9 Óðsmál for bairns - tell me, wizard

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Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir Edda poems and myths - Óðsmál


tell me, wizard

Högni says: -Some claim the imported belief-system to be mixed up with our ancient tradition, so we should define the term: our ancient tradition It may be many thousands years old. If only for that, we will see forni siður as perennial, everlasting which time cannot touch. We know that empires come and go, cultures change, come and go, but our knowledge has always been here. It was ours from the settlement, when we settled in an uninhabited land --- which in itself is a precious thing if true. No bullying others away, I mean. ______________________________________________________Högni víðhöttur___________________ (víð- = Glaðheimar, -höttur from artha (Sanskrit) goal, Víðhöttur he who has his spiritual expansion as a goal)

Little talkative völva visits Högni víðhöttur, seiðskrati and vitki. She asks a lot. He readily answers. (magic-maker and wizard)

9th skræða tell me, seiðskrati ISBN 978-9935-467-09-6 2014 Freyjukettir, Norræn menning 1990

Ísland (Iceland)

2 -Tell me, seiðskrati, all the things about which we forget to think. Is Truth eternal? Has Truth always been, will always prevail, and will never get lost? -The core and essence in our ancient cultural spiritual heritage, forni siður, is very old. The fact that our forni siður is the perennial knowledge, proves it´s worth. The eternal Truth is truly a remarkable wisdom among men on earth. We shall perform our valkyrja to imbibe the great knowledge and wisdom. Valkyrja is the only act who does not bind man to actions. All actions bind us - a part from the performance valkyrja. To transcend.

3 Each man´s valkyrja serves individual consciousness. I given to Óðinn, is when we are exclusively The Unbounded -- universal consciousness. Preforming our valkyrja we use a Gungnir, sound-vibrations, as a weapon to charm our mind, so mind finds itself charmed to hang in nothingness. Valkyrjan serves to allow each individual to find his Óðinn inside. This is the 4th stage of consciousness. Valkyrjan leads men, fully alive, to Ásgarður, to the feast in Glaðheimar. Sooner or later she so helps us to find Valhöll, the 5th stage of consciousness, called Cosmic Consciousness, or CC.




Valkyrjan was born along with man. If we want to know what we seek -- and where it is to be found -it is good to know what we seek. Right? Good to know where it is? Some claim nothing to be found. Truth lives and cannot die. Eternal, because it is Eternity. Truth needs no rules, nor any regulation, made by men. Týr stands for divine Law, Laws of Nature in tívatún. Always flawless. Nothing else we need. We only have to practice how to live them. Live Truth. This is what valkyrja is for. This eternal wisdom is always here for us. Forgotten at times, plays hide and seek sometimes, misunderstood sometimes, but never goes anywhere.

5 It is a blessing for us to be settlers in an un-inhabited land. Many people have invaded and destroyed indigenous cultures. That gives a bad Urður who results in a bad Skuld. We are a lucky nation, free and independent in our own land culturally respected --- and have good self-respect --and we own the purest wisdom and knowledge that hides in the guise of sacred myths and poems. where the crude men cannot see it. Life is hide and seek, because we are looking for Mímir. -Who is he, this Mímir? -Mímir is smriti, all memory. Memory of who we are. -What is it that we do not remember? -Ginnungagap. Consciousness. Pure consciousness. When we play hide and seek we usually know what we shall try to find. Something is hidden out of sight. Be it a thing, or be it bairns. In Iceland we have a game: Í grænni lautu þar geymi ég hringinn (in a green grove I keep the ring) sem mér var gefinn -- en hvar er hann nú? (which was given to me - but where is it now) Bairns form a circle, hold a string-circle, seek a ring there is somewhere on the string. The bairns hold the string with both hands, hiding the ring from the ´guesser´, who stands in the middle, chooses fists to open up, in the hope to find the ring. Some men play seek-and-hide all their lives, only, they do not know what they seek, the less where to look. -- Usually they seek in the wrong places. They might claim to be hunting happiness. The happinesses out there are only flickering unreliable perpetual change. Is fun to be looking for something somewhere, even not sure if there is anything? Is uncertainty really fun? Glaðheimar are within. Eternal bliss and boundless width. That is real fun.


6 I do not blame the ignorant ones to give up that ´seeking´. They might affirm: We see the whole world. Stop looking for nothing. Then some talk about mystics, that hidden, what we do not understand. But there is nothing that man cannot understand. Nothing is hidden from man. All knowledge is structured in our consciousness. -Where do we find Mímir in life´s seeking-game ? -Mímir simply appears -- fully alive and pure -- when we become pure. We are this memory.

nýsum niður

thought becomes faint in logn (windless)

-And how do we gain purity?

- Syn knows. All sin away.

This is what Syn stands for.

7 When we live Valhöll, memory is regained. Mímir is regained. We now see. Here is a trinity:

* He who remembers, Óðinn, I --- * to remember --- * what is remembered, Mímir. * He who remembers (Óðinn), * seeks (Vili), * that which is remembered (Véi). That is I myself. We practice an ancient technique to nýsast niður. Iðunn knows that we only need to practise regularly. Morning and evening nýsa niður falla aftur þaðan

Mind likes the Gungnir (sound) that our valkyrja gives. Gets charmed by it. Thought becomes non-flickering flame í lognfara lundi within man, hangir á meiði (pending) sóast (becomes extinct) in consciousness, fórnast (is given) expands to un-ending width of Glaðheimar. My consciousness, svinnur, við vín eitt (flow of consciousness) æ unir (eternally enjoys).


8 By using EEG-measurements scientists can actually measure and show how the TM-technique for transcending, nýsast niður, affects our brains. We can actually see which techniques are of use -- and which do not lead to transcendence. Most important part of vor forni siður is to experience the pure bliss of being consciousness, ginnungagap, exclusively. -- Human thought is at rest. Siður, literally mean, sjálfur gefinn sjálfum sér, sva-dha (Sanskrit) (self given to Self) Óðinn gefinn Óðni, ég gefinn sjálfum mér (I given to myself) siddhí (perfection); practice that makes man a perfect man, súddha, to make pure, cleaned up. Let´s understand rúnatal of Hávamál. Deep inside, every man knows that Truth cannot die. But It can sleep like the Sleeping Beauty, hibernate during dark ages. -- For centuries It can be preserved like a nut -while dark ages of ignorance of men goes by.

The knowledge is conveyed from generation to generation. Not all might know what priceless treasures they hand over. Always there will come up something that saves it. Perhaps Hnoss, Gersemi, daughter of Freyja, knows all about this.

9 We can over and over again listen to these stories, because, deep inside we all know that Valhöll awaits us all. The real meaningful stories are preserved in disguises. Inside is the true meaning. Now the message shall be revealed to all. Belief in the letter, without understanding, counts for illiteracy. We shall have to nýsa niður, It is not enough to learn and recite ´nýsta ek niður´. We have to live the real and profound meaning ourselves, sjálf. That we do when we gain the experience of bliss and width of Glaðheimar, Transcending the realm of thoughts is the only way. The palace, höllin, the only true one is höll, Valhöll, for living men; like in the stories: Now royal life just about to begin. Enlightenment, Valhöll, awaits all men. Only we ourselves, sjálf, get there. No-one else can do anything for us. Cinderella is a goð-spell about reaching Valhöll. Cinderella is thou and I on our evolutionary path. Sleeping Beaute stungin svefnþorni (stung by þorn of sleep) - in a palace. She wakes up to go on. This is Valhöll waiting for us. Snow-White does not belong among dwarfs, dwells there for a while. Her real place is höllin --- after dying /dhyaana. The Red-Hooded Girl and the wolf are also a goðsögn (godspel). Everyone jumps to another life-span out of the belly of Geri and Freki. Meat only for Geri og Freki. Let´s know all about our Helja. What she really is.


10 Still another story about the palace: La Belle et la Bête. (The Beauty and the Beast) He who reads the story for the bairns, is equally absorbed in it. Why would that be? Is Gunn-löð here? Do these stories lure us into this ´somewhere´-world? Far away and long ago -- becomes: here and now -That which we seek -- or keep looking for in the wrong places? We can easily find this place. No mystic, nothing enigmatic, no hidden anything. Actually more a Reality than our bodies! -- We take on the guise of a worm, this is physics: worm-holes The Knowledge is at hand. The technique is at hand.

Valkyrja-performance; valkyrja has her Gungnir, her sound-vibrations. This provides álftarhamur (swan feather-guise); -- and sky-borne horses. No two get necessarily the same valkyrju-sound, Gungnir. The technique is subtle. We should not try to manipulate the Gungnir.

Only listen to the sound and let go. Mind gets attracted to it. Is pending, í hangi.


Thought becomes a faint light, í logni (windless) -- sóast then into Ægir.

---artist´s version of the Gundestrup-vessel

Natwar Jha and M.S. Rajaram: The horns not horns!! The snake is Karkotaka (Devdutt Pattanaik)

Avoid labels. That breeds creeds. Avoid institutions. -- Belief is an all-worldly thing. An extremely persistent thing. Belief can become obsession -opposite to evolution the wrong side of the wisdom can lead to quarreling



Power is tiring.

Squeezed in one place, swells in another.

Institutional religions have to withhold dominance. Loss of influence means loss of grip. To withhold worldly control is draining. Tools have to be revised now and then. Power sustains institutions, institutions must not lose the grip - and the money. Power yields fear - in two ways: men fear losing the authority, and therefore keep others in fear, and men always worry about the drain-out of the power. Institutions use fear as a tool. -- The carrot and the stick = heaven or hell. Everything in the universes offers us duality, uncertainty. Has its opposite. All stuff is ever-changing, flickering, unreliable. Duality of things creates fear in men. Some only know the worldly. Ginnungagap is Unity. Here no duality exist, and thereby no fear. Only Nifl and MĂşspell (fog - heat), Silence and Dynamism, in balance and harmony. We shall learn to live the inner peace -- along with enjoying life in duality. Our worlds are ginnungagap. Worlds are Gungnir in ginnungagap. We are ginnungagap. We need not get involved or tangled by our human life.

Bragi does not need any power to withhold the knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom sustains him. Wisdom is Eternity. Can never die.


We should not waste time on superficial ceremonies. System is all-worldly and we do not need that in our forni siður. It is fun, though, to understand our forefathers´ system of numbers. Amazing! Vor siður (our siður) is basically not about any surface. Some tried to transfer the visible surface into a system. Some tried to wipe out the inner Truth, replace it with a replica, but the roots never died. Forni siður cannot be uprooted. Manngi veit (nobody knows) the roots origin. Now is the time to rediscover the true meaning. A nation´s own culture and tradition in her land, where she lives, evolves along with her according to the Laws of Nature in that place with that nation. Imported alien cultures and traditions belong to other nations, in their lands, and have no place here. A nation, on her own land, that laps up invented imported systems sometimes loses her own siður. In the end owns neither hers nor the other becomes - culturally speaking - not an independent nation. I repeat: if something imported is claimed to be ´mixed-up with´ our culture then we shall have to make clear the term that is used: our culture. We shall understand our own cultural wealth in its full glory. If we do not, we are - culturally speaking - rootless, and spiritually poor.


14 Þjóðrerir ´stirrs us up´ every now and then. (literally rerir one who hrærir stirs.) Weltanschauung and philosophy does. Always someone shows up to put us right again. Now, in present times, new insight shows up: Rediscovery of the core of forni siður. Ægir is a beautiful meaningful concise term for ginnungagap. The wise call Truth by many names. But Truth is only one. We are consciousness in motion. Iðandi. Intelligence, dynamism, silence. Ginnungagap is Reality. The fundamental Truth. The only that is. We should not forget the purpose and goal of human life on earth.

15 Alienation has prevailed for some dark centuries. If we violate the Laws of Nature in tívatún, then vér gremjum goð að oss (create an imbalance in Nature which is wrongly called wrath of gods)

which means: tolerance of Mother Nature has been overstrained. We kiss all þurses who lystir að kyssa (want to kiss) us.

We do not know why we live. We shall know that every our life-span is meant for our enlightenment, to reach Valhöll as soon as possible. Nothing else in life is as important as this heightened stage of consciousness of man. Nothing is more natural to man than enlightenment. Whatever less than enlightenment is an unnatural state of a man. We shall do all we can to become pure. To gain purity we nýsumst niður (transcend regularly). Nemum upp fimbulrúnir. Evolve fast. This is the goal of every man.


16 Do not get caught up in little things. Too often that happens. Understand the whole picture, the supreme purpose. Seek only the highest. We should understand our highest purpose -- gain exalted stages of consciousness. We decided to be born here and now -- for a purpose: to evolve to perfection. Understanding has now come to us. Satyuga will be kind to us.

Skaði seeks Baldur. She has taken over from Þjazi, her late father. Of course we enjoy all kinds of fun and follies in life. Here I have for you a marvellous project for school or home: The three poems: Ásaspá, Mímisspá, Járnviðja - the ancient pillars of Völuspá. chanted or rapped - or recited beautifully.

17 Please read Maddaman með kýrhausinn, a great book by Helgi Hálfdánarson publ. first 1964, rerpint 2002 ISBN 9979 3 2378 7 Additions, misreading, what scholars ´invented´, lack of understanding, wrongs, -- all this is stripped away! Völuspá is here ´cleaned up´, now free from all later-time addition and stupidity. I found myself smiling and laughing all the time reading Maddaman !!

All Lokar (Lokis) that not already practice nýsa niður should find gyðjuna Sól (goddess Sun) within Please start no later than now.

good idea !!

********************** Knowledge cannot be given by anyone. The pupil finds the knowledge within himself. He is consciousness where all wisdom and knowledge abides. Nýsið niður, nemið upp fimbulrúnir


18 Goþrún dimmblá: --My teacher, Maharishi, Indian physicist, points out to us where to find the knowledge and the understanding, and he teaches us the technique to transcend, nýsa niður. Best of thanks, Maharishi, my great teacher. Óðsmál-research is financially supported by Ministry of Culture and Education in Iceland

English Óðsmál for Bairns 2014 ISBN 978-9935-467-01-0 /02-7 /03-4 /04-1 /05-8 /06-5 /07-2 /08-9 /09-6 /10-2 /11-9 /12-6 /13-3 /14-0 /15-7 /16-4 /17-1 /18-8 /19-5 /20-1 /21-8 /22-5 /23-2 /24-9 /25-6 /26-3 /27-0 /28-7 /29-4 /30-0 /31-7 /32-4 /33-1 /34-8 /35-5 /36-2 /37-9 /38-6 /39-3 /40-9 Óðsmál sites and on-line http://www.odsmal.org

since 1990


Freyjukettir, Norræn menning þekkingarsetur freyjukettir@mmedia.is odsmal@mmedia.is

Óðsmál bók 1996 ISBN 9979 60 165 5 Icelandic: Krakka-Óðsmál in fornu 40 krakkaskræður 2011 ISBN 978-9935-409-42-3 /43-0 /44-7 /45-4 /46-1 /47-8 /48-5 /49-2 /50-8 /51-5 /52-2 /53-9 /54-6 /55-3 /56-0 /57-7 /58-4 /59-1 /60-7 /61-4 /62-1 /63-8 /64-5 /65-2 /66-9 /67-6 /68-3 /69-0 /70-6 /71-3 /72-0 /73-7 /74-4 /75-1 /76-8 /77-5 /78-2 /79-9 /80-5 /81-2



Streaming online is the story of Högni Víðhöttur, his teacher Edda vé ása (veda vyasa) great teachings

Edda vé ása great knowlege Högni Högni´s Askur the supreme teaching takes place in in an exciting story that happens at the settlement of Ísland (Iceland)

Sigdrífa/Sigurdríf, Gael Gormlaith,

elf-jewel of Sigdrífa that saved their lives


Högni and Hugmóður

the quarrel -- skating on the frosen sea


Edda smá (little Edda)


20 All books available on Amazon, search: odsmal Skírnismál ritual - script for bairns ISBN 978 9935 409 83 6 Óðsmál - The Unseen Reality ISBN 978 9935 409 84 3 2013 Norse Edda Spiritual Highlights - 978-9935-467-00-3 2014 Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

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Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

for for for for for for for for for for for

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Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál Óðsmál

for for for for

bairns bairns bairns bairns

1 Þór 978-9935-467-01-0 2 Ægir and Rán 978-9935-467-02-7 3 trinities 978-9935-467-03-4 4 Þjóðvitnir Ullur Heimdallur 978-9935-467-04-1 5 in Iðavellir - triguna 978-9935-467-05-8 6 Syn Glasir Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-06-5 7 Sif Easter 978-9935-467-07-2 8 Freyr Skírnir Gerður - poem Skírnismál 978-9935-467-08-9 9 tell me, wizard 978-9935-467-09-6 10 upbringing 978-9935-467-10-2 11 Rígur (on Edda-poem Rígsþula) 978-9935-467-11-9 12 yule þorri gói 978-9935-467-12-6 13 Hel Mímir valkyrja 978-9935-467-13-3 14 svinnur, Valföður´s wine, Gungnir, Glaðheimar 978-9935-467-14-0 15 Óðinn, sons, Sleipnir, Valhöll 978-9935-467-15-7 16 Týr and Fenrir 978-9935-467-16-4 17 Sól and Nanna 978-9935-467-17-1 18 Frigg Sága 978-9935-467-18-8 19 Fjörgyn Mother Earth 978-9935-467-19-5 20 The Great Goddess 978-9935-467-20-1 21 Skaði Njörður Baldur 978-9935-467-21-8 22 jötnar Geri Freki 978-9935-467-22-5 23 jólasveinar elves gandreið 978-9935-467-23-2 24 Gods days planets and more 978-9935-467-24-9 25 Haftsænir Gapþrosnir Geirölnir valkyrja 978-9935-467-25-6 26 ginnungagap and the 5 elements 978-9935-467-26-3 27 ginnungagap - nýsta ek niður 978-9935-467-27-0 28 Þund 978-9935-467-28-7 29 Sanskrit and Old Norse 978-9935-467-29-4

21 Óðsmál for bairns 30 Huginn Muninn Valhöll einherjar 978-9935-467-30-0 Óðsmál for bairns 31 pure nervous system 978-9935-467-31-7 Óðsmál for bairns 32 tröll jötnar thurse-maidens wights dwarfs 978-9935-467-32-4 Óðsmál for bairns 33 Urður Verðandi Skuld 978-9935-467-33-1 Óðsmál for bairns 34 guided bird´s view 978-9935-467-34-8 Óðsmál for bairns 35 sound and ´matter´ 978-9935-467-35-5 Óðsmál for bairns 36 mighty old Nature 978-9935-467-36-2 Óðsmál for bairns 37 consciousness-based education 978-9935-467-37-9 Óðsmál for bairns 38 waging peace 978-9935-467-38-6 Óðsmál for bairns 39 food digestion behavior 978-9935-467-39-3 Óðsmál for bairns 40 ignorance gone, Mímir regained 978-9935-467-40-9



New dazzling theories, the real meaning rediscovered, learn to understand:

symbolic language, allegory, abyss of meaning, etymology, profound understanding, the beauty of our forefathers´ wisdom, and become literate in the broader sense


We should use our precious human faculty to be able to transcend. If we do not use it, we might lose it. Who is then going to save our world?



Óðsmál in fornu for bairns

Our forefathers´ science of consciousness

Why do we choose to be born on earth? ISBN 9789935467096

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