Peer Group Councils continue to be one of the highest-ranked member benefits of OESA membership. Designed for supplier leaders with similar job functions, council members meet quarterly to address the unique concerns of their role, share best practices, and engage in peer-to-peer roundtable discussions. Advanced Technology Council (ATC)
Chief Purchasing Officer (CPO) Council
The Advanced Technology Council (ATC) focuses on the wide range of vehicle technologies and the government actions that impact them. Recent topics include automated vehicles, ADAS technology, cyber security, CAFE (regulations, materials & light weighting, and powertrains), electrification, and vehicle connectivity (e.g. V2X, telematics, OTA, infotainment).
Make/buy decisions, material market forecasts and inventory hedging strategies are just a few examples of the broad range of topics discussed at OESA’s CPO Council meetings. Members share supplier purchasing sentiments on topics such as conflict minerals and customer purchasing practices.
Automotive Public Relations Council (APRC) The Automotive Public Relations Council (APRC) is a network of public relations and communications professionals in the automotive industry. The APRC is designed to provide professional development discussions and best practices on automotive public relations. Featured presentation topics include industry updates, media panel discussions and working with OEM customers.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Council The CEO Council provides supplier leaders the opportunity to hear from leading industry executives on a wide variety of relevant topics. Recent discussion topics covered activity in Washington, D.C., the industry’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, and risk management on issues such as material shortages and industry volume fluctuation.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Council The CFO Council works to address common financial management issues within the supplier industry. Members explore a wide range of strategic risk and compliance issues. Recent dialogue focused on vehicle production, supplier capacity, benefits strategies, tooling audits and material markets.
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MarComm Executives Council (MEC) The most senior communications executives meet to address common marcomm issues, such as improving global communications, brand building, and improving media relations. MEC members receive press passes to the annual NAIAS and are regularly invited to comment on industry topics in the media.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Council is committed to leading efforts to promote and enhance diversity and inclusion in the automotive supplier community. Members develop DEI strategies and learn best practices for improving inclusion at their organizations.