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provided policy direction on the need to increase efforts in financial literacy and provided leadership for the market players they regulate to provide guidance for their organisations. The two-hour event included reflection on the past nine years, the major strides, the COVID-19 effect and the way forward.
In keeping with the spirit of Global Money Week, the “Voice of young people” initiative was shared. Each of the Regulators hosted and engaged with a limited number of youth at each of their offices as a symbolic gesture of partnering with young people as equal partners rather than simply beneficiaries of the Campaign.
Traditionally, the Secretariat plans an activity every day during GMW, but this year, the focus was on three main activities. The National Financial Literacy Working Group hosted a virtual Media Workshop that sought to give the media practitioners insights into financial inclusion in Zambia and the operating framework (i.e. Financial Sector Development Plan, National Financial Sector Policy, National Financial Inclusion Strategy and National Strategy on Financial Education and any other such documents) to enable them to produce quality content in relation to the financial literacy campaign.
Zambia hosted a CEO Roundtable Meeting that sought to build consensus on financial education and inclusion efforts. This virtual meeting was attended by banks, insurers, micro finance, pension fund managers, mobile network operators, capital markets, non-governmental organisations, and government representatives. The meeting reviewed the result of the 2020 Finscope Survey. The Finscope is a nationally representative household survey that provides information on the demand, access, use of and behaviour towards financial services by the adult population. This survey is undertaken over a cycle of 3-5 years and this was the fourth time that the survey is being conducted in Zambia.
Lastly, for the first time, Zambia hosted a virtual career fair with a main objective to showcase the financial sector to the tertiary institutions. This event provided available learning and career paths in the sector. The current youth unemployment is not unique to Zambia, but common across the globe. Research has shown that the financial sector has a significant skills gap and therefore providing information to learners that could improve their employability in the near future seemed appropriate. The event was anchored by the University of Zambia Business and Economics Association (UNZABECA).
GMW national coordinator: Insurance and Pensions Commission, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Participating organisations: Old Mutual Insurance, Cell Insurance, Zimnat Insurance Total number of participating organisations: 4 Number of children and young people reached directly: 100,000 Number of adults reached directly: 200,000 Number of people reached indirectly: 100,000
Throughout Global Money Week 2021, the Insurance and Pensions Commission along with partners such as Old Mutual Group, Zimnat Group and Cell Insurance reached about 200,000 children and youth through several digital activities. These included a video competition on Facebook, YouTube kids and Young People’s talk show. Short educational “Piggy Bank” targeted students at primary schools, and “On The Money” initiative focused on young people.
Numerous GMW 2021 financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, youth and for adults, mostly through digital and radio platforms. These included kids showcasing what a better life means to them through a story, audio or art. Different partnerships with radio stations were formed to promote child education and youth empowerment programmes. Moreover, radio campaigns focused on money, insurance and influencer marketing. During GMW 2021, students who won competitions received prizes ranging from new laptops to tablets.

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The OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE)
2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France www.oecd.org/financial/education GMW_Secretariat@oecd.org +33 (0)1 45 24 85 55
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