Iceland Icelandic International Development Agency, ICEIDA (closed) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Evaluation Mandate As of 1t January 2016, following the adoption of an Act of Parliament amending the Icelandic Act on Development Cooperation (2008), all activities of the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) were transferred to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) and ICEIDA ceased operations. The purpose of the amendment to the Act was to simplify the organisational framework that supports the Icelandic Government’s development assistance in order to maximise results and ensure value for money. The MFA has assumed all legal and professional obligations previously vested in ICEIDA and an evaluation unit has been set up in the Ministry responsible for bi- and multilateral ODA. The Ministry is foreseen to adopt a similar evaluation policy statement as ICEIDA however this has yet to be published (MFA 2016). Iceland became a member of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) in 2013. Significant efforts were invested in the formulation of a strategy on monitoring and evaluation for ICEIDA, to systematically examine the long-term impact of its activities in partner countries. Once the restructure has been completed, the Ministry will continue to follow all OECD DAC criteria for evaluation and build on the progress made by ICEIDA (MFA 2013).
Note to reader: The section at the beginning of Part II entitled “Introduction and key for the member profiles” provides explanatory notes on the profiles.