A Reformer on the Throne Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said
Sergey Plekhanov Russian writer and journalist Sergey Plekhanov was born in 1949. A graduate of the Gorki Institute of Literature and a member of the Russian Writers Association, Plekhanov was awarded the Gorki Prize for Fiction. He has published novels on senior Russian writers Alexy Busiymeski and Sergey Miksimov and on famous Russian rulers Prince Sifyatoslav and Kasar Nicoli II. Author of a number of imaginative adventure stories, Plekhanov has also published books on contemporary political leaders in Russia and the Arab world.
Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising P.O. Box:974, Ruwi, P.C. : 100 Tel: (+968) 24649115 Fax: (+968) 24649199
An insightful portrait of Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman set against the absorbing historical and political background of the captivating country that he rules. Published by the office of the Adviser to His Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs.
Second Edition
Second Edition 2016 Printed by:
Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of
on the
Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said Second Edition
Oman, who came to power in 1970, found himself at the head of an inward-looking state deprived of the benefits of modernisation. During the first decade of his rule, the young leader succeeded in turning the country around. Today, Oman is a prosperous nation. Remarkably, during the lifetime of one generation, a progressive society with a high standard of living has emerged. Painting a portrait of Sultan Qaboos against the rich historical backdrop of this intriguing country and of the ruling dynasty that has governed Oman for more than 250 years, Sergey Plekhanov unveils the advantages of political institutions that are based on cultural and religious traditions and their
Sergey Plekhanov
capacity to answer the challenges of the twenty-first century. But this is not merely an historical and political treatment, Sultan Qaboos’ multi-faceted personality, ranging from experienced politician and benevolent leader to music-lover, is also explored.