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Participating organisations: Habitat Association, Aflatoun International, FODER - Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, TSPB, University Social Clubs, Norm Holding - Blue Collar Worker, Bross Textile - Blue Collar Worker, Woman Cooperatives, NOGs Total number of participating organisations: 15 Number of children and young people reached directly: 700 Number of adults reached directly: 400 Number of people reached indirectly: 11,000
Throughout Global Money Week 2021, Habitat Association reached 1,100 children and young people through various digital events such as online training, workshops, games, competitions, webinars with partners from public, private and non-governmental organisations. A digital financial literacy awareness training was held for children, adolescents, and for adults. The training explained the use of the digital financial system and tools to attendees and aimed empowering young people to help their parents and grandparents. Learn more here.
During the month, online competitions were held to raise awareness through fun and interactive activities for young people.