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APRIL 2012


Meet 7LEQWE %P 7IIĂ Carol Talbot

ON WORLD HEALTH DAY Stay Healthy Get Fit

L E V A TR Amazing Ethiopia Incredible Iceland Dream Destinations

Fashion Fix

Mango Spring-Summer Collection 2012

Food Go Vegan



APRIL 2012 VOL 9 NO. 108


PUBLISHED BY United Press & Publishing LLC A Renaissance Services Company P.O. Box 3305, Ruwi, Postal Code 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Tel: 00 968 24700896 Fax: 00 968 24707939 e-mail: website: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express permission of the publishers. Copyright © 2012 United Press & Publishing LLC Printed in the Sultanate of Oman at Oman Printers & Stationers


BE HEALTHY. BE HAPPY “Women in particular need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we’re scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don’t have a lot of time to take care of ourselves. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.” Michelle Obama Women are born multi-taskers or so, we’d like to believe! We are busy doing so many things that we sometimes pay scant attention to what our body is telling us. We often ignore the little warning signs… and march on, unaware that as we grow older; it’s our body that’s taking the brunt of our neglect. We must remember that good health is important at every age. This in fact, is the underlying theme of World Health Day 2012 which falls on April 7 and will focus on ‘Ageing and health’ with the theme ‘Good health adds life to years’. It emphasises how good health throughout life can help older men and women lead full and productive lives and be a resource for their families and communities. Yes, ageing concerns each and every one of us – whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor – no matter where we live. So whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or older, make health a top priority. And it’s alright if you put the ‘I’ before the ‘We’ because it’s simple… your good health would also mean the happiness of your loved ones. Our Health Day Special focuses on different aspects of health and fitness with topics as diverse as eating right, music therapy, taking care of your hands, health apps, inculcating healthy habits in children and much more. A comprehensive guide to staying healthy and fit… for life! When it comes to ageing gracefully, you could also perhaps look to our Superstar of the month, Meryl Streep for inspiration. She is the epitome of grace, class, talent and good health! What does it take to be healthy? A balanced diet, physical exercise and the positivity to carry you through the ups and downs of life! Laugh and smile more, for good health is all about mental well-being as well. Be healthy. Be happy. Until next month, stay cool, people! e-magazine – logon to or email us at to get your personal e-magazine

CONTENTS MORE THAN A WOMAN INSPIRATION 8 Shamsa Al Seefi of BankMuscat shares her success story…


PROFILE 10 Carol Talbot teaches us how to unleash the fire within



HEALTH DAY SPECIAL 12 Hollywood divas and their ‘health and fitness’ secrets 16 Give your hands a helping hand, says Dr. P. Narenda of NOVA Medical Centers 18 Art of Living Course – Part 1 – An experience 20 A new column on health and fitness by Khalil Al Balushi 22 How to inculcate good eating habits in children by Dr. Askar Kukkadi and Achini De Silva of Starcare Hospital 24 How to eat smart and stay slim by Monika Seth of Al Raffah Hospital 26 All about thyroid gland related disorders, symptoms and treatment by Dr. Amit Saxena of Apollo Medical Centre - Muscat 30 The Pap smear is very important in cervical cancer detection, says Dr. Smita Lulla 32 How music therapy can bring a change in mind and body by Roma Fernandes of Whispers of Serenity Clinic 34 How we perceive ourselves is more important than how others do, says Dr. Prema Seshadri

BEAUTY BUZZ 47 All about ckblue and its perfumer

R&R 50 Iceland offers a wonderful travel and luxury experience 52 Ethiopia is a fine blend of the past and the present 54 How to take the hassle out of travelling with children 56 Five women talk about their dream destinations BUZZ SUPERSTAR 58 Meryl Streep and why she is simply the best! STARDUST 60 All the gossip on the stars BRIDAL GUIDE 62 The ultimate wedding checklist 64 A blog is a great idea to document your wedding memories PALATE CUISINE 68 Go vegan with some delicious recipes 71 Healthy cupcakes from Joud Sweets PLUS: ABOUT TOWN, STARGAZING

GLAM UP LOOKBOOK 36 Spring-Summer 2012 Collection from Mango 42 CH Carolina Herrera Children’s Spring-Summer 2012


BEAUTY ZONE 44 Make-up must-haves 45 Skincare essentials 48 Top fragrances of the season

Cover Design: Sandesh S. Rangnekar

Bobbi’s Makeup Lessons Want to be your own makeup artist? Give us 5 minutes and we’ll show you how to look (and feel) your best. Visit the new Bobbi Brown studio for a free makeup lesson. Our treat ! Muscat City Centre Ground Level – Tel. +968 24558018



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WOMAN POWER It certainly was a power-packed issue! From the top achievers at BankMuscat to enterprising mums, I loved every page of your April issue. It was really wonderful to read the stories of so many inspirational women. I never knew that the word ‘mumpreneur’ existed until I read all about mums making a mark in your magazine. I am of the opinion that you should make it a regular feature because there are so many mums out there who are working at home and making a difference in their own little ways. It’s laudable that though some of them have given up high-profile careers, they have not given up their creative instincts and are doing things they love. I also read with pride the stories of the two achievers from BankMuscat. They are where they are today only because of their grit and determination. Here’s wishing every woman out there all the very best. UMAMA AL KINDY - QURUM


Address your letters to: The Editor, The Woman, United Media Services P.O. Box: 3305, PC 112ŘŒ Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman or fax us at 24707939 or e-mail us at

H 2012 20 MARC

FASHION SPREAD Rami Al Ali has always been my favourite designer and it was wonderful to see a fashion spread on his latest collection in The Woman. His designs are certainly in a class of their own. I also enjoyed the visual spread on the Muscat Fashion Week. All in all, your fashion pages certainly appeal to the fashionista in me!





The breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But most often, we tend to skip this allimportant meal. Your breakfast recipes in the Cuisine section were creative, interesting and has inspired me to try them out one by one.

It was interesting to get to know the opinion of students on ‘social media’. And even more heartening to know that most of them are aware of ‘social media addiction’ and are taking steps to look out into the offline world. The diverse views gave me an insight into what young girls of today also dream and aspire for. I’m not sure about the BBM though, it can be as harmful as social media, if one does not exercise caution and control.


APRIL 2012

I also liked the Stuffed Tomatoes recipe from Nando’s; the beautiful image accompanying the recipe has certainly tickled my taste buds.

illuminated al scene is This sensu palette, giving fair colour collection. through a effect to the an illusory off-white s of ivory, pale alder Cool shade muddle with dreamlike and beige, to give a and light gold,line - even black is the subtle and appeal to appear more softened to are weightless and s vague. Fabric stiff and structured the light, yet kept s and volume into to work shape I à XLG JHRUJHWWH OHQG R H $ E brocade WKHP satin and organza, tulle, QWO\ FUHDWLQJ QLÀFH FROOLGH PDJ ng methods gowns. Cutti to create luxuriant varied and s and are intricate rum of shape waists and w a full spect from narro silhouettes, OSDEOH VNLUWV HV WR LPSD à DSSHU VW\O e. gs of volum and lashin e take centr d bodysuits oidery Fully beade rate embr elabo stage, with DO KHQQD E\ WUDGLWLRQ VO\ LQWR LQà XHQFHG DZOHV GLQJ à parency PRWLIV EOHQ nts of trans the skin. Eleme allure and ine t project femin imagination, whils the rk creates stimulate Islamic artwo depths. geometric distinctive ghout unique and apparent throu of Layering is with the blend re, the collection, creating rich textu s diverse fabric exquisite detailing. the reinventing tion rdinary collec original This extrao revamps the revives and the art, where of East sentiments ation of the , Western fascin infusion of grace exotic Experience created an sensuality. beauty and Orientalism, as East of h rebirt the ‌ again! meets West


SWISS CALLING The feature on Zurich and Lenk took me on a wonderful journey through these beautiful places. Switzerland is indeed a wonderful world and in winter an amazing destination to be in. Your travel features take us to wonderful places through some brilliant visuals and captivating words. Here’s looking forward to a Travel special in The Woman soon! CHRISTINE SMITH - AL KHUWAIR




dventure, enjoyment, natural wonders, a rich culture and heritage‌ the famed Swiss hospitality and plenty of snow. These were enough reasons for me to embark on a trip to Switzerland in the height of winter.

Rekha Balakrishnan takes a Swiss journey through the bustling metropolis of Zurich and experiences ÀYH VWDU OX[XU\ DW WKH /HQNHUKRI $OSLQH 5HVRUW 3UHVHQWLQJ D KRXU UHFDS

Having never had to brave any kind of weather below 12 degrees, I was all set to land in sub-zero temperatures, armed with all the warm clothing I could lay hands on in, well, a warm country like Oman.


7KH Ă LJKW WR =XULFK ZDV D EUHH]H literally! The Swiss Business Seat on the Swiss International Air Lines

56 MARCH 2012

A330-300 has taken business class comfort to high levels. I slept like a baby by converting the seat into D WRWDOO\ OLH à DW WZR PHWUH EHG When awake, my culinary needs were amply met in the form of a wonderful breakfast menu specially FUHDWHG E\ WKH ÀQHVW 6ZLVV FKHIV

pre-conceived notions out of your mind. It may be the financial capital of Switzerland, home to one of the world’s biggest stock exchanges and big banks but this bustling city’s also a tourist delight in every sense.

So I was well and truly rested upon P\ WRXFKGRZQ LQ =XULFK ,Q DQ KRXU DUPHG ZLWK D KRXU =XULFK Card, which would enable me to traipse around the city in transport of my choice and also offer me access to a number of museums, I was ready to explore. Having a friend who was a local resident join me in the day tour added to the excitement and fun.

7KH EHVW ZD\ WR H[SORUH =XULFK is to take the trams and trains whenever needed and then keep walking. The city has a wonderful transport system and using our trusted iPhones for navigation, we hit the city’s hotspots without any problem.

%HIRUH \RX VHH =XULFK IRU ZKDW it is, I suggest you throw some

If you love old-world charm, Augustinergasse with its beautiful old, narrow streets with many colourfully painted oriel windows takes you back in time. Totally

different is Bahnhofstrasse, the world-famous shopping precinct where we window-shopped to our hearts’ content. Here’s where WKH DIà XHQW FRPH WR LQGXOJH WKHLU luxurious tastes. Luxury shops sell the best Switzerland can offer; watches, clothes, chocolates, porcelain and fashion labels. $V ZH ZDONHG WRZDUGV /DNH =XULFK we saw the shops becoming more exclusive and trendy. The view of the lake itself is lovely and in summer, the lakeside promenade is a beehive of activity. Cruises are available on the lake and a visit to the medieval town of Rapperswil is also a must on your =XULFK LWLQHUDU\ :H DOVR HQMR\HG some moments of relaxation at the Bßrkliterrasse, a culmination of the Bahnhofstrasse and part of



ONE OF A KIND! Shamsa Abdullah Al Seefi, Deputy General Manager – Information Technology Department, BankMuscat, shares her success story with Rekha Balakrishnan


APRIL 2012


uccessful women are an inspiration in any field. But women in male-dominated fields like information technology need to be lauded, recognised and emulated. For they are a rare breed indeed!

Her days aren’t just eight ‘working’ hours long, she’s ‘on call’ 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Her profession demands not just inordinate amounts of time, but loads of patience, strength, courage and determination to face different types of challenges and motivate a team that is continuously ‘on call’ as well! It’s no wonder then that Shamsa Abdullah Al Seefi has reached where she is today. Recently promoted as Deputy General Manager – Information Technology Department at BankMuscat, Shamsa is the first woman to hold this position at the Bank. A remarkable achievement indeed, for this is a field not preferred by many women not just because of the erratic working hours, but also for the huge responsibility and challenges that go along with it. Incidentally, after two years of pursuing her degree in Accounting at the University of Seattle, she realised that the subject did not really interest her. “Information technology was creating a huge buzz and everyone was talking about it. I decided to move to IT mid-way even though it meant putting in more course time. There were only three girls doing it and the rest were men,” she recalls. On completing her graduation, she returned to Oman and joined BankMuscat as a trainee programmer. This was 20 years ago and since then, her career has seen a natural progression with Shamsa climbing the corporate ladder, rung by rung. “When I joined the Bank, I was the only woman in the department. The others wanted to help me but no one had the confidence that I could do it. I used my time to learn the operations and systems and in my spare time, I developed my design and programming skills. I also kept up with my reading on the subject and was constantly assessing my progress. I continued updating my qualifications with different certifications integral to IT. This is so vital in the field of Information Technology,” she says. From trainee programmer, she moved onto being a Systems Analyst, Project Manager, Senior Project Manager, Deputy Head – IT and Head of IT. In 2006, she was promoted to Assistant General Manager – IT, a position she held until early this year. During this period, she managed important and critical projects, and was responsible for the full management

of the IT department. She has gone through the experience of big migration of systems in the country when Bank of Muscat merged with Commercial Bank where two IT departments got consolidated. As DGM-IT, Shamsa’s responsibilities continue to include reviewing strategic projects, relationship and portfolio management, focus on issues that may impact customer service, IT governance, all at the strategic level. So how does she face the immense pressure that comes with the job? “I agree that the pressure can sometimes be huge but if you are a leader, people look up to you and you need to be in control. There could be situations where critical service to the customer is disrupted by system outage and since we have a huge network in the market the impact can be quite severe but it’s my responsibility to be strong and guide my team so that they can establish focus on what they are doing,” she says. All this would not have been possible if not for the immense support of her husband who has always encouraged her to follow her dreams and reach for the stars. “IT does not follow any fixed hours. There are good days and rough days and there have been times when I have had to stay overnight at the Bank to sort out issues,” she adds. “My biggest inspiration is our Chief Operating Officer Mr. Ahmed Al-Abry who has always believed in me and given me the opportunities to prove myself. And I sincerely hope that I have lived up to his expectations.” Shamsa’s strength and determination also comes from her ability to face challenges and treat failures as stepping stones in life. “I always achieve what I set out to do. And for me, it’s not about how hard you fall, but how quickly you are able to pick yourself up and move on. Challenges are a part of the learning process and I believe we are where we are today because of our past mistakes. A positive attitude also helps to tide over difficulties,” she says. Where does she see herself in the future? “IT is my passion and I definitely want to continue within this field. My aim is also to work beyond the organisation and contribute to society. To this end, I am part of the advisory board at the Computer Science College at Sultan Qaboos University and working on initiation to help equip IT students with the required industry skills. Surely, Shamsa proves that ‘there are no limits than the ones we place on ourselves’. Here’s wishing her all the very best in her career!


Professional speaker, fire starter, master trainer and NLP expert Carol Talbot speaks to Rekha Balakrishnan on ‘firewalking’, hypnosis and more…


he makes you think differently but it doesn’t just stop at that. Carol Talbot also seeks to empower people and enhance their ‘energy within’ so they get ‘fired up’ to take action. Carol Talbot is a Sundoor Certified Master Firewalk Instructor who has trained personally with Peggy Dylan, often referred to as the mother of the western ‘firewalking’ movement. With a keen interest in development, she’s also a NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) Certified Trainer, Certified Trainer of Hypnois and Time Line Therapy and Certified EQ Practitioner (Emotional Intelligence).

What is the ‘firewalk all about’, how does hypnosis help and how can we break the barriers so that we achieve success in all areas of our lives? Carol Talbot provides some interesting insights. EXCERPTS: WHAT IS ‘FIREWALKING’? IS THERE ANY SPECIFIC SIGNIFICANCE TO THIS? ‘Firewalking’ is actually practised in many parts of globe, in different cultures and for different reasons. It is also sometimes used in healing because it’s said that our body is reflected on our feet. Certain tribes in Africa use it for energy, while in some cultures; it’s used as a rite of passage for children. I use the ‘firewalk’ as an action metaphor that helps people break through their limiting beliefs quickly. It’s


motivational, inspirational and for some, spiritual as well. HOW IS IT HELPFUL TO BREAK FREE AND WHY SHOULD IT BE DONE? So many people are held back in life because they believe things are not possible. We have often been taught as children, that if you play with fire, you get burnt. That’s the belief we carry along that holds us back. The ‘firewalk’ is more about firing people up in a memorable way; something they will remember for the rest of their lives. Once they have gone through it, they can always tap into that energy. I always illustrate the difference between a match and a volcano. If you strike a match, it will light up, flicker and then go out. A volcano comes from the core of the earth and has a power that lasts. The ‘firewalk’ experience gives people the opportunity to tap the volcano within and use that power for the rest of their lives. It helps people take quantum leaps in all areas of life – both professional and personal. I’ve seen people arrive in a state of fear and within a span of two hours are all excited, laughing and having fun. It’s very energising as well. CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR BACKGROUND? I am based in Dubai for the last 20 years. I guess I’ve always been a life-long learner. I am a noseyparker who’s always curious! I’m a fire-starter, an expert in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and a certified trainer of hypnosis. I concentrate mostly on NLP and view myself more of a catalyst, ‘lighting’ people up so that they can achieve more success in all areas of their lives. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF NLP? I view NLP as a user manual for

your mind. Whenever you behaved in a way that is inappropriate, said the wrong thing at the wrong time or are not getting the results you want in your life, NLP helps you become aware of the patterns in your thinking and behaviour. It helps you make very rapid shifts, tap into the fire within so that you become much more open to so many more possibilities. CAN YOU THROW MORE LIGHT ON HYPNOTHERAPY AND HOW IT CAN HELP? Many people are frightened of the word ‘hypnosis’ because they think it’s mind control. That’s not the case because all hypnosis is selfhypnosis which is trance, one of the natural states to be in. We have all experienced trance phenomena without a natural induction and it’s a beautiful state. Hypnosis helps tap into the wisdom within, partially suspending the analysing, criticising and judging from the conscious mind. So it’s more about focus and absorption. YOU HAVE WRITTEN A BOOK CALLED ‘HITTING THE WALL, AND BREAKING THROUGH’. WHAT IS THE WALL WE NEED TO BREAK THROUGH? It’s about the times in our lives when we feel we are hitting a block, barrier or going around in circles. The wall is the metaphor for the blocks we find ourselves against. What I do in the book is just give you three ways through that wall. You can tunnel under by digging deep within yourself; you can literally break through it that snaps your way of thinking or you can climb over the wall to get a different viewpoint. And finally, I also give you the opportunity to choose your own way through because I’m a great believer in, ‘one size doesn’t fit all never mind how stretchy the fabric’.

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE WORK-LIFE BALANCE? Work-life balance comes from doing something you love. I agree that the culture here is ‘work, work and work’. It’s also a limiting belief that if you work hard, you learn more or do better. What if you work less and earn more? What if you work less and are happier? So it’s about the quality of life. HAVE PEOPLE FORGOTTEN HOW TO LIVE LIFE? We are busy being busy. I think it’s fashionable for people to say they are busy. We don’t realise the number of opportunities that are passing us by because we are not open or we are so busy on our phones and computers and not stopping to enjoy life. What’s happened is that we have stepped so far into analysing, judging and criticising everything we do, that we forget to have the experience. It’s like experiencing life behind a camera lens the whole time. We are far removed from the actual experience. Here’s where hypnosis can really help. You can call it meditation, silence – you can go for a walk; its just being yourself. (Carol Talbot was in Muscat to conduct a seminar on ‘The Paths to Success’ organised by Areej T&C).




How much effort do Hollywood’s most glamorous divas actually put into their looks? The Woman takes a look at how some of tinsel town’s most happening beauties keep up with their bodies!


EVA MENDES Thirty-seven-year old actress Mendes was sizzling on a recent Marie Claire cover. Toned skin, gorgeous wavy hair and a body to die for… how does she do it? Well the actress explains that she hits the treadmill four or five times a week, drinks lots of water and tries not to eat too much meat! Apparently that last one (no meat) does wonders for her skin! The actress also admits that she loves her carbohydrates and is a big fan of both bread and pasta! Though she does tend to go whole wheat with the bread. Her rule? When in doubt, go dark with the food! If her killer looks is anything to go by, that’s all the verification we really need!

12 APRIL 2012

She played McDreamy’s ex-wife and later went on to her own show. The Private Practice star has the doctors falling at her feet every week and we are not really surprised. Tall, long, tan – not a red hair out of place – what’s her deal? Well, she admits that she’s tried the diets – the cabbage soup diets, Atkins and the juice cleanses, but the 44-year old star says she likes falling back on – get this – smaller portions! That’s right, she readily says, “I’d rather have a smaller serving of something amazing than a plateful of diet food”. Good, sister! In the meantime Kate’s workout regime consists of Pilates with weights and circuit training. What does she stay away from? Serious sugar apparently! It brings you up, she says, and then you crash!

JENNIFER LOPEZ She will forever be the woman who brought curves back in a world that was obsessed with the Twiggy look. The mother, actress, singer and all-round fashionista maintains that the secret to her body is just plain working out! A mixture of strength training and cardio makes up her gym routine and she tries to keep her food clean – that means leafy greens for all your fried food fans out there! And the bodalicious star’s final and most important secret? Water! Lots and lots of it!

FERGIE As the only girl in The Black Eyed Peas you’d think there was a lot of pressure on Fergie to be, well, a woman. You know the sort – like heaven on legs? What’s mind boggling is that she is that girl. She’s gorgeous! How does this particular big haired beauty do it? Well apparently, she does organic vinegar shots! She takes two tablespoons after lunch and dinner and this helps flush out the toxins in her body. The singer also tries to get in as much fatty food as possible, except of course, she converts the fat first to low-fat! Her helpings of lasagna for example, come with turkey meat and cottage cheese. That doesn’t sound too bad - though the jury’s still out on the vinegar! Bleugh!

PENELOPE CRUZ Exotic beauty, Cruz turns heads wherever she goes. Incredibly sleek, feline and mysterious, we’re compelled to ask – what’s her story? Well, she doesn’t obsess too much over working out. She gets in there, does the work and leaves! She also doesn’t believe in what she calls bad eating days. If she wants to eat something, she eats it and doesn’t waste time feeling guilty over it. Fries? Yes, please! The actress’s most important beauty secret is no secret at all though sleep! Clock in those zzzz’s ladies! 14 APRIL 2012


Middle aged but she’s still got it! Good genes? We’re certainly going to admit that good genes probably play a part here, but Ms. Aniston confirms that some work does go into that envious body of hers. Her biggest secret is that she’s consistent. Whether she’s on set or not, the actress always finds time to work out, and what’s more, she tries to make them fun too! Her iPod is her constant companion at the gym. And finally, Jen’s a giant fish fan! So there you have it ladies, fish and the gym and you’re golden!

ADELE HAYDEN PANETTIERE Nashville star Hayden Panettiere hasn’t been around much since Heroes ended, but that doesn’t mean we don’t remember the young lady as one of the show’s most forceful heroes! Cheerleading had never really looked that good, and we’re pretty sure she’s also going to be just as smokin’ in Nashville. So what’s the 22-year-old’s secret? Well the star is an all-out tomboy – that helps! She loves sports so that keeps her in shape. And when she’s not working, she loves taking walks with her dogs around the hills near her house. The natural beauty seems to be a little old school when it comes to staying in shape! And it seems to be working!

This singing sensation is on our list because she’s stunning. And we’re not talking size-zero-on-the-runway stunning, we’re talking wholesome full figure, beautiful doe eyes and a healthy self-esteem stunning! The singer recently walked away with not one but six Grammy awards and a comment from fashion legend Karl Lagerfield calling her ‘a little too fat’. In an industry dominated by women ready to do anything for their bodies, this particular singer insists unabashedly that she likes her fine foods and intensely dislikes the gym. Karl Lagerfield who? We are not telling women everywhere to stop caring about how they look, but isn’t it refreshing to see a woman out there who knows she’s gorgeous - just the way she is?

So there we have it! We have just revealed how some of Hollywood’s leading ladies keep the men on their toes and the women dreaming. Looks like their secrets are not so secret-like after all! Exercise, sleep and water! However all these ladies do have one golden rule. And over that one, they’re unanimous. A healthy dose of… self-esteem! That’s right, we are in our bodies so it’s time we started owning them ladies! That glorious glow? It’ll follow!

HEALTH DAY SPECIAL - SKIN CARE You shake hands when you meet or greet someone for the first time and when you seal a deal. Your hands express your affection to those you love; they soothe sad children and also those suffering from illness. Maybe you even ‘talk’ with your hands. This makes your hands essential tools in your everyday life, and also makes the care of these vital tools all the more important. But don’t be worried, as taking good care of your hands doesn’t have to be a major daily regime. Here are a few things you can do every day to help your hands look and feel good. Develop a good routine and give your hands a helping hand. WASH WITH CARE Washing your hands is the best thing you can do to keep from spreading bacteria, viruses and other nasty things to yourself, and from yourself to others. Wash your hands frequently. If you make it a practice to wash your hands the right way, their look and feel shouldn’t be a casualty of your healthy habits. To remove germs and grime, without stripping your hands of the natural oils they secrete, wash them with warm water. You should also avoid harsh soaps. Non-drying soaps or liquid non-soap cleansers would be a safe bet. After applying on your hands, rinse them well and dry by patting or blotting MOISTURISE Good moisturisers can help prevent or treat dry skin on your hands. They hold that needed water in the outer layer of skin, making your hands smoother and softer. They also help your outer skin act as a temporary protective shield. Most creams are water-based, but folks with extremely dry skin may want to use an oil-based cream. Oil will hold

water inside your skin longer, but the cream will leave a residue on your hands. When choosing a moisturiser for daily use, make sure you read the ingredients: • Humectants such as glycerin, alpha hydroxy acids and urea actually draw moisture from the air around you into your skin. They don’t work if the air is dry. • Emollients get into the spaces between the cells on the outer layer of skin. They replace oils that have been washed away to make the skin smoother. Emollients may be primarily water or oil-based. • Most products will include a preservative - often, several - to keep bacteria from damaging them after you open the container. If your skin is sensitive, some preservatives may irritate it. Trial and error may help you learn which ones work for you. • Fragrances may also cause irritation or contact allergy. Avoid them or find ones that you can tolerate. • Washing carefully and moisturising should be important parts of your daily hand-care routine - but they’re not everything. WEAR GLOVES Your hands have a hard time as it is. Give them a break by protecting them from unnecessary exposure to anything that will make them worse. All you have to do is make wearing gloves part of your daily routine. Wear gloves anytime you plan to use harsh cleaning products. Keep a couple of pairs of elbow-length rubber gloves around for heavy cleaning. Use an inexpensive pair of cotton gloves as a liner to prevent sweating and itching. Moreover, you can also use them to cover your hands after you’ve moisturised them at night or after applying medication for absorption. Keep disposable gloves like those used by medical

professionals and food-service workers around the house as well. If preparing onions, tomatoes or other foods irritates your hands, then gloves can help. Wear them when gardening or doing yard work to protect hands and nails. Year-round, whenever you’ll be in the sun, protect your hands with the invisible shield of sunscreen. The backs of hands, especially, need protection with a sunscreen of at least SPF 15 every day. A moisturiser that includes a sunblock of SPF 15 will also work. GET A MANICURE (MINI-CURE) A manicure may be a mood-elevating treat or preparation for a special occasion. Most of us won’t get a manicure every day, but we can give ourselves a mini-cure, or the little things that help keep nails healthy and attractive. For example: • Don’t bite your fingernails. • Use moisturiser on your nails as well as on your skin. For an extra treat at night, warm a favourite essential oil and give your nails a therapeutic soak. • Don’t cut cuticles, push them back too far or use chemicals on them. • When cuticles are soft and

Help your hands look and feel good with a few helpful tips from Dr. P. Narendra of NOVA Medical Centers

Hands On!

16 APRIL 2012

moist, push them back gently with a soft cloth. • Buff nails with a soft cloth. • If nails become discoloured, stop using polish for a while. • The acetone in nail polish remover can damage nails, so use it sparingly. • Keep your nails clean. • Prepare your nails and cuticles for grooming by cutting a lemon in half, sticking your fingernails inside and twisting them around to clean them. • Use a file with a fine texture to shape nails and remove snags. • File nails to a rounded point to preserve their strength. All in all, take care of your whole self, as the body is a unit made of many separate, but intertwined parts. The skin and nails on your hands will benefit from a basic, everyday healthful routine. If you want to keep your hands and fingernails healthy, smooth and young-looking, ensure that your diet contains vitamin C and also goes easy on fats and carbohydrates. Make sure that you stay well hydrated as well, as this will go a long way in helping not just your hands, but your complete body. (Dr. P. Narendra is Dermatologist, Venerologist and Cosmetologist at NOVA Medical Centers.)


How do we realise our true potential? How do we tame the oscillating mind? What are the ways to achieve clarity and peace of mind? Rekha Balakrishnan attends the Art of Living Course – Part 1 and finds some stimulating answers




t all began with a poster on my desk designed by a colleague on my birthday a year ago. It was a rather flattering (minus a few kilos) image of mine with several arms indicating my multi-tasking abilities. A broom in one, a saucepan in another, a laptop in yet another, a hand wielding a pen and so on. It labelled me ‘the perfect multi-tasker’.

My first reaction was a huge smile. I was amused but also secretly proud of myself. And over the past year, as my eyes fell on the poster day after day, the amusement gave way to rumination. My life, I agreed was interesting, but was I stretching it a little too far? In the race to do too many things at the same time, I paid little attention to my body and mind that were telling me in their own little ways, to stop and slow down. And when had I last stopped to smell the roses? I hardly remembered. When Dr. Prema Seshadri of the Art of Living Foundation suggested the Art of Living Course – Part 1, I was sceptical. I would certainly go into panic mode if I were to spend three hours of my time for four days away from work, my phone and the internet. How would I cope? But I am always game for a challenge and with a little bit of prodding from Dr. Prema, decided that it was time… to get in touch with my inner self. There are different courses offered by the Art of Living Chapter in Oman. The Part 1 course is central to all other courses offered by the Foundation. So, one Saturday afternoon saw me at the lovely, huge meditation room at the Centre’s premises in Al Khuwair. I was joined by three other people who also, perhaps were searching for the same answers as I. The Art of Living courses adapt ancient wisdom and yogic practices to enrich modern life. More importantly, they offer practical methods to eliminate stress and enhance all aspects of individual life. Dr. Prema, over the course of four days touched on many topics that are integral to our lives but those we rarely stop to think about. Some were profound and thought-provoking too. During one session, with a constant snap of her fingers, she reminded us how ‘to be in the moment’ and ‘revel in the present’! At other times, she touched upon ways to handle negative emotions, how to tame the monkey mind and showed us ways to uplift energy. All that took us down the

road to the one thing we desire the most – happiness! And well, the answer to stress, we were told, was right under our noses. Did you know that breath is very important in dealing with stress? One of the main elements of the course is the use of breath to bring our minds into the present moment that in turn translates into better clarity and peace of mind. Different sets of pranayama (which means extension of life force) yoga exercises are taught are used for this purpose. These include the Ujjayi pranayama (victory breath) and the Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath). The cornerstone of the Part 1 course and perhaps the most vital was the Sudarshan Kriya, a unique breathing technique that is both revitalising and rejuvenating. It’s said that this technique cleanses our system, uplifts life-supporting energy and restores harmony to our whole being. The body feels renewed, physically and emotionally. Breathing is easy, so I thought. But without the help and guidance from a certified expert, it certainly would not be possible or even advisable to learn these unique techniques. Dr. Prema guided us literally ‘with every breath’ till we learnt it the right way. The course also made us turn inward with a few questions we had to answer every day. Selfintrospection certainly opens up newer and clear thoughts. I found myself thinking deeply on questions that delved to the very core of my being. And I was surprised at the answers I was giving. Surely, something had changed! At the end of four days, what had I learned? For one, it was possible to switch off and ‘switch in’, if I wanted to! Secondly, it made me realise that I had to treat my body and mind with care. And most importantly, all I needed to give myself was a half-hour of everyday time to practise what I’d learnt. Breathing is life… but it’s also much more than that. It’s the link between body and mind that helps us face life with all its vagaries, realise our true potential and learn to face stress the right way. Happiness is certainly not elusive… if we learn how to get there! (Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living Foundation is a not-for-profit, educational and humanitarian NGO engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. The organisation operates globally in 151 countries. For more details on the Art of LivingOman Chapter and its courses, please call 24488333.)




n the stressful world we live in, health and fitness should be accorded top priority. Did you know that obesity is one of the alarming health problems that could be faced by women? What is obesity? According to the World Health Organisation, “Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A crude population measure of obesity is the body mass index (BMI), a person’s weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in metres). A person with a BMI of 30 or more is generally considered obese. A person with a BMI equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight.” Obesity can cause a number of health-related problems in women. The complications caused by obesity include but are not limited to: arthritis, hormonal disorders, psychiatric disorders, anaemia,

high cholesterol levels in blood and arteries, diabetes, hypertension, gout, difficulty in conceiving, etc.

Introducing a new column on health and fitness by expert Khalil Al Balushi, presenter of ‘Sport & Fitness’ on Oman TV and Oman Radio

So it’s imperative to include healthy eating habits and regular exercise into your daily lifestyle. You can take some slow, steady steps towards fitness with the following: ON THE TREADMILL You should begin by walking for 10 minutes at Speed 4, increase the speed to 4.5 and walk for another 10 minutes. If you do not have a knee problem, raise the speed to five, also raising the incline to 1 for 10 minutes and then reduce the speed. (If you are using the treadmill for the first time, it’s advisable to remain standing on the machine for one minute after you finish until blood circulation takes its normal course.)

ABDOMINAL EXERCISES UPPER ABDOMINAL EXERCISES Lying flat on your back, place your hands behind your head; push your head and shoulders up and down, breathing in and out. Repeat this 12 times in three sessions.

ON THE EXERCYCLE You can cycle for 10 minutes at 70 RPM. Go ahead, take the first step, and remain fit for life!

LOWER ABDOMINAL EXERCISE Lying flat on your back, place your hands on the ground close to your lower back; push your feet up and down bending your knees, and breathing in and out. Repeat this12 times in three sessions.

• It’s advisable to consult your doctor/physician before you embark on any fitness programme.

For more information, you can write to Khalil at 20 APRIL 2012



Combine healthy eating habits with physical activity to improve your child’s overall health, say Dr. Askar Kukkadi and Dr. Achini De Silva of Starcare Hospital


utrition is the way that the foods children eat nourish their body. Good nutrition is achieved by having a healthy diet. A healthy diet should contain food that gives energy (starch and fat), protein (milk, meat and poultry, eggs) and vitamins and minerals (vegetables and fruits). What does good nutrition do? It improves your child’s body systems (heart, lungs and kidney functions),

mental well-being and performance at school. It helps in fast healing of wounds and rapid recovery from illnesses or injuries. It increases the body’s ability to fight against infections. It also reduces the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and deficiency states. There is growing evidence of the link between childhood eating patterns and chronic disease in adulthood. Nutritional requirements vary according to the different phases of a child’s life: • During the first year, children triple their body weight hence their energy requirement should satisfy their high growth rate.

• From one year onwards, even though the growth rate slows down, the energy requirement remains high due to excessive physical activity. • Then comes the adolescent peak which would go on for two years where the body undergoes a complete change. Parents should be a role model in their child’s life when it comes to healthy eating habits. The following should be introduced to children within the home setup from the very beginning: • Make sure your child eats breakfast. Breakfast provides the energy they need to listen and learn in school. • Offer your child a wide variety of foods such as grain, vegetable and fruit, low fat dairy products and lean meat or beans. • Try to make half of their grain intake whole (whole grain cereal, bread, rice or pasta). • Vary protein choices with more fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds. • Include fruit that is fresh, frozen or dried rather than fruit juice for most of your fruit choices. • Give your child calcium rich food such as milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. Also try dark green leafy vegetables. • Cook with less fat – bake or roast food instead of frying. • Limit the amount of added sugar and salt in your child’s diet. • Serve water or low fat milk more often than fizzy or flavoured drinks. • Involve your child in planning and preparing meals. Children would like to eat food made with their help. On the other hand if your child is overweight that also can lead to lot of health problems, like impaired glucose tolerance, high blood

22 APRIL 2012

pressure, bone and joint problems, low self esteem and stress. He will become an obese adult when he grows up with lot of added problems. Like adults, children should be physically active as much as practically possible. Experts suggest at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity daily for most children. Walking fast, cycling, skipping, dancing and playing basketball are all good ways for your child to be active. When they see you being physically active and having fun, they are more likely to be active and stay active throughout their lives. Combine healthy eating with a balance between food and physical activity to improve your child’s overall health. If you are concerned about the eating habits, inadequate weight gain or excessive weight of your child, seek advice from your health care provider. He/ she will take your child’s age, height and weight and plot him on an appropriate growth chart and explain to you where your child lies and whether he/she needs any intervention or advice.

(Dr. Askar Kukkadi is Senior Consultant - Pediatrics and Medical Director at Starcare Hospital.)

(Dr. Achini De Silva is Consultant – Pediatrics at Starcare Hospital.)


The ‘healthy way’ to losing weight is to eat smart, says Monika Seth

The ‘Smart’ Factor 24 APRIL 2012

Break the morning fast: Never, ever skip breakfast. If you usually start your day with just a cup of coffee, it’s time to change your old habits and lifestyle because our bodies burn calories at a slower rate when we are sleeping and breakfast acts as a reveille for our metabolism. So it is extremely important to start our day right with a healthy breakfast that includes whole grain cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating a healthy breakfast helps to fuel your body’s energy supply and it increases your tendencies to eat healthier throughout the rest of the day. Multiply meals, shrink portions: If you are the kind who religiously follows the ‘three meals a day’ pattern, it’s time for a change. Did you know that by doing so, you may be consuming more calories than you need and storing the rest as fat because your body can use only a certain amount of calories at a time to function? So the key to a healthy body and mind is to eat small, frequent and healthy meals every day.


eminism notwithstanding, wispy is still the ultimate in womanly, at least as far as society is concerned. And if we are not extremely thin, it is expected from us to sustain on diet drinks and salad-only dinners!

When we hear about someone who has lost weight and kept it off, we desperately want to know how they did it and what was the secret to their success? Well, the answer could be much simpler than getting into the complex secrets of crash diets. The first and foremost step towards a healthy and slim body is to indulge in healthy and balanced eating coupled with some kind of physical activity on a regular basis and this should begin right from childhood. A healthy and fit body means a revamp of the overall lifestyle. Here are some healthy secrets that will prod us to take the first step towards a disease free body and life.

Bring in more colour: The idea is to follow a daily diet which has variety. This would mean a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating a minimum of five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day is critical to our overall health as these natural foods not only provide us with antioxidant power but also go a long way in protecting our body from a number of diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, just to name a few. Fill up on fibre: Foods rich in fibre not only give you a feeling of fullness but also help in lowering the risk of many diseases. We all should make a sincere effort towards consuming high fibre foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains like oats, bran, flaxseed and nuts on a daily basis and move a step further towards a healthy life. Sip water all day long: Most of us cannot process more than about a glass or two of water in an hour but we have to aim much more than this and do not get bogged on if you have to rush to the toilet very frequently. One of the most

perceptive health problems in today’s world is dehydration and the most common signs are dry skin, muscle cramps, constipation, fatigue, headaches and a few different kinds of symptoms that we might not typically associate with dehydration like feeling flushed, anxious, depressed, heavy-headed, having irresistible cravings, etc. So the next time you have a headache or feel a little low, instead of reaching for a painkiller or a sedative, try pouring yourself a glass of water. Watch the amount and type of fat: It is very important to consume the right kind of fat in the right amounts. You can get these from almonds, walnuts, flaxseed, olive oil, fish and others. Forego excess fat: We all should try hard to keep fat calories to 25 per cent or less of our daily diet because fat calories are much harder to burn than calories from carbohydrates and proteins and they are easily converted to be stored as body fat. Some smart and healthy ways to keep the fat low in your diet • Avoid fried foods; instead bake or broil meats in a broiler pan so the fats in the meat drip into the pan rather than stay in the meat. • Eat only lean, well-trimmed meats and opt for more oily fish and chicken. • Use low fat-dairy products like low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, laban etc. • Use fruit, not fat. Purees of fresh or dried fruit are standard stand-ins for fat in baked goods. In most cases, you can replace up to seven eighths of the butter with some healthy substitutes like mashed bananas and apple sauce, pureed prunes, etc. • Avoid fatty salad dressings and prepare some healthy low fat dressings like low-fat yogurt, garlic and lemon juice with seasonings. Just eating the right food is not enough; we need to change our attitude towards life. With selfmanagement and self-discipline, this is possible. So start in earnest, right now! (Monika Seth is a nutritionist and weight loss consultant at Al Raffah Hospital.)


The truth about thyroid Dr. Amit Saxena of Apollo Medical Centre - Muscat brings to light thyroid conditions, their symptoms and the way forward


o you feel low in energy, depressed, have body aches, are gaining weight, experiencing hair fall‌. or feel too nervous, have palpitations or losing weight? Then maybe you are suffering from thyroid gland related disorders. So it is advisable to get your thyroid hormones tested. Thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in front of the neck, makes hormones (chemical substances) that reach every cell in the body and

26 APRIL 2012

controls the way your body uses energy. Your thyroid controls your metabolism, which is how your body converts food into energy. The diseases of the thyroid gland cause harmful effects on your heart, muscles, bones, cholesterol and to some extent, menstruation and fertility. So if you have one or more of these symptoms, you should not delay going in for tests that will determine your thyroid functions. While thyroid disorders can range from a small,

harmless goiter (enlarged gland) to life-threatening cancer, the most common thyroid problems involve an abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Too much of these hormones result in a condition known as hyperthyroidism and too little hormone production is known as hypothyroidism. This disorder sometimes produces very vague and non-specific symptoms, and sometimes very distressing and uncomfortable symptoms. But it’s heartening to note that treatment is readily available.

HEALTH SPECIAL - FEATURE Thyroid hormones Around 80–90 per cent of the hormone released from the thyroid gland is thyroxine (T4). The thyroid also produces triiodothyronine (T3), which has about four times the strength as thyroxine. The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland, which is located at the base of the brain. When the levels of thyroid hormones dip too low, the pituitary gland produces thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce more hormones thus increasing their levels. The negative feedback of this on the pituitary gland decreases the level of TSH. Thus, the levels of TSH increase in hypothyroidism and decrease beyond normal in hyperthyroidism.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism? Hyperthyroidism happens when the thyroid becomes overactive and produces too much of its hormones. It affects women four to ten times more often than men, and is most common in women younger than 40. People with hyperthyroidism have problems that reflect overactivity of the organs of the body, resulting in symptoms such weight loss, rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat or pounding of the heart, nervousness, anxiety or irritability, tremors (trembling of the hands and fingers), changes in menstrual patterns (usually lighter flow, less frequent periods) in women, increased sensitivity to heat, increased perspiration, changes in bowel patterns, muscle weakness, increased appetite, etc.

This test can be easily done by the physicians in monitoring the activity of disease. Hyperthyroidism can occur due to several reasons: In more than 70 per cent of cases, hyperthyroidism is caused by an autoimmune disorder called Graves’ disease. Normally, antibodies produced by the immune system help protect the body against viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances. An autoimmune disease is when your immune system produces antibodies that attack your body's tissues and/ or organs. With Graves' disease, antibodies produced by the immune system stimulate the thyroid, making it produce too much hormone. Two other common causes for hyperthyroidism include: • Hyper-functioning thyroid nodules - one or more nodules or lumps in the thyroid grow and increase their activity so that they make too much hormone. • Thyroiditis - A problem with the immune system or a viral infection causes the thyroid gland to become inflamed and produce extra thyroid hormone that leaks into the bloodstream.

What is hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid activity, means your thyroid gland is not making enough hormones. Women, especially those older than 50 years of age, are more likely to have hypothyroidism than men are. What causes hypothyroidism? The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. With Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, antibodies attack the thyroid and keep it from producing enough hormones. Other common causes of hypothyroidism include: • Treatment for hyperthyroidism, the condition in which the body produces too much thyroid hormone • Radiation therapy • After thyroid surgery • Certain medicines • Pituitary disorder - The pituitary gland produces a thyroidstimulating hormone, which tells the thyroid gland how much thyroid hormone to produce. A pituitary disorder may keep the pituitary gland from producing the right amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

• Pregnancy - Some women develop hypothyroidism during or after pregnancy because their bodies produce antibodies that attack the thyroid gland. If it is not treated, hypothyroidism can jeopardise the health of both mother and baby. • Iodine deficiency - Iodine is a mineral used by the body to make thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency can keep the body from being able to make enough thyroid hormone. In most part of the world, table salt has iodine added to it to make sure everyone gets enough. What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? The symptoms of hypothyroidism tend to develop slowly. They can be different from case to case. Initial symptoms include slight fatigue and sluggishness. As your metabolism slows, you may develop other symptoms like increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, pale, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, elevated blood cholesterol, unexpected weight gain, muscle aches, cramps, tenderness or stiffness, pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints, heavier than normal menstrual periods in women, depression, etc. Can children have hypothyroidism? Anyone can develop the condition, including infants and teenagers. Babies born without a thyroid gland or with a thyroid that doesn’t work properly don’t have many symptoms at first. They may have yellowing of the skin and the whites of their eyes (jaundice), a puffy face, frequent choking and a large tongue that sticks out slightly. As the disease progresses, infants may have trouble feeding and may not grow and develop normally. They may also be constipated, have poor muscle


tone or be very sleepy. If it is not treated, hypothyroidism in infants can lead to physical and mental retardation. Newborn infants are now routinely screened for hypothyroidism before leaving the hospital. How will my doctor know I have hypothyroidism? If you have symptoms of an underactive thyroid, your doctor will do tests to measure the levels of thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood. Some doctors recommend screening pregnant women and women who are thinking of s becoming pregnant. How is hypothyroidism treated? Treatment for hypothyroidism is a synthetic thyroid hormone taken daily in pill form. It may take a few tries to get the right dose of synthetic thyroid hormone. If you are not taking enough, you may continue to experience symptoms of hypothyroidism. If you are taking too much, you may have symptoms similar to those of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid disease).

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Are there any complications I should know about? If it is not treated, hypothyroidism can lead to other health problems. These include: Goiter - Hypothyroidism can cause your thyroid to become larger, creating a swollen lump on your neck called a goiter. A goiter can affect your appearance and can even make it hard for you to swallow or eat. An increased risk of heart disease - An underactive thyroid causes high levels of ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol. Mental health issues Depression that occurs with hypothyroidism can become worse over time, especially if left untreated. Birth defects - Babies born to women who have untreated hypothyroidism may have birth defects. Infertility - Low hormone levels can make it difficult for a woman who has hypothyroidism to become pregnant.

(Dr. Amit Saxena is physician at Apollo Medical Centre - Muscat.)

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Smart Screening The age-old adage, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ definitely applies to the use of the Pap smear for cervical cancer detection, says Dr. Smita Lulla Worldwide, approximately 500,000 new cases of cervical cancer and 274,000 deaths are attributable to cervical cancer yearly, making cervical cancer the second most common cause of death from cancer in women. Fortunately, the incidence of cervical cancer has decreased by more than 50 per cent in the past 30 years, largely due to the increasing use of the Pap smear. In Oman, the incidence of cervical cancer has dropped from 7.2 per cent in 1998 to 3.4 per cent in 2010.

Dr. Smita Lulla MBBS, M.D., D.G.O (Gold Medallist) is Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Qurum Clinic, Muscat

What is a Pap smear? The Pap test developed in the 1940s by Georgios Papanikolaou checks for changes in the cells of the cervix (the lower part of the uterus that opens in the vagina). It can detect certain infections, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cells - dysplasia or cervical cancer. By detecting the abnormal cells that can turn into cancer cells, adequate treatment can be given and the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer be reduced. Who should do a Pap smear? All women should do a Pap smear every two to three years or earlier in certain high risk cases. If any symptoms like abnormal bleeding between regular menstrual periods, or any abnormal vaginal discharge occurs, a pelvic examination is done and if the cervix is found to be ‘unhealthy’, a Pap smear may also be required. When should it be done? It is done between the 10th and 20th day of the menstrual cycle. What will the doctor do during the Pap smear? You will lie on a table and your feet will be placed in stirrups. The doctor will insert an instrument (called a speculum) into the vagina and visualise your cervix. She will then lightly scrape the cervix with a spatula. The cells thus obtained will be transferred to two glass slides. Another sample will be taken with a ‘brush’ from the inside of the mouth of the uterus (endocervix) and will also be placed on the same slides. A ‘fixative’ will then be sprayed on the slide. The slides will then be sent to the laboratory for diagnosis. What do the results mean? A normal Pap smear means that all the cells

30 APRIL 2012

in your cervix are normal and healthy. An abnormal Pap smear can be a sign of a number of changes in the cells on your cervix, including: • Inflammation (irritation): This can be caused by an infection of the cervix, including a yeast infection, infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) the herpes virus or many other infections. • Abnormal cells: These changes are called cervical dysplasia. The cells are not cancer cells, but may be precancerous (which means they could eventually turn into cancer). • More serious signs of cancer: These changes affect the top layers of the cervix but don’t go beyond the cervix. • More advanced cancer (rarely seen nowadays). When a Pap smear shows abnormal changes, further testing or follow-up is needed. A Colposcopy-directed biopsy or an HPV test maybe required to check for the presence of the HPV virus types most likely to cause cancer What treatment will I receive if my Pap smear is abnormal? The treatment of an abnormal smear will depend on the extent and severity of the dysplasia, your age, and whether or not you have any other gynaecological problems. You may require any of the following: Cryotherapy, laser treatment, Loop Excision, cone biopsy or a hysterectomy. Do I need follow up once my dysplasia is treated? Yes, because there is a possibility that dysplasia can recur. Thus, in the 21st century with this reliable screening test the quality of life and life span of women worldwide has improved dramatically.

HEALTH DAY SPECIAL – WHAT’S NEW “I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.” – Billy Joel Music is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools of human expression. A tune, beat, rhythm or a combination of sounds can clam, soothe, heal and cause a perceptible change in human behaviour, often stirring us emotionally in a unique way. Haven’t you noticed how a peppy song is an instant mood-booster or how a moving classical piece brings your mind to a state of calm? This is perhaps why music is being increasingly used in therapy to address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of people! HOW DOES IT WORK? Music therapy uses music to communicate. Here music is the language the therapist uses to help people express themselves. Therapy begins with assessment and is

designed keeping several factors in mind. The therapist selects the type of music to be used based on the goals of therapy and the needs of the individual. What makes music therapy different is its heavy reliance on music. Thus, every session involves the person in a musical experience of some kind. These include improvising, re-creating, composing and listening to music. What is best about this form of therapy is that musical involvement in the therapeutic context will help to strengthen the abilities of the person being treated and it transfers to other areas of their lives as well. It opens up avenues of communication especially for those who find it difficult to express themselves in words. WHO CAN BE TREATED? Age is definitely no barrier when it comes to music so this therapy can be used on individuals of all ages, with a variety of conditions that include sensory impairments,

Clinical psychologist Roma Fernandes tells you all about music therapy and how it can bring about a perceptible change in body, mind and spirit

The power of music 32 APRIL 2012

development disabilities, substance abuse, communication disorders, interpersonal problems and even ageing. It is also used to improve learning, build self-esteem, reduce stress, support physical exercise and facilitate a host of other health related activities. Almost everyone likes music. You need not be a musician or have the ‘technical knowhow’ to participate or benefit from music therapy. Most people do not any have any formal training or background in music. Music therapists believe that all individuals regardless of age or musical background have a basic capacity for musical expression and appreciation. We’ve often heard how music plays a major role in the development of children. In fact, listening to music during pregnancy is said to soothe the body, promote better

sleep, reduce stress and increase energy levels. Parenting experts recommend pregnant women to start exposing their babies to classical music while in the womb itself. It’s also advised to continue this practice through the early years of infancy for the baby to grow smart. In children, music therapy is also helpful in addressing developmental delays, emotional disturbance and social withdrawal. Using musical instruments and movement to music develops self-awareness, enjoyment and exercise. In essence, music therapy interventions can be designed to promote wellness, manage stress, alleviate pain, express feelings, enhance memory, improve communication and promote physical rehabilitation. MUSIC, MOVEMENT AND THERAPY Based on the empirically supported premise that the body, mind and spirit are interconnected, movement therapy is defined as the psychotherapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration of the individual. Thus, with the combination of music and movement therapy a person’s holistic development can be nurtured and enhanced. Such diverse therapy is widely practised in hospitals, cancer centres, psychiatric facilities, nursing homes and schools. As a powerful treatment tool, music can make your life better! And what’s more, it’s fun and relaxing too! (Roma Fernandes is a clinical psychologist at Whispers of Serenity Clinic)


Dr. Prema Seshadri is a psychologist, writer and entrepreneur


was born a big baby. I was brought up with a lot of caring and loving. In many cultures, this is defined by the amount of food we could feed a child. I too was no exception. And when you are a child and your intellect hasn’t developed yet, you really have no say in the matter. So I didn’t really have anything to do with the amount of food that went into my making. Here I was a roly-poly child with dimples that ran deep into my wellfed cheeks. As I grew, the love for food and the habit of eating well became deeply conditioned with me. If I had enormous pleasure eating, my loving family had enormous pleasure feeding me and watching me feed.

34 APRIL 2012


How we perceive our body is important but not as important as perceiving our inner self, says Dr. Prema Seshadri

By that time, I genuinely felt I had nothing to do with my big state. My family was an extended one and in many ways it was a ‘no-holds barred’ culture that is normally practised in such extended set-ups. We got over criticisms and insults as fast as they flew. Being teased was a breeze. It was part of the caring and loving. Early on, I was given a nickname by an uncle who I continue to love the most. Translated, ever so lovingly, it meant ‘fat’. Just as hard it was to shake off the physical fat, it was equally so to shake off the new name that felt as ancient as food and eating. It was so much easier to live up to expectations. So, I hung on to the fat. It was effortless. If my memory serves

me right, I probably attracted a lot of glad eye over a long period of my fat life and my mother tells me my hand was sought from an early age. I often wonder how I could actually sit among female relatives as they raved about girls who kept their bodies like beautiful reeds! It was maybe the confusion which made me look deep within to find something that looked hopeful, thin and noteworthy, as I continued to shroud myself in clothes that were several sizes bigger. I am so glad all this was eons ago and I can actually talk and write about it with a chuckle punctuating every word. Especially a word that I didn’t know existed then but a word that seems to be today the crux of a social malaise – ‘body-image’. Instead of once again hiding behind a word and using that as a crutch to hang my whining on, I choose to give it a nudge and turn it around to draw a scenario that doesn’t have to be grim. A body is not of our making. It was made and made so to be kept healthy and strong to be useful, in many more ways than one. Have pride in your body. I am absolutely convinced that I could give any size zero girl half my age a run for her money when it comes to stamina and energy! How we perceive our body is important but not as important as perceiving our inner self. A woman is attractive not because of the size of her body but because of the size of her self-esteem. A woman is found attractive because her selfconfidence is attractive; the aura she carries is attractive, because her mind is beautiful If we understand and want a healthy and fit life, then we would make the right efforts to lead a lifestyle that will keep our weight at healthy levels. A somewhat over-weight body is not always

the sign of ill health and a very thin body is not the sign of good health. Having a correct perception of one’s weight is important. One in four overweight women mistakenly think they are a healthy weight. Being true to our self itself will put us in the right direction to have both a mental and physical confidence to be and feel healthy. How others perceive us is not quarter as important as how we perceive our self. Everybody has an opinion and in all honesty

every body is entitled to an opinion. We really can’t do much about others’ opinions which either stems from their own inadequacies and stresses. I do believe that overweight women are a convenient target for those who feel insecure. Human beings in general want to see everything as beautiful. Stress prevents them from seeing the beauty that lies behind the façade. There are many who are angry with overweight people because it upsets their idea of the world where people

seem to live their lives in a way that pleases them! Or, perhaps they are so sad they would like to make others sad too! Whatever the reason, to fall prey to the mass media marketing or to the mass’s perception would bring only despair. Realise that the beauty within is infinitely more appealing, lasting and compelling than anything that we see readily on the surface. Work towards a healthy life, walk tall, and remember you are precious to the Creator.


The Mango Spring-Summer 2012 Collection is a deluge of different styles…


36 APRIL 2012

GLAM UP - LOOKBOOK Garments that play with graphic contrasts between clean and unstructured lines open the SpringSummer 2012 season at Mango. The line introduced contrasts based on ecru, black and navy, using colour block, stripes and inserts in the must have colours of the season: coral, yellow, orange, emerald green and pink.

As a counterpoint to flowing shapes and clean lines, there is a clear 60s influence, particularly on dresses. Light fabrics, pleats and gathers provide movement and add a new, fresh femininity to the women’s collection this season. A new direction in colours and a focus on natural, pastel and sorbet tones work together to create interesting colour combinations.

GLAM UP - LOOKBOOK In contrast to these pure lines, a more casual range brings together craft-style elements in different ethnic looks, mixed with sportswear details to create a very easy, urban look. Tie dye, abstract prints and patchwork in shades of indigo and yellow with washedout effects.



COLOUR Freshness and colour are the essential ingredients for the CH Carolina Herrera Children’s collection for SpringSummer 2012

42 APRIL 2012

The collection offers a selection of versatile garments that respect the adventurous spirit of children: loosefitting dresses, ever-present Bermuda shorts and polo shirts and, of course, overalls - a summer essential. Fun prints in orange, pink, lime and yellow form part of the colour palette.

A touch of sailor style is another basic in summer collections: blue, red and white are all present and appear in a mini collection of dresses, trousers and cotton jackets - a must-have for any spring wardrobe.



Rimmel’s new Match Perfection Blush delivers a deliciously fresh flush of naturallooking cheek colour whilst new Match Perfection Bronzer creates a healthylooking sun-touched glow. Match Perfection Blush and Bronzer spell the end for blush that won’t blend and the dreaded orange tan. Face it – you’ve just found your perfect colour match!

All the make-up you simply must have…


Play with colour and let your creative side shine with MAKE UP FOR EVER Rouge Artist Campaign, the movement of colour which revolves around an array of 100 lipsticks in every shade to offer you any smile your heart desires. From the most classic to the most extravagant colours, this fabulous collection adapts to every fashion trend and mood as it offers you any colour and texture you wish for. Rouge is fun, creative, edgy and definitely an art so let your creativity glow with Rouge Artist.


Go ahead, feed your lip gloss habit! CARGO has reinvented lip gloss using a unique formulation that provides staying power while moisturising and providing a brilliant finish! All of this in a size and at a price that makes it easy to collect many shades!



To complement the 123 Perfect liquid foundation, Bourjois introduces the Correcting Concealer Stick. As a highly efficient product, it allows you to perfectly target, correct, and diminish shadows. By matching two colour-correcting micronised pigments, it erases the dark circles and lights up areas of your complexion swiftly and easily.

The Mariposa Palette - 10 opulent hues in one sleek palette from Urban Decay Cosmetics offers a collection of never boring neutrals with hits of shimmer and sparkle, as well as those brights you love. This super versatile palette includes 10 eyeshadows (4 of them new!) and a travel-size cruelty free eyeshadow brush.

GLAM UP - BEAUTY ZONE Skincare products you simply cannot do without…


If you are worried about what extreme climates will do to your skin, you just have to change your skincare regime. Switch to the DermoViva USA range, an extra-ordinary range of non-sticky, deep penetrating moisturisers that leave your skin feeling refreshed, replenished and revitalised.


From Lancaster, comes the Suractif Volume Contour – a breakthrough innovation that firms up your skin to recover the freshness of youth. Skin looks tighter and after one month, contours are more defined, volumes more balanced and your skin looks rejuvenated.


Get your girls together, apply some face masks, slip in a movie and get ready for a night of pampering. With a full range designed to keep your skin looking and feeling its very best, NIVEA VISAGE Essentials face care products make the perfect addition to an in-house spa night. Beauty sure loves company!

SUPER SKIN The first sign of age, wrinkles are the manifestation of exhausted skin. Capture XP from Dior restores full power to the skin, enabling it to continually recreate its youth, beneath every wrinkle.


Give your hands the pampering they need. Molton Brown has launched the Rok Mint Hand Duo with a sophisticated aroma of basil, blackcurrant and mint. The new duo leaves hands smooth and protected whilst providing clinically proven anti-bacterial care.


Did you know that the Clarins Extra Firming range completes 34 years of meeting the specific needs of women’s skin over the age of 40? Now, they have been enriched with two major scientific breakthroughs by Clarins Research to offer women over age 40 the firmest promise of firmer skin with Extra-Firming Day and Extra-Firming Night. What’s that they say? Life begins at 40?


TRUE BLUE! ckfree blue from Calvin Klein embodies masculine freshness with its clean and airy quality – perfect for the cool, modern man. And who better to know what a man likes, than a woman! Presenting a refreshing Q&A, with Caroline Sabas, the woman behind this male fragrance!

adding a touch of modernity. She loves travelling to culturally vibrant places like Morocco and Brazil which are filled with colours, textures, exotic smells and people with a passionate approach towards life. Here the perfumer tells The Woman all about ckfree blue and why it’s perfect for the modern man… What does ckfree blue represent for you? ckfree blue represents a man who is not trying too hard to smell good but wants to smell confidently clean with a touch of masculinity. What was the initial brief from the marketing team? The idea of the fragrance was to be a continuation of the journey that began with ckfree, this time taking a coastal drive to the ocean.

Born in Cannes, France, Caroline Sabas has been surrounded by fragrances from the time she was a little girl. Her father had his own fragrance company called Parfex. She studied at the prestigious ISIPCA School in Versailles for two years and finished her studies at Chanel in Paris before officially becoming a perfumer. She joined Fragrance Resources in New York 46 APRIL 2012

in 1997 and came to Givaudan in 2003. Some of the top fragrances she’s worked on include Rihanna Rebelle (2011), J.LO L.A. Glow (2010), Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy (2007) and others. Caroline’s vision is to always give something creative to the wearer, a statement and to reinvent the classic in a modern way, keeping the texture and signature but

What were the sources of inspiration to create this fragrance? The source of inspiration to create this fragrance was the feeling of being outside by the ocean, capturing the essence of a man standing on a beach with salty wind blowing through his hair and across his skin as he watches the waves of the ocean crash in front of him. How would you describe the fragrance? ckfree blue is a unique combination of magnetism and timeless elegance that defines the modern man. This invigorating fresh aquatic with a hint of spice and sensual skin

musk combines classic masculine appeal with cool, contemporary elegance. He is undeniably fresh. unscrupulously clean and exceptionally masculine. If you had to choose three key words to describe the perfume, what would they be? Clean, sexy and masculine. Could you describe each facet in detail: top, heart, base? The top notes comprise French lavender, Chinese mandarin and spear mint; the middle notes are green cardamom, fresh greens, white nutmeg and ozone and the dry notes are amber crystals, white leather and sheer musk. Isn’t lavender an unusual ingredient in a masculine fragrance? Lavender is frequently used in men’s fragrances and gives a timeless ‘grooming’ effect in the top, which adds to the clean, masculine feel. If this fragrance was a piece of music, a cloth or an object, what would it be? If ckfree blue was a music style it would be jazz; relaxing, confident and dreamy. If ckfree blue was a type of cloth, it would be a cool linen shirt that a man is wearing on the beach, swaying in the breeze rolling off the ocean. If you had to present this fragrance to a customer in one sentence what would you say? This is your everyday fragrance with a sexy modern edge.

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THE SCENT LIST Presenting some of the season’s hot fragrances. Take your pick…


Miss Dior Eu Fraiche is a celebration of modernism. It’s elegant and bold as it is feminine and sensual. It’s a fresh green chypre-floral fragrance that’s deep and sensual with the invigorating scent of sunny spring.


From Guerlain comes the Shalimar Parfum Initial L’Eau, a new page to the glory of modern femininity – and sensuality. At the top, there is Bergamot. The heart unveils the floral facets, precious Damascena rose and vibrant iris, accompanied by grandiflora jasmine from Grasse, India and Egypt with a subtle and evanescent character. At the base, tonka bean, adds its almond gourmand facet, and of course, smooth, almost sensual vanilla, the very essence of Shalimar.


Tuscan Lady from Khayali has distinctive floral and fruity top notes that reveal a gourmet heart with layers of intense caramel, enriched by essence of candied apple, praline and vanilla. Wrapped around sweet peony and moonflower elements, and lifted by the freshness of frangipani, Tuscan Lady is the epitome of femininity. The lasting base notes develop as you wear it, making it the ideal day to night fragrance.


Introducing a fragrance designed by a woman exclusively for women. Diane is Diane von Furstenberg; woman, designer and leader who brings a new perfume that is fluid with a touch of mystery and exoticism. It’s created around two exquisite and favourite flowers of Diane: Violet and Frangipani, brightened by Patchouli, Myrr and Musk. Joyful and inspiring!

48 APRIL 2012


L’eau de Chloé is a signature fragrance that contains an exceptional concentration of distilled rose water, which lends it a rare refreshing feeling. It’s light as dew, spirited and elegant, airy and ethereal.


THE LAND OF FIRE AND ICE For the ultimate adventure and luxury travel experience, Iceland is a land of opportunity. The Woman discovers the secrets...


celand is a one of a kind holiday destination that has something to offer every genre of traveller. During a stay in this fascinating country you are able to experience everything from rock-climbing, whale watching and exploring vast glaciers to relaxing in the healing waters of the many world class spa pools. Many travellers are surprised to find that, on arrival, they are not plunged directly into severe arctic conditions. You will find that the climate of Iceland is much more temperate than most other countries which are situated at this northern latitude. Iceland has an unearthly wonder about it and boasts one of the most dramatic and vibrant landscapes in the world. The warmer North Atlantic Current has created an environment that, along with the marvellous landscape and striking features has beckoned a wide variety of holiday makers and adventurers to this small, yet enthralling, country. Iceland is an ever blossoming country which is at the centre of its own creation. The youthful life and exuberance of the land can be felt by all who visit. The enigma of this absorbing country is sure to create a lasting effect and lifelong memories. Known affectionately as ‘The Land of Fire and Ice’, Iceland exhibits remarkable geological features, characteristic of both these natural and primal elements. Nowhere else in the world are you able to see the eternal beauty created by thousands of square miles of glaciers neighbouring over 200 active volcanoes. Iceland prides itself on producing natural unadulterated products and, with10 per cent of the land constituting the largest clear ice glaciers in Europe; this is a source of some of the world’s purest water. As you consider the mighty earthly forces that are continually shaping

50 APRIL 2012

this awesome land, you will never cease to be enthralled with the beauty of the singular geological features. Gushing geysers, hot springs and boiling mud pools are among these natural phenomena that you can view and experience on your visit. One of the best places to view some of the most famous landmarks is ‘The Golden Circle’. This is the name given to a specific 300km circular tour which can be driven alone or enjoyed as part of an organised group. This route includes three major attractions Geysir, Gullfloss and Thingvellir as well as many other interesting and beautiful sites along the way. Geysir has been known to spurt jets up to 200ft high into the air while at Gullfloss, Europe’s largest waterfall, you are able to see the mist coming off the cascade filled with rainbows on a sunlit day. Iceland is home to the world’s oldest democracy, the parliament known as the Althing. Thingvellir, a natural amphitheatre, was the site of their meetings and can be seen and remembered today in the form of Thingvellir National Park. As well as being a beacon of adventure, Iceland attracts people from all over the globe to pursue healing and relaxation through natural spa therapies and to soak up the atmosphere in one of the many geothermal pools. The world class Blue Lagoon Hotel and Spa houses state of the art facilities as well as providing guests with the chance to bath in geothermal waters, relax in lava caves and experience the healing powers of silica mud. The Blue Lagoon provides the ideal blend of luxury accommodation, fine dining and relaxing pursuits to provide all guests with the ultimate in luxury travel. Over the centuries Iceland has developed a flourishing culture rich in music, art and literature. In the capital city of Reykjavik you will find a wide variety of different artistic pursuits such as listening to the symphony

orchestra, going to the theatre, numerous museums, attending art galleries and this fabulous city even has its own opera house. The inspirational landscapes have sparked the creativity of artists and photographers from across the world. No trip to this fascinating land would be complete without discovering some of the island’s rich diverse history and gaining an exclusive insight into their culture. The Saga Museum in central Reykjavik is the ideal place to transport you back to the times of the Viking settlers and learn about all the key figures and events in the history of Icelandic culture. Tourists who enjoy the history and New Age culture of this country should take a trip out to the town of Hafnarfjorour. A simple 30 minute bus ride out of the capital will take you to this mystical site. Hafnarfjourour has grown up around the ancient flow of lava from nearby Mt Burnell. As well as holding the annual Viking Festival, the locals believe that elves dwell in the surrounding rock formations and you are even able to take tours around the area to see if you can spot them! This vibrant city is the world’s most northern capital and has achieved the ideal balance between Norse legend and groundbreaking modernity. The choice of accommodation ranges from 5-star hotels to local farmhouses and quirky guesthouses. The Hilton Reykjavik Nordica is the ultimate in modern elegance, while the 101 Hotel offers more of a chic and boutique atmosphere. There is something for everyone in this diverse and exciting city. The name Reykjavik translates to ‘Smoky Bay’ which is a testament to the geothermic steam and mist that rises from the ground in the area. Today, that steam is the main source of power in the city and heats homes and outdoor swimming

pools throughout the metropolis. This works as pollution free energy source which leaves the air pure, a key element in the philosophy of the Icelandic people who believe that nature is their brand and should be protected. For people who wish to know more about this energy source, the Geothermal Energy Exhibition at the Hellisheioi Power Plant offers guided tours and on hand experts who can explain the entire process. As far as dining is concerned, being a coastal city, Reykjavik is the perfect place to sample some of the world’s freshest seafood and try some of the local specialty dishes. There are many culinary treats on offer throughout the city, numerous delicacies that are not to be missed. This infectious landscape is an everchanging entity. It has been said that the Icelandic landscape changes every 15 minutes due to its unique geology, it is also a land where you can experience many once in a life time opportunities. You can stand on the edge of Europe’s largest waterfall or marvel at the undulating colours of the Northern Lights. The Aurora Borealis is most definitely one of nature’s most wondrous creations, a must-see experience for all. Watching this amazing light event leaves you with the mystical feeling that you have just witnessed something utterly remarkable and altogether magical. Iceland’s surrounding waters are home to an abundance of whales, dolphins and other marine life. A sail on Faxafloi Bay from Reykjavik harbour provides you with an

incomparable wildlife experience. The midnight sun on the ocean, with the majestic Mount Esja in the background allows for a distinctive and unforgettable adventure. Iceland is wondrous place where you can experience wild and rugged terrain at the same time experiencing the warmth and hospitality offered by the Icelandic people. In this modern, fast paced world of constant development, this country remains pure, and unadulterated. Iceland stands out as the ultimate luxury destination with its wide choice of boutique hotels and world class spas, while at the same time, offering seclusion, formidable natural beauty and life changing experiences. Iceland is truly the trip of a lifetime.



The Woman takes you on a trip to Addis Ababa the capital of Ethiopia, which is a blend of the past and the present


thiopia is predicted to be the fifth fastest growing economy in the world and its capital, Addis Ababa, has become a regional powerhouse in East Africa. Now, Ethiopia is also promoting itself as a tourist destination. The first thing that struck us as we began the 15-minute journey to our hotel, the Sheraton Addis, was the pure, fresh air mixed with the greenness and lush vegetation en route. The hotel didn’t disappoint either providing an experience above 52 APRIL 2012

and beyond its 5-star rating. Ethiopia sits in the northern hemisphere between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn and still rather uniquely uses the Julien calendar which consists of 13 months a year. Addis Ababa lies at an altitude of 2,300 metres above sea level ensuring warm consistent temperatures all year and the country boast 13 months of sunshine a year! With a population of more than four million people, the majority being Muslims or Christians, Addis Ababa is not only the political capital but also the economic and social nerve-centre of Ethiopia;

a country that boasts over 80 different Ethnic groups with their own language, culture and traditions dating back 3000 years. Its main exports are coffee, sesame seeds and pulses, along with meat such as lamb, beef and goat and the local currency is the Birr. When our tour operator One Stop Tours arrived the following morning, we were eager to see the real Addis Ababa first hand. Driving through Addis was an experience in itself – the hustle and bustle of its occupants going about their daily routines in a rather noisy and chaotic manner was bizarre. The roads are rather a free for all with

a lack of working traffic lights and alarmingly un roadworthy vehicles – but somehow it all works. The streets are filled with a mixture of traders plying their wares via shops, street and market stalls. Uniformed school children excitedly escaping the school gates for another day, women with their young strapped to their backs as they sell everything from local leaves to jewellery. Well-dressed office workers walking between meetings, donkeys loaded down with bananas on their backs, and witnessing three escaping the owner and running as fast as their little legs would carry them down the main road amongst

traffic with the owner in a heated pursuit, was hugely entertaining! Shoe shiners working every corner and tourists trying to barter with the locals. We arrive at the Ethiopian National Museum, which houses numerous antiquarian relics and archaeological artefacts showing the history of Ethiopia including the 3.5 million year old skeleton of the famous ‘Lucy’, the oldest hominid ever found. A plastic replica of her means that you eerily come face to face with vivid remains of a humanoid that lived millions of years ago. The story goes that archaeologists named her in the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, which was

played during the celebrations that followed her discovery. The museum also contains sculptures, war and ceremonial dresses and thrones from all corners of Ethiopia; some of them dating back to the early days of human civilisation. Original scripts along with a huge collection of modern and traditional Ethiopian paintings fill a complete floor. After driving through Merkato which is home to the largest open air market in Africa, we start ascending the mountain road lined with eucalyptus trees leading to densely wooded forests. We stop halfway to enjoy and absorb some spectacular

views of the capital before stopping for lunch at a restaurant favoured by locals and where the dominant local delicacies Qayy Wot and Alicha Wot a stew of pea flour, meat and potatoes seasoned with spices is on offer. Raw meat is also a delicacy here and is eaten with spices and bread. As we head back to the hotel we ask Wassim our tour guide to tell us about the real Ethiopia and tribes and cultures outside of Addis that tourists are able to visit. He explained how there are around 12 major tribes using more than 120 languages who live in harmony regardless of colour or religion, and still mine gold and trade it for weapons and cattle. The most popular and visitor friendly tribe on the tourist trail is Hamer, although he notes how tribes such as these are starting to become commercialised with

members asking tourists for money before they allow photos to be taken which is inevitable but a little sad. The Murulle area however has tribes that are extremely remote but worth a visit as long as respect is shown he warns. Another tribe worthy of a visit is the Surmar on the border of Sudan which has only five thousand inhabitants, their own language and unique rituals and customs. The following morning the adventurous amongst us decide that we are going to head back to Merkato market to experience it first-hand as ’real’ tourists without a tour guide. We jump into a taxi that had seen better days. As we head up the hill towards the market we are convinced the taxi won’t make it as people are actually walking faster than we are moving. The backfiring is blowing our eardrums and mixed with the cocktail of fumes pumping out of its exhaust we finally arrive as we contemplate leaping out. But it was worth every moment. Being in the heart of Addis’ soul, mixing with locals going about their business, absorbing the atmosphere and smells, friendly bartering over traditional souvenirs was fantastic. We went back with many fond memories that will last a lifetime.


E W E R A ‘ E R E TH ’ ? T YE

How to take the hassle out of travelling with children and make family holidays enjoyable and fun

54 APRIL 2012

With Wi ith h tthe he ggreat he reat re eat ssummer umme um merr tr me trav travel avel av el season off; seas se asson aallll sset ason eett tto o ki kick ck o off ff;; it it’s ’s ttime imee to im start planning right earnest. star st artt pl ar plan anni an n ng iin ni n ri righ ghtt ea earn rnes est. t. A And nd planning if yyou ou aare re p lann la nnin ingg on ttravelling rave ra vellllin ingg wi with th kids, add that extra zing and effort into the process. It’s like preparing for a tough exam but don’t despair. As with all tough exams, proper preparation and planning will go a long way in ensuring that your travel is smooth, from start to finish. Here are a few things to consider before you embark on your adventure, some tips for air travel and some points to keep in mind while being there. For travelling with your kids, let us repeat, is nothing short of an adventure. Make sure you have loads of the right attitude and positivity to go along with them… a stressed parent is definitely not a part of the travel itinerary.

PLANNING IS KEY • Make a thorough and detailed checklist. • If this is your first trip with your children, plan at a slower pace. Keep in mind the essentials more than anything else. • Limit the number of pieces of luggage and stick to what you and the kids need most. • Research as many hotels as you can and choose one that’s childfriendly in all aspects. You would need time to yourself also, so choose one that offers a number of activities for children. • If you are travelling out of the country, visit the doctor at least one month in advance for any shots or medicines to take along with you. These will include medicines for fever, common cold and cough, antihistamines and constipation. • See that all documents, your passports and visas are all in order well before the date of travel. Carry two copies of each document and keep them in separate pieces of luggage. • Keep in mind the weather at the particular time and pack your clothes accordingly. • If you are travelling in a group or with another family, discuss each person’s role well in advance so that there is no confusion when you arrive at the destination. Choose the other members of the group keeping in mind the age group of the children. AIR TRAVEL – DOS AND DON’TS • Do a little pre-planning. Check out the seating details of the flight and book accordingly. You wouldn’t want a mad house on board! • Leave at the right time. It is very important that you arrive well in time before your flight. • Keep a few board games with you. Keep the children occupied in case the flight is delayed. • Children and their sleep is a very important factor. They tend to get cranky and zoned out if they are kept away past their nap-time. So choose your flight timings

according to when your child is likely to sleep. That way you too get to relax on board and wouldn’t have to deal with prying eyes of fellow passengers for ruining their precious sleep. • Don’t forget to opt for kids’ meals and inform the airline while booking the tickets. • Use the boarding area space of the airport while waiting to board. The kids get a larger space to run around and flush out energy and that way they will be calmer on board. It’s a much better option than running in the narrow aisles of the aircraft. • Some airlines allow you the option of checking in online which cuts out the queuing. Some even allow you to check in luggage many hours before the flight which is really worth it, even if you have to make two trips to the airport. • Keep your kids hydrated. Low humidity in the aircraft can cause mild dehydration. Toddlers will find it helpful to suck on a sweet or have a drink during take-off and landing to prevent discomfort in the ears. AT THE DESTINATION • Once you are there, start checking out the amenities at the hotel, especially for kids. Make sure that the room is secure. Use insulation tapes to cover exposed wires or sockets especially if you have very young children. • Make a list of possible activities for your children. Keep at least two to three places on the itinerary with children as focus. This can include theme parks, zoos, science centres, etc. • If you are travelling in a group, try splitting up from time to time. Children do tend to get weary if they are together for a long time. • Encourage older children to jot down details of places visited. Once you are back home, help them create a scrapbook of memories. • Children get bored easily. So bring a lot of variety into your travel. Intersperse a visit to a museum with one to a park and so on.

• Keep plenty of water in your backpack as children are prone to dehydration. Instead of junk food, encourage them to eat fruits. • A pram or a buggy is very useful even if your child is walking. It serves as a resting place or even as a make-shift bed when your child is tired. It’s wise to invest in an allterrain one.

While this check-list may help you to a large degree, we also have a word of advice for you! Don’t treat every little mishap as a failure and don’t tear your hair out in frustration when you hear the dreaded words, ‘Are we there yet?’ the hundredth time. Take them as lessons for the future. For, you don’t travel just once, you travel all your life.


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56 APRIL 2012

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“Nestled at the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains and on the shores of the Pacific, is one of the most beautiful costal resorts in the world – and my dream destination – Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. From luxurious spas to adventure sports – Vallarta offers everything. Just the mere thought of soaking up the sun on the pristine beaches of Conchas Chinas while sipping on exoticsounding drinks, makes me want to pack up my bags and leave right away! I’m a complete nature-person and Vallarta is world-famous for its sea turtle conservatories. During winter, it’s also the best place to spot humpback whales. Needless to say, Puerto Vallarta is definitely on my must-visit places around the world.” Vaidehi D - Caledonian College

when I am meeting my dream “I am looking forward to the day staring at my travel tickets destination, Spain. I am already e me there before the time and allowing my thoughts to tak ort; the sense of hospitality comes. I am at the Spanish airp tures my heart. The time I step and rich culture immediately cap , in a fairy tale story, the bedding into my hotel room, I feel I am ctacular sea view which is the rose on my table and the spe se the Islamic essence of breath-taking. Madrid: I can sen is ign. My next landmark to visit history with its rich art of des and res lptu its interesting scu Barcelona and the Gull Park with day in Bunol, I will attend a last outstanding natural beauty. My a, where people throw tomatoes huge event known as La Tomatin festival is happening on the at each other for an hour. This if you are looking for some great last Wednesday of August, so you. I am awake now and ready excitement, Bunol is waiting for to start my adventure in Spain.” Joukha Abdallah Al Shaili - Nawras


STREEP ! P IT U With three Oscar wins and 17 nominations – a record by itself – Meryl Streep is one of the biggest names in Hollywood today. The Woman takes a quick look at the various roles the actor plays both on and off the screen…

58 APRIL 2012

Mary Louise Streep, or Meryl Streep as she is popularly known, became interested in acting while a student at Vassar and upon graduation, enrolled in the Yale School of Drama. Her career started with a big bang; her first ever movie, Julia (1977) was an instant success. Her next role in The Deer Hunter (1978) resulted in an Oscar nomination and she then went on to win the award for her performance in Kramer vs. Kramer (1979). Her performance as Sophie Zawistowska – in which she gave a heart-wrenching portrayal of an inmate mother in a Nazi death camp – in Sophie’s Choice (1982) won her another Oscar and later, in 2006, was ranked number three on Premiere Magazine’s 100 Greatest Performances of All Time. Considered one of Hollywood’s most critically acclaimed actors, Streep is a perfectionist in her craft and meticulous and painstaking in her preparation for her roles. Streep’s career continued on a high note throughout the next decade with films like Silkwood (1983); Out of Africa (1985); Ironweed (1987); and A Cry in the Dark (1988). In the early 1990s, there was a short blip in her career – mostly because of the lack of suitable roles – but she shot back to the top in 1995 with her performance opposite Clint Eastwood in The Bridges of Madison County and as the prodigal daughter in Marvin’s Room (1996). The 2000s saw even more fantastic performances in films like The Hours (2002), The Manchurian Candidate (2004), The Devil Wears Prada (2004), Julie & Julia (2008), Doubt (2008), Mamma Mia! (2008), and finally her latest film – a biopic – The Iron Lady (2011) for which she won her third Academy Award. Be it her role as Miranda Priestly, the haughty editor-in-chief in The Devil Wears Prada, the pious Sister Aloysius Beauvier in Doubt or Donna, the hippie with a crazy past in Mamma Mia!, Streep is

known for completely enveloping herself in her characters, capturing their nuances, speech patterns and personalities. As with all of her roles, Streep conducted extensive research about Thatcher’s life before filming for The Iron Lady began. She listened to tapes of Thatcher in order to capture the nuances of her speech and focussed on the way Thatcher paused and emphasised certain words to make her points. She even admitted that she wanted minimal make-up in part so that her face could remain expressive and in part so the other actors on set would see her as Thatcher. “It’s not about the audience,” she says. “It’s all about fooling the other actors into believing who you say you are. That’s hard, when you walk on set, when it’s a big make-up job. And I take my entire performance from them, so if they don’t look at me and hate me appropriately or love me the way they’re supposed to ... then I’m lost, I don’t have anything to go on.” If you think her dedication extends only to her work, you’d be sorely mistaken, dear reader. Nothing is more important to Streep than her family; she’s been happily married to Don Gummer, a sculptor for 33 years. Their eldest child, Henry, 28, is a musician; Mamie, 25, an actress; Grace, 22, recently graduated from Vassar College, Streep’s own alma mater; and Louisa, 17, just finished high school. In an interview with Good Housekeeping, Meryl says, “Motherhood, marriage, it’s a balancing act. Especially when you have a job that you consider rewarding. It’s a challenge but the best kind of challenge.” She has never paraded her family across the media, following a caution passed on by her Out of Africa co-star. “Robert Redford taught me that when they were babies. ‘They are not your props.’ I really admired the way he protected his family. It’s something I consciously emulated.” At 62, Streep is clearly on top of her game. As a person, she is aware that life should be celebrated at every


“Some people have said it’s shameful to portray this part of a life. But the corollary of that is that, if you think that debility, delicacy, dementia are shameful, if you think that the ebbing of a life is something that should be shut away, if you think that people need to be defended from these images then - yes - then you’ll think it’s a shameful thing.” [Responding to those who have criticised the emphasis placed on Margaret Thatcher’s frail and confused old age]. “One of the most important keys to acting is curiosity. I am curious to the point of being nosy. What that means is you want to devour lives. You’re eager to put on their shoes and wear their clothes and have them become a part of you.” “My greatest culinary triumph was when I was falling in love with my husband. We were on the coast of Maine in a cabin and I made an apple pie... just whipped it up, without a recipe or anything… just the perfect pastry. I’ve never been able to do it again - and he asks for it often!” opportunity. And after over 40 films, she never seems to get tired of the work. “In acting, living in the moment is the whole point. The trick is to live in the moment in your own life.” Unlike her peers, she is supremely confident and realistic about her looks. In tinsel town, you need oodles of self-confidence not to get bogged down by body-image issues and as a person who’s seen her peers undergo drastic plastic surgery

trying to hold on to youth, she vehemently speaks against it. “It’s not just women,” she says. “You’d be amazed at how many men in this industry have gone down that road. I just don’t get it. You have to embrace getting older. Life is precious, and when you’ve lost a lot of people, you realise each day is a gift.” Truer words were never spoken, Meryl!


The ‘Write’ Life

Actress, wife, mother, and now, author! Jessica Alba is set to release a how-to-handbook based on her mission of creating a natural, non-toxic life for her family. The book titled, The Honest Life, will offer tips on how to create a non-toxic home, from design tips to some of Jessica’s favourite family recipes. Speaking about her lifestyle, she says, “I’m not extreme. This book is for people who are in the middle but want to create a healthier life, like me.” The book will also include beauty tips and ‘homemade’ beauty treatments as well as family DIY projects – all using only purest of materials while at the same time inexpensive and stylish. “Everything in this book will be something meaningful that I’ve incorporated into our lives. I wanted some kind of handbook with all the information I was consuming so I could apply it in a practical way,” says Jessica in an interview with People magazine. The Honest Life will be published in early 2013 by Rodale. Now that’s one lady with a good head on her shoulders!

A Space Odyssey

E H T N O D R A E H … E N VI


60 APRIL 2012

What’s a vacation in Bora Bora when you can sub-orbit the solar system? And no one knows this better than Ashton Kutcher, who’s booked himself a round trip on the famed Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo rocket plane. “Great news today from our Astronaut Relations team at Virgin Galactic: our 500th future astronaut customer has just signed up! Even better news is that number 500 is Ashton Kutcher,” Virgin Galactic’s founder, Richard Branson, recently announced on his blog. Although no specific dates have been set for the space trip, according to sources, the ‘spaceship’, which is being tested at the Mojave Air and Space Port now, could conceivably be in the air next year. Branson went on to say: “Ashton is joining a fast expanding group of true pioneers who are on their way to a life changing experience and a place in the history books.” Well, Branson, for $200,000 a trip, it better be a life-changing experience!

Mom’s the Word

For those of you wondering why Karisma Kapoor never went back to making movies, here’s the dish: Karisma wants to focus on her children and prefers doing ads as it’s easier and less time consuming than movies. “My daughter was growing so spending time on films was way too consuming, so I thought why not commercials. I wanted to give most of my time to family so I chose to do TV over movies,” says the actor. She’s already been endorsing big brands including Kellogg’s Chocos, Utsav Jewellery and Khaitan Electricals and now, she has been announced as brand ambassador for real estate giant Avalon Group. But is that all? If gossip sites are to be believed, the actor is all set to star in a movie titled Dangerous Ishq, directed by Vikram Bhatt. Guess we’ll just have to wait and watch?

Deal Breaker

Folks, it is true. Shahid Kapoor has decided to opt out of Karan Johar’s next film. Although the reasons as to why he’s changed his mind isn’t clear, according to sources, the actor was always in two minds about doing Punit’s second film, a romantic comedy. Apparently, Shahid also suggested changes in the script and wanted to involve himself with the casting as well. That didn’t go down too well with K Jo and Punit Malhotra who decided to stick to the original script. When things didn’t go according to Shahid, the actor decided to opt out. Tsk! Tsk! Is that how you do things, Shahid? But ladies, don’t lose heart… the actor has managed to bag a Yash Raj Film for himself. All is well with the world again.

Historic Comeback

After a sabbatical of three long years, Egyptian actress Mina Shalabi will return to the silver screen with A Thousand and One Nights. Written by Mohammad Ameen Radi and directed by Mohammad Yasin, the drama is scheduled to be aired during the Ramadan season and will feature a large number of prominent actors like Ghada Abd Al Raziq, Dunia Sameer Ghanem, Eyad Nassar, Hassan Al Radad, Sabri Fawaz and Haitham Ahmad Zaki. This is one project we’re looking forward to.

What Katie Did

Are Kate Hudson and Matthew Bellamy already married? The couple had announced their engagement in April but it now seems that they might be married as well. In an interview with a popular British magazine, Goldie Hawn (Kate’s mother) accidently let slip the news that the couple was hitched. “When my daughter Kate married an English rock star it didn’t worry me,” Goldie was quoted saying. “All that matters is that the relationship is a good one.” A couple of weeks back, during their trip to Cancun, the couple seemed blissfully happy and completely smitten – so the news might just be true. Married or not, at the end of the day, we’re happy if Kate’s happy.


A wedding is an elaborate affair… So a checklist is a must if you want to stay organised…


hether you are planning the big fat wedding or a small, cosy one, you need a wedding checklist to make sure things go smooth on your big day! Here are a few tips that will guide you on what to do. A few months before the big day • If you are thinking of hiring a wedding planner, do so at least six months before the wedding. If time is short, make sure that the wedding planner is one who knows to move things quickly, and to your liking. • Get your ideas from bridal magazines or the internet. Cut out those that interest you… they may well be your inspiration for your own wedding. • The most important thing to plan beforehand is the budget. Determine how much you have to spend, who’s contributing to the wedding kitty and how much. Also keep a buffer for unrelated expenses. The expenses, especially with rising costs can go out of hand. So keep inflation high on the agenda. • Reserve your date and venues. Keep a few options open and choose one keeping in mind the comfort, convenience also factoring in travel time between your home and the venue. • Make a guest list… there will be many revisions, but stop at the last revision a month before the big day. If your family has a say in it, get their individual lists well in advance. • A wedding always needs a good 62 APRIL 2012

photographer and videographer. Research the popular ones in your area and then make your choice. • The same goes with florists and caterers. Go personally and check out the flowers… and do not forget to sample the food that’s going to be served at the wedding. Choose the menu keeping in mind, the time, location and general preferences. • If you’re planning on having entertainment, book the band or gig and attend their performances to get a feel of what’s in store. • Select the invites. Start sending them out atleast a month before the wedding. • Go shopping for the bridal dress. You will need a couple of fittings so allot enough time for those as well. • Find out the best beauty salon in your area. If you’d like a beautician to come on the wedding day, choose one you are comfortable with. Even if it takes a few visits prior to the big day, it does not matter. • Don’t forget the payments to vendors. Sometimes, you need to

pay them in advance, so have the cheques or cash ready. • Check out accommodation for out-of-town guests. Enquire at hotels near the venue and reserve a block of rooms. • Launch a wedding website and create your personal page or blog. • Start planning for your honeymoon, check out travel deals and packages. • Arrange transportation for guests and the family. • Choose the music you’d like to play during the wedding or reception.

a record of what they have to do. Make sure vendors are contacted so appoint one person for each vendor. • Check with the photographer and videographer one last time. • Pack if you are moving out of your home. And don’t forget to pack for your honeymoon. • Book a spa treatment. Make an appointment for a massage, manicure and pedicure and don’t forget to remind the salon to send a person on the day of the wedding for the make-up. • Enjoy a bachelorette party or bridal shower if your friends throw you one!

Just before the wedding (could be a week before) • Visit your dressmaker for your final fittings. • Assign the seating for guests and family. • Get your hair cut and coloured, if you so desire. • Delegate tasks to important family members and friends. You can in fact send them e-mails or give them printouts so that there is

With an exhaustive check-list in place, it’s not necessary that your wedding’s going to be a breeze! It will certainly help you plan well and organise things the way you want them to! When things don’t go according to plan, have Plan B ready. Have a few close friends at hand to help you go through the process. And above all, smile throughout. It will make you the most beautiful bride ever!


A wedding blog is a sweet and easy way to document memories of your wedding for posterity, says Olga Kubrak

BLOG IT! wedding blog - Happily Married to a Biker. The engagement, the bittersweet preparations, the chaotic errands and the thrilling emotions that enveloped the most important day of our lives are all documented in this online journal. Creating a blog helped cast in stone thousands of details that separately did not seem at all exciting.


edding mementoes are traditionally kept in the form of sacred vows, entertaining videos and heartfelt portraits. As time passes more details begin to slip WKURXJK WKH ÀQJHUV XQWLO RQO\ WKH brightest and most memorable events of the day can be recalled. This is where journaling has come in to save the day for modern brides and grooms. Documenting a wedding experience through an online diary or blog has become the new favourite way to recollect and more importantly share the wedding experience with others. The desire to hang on to every sweet detail is primary reason for the creation of my personal 64 APRIL 2012

$ ZKLWH ZHGGLQJ ÀOOHG ZLWK IDPLO\ and friends and topped with a delicious cake is a direct result of very hard work, hundreds of hours of planning and the unlimited effort of many people. It is equally important to remember how the bride’s dress came to be, who helped the groom write his speech, who picked out the invitations and what was on the menu. After all, months of planning go into one single day – the most important day of the couple’s lives. Whilst planning the wedding I eagerly browsed the internet in search for tips and tricks to everything; from trendy napkin colours to the most fashionable shoes and I was pleased to discover many bloggers who generously shared their wedding

experience with anyone willing to spare some time. Reading about the challenges and following the advice of couples who have already gone through a similar experience and learning from their mistakes has in many aspects helped us to make our wedding a success. Three-and-half years have passed since the day we said our ‘I Do’s’ and we have just recently become parents to a perfect baby girl. Many years from now when she hungrily analyses our wedding album and bombards me with questions and I will probably be able to answer every single one of them because I will remember. When she is old enough she will browse the blog and read entry after entry that will in detail show her how her parents fell in love, how they planned the wedding and every single anecdote of that day. She will not have to listen to me vaguely recall the events of the day or patiently wait for PH WR UHPHPEHU ZKDW ÁDYRXU WKH wedding cake was because it will all be right there for her to read. The actual wedding party is

just the icing on the cake. I can boldly claim that we had more fun bringing the puzzle pieces together over the course of three months than we did during the actual wedding day. The wedding was extraordinary and absolutely picture perfect. Wedding pictures may be worth a thousand words but how the picture came to be is worth a million. I strongly recommend couples to document their wedding experience through a blog but they should remember to share both the good and the bad because everything that happened along the way contributed to the beginning of their brand new life together.

Olga Kubrak blogs at


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ALAM AL-IKTISAAD WAL A’MAL AWARDS Oman’s Best Performing Companies 7 May 2012 I Al Bustan Palace Ritz-Carlton

If you shine bright enough, you light the way for others.

Participation by invitation only.

AIWA Awards 2012 is set to honour the most inspiring corporate performances. On 7 May, AIWA Awards will once again recognise and celebrate the Omani enterprises and corporate captains who represent the best inspiration for a new generation of home-grown entrepreneurs. At the prestigious occasion, amid highly distinguished guests and a networking opportunity like no other, 5 of the top Small, Mid and Large Cap companies - as well as two H[HPSODU\ FRUSRUDWH OHDGHUV ÀQG WKHLU DFKLHYHPHQWV LQ WKH OLPHOLJKW AIWA Special Awards Lifetime Achievement Award for visionary leadership, unparalleled service and professional excellence Global Omani Award for steering strong, sustainable growth on the global stage and outstanding business stewardship in Oman Please reserve your seat at AIWA Awards 2012. Contact Rekha at 99269147 or today.

For enquiries, please contact Ahmed at 99356490 or



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1 diced onion 2 garlic cloves (minced) 2 cups green peas 1 tsp fresh oregano 1 tbsp olive oil 2½ cups vegetable broth Pour oil in pan. Saute onion. Add the garlic and sauté. Then add the remaining ingredients. Cook until peas become soft. Let the mixture cool.Once cooled, use hand mixer to blend. 68 APRIL 2012


250 gm Couscous 3 tomatoes 1 cucumber (cut into small pieces) 1 bunch spring onions 40 gm fresh parsley (chopped) Lemon zest (Grated) 4 tbsp olive oil 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 cups hot water Salt to taste

Keep the couscous in hot water and keep covered until water is absorbed in. Separate the grains using a fork and leave for 10 minutes. Mix together cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions, lemon zest and parsley in a bowl. Add salt to taste. Add couscous to the bowl and mix well. Combine olive oil, lemon juice and garlic in a separate bowl and pour over couscous mix.



1 small onion, peeled and chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 2 tbsp of canola oil 2 tbsp of freshly grated ginger 5 cups of pumpkin, peeled and diced 4 tsp of curry powder 1/4 tsp each of salt and pepper 3 tbsp of fresh tomato paste 1½ cups vegetable broth 1 ½ cups boiled chickpeas 2 tbsp fresh cilantro Using a food processor, puree the onion and garlic into a paste. Heat the 70 MARCH 2012

oil in a large saucepan over mediumhigh heat. Stir in the onion-garlic paste and ginger. Cook until most of the moisture evaporates. Stir in the pumpkin, curry powder, salt and pepper and cook for one minute. Mix in the tomato paste and cook another two minutes. Add the broth, cover loosely and keep to a low simmer. Cook until the pumpkin is tender and the sauce has thickened slightly (approx 10-12 minutes). Stir in the chickpeas. Allow to simmer for 30 minutes. Garnish with cilantro leaves.



1 cup all-purpose flour ½ cup sugar ¾ cup low fat drinking yoghurt (laban) 3 tbsp vegetable oil 2 eggs 1 tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 medium sized banana, mashed ½ medium sized apple, shredded Whisk together the eggs, sugar and vegetable oil for one minute until light in colour. In another bowl, mix all dry ingredients together. Gradually add dry ingredients and laban to the egg mixture. Finally add the shredded apple and the mashed bananas to the mixture and mix. Spoon the mixture in the cupcake pans and bake in a pre-heated oven for fifteen minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Once cooled, decorate with chopped bananas.



Wafa Radha Sultan of Joud Sweets gives cupcakes a healthy makeover with these simple recipes. Enjoy!

1 cup all-purpose flour ½ cup sugar ¾ cup low-fat drinking yoghurt (laban) 3 tbsp vegetable oil 2 eggs 1 tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt ½ tsp ground cinnamon ½ cup chopped dates Whisk together the eggs, sugar and vegetable oil for one minute until light in colour. In another bowl, Mix all dry ingredients together. Gradually add dry ingredients and laban to the egg mixture. Finally add the chopped dates to the mixture and mix. Spoon the mixture into the cupcake pans and bake in a pre-heated oven for fifteen minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Once cooled, garnish with chopped dates and a variety of nuts.

(You can contact Wafa on 95408584 and visit the Joud Sweets page on Facebook.)

Omanisation is a collective responsibility an HR opportunity

Whatever your view, make it count. Be a part of Oman Forum, the first truly broad-based discussion on ‘Building National Talent’. The forum will bring together all key stakeholders - including decision-makers from the public and private sectors, HR professionals, leading academics, representatives of workers’ unions and student bodies. Over two distinct sessions they will deliberate on the progress, shortfalls and possibilities that can lead to a long-term strategy for meaningful Omanisation.

Reserve your place at Oman Forum 2012... and have your say. Call Rekha on 99269147 or email


‫ﺑﻨﺎء اﻟﻜﻔﺎءات اﻟﻮﻃﻨﻴﺔ‬ Building National Talent Date: 17 April 2012 I Time: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Venue: Al Bustan Palace Ritz-Carlton

An initiative by

In association with

Ministry of Civil Services

The Research Council

Strategic Partners

Associate Partners

Knowledge Partner

Media Partners

For partnership enquiries please call Ahmed on 99356490 or email


health is wealth

NOVA Medical Centers, India’s leading Ambulatory Surgery Group, has announced its expansion into the Middle East region with the launch of its first facility in Muscat, Oman. Located in Al Khuwair, the NOVA Polyclinic will have a panel of super-specialists consultants. Additionally, the Polyclinic is equipped with comprehensive diagnostics including a pathology lab, digital x-ray, and ultrasound. The Polyclinic will offer multi specialties including: General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, General Surgery and Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, ENT, Ophthalmology (visiting), Plastics and Aesthetics (visiting), Spine (visiting), Bariatric (visiting), Urology (visiting), and In-Vitro Fertilisation (visiting).

jazz it up the perfect ride

Family, professional success and money - the modern women wants it all. So, why should she compromise when it comes to her dream on wheels? And here is a car that offers it all. Solid, safe, comfortable, luxurious and fast - the Mercedes Benz E350 Coupe’ is all these and more. The E-Class is a sporty, dynamic Coupe’ with a classic Mercedes design, offering a mature driving experience. Its highly tactile steering, strong engines and chassis inspires confidence. Although it’s not a sports car, the E-class steers well, with good self-centering and perfect body control. The E350 Coupe’ offers a ride that strikes the right balance between supple and firm. The car’s interior combines ample tech features and old-school luxury, getting it high marks. Combine this with class leading safety features like anti-lock brakes, stability and traction control, nine airbags, Attention Assist and Pre-Safe systems and the equation is complete.

74 APRIL 2012

Khimji’s Watches has introduced the Oris Chet Baker tribute watch, inspired by legendary American jazz musician Chet Baker. This limited edition timepiece was officially launched at the concert ‘Stringstruck’ at the InterContinental Hotel Gardens, where six of the world’s most talented artistes serenaded the audience with magical melodies. The setting was a fitting tribute to the watch manufacturers Oris who have long since had a strong emotional connection with all things musical. The pieces are presented in a 40mm stainless steel case with a curved sapphire crystal, the back of which features a silhouette of Baker with his trumpet. The musical theme of the timepiece is continued on the face of the watch. The crisp black dial provides a smooth backdrop for the hour indexes which are bars from the song My Funny Valentine. The 12 o’clock position features a beautiful little clef, while the double bar line at 8 o’clock represents the first eight bars of the song which have to be repeated. For more info, contact Khimji’s Watches.


essence of oud

mobile fun

Are you a Nokia fan? Then, there’s a piece of good news for you. The Nokia 700 is here. It’s feature-packed and powered with the innovative Nokia Belle operating system and designed to enhance consumer experience and smartphone performance. Weighing only 96 gm, the Nokia 700 not only becomes Nokia’s most compact smartphone in the Belle range, it is also the most compact touch smartphone in the world. Check it out!

chic looks!

Fashionistas, take note! Kanebo Sensai introduces the Designing Duo Bronzing Powder, the latest addition to the Sensai bronzing foundation line-up that lets the wearer experiment with colour and light to create an array of chic new looks. The beauty innovation is composed of two shimmering sunkissed shades, the Sheer Bronze Powder and the Golden Powder. On the skin, the Sheer Bronze Powder exudes a subdued gleam as if from within, and the Golden Powder radiates a magnificent shine thanks to particles of 24K gold and pearl. Used together, these perfectly balanced shades subtly sculpt the face, while natural moisturising ingredients, including Koishimaru Silk Extract, keep the skin moisturised and dewy soft.

Wondering what to gift your significant other for any special occasion? The Ferrari Essence Oud, a new fragrance for men may make a great gift. From the heartwood of Oud or Agarwood tree comes the warm vibrant fragrance that is Ferrari Essence Oud. Deep, low, powerful, like the engine sound of a Ferrari car, with exclusive dark red tones that add strength and character to the packaging of this new, luxurious fragrance, the Ferrari Essence spells luxury, power and masculinity at every level. Your man will love you for it! Available at Capital Store.

hot wheels

You’ll like this! We are talking of the all-new Nissan Sunny launched in Oman recently. This key model in the highly competitive C-segment market breaks new ground for entry-level compact sedans. Proving that one does not need to sacrifice style for affordability or interior roominess for a smaller footprint, the exciting All New Sunny boasts innovative design features to further broaden its appeal. Cool!

place to be

We totally dig the Long Pool Cabana at The Chedi Muscat. And do you know what? It’s fast becoming Oman’s most stylish venue to entertain and be seen at. Open to hotel guests and visitors, the Long Pool Cabana serves a fine selection of beverages in addition to exotic flavours inspired by Malaysian and Japanese cuisine. The Long Pool Cabana is situated at the end of the ‘The Long Pool’, the largest of its kind in the Middle East, blending seamlessly with the tranquil blue waters of the Gulf of Oman. Been there, yet?

what a car!

The new sixth generation BMW 3 Series was launched by Al Jenaibi International Automobiles, the exclusive importer of BMW Group in Oman last month. The new car is bigger, sportier and more dynamic, and the first BMW model to be available with three different lines: Modern, Sport and Luxury – three distinctive design personalities for the exterior and interior. Within each line, customers can choose a number of exclusive finishes and equipment variants to suit their taste. Beautiful!

We need Trend-breakers.

In association with

Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs

Ministry of Health Dept. of Environment & Occupational Health

Under the auspices of

H E Mohamed Al Toobi Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs

5 June



What’s your claim?

While many have long preached the importance of a sustainable environment; we now look forward to hearing from organisations and individuals who have put their belief into action. Nominations open for Green Initiatives that can inspire sustainable measures for a greener environment. :ULWH LQ WR XV DERXW \RXU LQLWLDWLYHV WKDW JR EH\RQG SURÀWV DQG FRQWULEXWH WR SUHVHUYDWLRQ RI RXU environment. OMAN GREEN AWARDS 2012 - Oman’s leading platform that brings together socially conscious private and government institutions to recognise and reward green initiatives that inspire the nation to action. You could nominate your own initiative, your organisation’s initiatives or any individual’s initiative.


For nominations please log on to our website or call 24700896 For partnership enquiries please call Ahmed 99356490

Nominations close on 10/04/2012


tuck in

happy birthday

Nawras turned seven and to mark this milestone it offered every customer 700 Elite points as well as shared an enormous celebratory cake with surprised visitors to the Muscat Grand Mall. Led by Nawras Chief Executive Officer, Ross Cormack, Nawras family members joined media representatives, invited guests and passersby to celebrate the happy occasion. The Company is currently demonstrating the latest wireless 4G LTE technology at the Muscat Grand Mall. And we are sure there’s more to come!

If you missed the massive lunch buffet at Spicy Village, it’s time to rejoice. The popular chain of restaurants has brought back the much loved lunch buffet concept with prices starting from just 1.990 rials per person! The buffet includes a variety of starters, soups, salads, main courses and desserts from different cuisines. The offer is valid at all Spicy Village restaurant branches.

right connect In mobile news, Sony has launched the Xperia S smartphone. Xperia S sports ‘Iconic Identity’, an innovative transparent design element at the base that creates a simple, strong, instantly recognisable look with illumination effects and integrated antenna components. Offering seamless connectivity between all devices whether smartphone, TV, laptop or tablet and PlayStation, it is ideal for consumers looking to share and enjoy content.

fragrant journey

As fragrances go, these are really special! Capital Store has launched XerJoff fragrances – a journey to the most precious realm, to the world of luxury perfumes. It is the essences, extracted from the most prized plants with the aid of the very latest technology that bestow the fragrances with their unprecedented character, truly special compositions with ingredients painstakingly gathered from different parts of the world. Some of the collections in this bouquet include XJ 17/17 Quartz Collection, XJ 17/7/17 Murano Collection, XJ Shooting Stars and many others.

for a cause

In another of its far-reaching initiatives, Dar Al Atta’a has inked an agreement with Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Hotel & Spa for training Omani women seeking to empower skills and knowledge. The month-long programme will offer hands-on training in food preparation besides empowering the participants with technical skills in hospitality management with the overall view to prepare them for participating successfully in economic development of their family, society and nation in the future. A noble cause indeed!

sport & style

Porsche Centre Oman, SATA LLC, celebrated the arrival of the new 911 Carrera and Carrera S Coupé with a thrilling reveal show at Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa. The icon, highly anticipated by sports car aficionados and now available in its seventh generation, has undergone a complete redesign. The new 911 Carrera, now features a flatter, stretched silhouette, exciting contours and precisely designed details. Book a test-drive, right now!

spring fling stay smart

LG’s new A290 triple SIM phone helps you stay smart, stay connected anywhere. The A290 is an elegantly styled phone with the ability to keep you connected anywhere anytime with its triple SIM capacity. Customers can enjoy multiple SIM cards within one single device. The phone features the longest battery life in the market as it is equipped with 1,500 mAH battery, able to withstand approximately 15 hours of talk time. Talk away!

new store

After completing a year of successful operations at Bareeq Al Shatti Mall, SwitchOn has now opened its new store at Markaz Al Bahja. It was inaugurated by renowned Omani singer Salah Al Zadjali. If you didn’t know already, SwitchOn offers the world’s leading brands in electronic accessories and gadgets. The new store offers customers a wide range of trendy products as well. Drop in to know more!

Here’s some hot news! Khimji’s Watches has extended its super promotion on some of its most popular products until April 12. Shoppers can continue to flock to the Shatti Al Qurum showroom to marvel at the many great bargains on offer which include an incredible 70 per cent off on a range of premium watches, accessories, sunglasses, jewellery and luxury phones. “It’s with great pleasure that we extend our offer to our customers. So far, our promotion has been highly successful and we feel more people should enjoy the quality products on offer at these affordable prices,” said Madhursinh Jesrani, general manager, Khimji’s Watches. Don’t miss out on the super offers!

a mini world

Parachutes, go-karts and giant comic books: It had to simply be a MINI event! Visitors to Qurum City Centre from March 14–18 saw the premium car brand bring a small piece of the MINI world to life with adventure-themed stands at high-traffic areas to promote its latest models – the MINI Coupe and the MINI Roadster. Visitors got to enjoy a host of fun, eye-catching stunts, including an open parachute, a go-kart MINI Connected simulator and a giant comic book for visitors to take pictures with. We were there, and we must tell you, we enjoyed every moment!

eyes right

When it comes to quality eye care, Muscat Eye Laser Center is a leading light. Did you know that Oman’s top racing driver, Ahmad Al Harthy, recently turned to the Sultanate’s leading eye-care clinic for a surgical procedure designed in no small measure to keep him at the top of his game on the racing circuit? He chose the Center’s revolutionary Z-LASIK procedure to enhance his vision to the razor sharp levels deemed critical for success on the racetrack.

career fair

A career fair is a great opportunity for students all set to move out into the real world to get more info on careers and jobs available to them. Students of SQU visited the BankDhofar stand at the annual Career and Training Opportunities Fair that took place in their campus recently. Members of the Bank’s team were hands-on to meet with SQU students and familiarise them with potential job opportunities available within the Bank.









A strange restlessness can throw you off track many times this month. But don’t let that worry you. You are still your hard-working and honest self, so just wait for the trifles to vanish. And they certainly will! Your family is your strength and they will certainly be with you during trying times. The good news for this month is that that some unexpected windfall may come your way.


April brings with it some mix-ups and slowdowns at work. Stay flexible and allow for last minute changes of plans and schedules. It’s also time for reunions… social networking would mean catching up with a lot of old friends offline. Make the best use of it!





Work may be piling up because you are busy concentrating on stuff that don’t need much focus. But the good news is that this is the time when you can work towards increasing your income. Ideas may be best left in the incubation stage. So move forward, accordingly!

This month brings plenty of opportunities to express your creativity at the workplace. Which in turn would mean more recognition and possibly a pay raise. But that does not mean you go over the budget. Plan your finances prudently. Money-making ideas abound but they may need refinement before they can be set into motion.

Watch where your money is going otherwise, there will be nothing for the proverbial rainy day! Be cautious when it comes to mixing personal and professional arenas as misunderstandings may make life miserable this month. Home and family matters assume top priority and it’s the period for strengthening bonds.

There are a number of opportunities coming your way – social events, travel opportunities and special announcements. But there might be some friction with those who are very close to you. In such situations, remember to keep your ego aside and say ‘sorry’ if it’s necessary. Taking some time off in the last week will help put things into perspective.

Slow down! Life’s not going anywhere and it’s okay to take a breather. Working long hours without adequate rest may bring back those health problems to the fore. Tame your impulsiveness and aim to work at things you do best rather than taking on what you cannot handle.

Your social life gets rocking in April, so go ahead and enjoy the attention you rightly deserve. Others are finally seeing your value and so admirers are many. Friends can be especially supportive and you’ll only be too happy to return favours. But don’t let all these keep you away from your focus on work and that big promotion coming up!

You may be confused as to where you are headed, but creativity will be your guide throughout this month. Make your true intentions known to avoid misunderstandings. While communication may be key at the workplace, watch your words as misunderstandings may occur when you least expect them to.

You have worked really hard over the past three months and it’s time to reap the rewards. Plan a quick getaway with family and get rejuvenated. Also don’t hesitate to spend your hard-earned money, as it will be worth the while as you see the happiness on the faces of your dear ones!

It’s time for old friendships to strengthen and new ones to blossom. Together, they will make life look bright and cheerful. Start by valuing each friendship for you never know when you need them. The last week of this month brings a burst of new and excitable energy to your career. It’s time to create a buzz!

Your increased confidence levels will tide over the challenges although close partnerships require considerate attention and care. While unique and creative ideas are wonderful, what you require in large doses are patience and the strength to see them through. All the best.

What the stars foretell... 80 APRIL 2012

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