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Meine Geschichte
Fatale Fehler, fatale Folgen... AG O R I G R E KO U
Agori Grekou was born in Greece. She grew up in Athens and Boonton N.J. (USA). She studied French and Comparative Literature in France (Sorbonne NouvelleParis III: Maîtrise, DEA) and Modern Greek Literature in Greece (Nat. University of Athens: Ph.D. Degree). She worked as a language teacher and as a researcher and has published studies on various literary subjects (literary periodicals, Symbolism, Pure poetry). She now lives in Germany and Greece and is writing a book on Symbolist poetry. This is her first publication of literary prose. More info www.agori-grekou.com
Meine Geschichte
riting and publishing this story of my youth seems to have been inevitable. I wrote it as if in a daze, in a new land and in a language that I was not very familiar with... A.G.
ISBN 978-960-564-133-7 Vatatzi 55, 114 73 Athens Greece TEL. : 210 6431108 ekdoseis.ocelotos@gmail.com www. ocelotos. gr
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