Maria Laura Plytas Macropoulos | Ismene Salakos
A little something about Ismene Ismene Salakos is eight years old. She has just completed third grade in a British school in Athens, Greece. She is fluent in three languages: English, German and Greek. Her favourite subjects are mathematics, art, music and history. She loves meditation and has received Level I attunement of the Usui Reiki children’s program. She loves horses and enjoys ice skating. Now she is writing her second book. It is about... Peedie the frog and... well... it is a surprise!
rincess Ismene lived in a grand Victorian castle. It sat right on the edge of Sherwood Forest in Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. The Princess was always daydreaming of fairies, pixie dust and magical stories. She had heard the other children speak of fairies, so she jumped up off her seat and decided to find her way towards the large pond which was on the other side of the forest. “It’s true!” she said, “There is a pond of fairies! This is a magical place. You can hear sounds that come out of the woods... and a frog splashing around, playing in the water.” But... was he an ordinary frog?
A little something about Maria Laura
ISBN 978-960-564-184-9 DISTRIBUTION 55 Vatatzi str. Athens, Greece 11473 TEL.: +30 210 6431108 www. ocelotos. gr
Illustrated by
Sabine Straub
Maria Laura Plytas Macropoulos is a Holistic & Spiritual Counsellor with special interest in Counselling, Holistic Health, Energy Healing, Eco Green Environmental Living and Lifestyle, Clutter Clearing and Organising. She holds a BA in Counselling and a MA in Humanistic Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. Prior to these studies she specialised in Insurance Studies with a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She has worked for 12 years in the Insurance Industry, however her interest in Counselling made her make a turn in both her studies and her carrier. Today she is a Certified Green Building Designer. She is involved with the spiritual world and has become an Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher and an Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner. She has attended many healing courses and is committed to her spiritual growth. Currently, she is writing her second book: “A Guide to a Greener and Ecological way of Living”. Maria Laura is a member of National Association of Green Designers USA and The Reiki Association UK.