n g a a s e ill a be . Yo u w trips t K ? It o u r fi rst s o m e h ow th e ro a d e teasin g tu re is y m a n ag e, a th N . d n le A te . s m ile n ds o d ies o f th a n th e into yo u r Yo u rs oo d frie ! La rg e b g g e n u k a o tl os m o will love, m a nts, rh in h p le en ds. Yo u e , s . u e ak h ere yo se yea rs oveso ng water, s n T h at’s w fro m th e Les h ie L is o u ld ers. e b h S ig ! b ? d th n a in g e ea r re fl u n k r th at th J u st at yo u a yo u rem em be w n eeds it. o n e k It ’s o k th h u S . o o y e to s g u a in c th be yo u brea scien ce, t. Ho n ey, yo u r bes Yo u’ll r. lik e yo u . to c o d a re do in g to be a g in o g t a re n o

es h’ ea r o ld ‘L id n ig ht, Dea r 14 y yo u r bed af ter mif it ’s n g o in g it ti n n d er

R U S ’ T A H W ? E R GEN Alicia Mlambo, 18

I love pop music because it refreshes my mind - for instance when I’m stressed out about something I know I can always forget my problems through it. In short music makes me forget about what is bothering me and it also reduces boredom… I’m never bored ha go name music! The truth behind me liking pop music is that it always has a way of cheering me up. When I’m hurt, sad, bored or lonely I know that I can always entertain myself with a little bit of pop. To me music makes me happy and it helps refresh my mind and that’s why I can’t spend a day without listening to music… despite everything, music is the best! I enjoy listening to Justin Beiber and Taylor Swift.


Refilwe Segopolo, 14. My favorite music genre is hip hop. I enjoy listening to hip hop because the artists focus on the lyrics more than the melody. I also love it because of the catchy beats and the rhymes, not to forget the pote dance moves and the trendy fashion. My favorite song at the moment is Real Friends by Kanye West, I love the song because it is based on what happens in real life and it inspires me to stay true to my friends and to keep my circle small. Like my favorite rapper Tyler the creator said, “Keep your circle tight. Tell your friends you love them and be proud of your group of friends”. I would suggest SKY girls to listen to Get Away by The Internet and Illest Walking by Rae Sremmurd, you can find them on SoundCloud.

Erricah Eyman, 14 My favorite genre of music is Trap Soul. I love Trap Soul because of the beats and how it goes along with the specific song and the artist. For example, my favorite artist is Bryson Tiller and one of my favorite songs from his album is “Don’t Worry”. That song just has beautiful beats especially when the beat drops, my soul moves and I always get goose bumps no matter how many times I play the song. I don’t know how Tiller does it but he knows what he’s doing. He also sends a message to people that listen to his music. Bryson Tiller is one of the artists I know that raps properly with clear words because most artists are not clear with their words. Trap

Soul makes me happy, excited and also can soften my heart at times because it does wonders to me.

Jessica Eyman, 18 My favorite genre of music is Indie. I love Indie because of the way the musical instruments blend and play softly together as one, then the singers voice just comes in sync with the instruments. Honestly every time I listen to Indie music I get chills all over my body. It helps me relax and manages to clear my mind as well. All I can hear is the sweet music going through my ears and touching my heart. :) Indie music also has influential messages that seep through, for example my favorite song “You are enough” by Sleeping at Last, informs the listener that they do not need approval from anyone because you are enough for God. Indie music softens my heart and just either makes me cry or super excited and energized because it’s just too good :)

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Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18

O P C ES S Find out what the stars say about you & your kind self! <3


Trustworthy, extreme thinkers, try hard, will take on any project and are proud of themselves in whatever they do. As an Aquarian, you are more likely to push others to do their best and organize your study group sessions. Most of your friends trust that you will not give up on them and that is a nice thing to do. Remember to stay positive because it will all be fine eventually. Stay slaying.

Gemini: May 21 - Jun 20

Gemini are nice and great listeners. So many people lean on you when they are down and need comfort. You may be silly and playful most of the time, but when it comes to serious moments, Gemini pulls through and give a hand. That is kindness at its best and you carry it all the way through. Stay true.

Pisces: Feb 19 - Mar 20

Caring and kind, smart, likes to be the centre of attention, very organized, passionate, and fun to be around. Very caring, too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. Pisces are good friends but need to choose their friends wisely, because they end up getting hurt due to being too trusting. Take care of yourself first, then you can look to take care of those around you. Sometimes you need to release all the weight you’re carrying and that is one thing to practice more often, being kind to yourself.

Cancer: Jun 21 - Jul 22

Entirely creative and friendly people. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. As a Cancer, people appreciate the fact that you will not judge them and you will have something smart to say when they need it. It’s nice to speak with someone who will not judge you and to have people trust you with that. The world is your oyster, fill it with love and art because we know you got it in you. Stay vibing.

Libra: Sept 22 - Oct 23

They are silly, funny, sweet, and very creative. Libras are the most caring people you will ever meet and are someone you want to have on your side! As a Libra, you may care more about other people than yourself. Remember, it’s ok to care for others, but you also have to take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself boo. Think about what you need and what you like and do that. Your friends may push you to do something they like, at times you need to be more assertive and pursue what makes you happy. After all, they are your fam for life.

Aries: Mar 21 - Apr 19

Aries are known for being generous and giving. They are happy from the inside out and like seeing smiles on other people’s faces, which is an amazing trait to have. It’s nice to be nice to people. The world needs more of you. Don’t give up on people who are not feeling the happy vibe, keep spreading those hugs and making other people smile. People will never forget how you made them feel, it might as well be a good feeling.

Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22

Great talker, passionate about their dreams, laid back, are usually happy, and down to earth. As a Leo, you are good at putting your attention to what’s gonna benefit you. You are independent and love working alone. Remember, it’s nice to be important, but it’s important to be nice. Having a vision and a passion is great, but sharing that with other people is more enlightening and can take you far. One thing we know is that you got this. xx

Taurus: Apr 20 - May 20

Known to be extremely outgoing and loves to help people in times of need. You are the life of the party and people love being around you. People love having you as their friend because you bring out the best in them. A lot of your friends count on you for advice. Keep being fantastic and remember to practice what you preach. When you advice someone to stay true to their sures and shapos, so should you. Stay awesome.

Scorpio: Oct 24 - Nov 21

Extremely adorable, loves to joke and has a very good sense of humour. Just like Capricorn, people love to hang around you because you got jokes for days. It makes people happy. They say laughter is the best medicine and girl, it looks like you got it. Keep that in you because when you are happy on the inside, it transcends on the outside and eventually sticks on those around you. Stay true girl.

Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarius are very cool, thoughtful, silly, fun, sweet, and nice to everyone they meet. You carry around a smile that no one could forget. It’s nice to have a contagious smile that just lights up the day. Even though there may be something annoying you, or trying to pull you down, remember to handle it with grace and keep smiling. It’s what gets you through the day. Be kind to yourself and stay shinning boo.

Virgo: Aug 23 - Sept 21

Virgos are smart, caring, loud, loyal, easy to talk to, and are very respectful to others. You can talk to them about anything and everything and they will be there to listen. As a Virgo, though extremely competitive, people know they can vibe with you. Remember, it may be exciting to compete with everyone, but the one person to compete with in the world is yourself. Try to beat your best and keep moving. Keep the good vibes slayer!

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19

Capricorn are extremely fun and love to joke. People love to hang around you because you got so much humour and you are less likely to take everything seriously. Sometimes it’s all we need to laugh the day out and forget about our problems. There are times when we need to let go of what’s hurting us and focus on what makes us happy. People love that you possess that. Keep on slaying.

Vlog | vläg | noun Definition: short for a ‘video blog’; a series of videos released regularly, usually online. Coming soon, you can get a weekly dose of SKY on film! Just check out the latest vlog on the skygirlsbw Facebook page, for advice, celebrities, talent, competitions, fashion and more!

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