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Trinidad and Tobago
GMW national coordinator: The National Financial Education Committee (NFEC) Participating organisations: The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago via The National Financial Literacy Programme (NFLP), The Financial Literacy Secretariat - Tobago House of Assembly, Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago (BATT), The Association of Trinidad and Tobago Insurance Companies (ATTIC), Trinidad and Tobago Insurance Institute (TTII), The Co-operative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago (CCULTT), The Office of the Financial Services Ombudsman (OFSO), Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE), Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC), The Mutual Fund Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MFATT), Ministry of Education, 6 schools Total number of participating organisations: 16 Number of children and young people reached directly: 250 Number of adults reached directly: 250 Number of people reached indirectly: 500
Through the National Financial Education Committee, Trinidad and Tobago joined Global Money Week 2021 during March 22nd-26th. This year the Committee and its members planned several online events and activities.
The Office of the Financial Services Ombudsman and the National Financial Literacy Programme presented a walk tour through the Central Bank Museum, hosted by the Central Bank Museum Curator. Participants learnt about the history of money, how money is made and more. The Central Bank Governor gave a short video presentation on the role of the Central Bank.
The Bankers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago, BATT, virtually welcomed 226 students from different primary schools: Curepe Presbyterian Primary School, Montrose Government Primary School, Sacred Heart Girls R.C., Sangre Grande Government Primary School, and Siparia Road K.P.A. Primary School. The virtual event was hosted by a media personality, who led fun interactive sessions, including a financial education puzzle challenge to help children understand the importance of basic financial education topics such as saving, budgeting, investing and entrepreneurship. Prizes were given to all participating schools and the top ten students from the financial education puzzle. The students also enjoyed watching a film featuring the media personality and his thoughts on entrepreneurship.
Throughout the week, The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC) engaged the public by creating new and engaging content for social media audiences. These included video tutorials on “3 Steps to Taking Care of your Money”, “Goal Setting – Completing your Goal Card Setting SMART Goals”, “Budgeting – How to do your own Budget”, “Saving Tips – Creating your own personalised Saving Jar/Box”, and “Investing – Posted in Story, on Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds.” The TTSEC also launched and premiered a video on Facebook and Instagram – on Friday, March 26th, to highlight the TTSEC’s Investor Education Website and Online Course – InvestucateTT.com. and the video titled, “The Little Investigator.” Additionally, the TTSEC developed and produced three videos on ‘Youth Voices’, which answered three specific questions for GMW 2021: Why do you think it’s important to take care of money?, How do you take care of your money in these times?, What more do you want to learn about money? All videos were promoted from March, 22nd-31st. Over 143,900 people were reached with these videos on social media.
Lastly, the TTSEC Conducted a Virtual Investor Education Outreach Session for over 200 students at the Bishops Anstey High School and Trinity East College Secondary School (BATCE).
The National Financial Education Committee members hosted the “Building Financial Resilience in Our Youth” webinar. Members of the committee discussed the importance of building the awareness of financial responsibility for children and young adults as well as their active role in financial matters at home. They believe that this type of reinforcement at home will enhance their financial capability and financial well-being as adults.