The Ratanshi Gordhandas Family More than 150 years ago, a young Gordhandas sat in a wooden dhow from Kutch Mundra, with nothing but the clothes on his back, not even a passport or travel papers. All he had with him were 2 gold bangles, which he brought to begin his business in Oman. He landed in Barkha after a long 2-month journey in which he had just one small bottle of drinking water a day. Gordhandas began his business in trading food essentials and textiles with a bare minimum investment. Over time, he expanded his business, gradually building a small house right under the Barkha fort. He brought his 15 year old son Ratanshi to join his business. Ratanshi came with his 13 year old bride and they lent their hands in the family business which was, by then, dealing with dates, and footstuff like rice, flour, sugar, spices and salt. They were also involved with the money lending business, often helping the community in times of need. A Gujarati tutor by the name of Kumud Adhikari was brought to Barkha to teach the young children mathematics, and writing letters in Gujarati, the two necessary skills for a Gujarati businessman59.
Ratanshi Gordhandas with Indian President Shankar Dayal Sharma © Ratanshi Gordhandas Family
59 Details of the Ratanshi Gordhandas family are part of personal interviews held with Permanand Bajaria. The photographs and documents he shared are published with his permission. 72