April 2023 Magazine of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
In 2020, REME launched the Lifting the Decks initiative, with a focus on the mental wellbeing of serving REME personnel and veterans.
We are in the process of re昀ning Lifting the Decks, increasing accessibility with an added emphasis on reminding our REME Family to speak out about ‘what’s on their mind’ and that, whatever stage in their life, we will always be here to listen to and support them.
If there is something on your mind troubling you, big or small, whatever the cause, we are here to listen and to help. If you wish to get in touch regarding yourself or concern for someone else, please don’t hesitate to contact
Corps Formation: 1 October 1942
Corps Motto: Arte et Marte
Corps Patron Saint: St Eligius (Celebrated 1st Sunday in December)
Editor: Mrs Katie Tarbard + Corporate Communications Officer
RHQ REME, The Prince Philip Barracks, Lyneham, CHIPPENHAM, SN15 4XX (preferred method) (for changes of address) ( Mil: 95481 4529 Civ: 01249 894529
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Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover 3 Contents FEATURES Ex RESOURCEFUL RHINO 4 Project CONVERGENCE 8 Edmund Joynson –102 Years Young! 11 HQ Officers’ Mess – January Corps Dinner Night 2023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Exercise TROJAN LIGHTFOOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Brother in Arms 18 Regular to Reserve then Senior Soldier Entry Commissioning 19 Op CABRIT 20 Ex KHANJAR OMAN 24 Reflections of a Retired REME Major – India and Nepal. Part One 30 My Life in REME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 REME Badminton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 REME Motorcycle Enduro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Potteries and District – February 2023 Newsletter 42 REGULARS From the Museum – REME Trades in the Archives: Electronics Technician 26 Letter to the Editor 34 Corps Notices 43 Corps Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 APRIL 2023 Volume 79 No. 4
Front Cover: Op CABRIT, p.20
Scribe: Maj Tim Spiers
Exercise RESOURCEFUL RHINO 22 (Ex RR 22) was a REME 1 (UK) Division exercise designed to challenge the division’s REME technical abilities. It provided 1 (UK) Division REME units the opportunity to research, develop and present solutions to real time relevant ES issues, affording units maximum flexibility and autonomy in where and how to participate in the exercise; without detracting from business as usual.
The competition took place over a six-week period with the teams working from their home locations. The teams were given several technical challenges (described below) to choose from, giving soldiers the opportunity to investigate, assess and report on real time engineering issues.
The participating teams presented their solutions either in person or virtually to an assessment board.
• ES Workspace – Designed to identify a range of ES tasks routinely completed at First Line in austere conditions, on operations which could benefit from improved facilities and ES hygiene.
• Power man – Choose (an) equipment(s) or platform(s) which may rely on portable power to start, or to initiate and run ancillary equipment. Analyse the qualitative, operational, and
financial impact of failure and estimate the failure costs and if possible, savings benefits.
• Toolbox – Investigate and identify the issues and shortfalls of the current issued Vehicle Mechanic/Technician toolbox in delivering ES across the range of current platforms. Research and identify a schedule of tools which will support INDIVIDUAL tradesmen most effectively across the range of platforms that are supported by REME.
• Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) – Select an existing platform maintained by a Unit where availability/readiness would be improved through the application of HUMS.
The competition was won by 2 Bn REME led by 2Lt BarrettChapman undertaking the Toolbox challenge. The assessment board were highly impressed with 2 Bn REME’s team breadth and depth of analysis of the contents of the current issued and proposed toolbox. The presentation of their solution was also very professional.
The exercise was deemed a success and beneficial demonstrating the professionalism of our tradesmen and their commitment to improving our delivery of Equipment Support. The exercise is planned to take place again in 2023
Lt Col Soane Dep Comd ES, HQ 1(UK) Division (right) presenting the winner’s trophy to Maj Dalrymple, 2IC 2 Bn REME
Beating Retreat 2023
Thursday 22 June 2023 Beating Retreat and Buffet Supper
Where: The Princess Marina Officers’ Mess, Lyneham
When: Thursday 22 June 2023 1830 to 2200hrs
What: After the Beating Retreat has concluded, supper will be served in the mess. Attendance is open to Regular, Reserve and Retired Officers who are members of the REME Institution and their guests.
Dress: Lounge suits or equivalent Application and Payment
Tickets are only available from the REME Connect webpage: under the REME Institution link. Please scan the QR code below using your mobile phone to register for a REME Connect login and subsequently gain access to tickets.
As a member of the REME Institution, it is free to attend, each member may apply for one guest ticket at a cost of £15. For any additional information please email Geoff Beaumont on
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guidelines on the inside front cover 5
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REME Institution
Repairing Military Equipment In Theatre Is a Critical Yet Increasingly Rare Capability
Scribe: Patrick Hinton, Chief of the General Staff’s Visiting Fellow, Military Sciences
The invasion of Ukraine has prompted military forces around the world to take stock. Many doctrinal and planning assumptions have been tested. Expectations of how military interactions would take place have been confirmed in some areas and undermined in others. One area of particular interest is the maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment. This has been brought into sharp relief by the transfer of multiple countries’ hardware to Ukraine’s forces, as well as the requisition and subsequent use of captured Russian equipment.
The relentless drive of technology in the defence sphere is familiar to all practitioners and observers. Much is made of the military utility of complex remote and autonomous systems (RAS). Many crewed vehicles are now also highly computerised. There is potential for these systems to improve situational awareness, keep soldiers out of harm’s way, reduce physical burdens, and improve the resilience of logistic chains. However, these benefits are accompanied by hurdles when considering how to integrate complex systems with land forces.
RAS are necessarily complex, formed of sensors, cameras, antennae, beacons and circuit boards. These allow them to make sense of their surroundings, manoeuvre and support the soldiers around them. But with complexity comes frailty. Fuses blow, wires fray, bugs emerge – and in conflict, enemy action will have unforeseen effects. This raises the issue of repair. It is not the most exciting of topics, but it is a vital consideration for military planners.
Right to Repair
The right to repair is the concept that customers ought to be able to fix something that they have bought. Western military forces are losing this right, instead relying on contractors to conduct repairs. Procurement contracts come with requirements for spares and through-life support lasting decades. They also impose limitations on what military technicians can repair. These limitations relate to both protecting intellectual property as well as earning money for equipment providers. There is precedent in the civilian world. In 2015, John Deere, the agricultural equipment manufacturer, said that customers receive an ‘implied license for the life of the vehicle to
operate the vehicle�. In other words, the customer does not own the vehicle, they are just allowed to store and drive it. Everything else remains the property of John Deere, and the customer cannot interfere with it, even for repair.
In a similar vein, military forces have handed over responsibility for the repair of much equipment to civilian manufacturers. Even simple maintenance such as engine servicing is now completed by contractors in many places. This limitation is built into procurement contracts and warranties. The problem is not a new one. Field Service Representatives have deployed abroad in support of military forces for decades. For example, contractors were deployed to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan during Operation HERRICK to repair equipment. This may have been acceptable in the era of Forward Operating Bases and counterinsurgency. However, the concept requires much greater scrutiny when preparing for high-intensity contingencies, where risk is elevated.
In high-intensity environments, forces need to be able to repair their equipment at pace and with basic tools in a degraded environment. The issue is recognised in the US. There, the problem has been traced back to the 1990s, when the Department of Defense attempted to become a better customer to businesses by simplifying rules, reducing oversight, and becoming more trusting of industry. In so doing, it has become something akin to a normal consumer, constrained by standard terms of use and warranties. Repair is often technically possible, but manufacturers contractually limit access to tools, documentation and firmware.
British land forces conceive of the repair of military equipment in terms of location and who does it. These are divided into four levels of Equipment Support (ES). ES Level 1 is day-to-day management by the user. Level 2 is unit-level repair conducted by the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Level 3 is more complicated again, and conducted by formation-level workshops. Finally, Level 4 is conducted outside the theatre of operations and often by contractors. However, today this model has been eroded, with contractors working across all levels. Day-to-day management now involves lines of code being interrogated by contractors.
As complexity grows, the trend points to more and more military equipment being off limits to military engineers. With modern systems, if there is a problem with the central computer system, it will be removed and sent back to the manufacturer. This imposes a significant time lag which can erode operational effectiveness. This is especially true in situations where an error must be diagnosed and a solution certified before the equipment can be used again. Issues here can prevent entire fleets being used for months at a time. Significant levels of control are handed to manufacturers, and the operators have little agency or understanding. This reduces the ability to rapidly troubleshoot issues in times of need.
So What?
The erosion of the right to repair military equipment implies various second-order effects that require consideration. First, there is significant risk in deploying contractors to warzones. Deploying civilians to battlefields brings manifest legal, political and commercial problems. Commanders and managers must take responsibility for untrained personnel. Civilian contractors will likely be kept far from the frontlines, and therefore damaged equipment must be transported to them, which takes time and resources. Engines and other components are often replaced rather than fixed on the frontline. Furthermore, contractors are often more expensive than soldiers when deployed.
The war in Ukraine is highlighting the value of the timely and efficient repair of military equipment.
This is a damaged armoured vehicle drive sprocket, a replacement for which can be rapidly produced using Cold Metal Spray (CMS) technology
Second, this has several effects on military engineers. Engineers are disenfranchised from their core role. Commanders become frustrated by equipment and vehicles sitting dormant in hangars waiting to be backloaded. Reducing the agency of soldiers who are specifically trained to repair is difficult to reconcile. This may demonstrate why electrical and mechanical engineers are difficult to retain, especially the most technically adept. The stock of equipment that they are allowed to fix and modify is shrinking. Much work now consists of replacing Line Replacement Units with new ones. No repair in the real sense is taking place. No one is allowed to examine the black boxes, and even if they could, they are not equipped with the expertise to make changes. Engineers are therefore reduced to maintainers, rather than repairers.
Third, the situation is likely to get worse without intervention. Defence exhibitions and sales pitches are built around robotics and artificial intelligence. Such systems are comprised of complex software and proprietary technology. Even where military forces have retained the workshops, tools and personnel required to do repairs on such systems, they are underutilised. This is a waste of resources in an age where profligate spending is not tolerated.
The need to repair equipment expeditiously is being demonstrated clearly in Ukraine, where units are trading equipment and parts with neighbouring elements to best meet their own needs. Empowerment, alongside technical ability, is critical to keep equipment in the fight. Units are circumventing slow, centralised repair chains as they fear losing access to weapons for months at a time. Ukrainian forces are capturing, repairing and redeploying Russian equipment, showing an agility not seen in Western militaries. Repurposing the enemy’s equipment is not part of NATO doctrine. This makes the ability to repair equipment forward even more crucial. One option may be to keep equipment deliberately simple to facilitate ease of repair. This would involve sacrificing some technical capability to improve overall force resilience. Indeed, in agriculture, farmers are deliberately buying older equipment to avoid being at the mercy of the manufacturer.
It is important that militaries ensure their soldiers are empowered to make decisions to improve their equipment serviceability, without worrying that they are voiding the warranty by opening a panel.
Procurement decisions should consider that repairs may have to be made in austere environments without access to a complete workshop or unlimited time. There is value in having a larger mass of simpler equipment. It means that losses are not so severe and repairs can happen further forward, and more quickly.
In terms of solutions, a number of routes might be explored. There is precedent for industry upskilling military engineers by bringing them into their workshops, as has been seen with Airbus’s A-400M cargo aircraft at RAF Brize Norton in the UK. This then allows these engineers to deploy forward. This model might be replicated elsewhere. Another option is to recruit directly from industry or universities. However, this remains difficult for militaries as they struggle to compete with civilian employment offers.
The war in Ukraine has shone a spotlight on the importance of equipment serviceability. A pragmatic system of repair and exchange has emerged which puts pressure on the validity of complex Western contracts and sanitised solutions. Practitioners should take note of this.
This article was first published by the Royal United Services Institute as a RUSI Defence Systems publication on the 6 October 2022.
Sgt Edem Siawor EngTech MIMechE
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Gain professional registration as an EngTech, IEng or CEng through a route specifically designed for REME personnel. Enhance your military career Benchmark your skills and training Develop your professional network and connections Apply now at 07590 735816 a l r CE ng or C ayd a l ly d n nel taryc BE RECOGNISED BE REWARDED st eg is Engthrouugh tration as as areer and tr al ne arme imec r si desi des e r aining work and connections dforces Eng throu gned igned
Craftsman_ad_ver_II_01_01.indd 1 24/11/2021 16:14:48
Project CONVERGENCE 22 (PC22)
On September 30th 2022, 47 Regt RA began their 28-hour commute from the UK to Fort Irwin, California to take part in Project CONVERGENCE (PC22). Situated 20 miles south of Death Valley National Park, PC22’s aim was to prove the Watchkeeper drone’s ability to operate as part of multinational force of various hightech sensors and weapons as well as prove 47 Regt RA could deploy globally in a short timeframe. Given the arduous conditions, this was no easy task.
Upon arrival at Fort Irwin, we were given a warm welcome by our American counterparts, as well as a full day of briefings. Notably, about the illusive desert tortoise whom if stumbled across, we would be assigned to tortoise watch, until the environmental experts arrived. We
Scribe: LCpl Swinfen OC Wksp: Maj D Bailey REME Deployed AEO: Capt J Hind REME
Stormy weather in the desert
The complete deployed detachment for PC22
Groundcrew preparing a Watchkeeper aircraft for flight
received various other briefs about unexploded ordnance and even frostbite; something unexpected in Death Valley but that became quite relevant as the exercise progressed. Soon 47 Regt RA advanced to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Miami, the location from where the System would operate. Unlike the name there was a lack of palm trees and golden beaches, however there was an abundance of sand, everywhere. With a few metal sheds for accommodation, even the luxury of air conditioning for some, the work began. Everyone was grafting, in order to get links of the ground setup, with 10 Battery Assaye leading that initiative, and the REME Wksp conducting maintenance in
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Red sky at night over FOB Miami on PC22
Smoke trails in the sky from rocket launches
A Black Hawk helicopter taking off to give members of the Battery a tour of the training area
10 Battery and REME AT wing boulders placed at the Fort Irwin Painted Rocks monument
order to remove the aircraft out of storage, and then, maintained and in the air.
The Watchkeeper’s first flight was a success, and from that point many other serials were conducted, PC22 saw Watchkeeper directly supporting the live firing of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) as well as operating alongside A-10 and F-35 aircraft and both British and US Special Forces. Utilising its payloads, a highly sophisticated Electro-Optical/Infra-red camera as well as an I-Master Radar, the Watchkeeper proved it can be operated and maintained in a harsh environment. This didn’t go without a hitch however; flash floods, sandstorms and freezing nights became a daily occurrence.
In addition to the Watchkeeper performing, members of 10 Battery were able to get a flight in a Black Hawk around the training area. Visits from high-ranking US officials and Generals allowed them to view our effectiveness in the environment first-hand and to view our work routine; continuing to build trust between us. Even the SpaceX satellite launches lit up the sky at night; providing everyone with some spectacular entertainment.
After a few weeks in FOB Miami, the exercise had been a success, so the collapse and movement of kit began for the move to the next location: Fort Bliss, in El Paso, Texas where the new Watchkeeper Flying School will be based. This was extremely fortunate as movement back to the ‘rotational unit’s barracks accommodation’ allowed for some respite, and much more morale.
Finally, 10 Battery and REME Wksp collected some boulders. These were painted with our AT Wings and Battery’s insignia, to leave next to many others in the entrance to Fort Irwin, to immortalise PC22 and our footprint in the US, as well as the success of both the Battery and 47 Regt RA as a whole.
A special thanks to the 47 Regt RA who did their best to ensure everything ran smoothly, and that people were able to enjoy themselves, despite the challenging exercise and many sandstorms.
The REME detachment in front of the Fort Irwin National Training Centre monument
The REME detachment in front of Fort Irwin Painted Rocks monument
Edmund Joynson –102 Years Young!
Last month the Corps Welfare Warrant Officer, WO2 (CSM) Kelvin Redshaw and Maj (Retd) Geordie Wright-Rivers had the immense pleasure of visiting Edmund Joynson at his home in Ashford on the occasion of his 102nd birthday! We were delighted to be able to provide Edmund with the most recent editions of the Craftsman magazine and, more importantly, to hand him the Corps birthday card delivered with sincere best wishes and gratitude of the whole REME Family.
Edmund spent the war years in North Africa as an Aircraft Technician with the Royal Airforce, before joining the Auxiliary Service as an Engineer working with the Corps from 1949. He went on to spend many years with the Corps in places such as Bordon and Woolwich before settling in Ashford where he trained and mentored many of Ashford Workshop’s Apprentices over the years. He became something of a Technical Author, overseeing much of the transition from EMERs to AESPs; being particularly influential during the early days developing manuals and documentation for the Chieftain Main Battle Tank.
During his time at Ashford, Edmund regularly led the REME Display Team at the Royal Tournament in Earl’s Court, where teams would compete to reassemble a complete Jeep with winning teams achieving remarkable times as quick as 6 minutes! In 1958, when the picture below was taken, Edmund impressed the crowds by designing a remote-control system to enable the reassembled Jeep to perform a lap of honour without a driver! (I wonder if this is where Amazon got the idea from?).
The entire Corps of REME is grateful to Edmund for his many years of dedicated service and assistance to the Corps and we are very proud to have him as part of our REME
Does anyone else recognise themselves in this photograph? Please get in touch.
And how many other REME Family Centenarians do we have out there? If you are, or you know anyone who is, then please get in touch - we would love to hear from you all!
Contact Major (Retired) Geordie Wright-Rivers at or call 07590848766.
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Scribe: Major (Retired) Geordie Wright-Rivers, REME Association
REME Display Team at the Royal Tournament 1958 – Earl’s Court (Edmund Joynson circled)
People’s Stories
Edmund enjoys a well-deserved birthday brew in his new REME 80 mug!
HQ Officers’ Mess – January Corps Dinner Night 2023
Scribe: Capt Rayner Shelmerdine-Hare
On Thursday 19th January 2023, 147 officers of the Corps attended the January Corps Dinner Night. Due to the postponed September 2022 Dinner, the Corps Officers’ Mess dined-in a particularly large 48 newly commissioned officers as we dined in officers from across two Direct Entry commissioning courses and one Late Entry course. We also dined out four officers’ leaving the service after an astonishing combined total of 163 years of service; Col Paul Mitchell, Col Ed Heal, Lt Col Reay Henstock and Major Pat Spence.
The January Corps Dinner Night also offered the opportunity to present the annual Master General Prize – an Infantry pattern Pooley
sword - to the highest performing Direct Entry Junior Officer from their combined results at both the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) and the Military Systems Engineering Course (Land) (MSEC(L)). For Training Year 2021/22, this prize was awarded to Lt Amy Drysdale currently serving at 1 CS Bn REME. In addition, this year (2022), for the first time, a Pooley sword and Master General Prize was also awarded for the highest performing Late Entry officer from their combined results at the Army Officer Selection Board (Senior Soldier Entry) and their Commissioning interview in the Regimental Headquarters. The Award for 2022 went to WO1 (Corps ASM) Mark Lynch.
LE Commissioning Course 22/001
Corps News
MSEC(L) CC 213
REME North Golf Day and Charity Fundraiser
This charity event will take place at Disley Golf Club, Stockport, Greater Manchester, on Friday 2nd June 2023
Open to all serving and retired Corps members
If anyone is interested in playing, please go to our Facebook page, ‘ North Golf ’ where you will find an admin instruction covering the day's event
MG REME Prize awarded to Lt Amy Drysdale
MG REME Prize awarded to WO1 (Corps ASM) Mark Lynch
MSEC(L) CC 221
Lead Scribe: Cpl G Pickstock
Deployment photo
With 26 Engineer Regiment LAD Fitter Sections deployed on the Op CABRIT cycle for large swathes of 2020-2022, there came a fantastic opportunity to deploy en masse to Germany with the aim of supporting 4 REME on ACES LIGHTFOOT in rehabilitating the Stored Equipment Fleet (Germany) (SEF(G)) in Mönchengladbach. After a lot of background planning from the Command Team, the deployment started with an early alarm for 0330 hrs on 6 Nov 22. A painless journey until the Border Control Officer reprimanded Cpl K for using the lavatory without permission. We finally arrived at SEF(G) just in time for the evening meal before being shown around what we would call home for the next four weeks. Early the next day we conducted the Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration (RSOI) package, delivered by the Permanent Staff, before SSgt (Art Veh) J Thomas put us to task as he began the oversight of the maintenance of the fleet commitment for 26 Engr Regt. The fleet comprised 3 x TROJAN, 3 x TITAN, 4 x TERRIER, 2 x WARRIOR 510, 4 x BULLDOG & 2 x TBT (Tank Bridge Transporter). This was the perfect opportunity to empower the JNCO subject matter experts (SMEs) to lead their lines, passing on knowledge and expertise across the more junior soldiers. This also allowed us to enhance our professional competency prior to the start of the new Training Year.
Scribe: Cfn Tooke
On the T2 line, we did several pack lifts over the course of the deployment and a plethora of other jobs which included swapping of two final drives on a TROJAN, fitting a new generator to a TITAN pack, concluding with MEIs and servicing on all platforms. Overall, the whole exercise was a success, with all vehicles on our line being taskworthy and ready for tasking. A highlight of the exercise for me was when we changed the generator on the pack. It was a great learning experience, and I enjoyed finding leaner processes to complete the tasks at hand. It was also a great learning experience having not had much exposure on the platforms before the deployment, having recently attended the T2 Course at MOD Lyneham, I have come away from it with a much better understanding of the T2 vehicles and look forward to working on them again.
Pack work in full swing
SCARABS swarming the TROJAN
Scribe: Cfn Larkman
Cpl Jackson led the TERRIER line, supported by Cfn Billing, Cfn Larkman and Mr Habens, a Field Service Representative (FSR) from Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL). With four TERRIERS to maintain, and limited time to do it, the odds were stacked against us. Unfortunately, the TERRIERS had seen better days and had suffered over an extended period of time in SEF(G); there was a lot of work to do. We had a myriad of faults to contend with, principally multiple hydraulic faults. We got to it with detailed testing and fault finding, before concluding that a failed sensor had caused the issues. Mr Habens was a great asset to the team. His vast knowledge on the platform proved to be a massive help to the team. He provided key guidance; frequently, there were faults we could not find where the fault had originated from, and his expertise proved valuable with these. Having completed the TERRIER Automotive Course earlier in the year, this was an exceptional opportunity for me to gain further experience to enhance my knowledge going forward, learning from Mr Habens and Cpl Jackson as they mentored me through the deployment. Overall, the deployment was an immense success for the team, confirming all 4 platforms diagnosed, repaired where possible (you know how ES Mat can be) and with servicing to the level that was asked of us.
Scribe: Cfn Bowman
This was an immense opportunity, not just for me, but for the whole LAD. With deployments for 38 HQ & Sp Sqn Ftr Sect at a premium, I fully immersed myself during my time at SEF(G). We showed we can work extremely effectively overseas. With Sgt Gravestock commanding the line, we worked effectively as a Ftr Sect, ensuring we maintained the BULLDOGS and WARRIORS under our control to the highest standards. Knowing that the vehicles were to be used for combat ready training in the new year, and that there was a tangible output from our hard work, we had extra motivation to perform. Under the tutelage of our line lead, we not only increased our knowledge and experience on the platforms, but we also came together as a team. Improving the working environment and developing camaraderie, that always helps when less glamorous tasks are found. I’m proud to say I am part of 38 Ftr Sect, that is my section! Coming from Scots Dragoon Guards LAD to 26 Engineer Regiment LAD was an enormous shock to the system. Having spent so much time on B fleet, the change to heavy armour was significant, however I got comfortable with it and quickly got to grips with it. In a short amount of time, I learned most of the issues that may arise on these platforms, and I am now confident that I can rectify them. I started the T2 Automotive course in January and I’m excited to see how much more I can learn about the platform. As a second tour Craftsman, this exercise allowed me to take more of a leadership role where I could coach and mentor Class 3 soldiers, sharing my knowledge and experiences with them to aid their development and my own.
B Fleet
Scribe: Cpl Kwenda
As part of the Fitter Section that was sent to SEF(G) during TROJAN LIGHTFOOT, I was the line lead for the wheeled platforms, predominantly for the BR90 variant of the TBTs. These vehicles were in storage for quite some time and had not been maintained for an extended period. This gave us a sense of trepidation as to the state of the vehicles. The inspection and triage of the fleet was the first task. Upon the completion of the triage, we shifted our focus towards rectifying any faults that were found during our initial inspection. These jobs would range from a faulty washer motor to more complicated jobs, such as changing a starter motor or the physically demanding job of replacing multiple ball joints on several axles. Once we were happy, we had rectified faults to the best of our ability and, with parts we had available, our next priority shifted to demanding ES Mat for the remaining jobs on the vehicles. The last task was to update the equipment status on the Joint Asset Management Engineering Solutions (JAMES) by clearing all completed faults and updating any new ones we had found during our inspection and repair.
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Sgt Gravestock with intense concentration
TERRIER & WARRIOR Lines on task
Cpls Kwenda & Jackson at work below a BULLDOG
Social & Team Cohesion
Scribe: Cfn Baker
With the work hard, play hard mentality, the LAD maximised their free time. Experiencing new cultures and exploring the local area. The first weekend, all ranks across the deployment came together and got a coach to the Alpine Indoor Ski centre in Bottrop. A brilliant experience for those who have not dabbled in wintry weather sports before, me included, and for those who have experience, time to dust off their Ski and Snowboarding skills and hit the cool incline.
When not amid the long workshop days, many explored the local culture and partook in the regional social scenes across Mönchengladbach and further; venturing to Brussels in Belgium. The second weekend saw everyone enjoy a day of sightseeing in Amsterdam. A great opportunity for those who have never visited. Cultural experiences and Heineken tours were the talk of the day, in a beautiful and diverse city, who doesn’t like to indulge in the local cultural nuances such as the Heineken Brewery Tour, Anne Frank’s House, The Van Gogh Museum and much more?
Our troops also found social aspects in fitness, with many members of the LAD continuing their exploits from the ‘Lifting the Decks Challenge’ and enjoying running together in a pleasant and flat part of the world. Others went out and experienced the local food of an evening time. The last weekend provided us with one last opportunity to get out and explore. We all descended on Borussia Dortmund’s stadium, funded by the Regiment, enjoying a tour of the spectacular arena. The day finished with more exploration of local cities, with visits to Christmas Markets in Dortmund, Cologne, and Dusseldorf.
With much of the ES work complete, or awaiting ES Mat, we took one last opportunity to learn. Under the guidance of WO2 (AQMS) McNamee, I led a small team in delivering a one-day Battlefield Study at Arnhem Bridge. A truly fascinating battle.
Exploring Amsterdam on a river cruise
Cfn Baker getting stuck in
The team in the BVB dugout
Amsterdam brewery tour
Events Calendar 2023
14 – 17 February Half Term Activities
4 – 13 April Easter Holiday Activities
13 – 14 May Wartime Britain
23 – 26 May Half Term Activities
24 June Armed Forces Day
22 July Summer Fete
25 July – 31 August Summer Holiday Fun
9 September Sci Fi Day
7 October Model Show
Contact for more information: IC: SSgt Jhajj 07801990284
2IC: Sgt Hayward 07483868076
19 – 27 October Half Term Activities
18 November Christmas Fair
RAJA Careers and Employment Support Event
Wednesday 03May23
Open to all REME service leavers currently in the resettlement, REME reservists, and veterans are also invited to attend.
A fantastic opportunity to engage with companies that have an Engineering and Technical focus.
For service leavers, this is an excellent networking opportunity to assist with the transition into civilian employment.
The event will
heldin the REME Museum, MOD Lyneham, SN15 4XX.The majority of exhibitors attending are national companies and have vacancies available across the UK.
If you are interested in attending this event, please contact
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We may hold further events throughout the year at later notice. Please subscribe to our newsletter via for the latest updates.
Open to all Regular and Reserve Units A Plate and Cup Final Entrance Fee £45 REME CRICKET
Brother in Arms
We continue to make progress with our project to gather images of REME gravestones worldwide and word is getting out. Friends in the Canadian Forces that once wore the Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RCEME), Land Electrical Mechanical Engineering Branch (LORE) or EME/GEM (Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Branch/Génie électrique et mécanique) cap badge have been in touch.
I was reminded that a couple of years ago I was invited to identify a REME officer attending a RCEME grave in Hong Kong for a similar project and I guess that this subconsciously gave me the idea. The RCEME Museum has recently opened in Kingston, Ontario and their Book of Remembrance can now be accessed via a link We-Remember
Colonel Gilles Nappert (Retd) masterminded the RCEME project. He writes:
Also, of note is the fact that there are four REME members in the RCEME Book of Remembrance. They are either born in Canada or included in Canada’s Second War Book of Remembrance. They are:
• LCpl L.H. Guyton
• Lt D.S. Holmested M.C.
• Cfn H.E. Albrecht
• Capt A.H. Crouch
Lieutenant David Holmested died just a few days after the Formation of REME.
Our database entry could be better and we have plans to improve it. Gathering the photos is the first phase.
So, if you’re out and about, in the UK or overseas and you come across a REME gravestone please photograph it and send it to me: I need to know the location (the cemetery - particularly for post war deaths) will need a statement to the effect that it’s your photo and you give the REME Museum and Archives permission to store and use it as required. All will be acknowledged.
REME Database Record Card for
Lt Col Mike Oldnall REME at Cpl Paul Cusson’s grave in Sai Wan War Cemetery, Hong Kong (for RCEME Remembrance) 1993-94
David Holmested
Lt Holmested MC Citation REME History
Lt Holmested MC Gravestone at El Alamein
Canadian EME Badges LtoR 1944-49, 1949-1973 (with crown change in 1953), 1973 ‘wankel’ badge and 1991 EME GEM (génie électrique et mécanique)
Scribe: Lt Col (Retd) Steve Colling, Corps Historian
Regular to Reserve then Senior Soldier Entry Commissioning
Scribe: Lt John Woodman
Having joined the REME in September 2007, I trained as a Technician in the Land Systems Domain. In the following years in the Regular Army, I served at 16 Regt RA, 2 Fd Coy, 5 FS Bn, Ajax Sqn LAD RTR and 36 Engr Regt; covering a diverse and wide breadth of equipment and capabilities. Getting involved in every opportunity early on in my career, I became very active in REME Boxing before moving on to represent the British Army and UKAF at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
After 12 years, coinciding with the birth of my first child, I came to the decision that my life was no longer compatible with serving in the Regular Army. With the offer of a financial incentive to join the Army Reserve, I visited 103 (Force Support) Battalion REME as part of my discharge process. The engagement appeared flexible enough to balance with my new civilian life, and importantly, the people at the unit were great characters with whom I shared life experiences and the Colchester Detachment was geographically close to where I settled my family. 103 (Force Support) Battalion REME have a huge geographical spread, with Army Reserve Centres in Northampton, Coventry, Derby, Portsmouth, Colchester, Ashford, Croydon and Barnet.
I left the Regular Army on 21 April 2019 and became a Reservist the next day. I retained my rank however as the Technician trade doesn’t exist in the Army Reserve, I needed to re-trade, still with aspirations of becoming an Artificer.
Senior Soldier Entry (SSE)
After a few great years of the Army Reserve, including Ex LION SUN (Cyprus), Ex IRON HORSE EUROPE (Germany) and my British Military Parachute Course, I discovered that the new SSE process meant that I could commission from Sergeant. With a very supportive chain of
command, I was offered support in a similar way to any Regular soldier wishing to commission, with Potential Officer training and the support of the YODA (Young Officer Development Advisor) who later became my OC.
The new-style AOSB (SSE) was a short and sharp blinding flash of lights at Sandhurst, aligned with the DE assessment process and nothing like the stories I’d heard of the cap-badge/Corps LE assessments. In November 2022 I was proud to learn that I was the first REME Reservist Sergeant to be successful, and amongst the first cohort of SSE officers to receive the King’s Commission. I have now assumed the role of a Platoon Commander within 128 Divisional Support Company (Colchester Det), and feel honoured to serve our soldiers as an officer within the REME Reserve, whilst continuing to
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From Sgt to Lt John Woodman
Success at Army Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
REME Reserves
Assisting LCpl Stead on Exercise IRON HORSE EUROPE 22-2
ES Platoon from Op CABRIT
The Agile Task Force (ATF) 2 RIFLES Battlegroup (BG) arrived on Op CABRIT in June 2022 as the first ever British light-role BG in theatre. Formed in less than one month, the ATF deployed to bolster the UK’s Defence Forces in Estonia in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Our mission, was to integrate with the 2nd Estonian Brigade, reassure partner nations and demonstrate the UK’s commitment to the security of Northern Europe; whilst being prepared to defend Estonia if the worst-case was to happen. The rapid and successful deployment also highlighted the agility and adaptability of 1(UK) DIV.
1 (Close Support) Battalion REME were tasked to provide the ES element of the BG. I had the pleasure of deploying as the Platoon Commander of a 22 tradesmen strong ES Pl. We have soldiers from almost every REME trade, plus an RLC Comms Spec and three Logistics Support Specialists. Our role is to provide second line ES to the BG to ensure equipment availability stays high and the BG is operationally effective for any eventuality. We have had tradesmen deploy to every location the BG has; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland; the latter being the first ever British Army exercise in Finland. When in camp, we have made the most of the stunning Estonian landscape and culture, gaining a better appreciation for the importance of our deployment in the region. The ES Pl have worked exceptionally hard, deploying last minute, quickly adapting to challenging working conditions and grasping all opportunities to develop themselves as soldiers, tradesmen and leaders.
LCpl Battishill – Electronic Technician
During my time on Op CABRIT 10.5, I have worked on a variety of vehicle platforms and equipment such as Bowman Radios, Land Rovers, BFAs, SVs and SV(Rs). The tour has seen us transition from a very warm and dusty summer to a freezing Baltic winter; which has challenged both the vehicles and the soldiers in different capacities. Examples of the repairs I have conducted on Op CABRIT are replacing a full wiring loom on a LR, a lighting loom in a BFA and repairing numerous broken cables and damaged radios. My main deployment was on Op THORN, where the entire 2 RIFLES BG deployed alongside the 2nd Estonian Brigade as part of their annual Snap Exercise to test our readiness.
ES Pl looking sharp
Scribe: Lt Drysdale
Sgt Hogg, Lt Drysdale, Cfn Hatfield, Sgt Turner, Cpl Wright and LCpl Bury after finishing the CO’s Challenge – 2 km run followed by assault course – in front of the 5-star accommodation
Out-of-trade, I have challenged myself physically by participating in the Dancon March, which is a 16-mile TAB with 11kg organised by the Danish Army. Dancon Marches have been running in operational theatres since the 1970s to bring different nations together and was a great chance to meet soldiers from the Danish, French and Estonian Armies. I also took part in mountain biking AT, organised by one of the other ES Pl members, totalling around 70 Km over two days and seeing some beautiful scenery.
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Cfn Owen leading on a recovery job at an Arty live fire exercise
Cfn Taylor doing a Land Rover chassis change
No comms no bombs – Sgt Hogg setting up BOWMAN on the fitter trucks and SV(R)s
Cfn Hatfield changing the gearbox of a Land Rover in dusty conditions
LCpl Battishill, Cfn Hatfield, LCpl Reynard and LCpl Clift mountain biking in Pirita Forrest near the capital city of Tallinn
Pl day out to Rummu Quarry, a submerged quarry next to an abandoned Soviet prison
Cfn Pennock – Recovery Mechanic
Op CABRIT was my first deployment, so I was not sure what to expect. The terrain in Estonia is extremely boggy so our recovery services have often been required with the Artillery being the most demanding customer. I have also provided recovery cover to multiple road moves and deployed to Finland on Ex FINLAND SWORD in support of 2 RIFLES Mortars Platoon. In addition to this, a recovery interoperability event with the KRH LAD and Danish Army was a great experience and involved experimenting to see if a CrARRV could recover a Danish Leopard and Piranha; it could recover the Leopard, but an attachment was required for the Piranha that is not in the SV(R) CES. On camp we have tried to help as much possible, and our crane capability has often been utilised to lift items onto pallets or assist with pack changes. Lastly, we have been keeping on top of the servicing for the SV(R) and its kit to ensure full capability due to us being constantly on high readiness.
When the workload allowed, there were many opportunities to take part in activities outside of trade. As a Platoon we experienced a ride in a Chinook. I also completed the Tallinn Marathon and the training for it ate up most of my evenings. I then took part in a charity event which was held on camp by the 2 RIFLES Mortar platoon. This consisted of a 1-mile tab every hour for 24 hours carrying upwards of 40kg. Overall, this tour has been an enjoyable experience and I have taken every opportunity available to get the most out of it.
LCpl Curtis – Vehicle Mechanic
Since deploying on Op CABRIT, we have been flat out working to ensure the 2 RIFLES vehicle fleet is at its highest capability; due to our high readiness and to support all their exercises. The main vehicles are Land Rovers, SVs, quad bikes and Pinzgauers. The work conditions have been challenging at times due to the extreme weather conditions and infrastructure. When we first arrived, there was no technical infrastructure, so we had to work under McGregor shelters which offered little protection from the elements. However, the French Army kindly agreed to lend us one of their hangers which was just in time for the bad weather. I deployed on Ex VIGILANT KNIFE in Lapland, Finland which consisted of a 1,000km road move followed by an exercise with the Finnish Army, which naturally resulted in multiple recovery jobs and vehicle repairs. Other Vehicle Mechanics have deployed on Ex SILVER ARROW in Latvia and Ex IRON WOLF in Lithuania in support of 2 RIFLES. One even deployed on Ex FROZEN SWORD in Finland; which was cold weather training conducted by the Finnish Jaeger Bde who specialise in Artic warfare.
In our down time, we have had the opportunity to see much of Estonia including visiting museums in Estonia’s capital city Tallinn, battlefield studies, swimming in lakes, mountain biking in the forests and visiting Riga in Latvia. I also had the opportunity to complete my ALDP whilst deployed.
Cfn Pennock and Cfn Owen after finishing the Tallinn Marathon
CRARRV and Danish Leopard recovery trials with Sgt Law, Cfn Pennock and Cfn Putson and the KRH LAD
Late night Land Rover repairs in Lapland with LCpl Curtis
The weather did not stop LCpl Clift enjoying canoeing
LCpl Anderson, LCpl Bury and Cfn Hatfield doing what they do best SSgt Spencer – Platoon Artificer
I have the honour of holding the role of Artificer/AQMS for the ES Pl. My role is to ensure the BG fleet is maintained and weapons are in good fighting order, in preparation for any eventuality. As the ES Pl, we provide level 3 support and as such conduct the larger more time-consuming jobs that the BG may require. Along with ensuring the fleet stays as operationally effective as possible, I also need to confirm that we are working in line with army policy on vehicle maintenance and complying with Health and Safety guidelines.
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the inside
cover 23
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Find the fitter truck
The ES Pl after receiving their NATO medals at the end of tour
The ES Pl experienced both ends of the weather spectrum in Estonia
2 RIFLES Cap badge, creating by Metalsmith Sgt Turner
At the start of 2023, 2 ROYAL ANGLIAN BattleGroup (BG) deployed to Oman on ‘Ex KHANJAR OMAN’. The exercise aimed to build bonds with our Omani counter parts, but also expose us all to a very unique climate and terrain; one that cannot be replicated in the UK. With just under three weeks between our arrival and the commencement of the main BG exercise, it was going to be a tall order to get the fleet in a good state to go.
To deliver a bit of extra support on the tools to the various LADs, a Platoon from 1 Close Support Battalion REME deployed as part of the BG. Through the shared challenge of turning around a tired fleet, strong bonds were formed across all ranks, and firm friendships made. When the 30th January rolled around, the fleet was completely unrecognisable having gone from single digit availability to
approaching 100%. An impressive achievement from the REME soldiers that made it happen.
Scribe: Cfn Horsefield 1REME Rec Mech
From a Recovery Mechanic perspective, the first week of the exercise was not as exciting as it could have been. Vehicle faults requiring our assistance were rare and as such we spent the first week mainly doing pack lifts on FOXHOUNDs in support of the LAD. However, when the second week rolled around, we had a steady stream of recovery jobs. We had the chance to go and recover every vehicle type that the 2 R ANGLIAN BG had, including FOXHOUNDs and JACKALs. The standout job was a Close Support Tanker (CST) belonging to 6 Regt RLC; which proved to be especially testing. The workflow meant the remainder of the exercise flew by. When not on jobs we kept ourselves busy by smashing ourselves on phys. Some of our recovery vehicles also had a Vehicle Mechanic attached. This was hugely beneficial
as it allowed us both to learn from each-others trade groups. This mentorship allowed us to work as expediently as possible.
Scribe: Cfn Matthews 2 R ANGLIAN VM
My biggest takeaway from the exercise as my first overseas deployment was the free reign we were given. I had deployed forward in a Fitter Section supporting an LMI company, and as a new Craftsman Vehicle Mechanic, to be given the opportunity to push forward with the Company and keep their FOXHOUNDs at maximum operating capacity was empowering. The experience of operating in
Scribe: Capt A Walker
Metalsmith at work
A FOXHOUND recovery underway
One of the challenges of operating in the desert
a new and different environment was something I enjoyed. Although the environment at first seemed alien, by the end it was fun to operate in and has allowed me to be ready for future deployments abroad.
Once we had completed the exercise phase, we had more time to relax but the tempo did not drop. We still had to look after a fleet of over 200 vehicles! Whilst this was going on, we had to support several other activities, including Live Firing Tactical Training packages and unit cadres. It was not all work though. We all got the chance to deploy on AT packages, which proved to be a nice bit of respite. Whilst not at work we were fortunate enough to be accommodated at the Renaissance Village. This gave us plenty of opportunities to smash phys, including Swimming, Volleyball and Football. A particular highlight was the Football team from One Close Support Battalion REME and 2 R ANGLIAN LAD beating the 6 Regt RLC Squadron team 4-3; a score line which does not truly highlight the dominance of the REME! The food provided in the cookhouse is to a sensational standard, due to the location being so close to the port, the fish in
Still smiling!
particular is sublime.
Overall, Ex KHANJAR OMAN was an enjoyable experience. It allowed us all to operate in a unique and demanding environment; one which the junior soldiers amongst us had not experienced. The experiences we’ve gained during the exercise will help build on all our technical ability on FOXHOUND and High Mobility Terrain Vehicles in particular. This will allow us to keep the Battle-Group and other units within the Brigade operationally effective ahead of 2 ROYAL ANGLIAN spearheading the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) next year. Firm friendships were made across the different REME sub-units, and the trip proved to be something we will all remember.
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The OC from the RLC retrieves the ball from the net after another goal from the REME
Sgt Lancaster makes a new friend
Scribe: Celia Cassingham - Museum Archivist
We have reached half-way through the series with this, the fourth article. As a reminder, the focus of the series is on the eight modern trades and their history; as it is not possible to represent each of the over fifty original trades from the Second World War in detail. There is no need for me to tell you all that the history of the Electrician and Electronics trades is a long, wide and deep subject.
Our archives bear this out as we are spoilt for choice and have a wealth of treasures demonstrating the history of the trades. Unfortunately, I am restricted in depicting everything that I would like to due to space constraints and I apologise in advance if I have inadvertently neglected any aspects of the trades.
As ever, Malcolm Heppolette’s article (History of REME Trade Changes since its Formation in 1942, REME Journal, 2011, pp 26-29), indicates that, as with the other trades, that of Electrician was part of the REME trade structure since 1942. During the formation of REME, Phase II, 1951, the trades were listed as Electricians: Vehicle and Plant, Control Equipment and Control Equipment AFV. The Electrician REME trade was introduced for the second time in 1959. In 1963, as part of the re-organisation of mechanical trades, Electrician became obsolete and was included in Control Equipment Technician and Vehicle Mechanic A. In 1967 the trade of Electrician was re-introduced in its own right as Electrician REME.
The photograph below, which shows the Electrical Training Shop, Plant Section, Electrician Vehicle and Plant, forms part of a
photograph album which depicts 11 Technical Training Centre Croydon, 1945.
The largest single step change in REME trade structures since Phase II Formation were the changes to Telecommunications, Radar, Control Equipment and Instrument Technician Trades. All Technicians were re-designated Technician Electronics and the change from single technology-based electronics trades to a multi-technologybased electronics trade was endorsed in 2000. The Vehicle Electrician trade was phased out and ceased to exist.
Today, REME Electronics Technicians have a very diverse role; working with a range of electrical and electronic equipment from some of the largest pieces of military equipment including the Challenger 2 Tank, to hospital equipment such as x-rays and patient monitors, to radios, weapons such as the Multiple Launch Rocket System and optical instruments such as Night Vision goggles.
I can recommend that you read Malcom’s special section about the electronics trades which goes into more depth about the practical difficulties of re-organising the trades. The article is available on our history page: Developments in the Electrician Trade are mentioned in the very first issue of REME Notes, Issue No 1, August 1943, signed by Maj Gen EB Rowcroft. The section dealing with Equipment: New Anti-Aircraft Predictors mentions that “a new type of Craftsman is to be
First Issue of REME Notes Cover (A: 1960.0266.01)
Electrical Training Shop, 11 Technical Training Centre, Croydon, 1945 (A:
REME Museum
Section in REME Notes that mentions Electrician, Control Equipment. (A: 1960.0266.005)
introduced and will probably be known as the Electrician, Control Equipment”.
The REME Middle East War Report includes references to the integral role played by Electricians in these Second World War conflicts, for example in the Lines of Communication Service Stations in Tripolitania (Libya); Radiological and Surgical Equipment Workshop in PAIFORCE (Persia and Iraq Force) and waterproofing for the Salerno landings in Sicily.
The caption to the photograph showing the Electricians Shop reads: “In the foreground are the ignition test benches, where all ignition equipment is overhauled and thoroughly tested. The rear benches are devoted to the overhaul of generators, starters, power traverse equipment and similar jobs. Two Crypstow Hartridge test benches and a complete power traverse testing installation are in use in the shop. The racks contain certain overhauled components, to enable immediate replacement of defective equipment components to be carried out. A small pool of minor assemblies is maintained for this purpose. Battery repair and charging is also carried out in the shop - all tanks being equipped with full charged batteries. Auxiliary charging sets are overhauled and tested in a separate section of the shop; again the pool system is used to facilitate immediate replacement. The total strength of this shop is 24 military and 30 civilian Electricians.”
A photograph album of AntiAircraft Command School REME, Lydd, Kent includes a photograph of a visit by Maj Gen SW Joslin (Director of the Corps from 19501954) on a tour of the Electrical Wing, Predictor AA No 11 Equipment Instruction Rooms, during a visit to the school in 1952. The collections of course photos in
our archives includes an album of graduation photographs of the Army Apprentice School Aborfield Electrical and Electronics Department, 1958-1961. The department included Electrician, Control Equipment, Radar and Telecommunications sections. This
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REME War Report, Salerno Docks Inspection Party (A: 1958.0104.01.101)
Electrician’s shop 22 Advanced Base Workshop, Lot, Belgium, 1945 A:1960.0249.17
Visit of Maj Gen Joslin to Electrical Wing, Anti-Aircraft Command School REME (A:1960.0349.04)
Group photograph of Electrical and Electronics Department, Course 59C –Telecommunications. Army Apprentice School, Arborfield (E:06.0528.12)
Electrical repair vehicle during an exercise, 1 Armoured Division. (E:06.0420.03)
image shows Electrical and Electronics Department, Course 59C - Telecommunications, 1959-1962.
Service in the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) is not left out, as illustrated by the image of the changing of faulty components on a vehicle generator in an electrical repair vehicle during an exercise, 1 Armoured Division. From a collection of prints showing the work of Vehicle Mechanics, Telecommunication and Control Equipment Technicians
We have a wealth of material relating to the two schools in our archives, namely SEE (School of Electronic Engineering) and SEME (School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering), which both opened in 1961. The image below, taken from a photographic record prepared for a SEE Exhibition 1964, shows a simulator used for
training Control Equipment Technicians
The image below is from a collection of prints showing instruction in vehicle electrics, SEME, Bordon. Our rich variety of photographic material, includes items which illustrate the history of REME electronics units. Examples include photograph albums depicting the visit of the former Colonel-in-Chief REME, The Duke of Edinburgh, to Electronics Branch REME Malvern in 1985 and the history of 20 Electronics Workshop, REME, 1988-1992, amongst others. An example shows the Test and Measurement Section of 20 Electronics Workshop during a VIP visit.
The wealth of relevant material in our archives also includes a substantial quantity of technical manuals and literature; training materials as well as collections donated by individuals. An interesting example of an individual collection, includes a transistorised radio training piece with accompanying 3W 15 Amplifier and FM Tuner as well as SEME training booklets, which give a very good idea of all the different types of equipments that Electronics Technicians worked on. This donation illustrates the teaching that was based on the ‘whole to part’ concept using a transistorized radio transmitter / receiver system at the time (Craftsmen of the Army, Vol II, p.135).
Vehicle Instruction, SEME, Bordon (E11.1112)
Test and Measurement Section, 20 Electronics Branch, REME. (E: 06.0537.023)
Tank Simulator, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (E:06.0546.25)
Reflections of a Retired REME Major – India and Nepal, 1958-1961. Part One
Scribe: Anonymous
Editor’s note: We re-join our REME Major for another trip – this time to India and Nepal. His tales from Japan were in March’s issue and I was privileged to be able to view his wonderful photographs from his personal album from his time in Japan. Our Major was then posted to Egypt and then Tripoli. He then had some leave and had a whistle-stop tour of Italy, Malta, Switzerland and France.
After a long leave spent in the Medway Towns, I reluctantly drove in my newly purchased second-hand MG car for the joys of Warminster in the lovely county of Wiltshire; determined to apply for secondment with the Gurkhas in India and Nepal. I thought
it would be diplomatic to wait about six weeks before asking to leave!
I must say that driving in England at that time was a pleasure, although it was not an easy journey from Kent until reaching Salisbury Plain where suddenly there was virtually no traffic - just open road. No hot and dusty journeys on roads seemingly going nowhere as in Libya, avoiding mad drivers careering on the wrong side of the road alongside the Suez Canal in Egypt and travelling through the remote hills from Akaba to Maan in Jordan. However, Calcutta was yet to come!
A not particularly interesting job awaited me but perhaps I was a little disgruntled at the time. That first winter at Warminster did nothing to alleviate my discontent. Returning from work one day I discovered a pile of snow on my bed! It had come through the roof of the wooden building that I had been allocated. I did apply for secondment but had no reply at the time. However, during June something happened which radically changed my view of life. I met a pretty little girl with a Wiltshire accent and we seemed to get on well together. Now, the prospect of married life had not been factored into my career planning but I proposed, she accepted and we were married during March 1958. We spent our honeymoon in Jersey where it snowed and Audrey, my new Wife, had to send an SOS home for suitable footwear! Within three weeks following our return we moved into our first home.
Surprise, surprise, within two weeks of moving into our home the phone rang and I was informed that I had been selected for secondment with the Gurkhas, did I still want to go? I asked if Audrey could go and they replied yes but she would have to join me in India a few weeks later. However, just 24 hours before I was due to depart for Liverpool to board a civilian liner I was quietly informed that Audrey would not be allowed to join me. What a shock. I left home with the prospect of not seeing Audrey again for three years. It was not a happy journey to India.
I arrived at Bombay, to be met by a representative from my new unit and we travelled by train in an airconditioned compartment for nearly two days across northern India to Calcutta. Our journey seemed rather surreal. The two of us in our own cool compartment with no contact with the milling crowds of Indians at each station. We were able to view the changing landscape in complete comfort until we reached our
People’s Stories
Trying to reach our small Gurkha camp at Pakihawa on the Indo-Nepalese border
destination. But this was not to be the case during my next three years of almost constant travel on Indian railways to various locations situated near the border with Nepal. However, I must not keep you in suspense! All ended well upon my arrival when my new boss gave permission for Audrey to join me on condition that I found suitable accommodation for her in Calcutta. She joined me three months later travelling by sea to Bombay where I met her and we then enjoyed our reunion travelling across India to Calcutta.
What a shock for Audrey when we arrived at Howrah Station Calcutta, we left our comfortable air-conditioned compartment on the train and weaved our way by taxi through the hot, humid and crowded streets of Calcutta. To her immense relief we entered our small hotel, owned by an Armenian family, in a quiet location near the British High Commission. During that short journey poor Audrey felt like returning back home!
For the next two and a half years in Calcutta, we moved several times occupying flats as Caretakers for families on long term civilian contracts whilst they returned to England on their six months leave. Each time they returned we moved back to the hotel until we found another flat. The problem was that Landlords demanded very high amounts of “key money” which we could not afford. In most cases employers found the money, but not mine! It was during one of our stays at this hotel that we met the Dalai Llama’s Brother and his Wife who were staying there briefly at the same time. He spoke perfect English and was most charming. I believe he was representing his Brother at the United Nations. Where on earth did he learn such good English, surely not in Tibet?
I joined the Gurkha Headquarters India/Nepal located at Barrackpore situated about 23 miles from Calcutta. Our organisation’s task was, essentially, to select new volunteers brought in by retired Gurkha soldiers from their villages in Nepal; to pay retired Gurkhas once every six months; to process soldiers returning from Hong Kong and Malaya/Singapore to spend leave in their villages and to carry out ‘aid to Nepal’ projects.
At that time, the Indian and British Armies recruited from specific regions of Nepal. However, India then objected to us carrying out the recruiting process on Indian soil so we had to move our locations across the border into Nepal! In addition, we undertook a project to build a new tarmac road from the Indian border through the fertile terrain and several miles of jungle leading to the foothills of the Himalayas. At that location we undertook the building of a new
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Indian Railways (Three years of travel on these trains!)
Crossing the Ganges from Manihari Ghat to Sagrigali Ghat en route to Calcutta 1958
Gurkha camp at Paklihawa - Excellent view of the Himalayan mountain Manchupachari called The Fish Tail
recruiting camp and hospital at Dharan. From this hospital we were to send out medics to inoculate the local villagers against smallpox etc. When I arrived, our recruiting camp near Darjeeling was being closed, the camp at Lehra, much further West, was being moved across the border to a remote place called Paklihawa and the road, camp and hospital project at Dharan was well under way. My task was to coordinate engineering support for all locations, deal with a few contractors in Calcutta and ‘trouble shoot’ any engineering problems, so to speak. I was not involved with the actual project on the new road and camp other than to help with any problems on specific equipment. I had enough on my hands!
This meant many journeys to each of the various locations on a regular basis. About every two or three weeks I would travel on Indian railways, the 45 hours it took from Calcutta to Lehra/Paklihawa via Varanasi and Gorakhpur. Then back across Northern India to our locations in the Dharan area via Katihar and Jogbani on the Indo-Nepalese border. This journey lasted about 40 hours. Then back to Calcutta via Katiha and a crossing of the Ganges by a rather dilapidated boat. The train would be at the shore ready to pick up the passengers. This journey would take 28 hours. Needless to say, Audrey just didn’t want to know me on my arrival back until I had discarded every item of clothing and had a thorough bath! On each journey l would take a form of sleeping mattress which rolled up when not in use (no sleeping bags in those days), boiled water for drinking but when this ran out I would purchase soda water for safety. Orders for a meal would be taken at one station and be ready for you upon arrival at another station further along the line. At Varanasi en-route to Nepal I had to wait for a few hours and on one occasion took the opportunity to visit the Hindu Cremation Ghats situated on the River Ganges. It is the wish of all Hindus to have their ashes scattered in the Ganges at this religious site. However, it is not a pretty sight to see bits of human flesh passing by in the river which had been picked up by, and then dropped, by crows before a satisfactory cremation had been achieved. They do not always mention these gory facts in our television documentaries these days but that is life in India. During these many train journeys, at night I would pull down the blinds and lock the carriage compartment door, unroll the mattress and attempt to sleep.
During our stay in Calcutta in order to get relief from the heat and humidity, we joined the swimming club and visited the cinema which was air-conditioned. All would pray for the monsoon which cooled things down considerably. On some occasions the water at the swimming pool could reach temperatures in excess of 90° F. Audrey joined the women’s golf club situated on the Maidan, a large open area in the centre of Calcutta used by people, wandering cows and monkeys. Not ideal conditions for a game of golf. There were many thousands of refugees in Calcutta. It was a common sight to see these people living in dreadful conditions on the streets and in and around Sealdah station, which I had to use each day in order to go to Barrackpore.
Driving in Calcutta was a nightmare and despite having a valid British licence I had to take a driving test. I passed without having to bribe the Indian examiner! One had to be very careful to avoid the many people who would suddenly appear in the road from behind buses, taxis, rickshaws, heavily laden manually drawn carts and the numerous holy cows. It was not uncommon for an unfortunate driver to hit a pedestrian only to be lynched by onlookers. The message was ‘If you hit somebody then do not stop but make for the nearest police station and report the accident and ask for protection!’
It was during our stay in Calcutta that I took over a large Alsatian dog owned by a friend and his Wife at Lehra as it was their time to return to England. His name was Barlu (Nepalese for Bear). I brought him back to Calcutta by train and the Indian passengers during that journey were not too pleased!
When I entered our flat with one large animal Audrey and my Bearer nearly fell over with fright. However, things soon settled down and Barlu proved to be an excellent guard dog for Audrey.
There was a problem on one occasion when, during my absence, it was necessary for Audrey and my Bearer Pahari to place a pill down his throat due to a stomach complaint. Both survived the ordeal and Barlu recovered. It was a difficult situation when it was time to give him his periodic inoculation in his bottom!
To be continued…
The author with Barlu on the Miadan, Calcutta
Audrey at the Victoria Memorial Building, Calcutta 1958
Typical scene on the street at Calcutta 1959
REME Triathlon have joined the RLC and AMS to form the CSS Cup, a 5-race event that allows all abilities of athlete to compete in a friendly environment, and in turn, compete for your Corps. We are encouraging all would be triathletes to ‘give it a go’, whilst also asking all experienced triathletes to promote the sport and represent your Corps.
For more information, please contact:
SSgt Richard McCready:
SSgt Chris Branford:
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Date Type Venue Organiser 19 Apr Sprint Duathlon MOD Lyneham REME 03 May Sprint Triathlon Tidworth Leisure Centre REME 07 Jun Sprint Open Water Triathlon Queensford Lake, Oxford ATA 30 Aug Super Sprint Open Water Triathlon Eaton Dorney Lake ATA 20 Sep Super Series Duathlon (3 mini duathlons) MOD Lyneham REME ATM 2023 calendar of Events 26 Apr 23 Army Individual Super Sprint Duathlon Championship Thruxton Race Circuit 24 May 23 Army Team Relay Triathlon Championship Lake 32 Cotswold Water Park 07 Jun 23 Army Inter Unit Team and Army Individual Age Group OW Sprint Triathlon Championship – Queensford Lake – Oxford 21 Jun 23 Army Inter Corps/Inter Unit and Army Individual Standard Distance Triathlon Championships –Queensford Lake – Oxford 30 Aug 23 Runnerspneed – Army Inter Unit and Individual Super Sprint Triathlon Championship – Eaton Dorney Lake 10 Sept 23 Inter Corps Middle Distance Triathlon Championship – Rutland Water Inter Service Races 2023 (Selected
Athletes) 05 Jul 23 Inter Service Standard Distance Championship – (RAF
10 Sept 23 Inter Service Middle Distance Triathlon Championships
Inter Service Duathlon
(Vitruvian) – (Army Lead) TBC
– (RN Lead)
REME Skiing
Dear Editor,
Do not go gently into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
In 1968 I had been a Champion Orienteer (West Midlands U21 Individual champion and also Captain of the Sandhurst team which won the National U21 title) and in 1972 I had run Cross Country for the Army. On that basis, i.e. long legs, in 1973 I was selected to Captain the REME Cross Country Ski team. The three other members of the team were all in the GB squad. One would shortly become the National Biathlon Champion. There was therefore an expectation amongst ‘the brass’ that in 1974 REME would win the Army championships, and at long last relieve the Royal Artillery of that perennial crown. A ‘cunning plan’. There was, however, one possible flaw: I had never been on Cross Country skis.
So, in November 1973 I was given a squad of soldiers, a few of whom had skied, but most not, and of varying fitness and commitment. We spent a month in the Harz mountains in Germany getting fit. In December we went to Skramstadsetra near Rena in Norway, where most of us put-on Cross-Country skis for the first time. The three GB skiers were elsewhere training with the GB squad and I didn’t meet them until the Divisional championships in January. However, the story of that REME ski season deserves its own article. And next year will be the 50th anniversary, so that might be a suitable time for me to tell it. (‘If spared’!) (And if I can still remember...)
(Plot Spoiler! In the end the ‘cunning plan’ did not work. At the end of the penultimate day at the Army championships we were leading, with only the Patrol Race to win. That evening one of the three GB skiers, went out for a late ski on his own, fell on an icy downhill and broke his arm. So, it was not Lt Snodgrass, novice, who was the weak link that failed. Proof of the old military adage: ‘The thing that is most likely to happen is totally unexpected.’ However, I was pleased to be awarded a prize for ‘Best Novice’ and a National Ski Federation mug for the individual 10km race, and later to receive REME Sports Full Colours.)
In March 2022 I returned to Rena. I wanted to fulfil an ambition to enter the Birkebeiner Cross Country Ski race from Rena to Lillehammer. This is the big beast of the Nordic ski races, 55 km over two mountain ranges carrying a rucksack. The race commemorates two warriors of the Birkebeiner faction in a civil war who in 1206 skied over the mountains to carry the infant Crown Prince to safety. The rucksack simulates the Prince (but now must
contain mountain clothing and equipment). In past years there have been up to 17,000 competitors, although there were less this year due to the Ukraine war and being just post Covid. This is presumably the only place in the world with up to 17,000 simulated babies! I was in the class Men Age 75-80. This being Norway, the men’s classes go up to Age 90 plus.
Also, I wanted to take a photograph of myself and those soldiers on that first day to give to our trainer Severin with whom I had lost contact. The sports pages of the local newspaper, the Ostlendingen, contained the results for the elite skiers, men and women who a few days before had been competing at the Beijing Olympics. It also had a full-page feature on me. I understand that the media term is ‘human interest’. I certainly didn’t seek any attention. However, the staff at the Rena ski shop, who had been interested and very helpful to me before the race, tipped off Rune Hagen, a reporter on the paper. His article is attached, by kind permission of the Editor of the Ostlendingen.
I hadn’t intended it, but the article also contained mention of my sailing plans. For completeness I should perhaps tell how that ‘cunning plan’ worked out, or actually not.
I continue to spend far too much of my pension keeping my junk rigged schooner Lexia afloat on the River Dart. We entered the Brixham Heritage Sailing Regatta at the start of the 2023 season, and won a tankard and a bottle of gin as best in class, and later attended their end of season rally. I had intended to enter the OSTAR single handed transatlantic sailing race again. It takes place every four years. I had failed in 2009 and 2013. Age 75, I would not get many more chances. So, I got the boat fully prepared, except for final victualing. I got my qualifications up to date. I went up to the US Embassy in London to get my US visa up to date. Some months of work. Then, just as I prepared to pay my entry fee, there was a show stopper (‘the thing most likely to happen is ...) The entry requires third party insurance of £3M. I couldn’t get insurance. At times there was muttering from brokers about ‘age’. I wasn’t sure if that was age of Lexia or age of Snod. So, I pulled the plug, metaphorically - not literally or the boat would sink!
However, the Junk Rig Association AGM was to be in Roscoff in Brittany. So I sailed singlehanded 100 miles from Dartmouth to Roscoff, attended the AGM, did some cruising and sailed singlehanded back. Life in the old seadog yet. (Google ‘Junk Rigs come to Roscoff’ )
So I KBO (Keep Battling On!) (That’s the polite version.) KBO into 2023. And the thing most likely to happen is... ?
Yours sincerely, Jonathan Snodgrass
First day at Skramstadsetra December 1973
your letters/emails to: FAO Craftsman Editor, RHQ REME, The Prince Philip Barracks, MOD Lyneham, Wiltshire, SN15 4XX Or email:
Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover The newspaper article The Craftsman is YOUR magazine… Air your views and submit your news. The Editor welcomes all stories –from REME Sport or raising money for the REME Charity to Exercises and Operations or personal stories from serving personnel and veterans. Please see the contents page for details on how to submit your story.
My Life in REME
After my service with the Territorial Army (TA) Royal Army Ordinance Corps (RAOC), I had the urge to join the regulars and signed on again at Torquay Army Careers Office in 1985. I started my basic training on 2nd January 1986 at Arborfield and after 12 weeks was shipped down to the School of Electrical &Mechanical Engineering (SEME) in Bordon for 9 months of trade training to become a VMB Class 3.
The accommodation was new and clean and SEME was a great place to be; there was always lots going on. I completed trade training on the 18th December 1986 and after driver training, I was expecting a bit of Christmas leave. No such luck, and before I knew it I was on an aeroplane from Brize Norton to Germany and my first posting with 8 Regt RCT Workshop, in Münster. During my time at 8 Regt we seemed to
Scribe: John Thompson
Accommodation at Aborfield
A younger me living in the back of a Bedford
The author
People’s Stories
This was my view from the luxurious accommodation
spend more time on exercise in the field than in camp; but I really enjoyed it. However, it wasn’t all hard work with plenty of opportunities for sports and adventure training!
In 1988 I volunteered to be attached to 11 Sqn
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Myself and Gaz Beamount
Working hard
Sgt David Hay, our 5 Sqn Fitter Section Boss
Camping in Holland
Remembrance Day Parade
Driving home from France
for a deployment to Belfast on OP BANNER and had an eventful tour and a 21st Birthday in the province! As holders of an HGV licence we were expected to drive the Pigs around Belfast; especially during the marching season! Our REME fitters were spread across the area in every SF Base so we didn’t see much of each other until we returned to Minden in German.
After several more postings I signed off and returned to my family business in Torquay where I still work today. However, my connection with the REME remains strong and I was delighted in 2022 to be invited to march with the REME at the Remembrance Day Parade in Whitehall which coincided with our 80th Anniversary celebrations and in front of our new King! I have kept in contact with lots of friends I’ve made and this year we have joined the REME Caravan Club and are looking forward to our first rally and making some new friends!
REME Rugby Union are recruiting for Coaching Staff
The Chairman (Lt Col Dave Haslam) and Director of REME Rugby (Maj Andy Franklin) would like to invite any qualified Rugby Union coaches who are interested in becoming part of the Corps’ coaching staff to get in touch.
REME Rugby Union are keen to expand the numbers of coaching staff and ensure we can support our players over the coming seasons. If you are a qualified coach, have the time to give back to REME Rugby and want to be part of the best sport in the Corps, then please get in touch. REME Rugby has a 4 squads; Men, Masters, Women & Sevens, of which they all need extra coaching support. We look forward to hearing from you.
Director of Rugby:
REME Badminton
Chairman – Major Stu Bass Secretary – Captain Steve Hail Assistant Secretary – Corporal Alex Evans
Unit Perspectives:
Scribe: LCpl Ashes Gurung – 3AAC and Badminton extraordinaire
During November 21st to 25th 2022, the annual REME Badminton competition was held at ATR Grantham, Prince William of Gloucester Barracks. The main aim of the event was to create an opportunity for all level of players; creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere while identify future Corps players. The event started with an opening address from Captain Steve Hail, REME Badminton Secretary, and the Assistant Secretary Corporal Alex Evans, emphasising the importance of all Sport within the Corps and Army. This year REME Badminton hosted 74 participants; yet another increase in interest compared to previous years!
REME Badminton Championships 2022 Results Event Winner Runner Up
Ladies Singles LCpl Martin LCpl McKinley
Ladies Doubles Cpl Bayliss, LCpl Martin LCpl McKinley, LCpl Lowe
Veterans Doubles Sgt Sorali, LCpl Dura 498 Sgt Subba, Sgt Ninglekhu
Inter-Unit Doubles Sgt Subba, Sgt Ninglekhu LCpl Dura 498, LCpl Ale 290
Mixed Doubles Cpl Bayliss, Cpl Rana Cfn Singh, Sgt Subba
Open Doubles Cpl Gurung 296, LCpl Gurung 786 Sgt Sorali, LCpl Dura 498
Mens Novice Cpl Rana Magar 997 Cpl Shepard
Mens Plate Sgt Sorali LCpl Rai 654
The weeklong event comprised of nine events laid out throughout the week; with some high-pressure finals fought out on the last day. Everyone participating in the events displayed a high level of sportsmanship on and off the court. The Chairman, Major Bass, congratulated all the winners during the presentations and highlighted the importance of keeping mentally and physically active through sport. Next up, Inter-Corps Champs in Jan 23!
Mens Singles Cpl Gurung 296 LCpl Gurung 786
Best Newcomer LCpl Martin
Most Improved LCpl Brown 105
Doubles, Unit Doubles, Veterans’ Doubles, and the plate games. Due to the mass number of events going on there was plenty of game time for everyone to be kept warm.
Scribe: LCpl Stacey McKinley - 5 Rifles LAD
This year, eight members of 5 Rifles LAD had the opportunity to attend the REME Badminton Championships. Before attending our LAD, members got the chance to participate in some training together which was beneficial before the event. On arriving at Grantham, we set the courts up and the competition began. There were a variety of events involved which included Women’s Single, Men’s Singles, Women’s Doubles, Men’s Open Doubles, Mixed
The competition itself gave everyone the opportunity to get experience from playing various people with different skills and abilities. Not only did we get the chance to have a great week playing Badminton, but the competition gave us all the chance to meet new people within the Corps. 5 Rifles LAD came home with Women’s Doubles runners up and Women’s Singles runner up titles, which resulted in recognition from the Corps team themselves. After attending the competition, I would certainly recommend the event to others if they were interested in the sport or would like to get into playing. It was a fantastic week with some great people, and we all appreciate having the chance to be there.
Scribe: LCpl Toby Normal -1AAC
11 Aircraft and Avionic Technicians from 1 Regt AAC travelled up to ATR Grantham for the REME Badminton competition. We had a mix of abilities, from guys who had never picked up a racket to those that have been playing for years. Everyone really enjoyed the week, getting to put our training to the test in both singles and doubles. It was also nice to spend time playing and socialising with players from other units. We came away with 4 trophies: Mixed and Women’s Doubles, Women’s Singles and Best Newcomer. The Badminton was of really high quality, so we all learnt a thing or two and also now know that we have to practice to be ready for next year’s competition. For some of our newer players, the week of Badminton really motivated them to attend more training sessions and get more involved in the sport. It was a great opportunity to get out of our day-to-day routine and do something enjoyable, after a busy year of exercises and deployment. We’ll be back for the next one!
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REME Sport
REME Motorcycle Enduro stars twist on the gas in France
Scribe: Capt Steve Hunt
The International Six Days Enduro (ISDE), France –August 2022
Army participation in the International Six Day Enduro (ISDE) can be traced back to 1938 when a team of 3 riders contested this event held in Austria. The competition has grown each year and is now often referred to as the ‘Olympic Games’ of off-road Motorcycling. It attracts over 50 National teams and 80 Club teams with a whopping total of over 500 competitors. The Army have been competing in the prestigious event for decades with some outstanding performances; including past and present talented REME Corps riders. The Army team in 2022 was incredibly strong with Cpl Tom Elwood (RE), Cpl Coupland (REME) and Cfn Maller (REME) riding and Sgt Sullivan, Cpl VanSanten and Cpl Hyde conducting critical support crew tasks. Army team selection took place throughout the year and was based upon performance in the British Enduro and Inter Corps Championships.
Scribe: Cpl Aaron Coupland
– Class 1 Vehicle Mechanic (5 Bn REME)
My name is Corporal Aaron Coupland, my trade is Vehicle Mechanic and I’m currently serving with 5 Bn REME in Lyneham. I have recently returned from LE Puy, France, where myself and 2 other members from the Army Enduro Team competed in the ISDE. The Army team consists of 3 x riders, 1 x Manager and 4 x support crew, alongside many volunteers who support the team for the duration of the event.
The exercise started at Tidworth Camp on the 21st August
2022, where we all met to load the Army Team bikes and personal kit into the hire vans before heading to Aldershot to load the Great Britain Team support kit, comprising of; gazebos, fully functional kitchen, fridges, fuel matts, bike stands, and various maintenance equipment.
Once loaded, we stayed the night at Chatham Barracks, before the early 0400 hrs wake up and drive to catch the Dover Ferry. Once arrived in Calais, we tackled the 9-hour drive to Le Puy-enVelay; arriving around 2300hrs on Mon 22nd August. For the next 5 days the riders would have to walk 13 special tests within 5
The Army Team with Cfn Maller (Middle) and Cpl Coupland (Right)
REME Sport
Cfn Maller on the gas during a special test
days which varied from around 4km to 7km in length. Track walking is vital for riders to memorise and start planning routes or lines they will take on the race day. During the event week we raced distances of up to 300 km each day resulting in 8/9 hours in the saddle. Even though the course and distance were hugely challenging, the amazing scenery and landscape of steep rocky hills, beautiful woodland and miles of undulating countryside made it worth the blisters and pain. The ever-changing weather also took its toll with hailstorms one day and 20 degrees heat the next.
Before each day we were only allowed 10 minutes and 15 minutes at the end of each day to carry out bike maintenance. Throughout the day riders must be vigilant of time and make sure they can get everything completed and prepped before the next day of racing.
Scribe : Cfn Hayden Maller – Vehicle Mechanic in the Army Reserves (101 Bn REME)
This is the first time I have represented the Army at the annual ISDE which was a huge honour for me. I have been riding Enduro and Motor Cross for many years but haven’t ridden anything like the miles and terrain of this event. The race at times was super tough, on Day 4 I had a very big crash on a big jump, resulting in some serious damage to my handlebars, I had to continue the day riding with bent bars which of course made finishing the race that little more challenging. You had a very limited amount of time at the end of each day to work on the bike, this made fixing the bars difficult, but I could apply my skills as a VM to get things fixed and in top working order ready for the next day. The biggest highlight for me was seeing the crowds cheering you on; this would always give such a needed boost when you’d start to feel the fatigue kick in! Of course, another huge highlight for me was riding past the finishing flags, to say I completed this amazing event for the Army was a dream come true and something I’ll never forget.
Balancing civilian life and the Reserves can be difficult; especially when you’re away for a longer period. As I am a self-employed Carpenter, I solely rely on working to earn. Thankfully my unit was very supportive, and I was also able to take the 2 weeks away from my job without losing any work. I would have never thought being a Reservist would take me to race the six-day event with the Army team, and I’m so grateful I was given the opportunity to take part in such an iconic event.
• Army Team placed 10th Club Team of 129 teams
• Tom Ellwood (RE) 38th of 385 (Gold medal award)
• Aaron Coupland (REME) 45th of 385 (Gold medal award)
• Hayden Maller (REME) 56th of 385 (Silver medal award)
ISDE in Numbers
• 6 days of riding
• 1,500 kms raced off road
• 45 hours in the saddle for each rider
• 500 competitors from 28 countries
• 15 minutes of maintenance allocated at
the end of each day for riders to change both tyres and conduct repairs to the bike prior to the bike being put in the parc-ferme.
2023 will see the event being hosted in San Juan, Argentina. Plans are already in place to send a team, however, there are many talented riders from across the Army who will be fighting for a place in the prestigious team.
Anyone interested in REME Motorcycling, please get in touch with:
REME Motorcycling Secretary: Capt Steve Hunt
Enduro Team Manager: SSgt Jack Barclay
Road Race Team Manager: Sgt Spencer – Fleet
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Pre-Event Kit Preparation
Race preparation by the Army Team
Potteries and District
February 2023 Newsletter
Scribe: Maurice Hope
One of the Branches’ aims for this year was to try to increase our membership numbers, which is probably the same target for all Branches. I am pleased to report we have already managed to increase our numbers by one, with a second on the horizon. Major General John Henderson CB, has joined the Branch. He was commissioned into the Corps in 1982 and rose through the ranks to become the Officer Commanding British Forces Germany in August 2012. In May 2015 on his retirement from the forces he took up the post of Chief Executive of Staffordshire County Council, a position he has recently vacated, and has now joined the rank and file known as “Veterans”. We welcome him to the Branch.
The second potential new Member is a Mr Andrew Walker, who, if he does join us will be boosting our numbers of ex Arborfield Apprentices; having gone through those hallowed gates from 1978/80 having done his HNC in Electronics, prior to joining the Corps as a Radar Tech.
The years first monthly lunch date was held on Tuesday 14th, St Valentine’s Day, and was
held at The Ship Inn near Cheadle (The gateway to the Staffordshire Moorlands and Alton Towers). An attendance of 18 persons was the most we have had in many a year, the numbers having been boosted by our friends in the RCT Association Branch, who are now affiliated to us for functions and events.
The first Branch visit of the year was to the Joint Emergency Transport Centre on the Trentham Lakes Industrial estate on Thursday 16th February, a cough and a spit away from the Bet 365 Stadium, home of Stoke City. It is a combined Fire Service and Police vehicle maintenance centre. After the obligatory welcome, tea and biscuits, with introductions over, we were given an insight into the coverage and the strength of telephone signals in the county by PC Matt Hope, a Branch member. Every square kilometre of the county is covered showing where signals are strong, weak or in many cases no signal at all.
Then it was down to the shop floor to see the very wide and sophisticated gear the emergency services have at their disposal. It was very interesting to see the preparations and modifications that take place to new vehicles, and motorcycles, before they are fit to enter service; wiring up two tone horns and blue flashing lights etc. A large number of vehicles were in the Beyond Local Repair/Beyond Economic Repair park going for scrap after being involved in road traffic accidents; with some vehicles only having been in service for weeks before being written off.
During the following six months, Branch volunteers, and other Veteran groups, will be out trying to collect sufficient funds to purchase the property in our nearby Borough of Newcastle under Lyme which is, and has been for the past seven years the home of The Tri-Services and Veterans Centre. (Charity No 1159599).
Joint Emergency Transport Centre
REME Association
Longton Market Collection
When first offered to the Tri Services, the property was in quite a dilapidated state having been empty for some considerable time.
A group of local Veterans transformed it into a vital facility where all the needs of Veterans can be addressed. They have the area SSAFA Representative based there who can signpost people with problems to the right organisations that can help them. They even have their own Food Bank and supply food parcels to elderly Veterans who are housebound, and even deliver them to the door.
It is the only place of retreat in the area where Veterans of any of HM Forces can come and have a brew and a chat to other likeminded Veterans and forms a safe space for anyone to get help. Sadly, the bean counters at the County Council wish to offload the building and have given the Veterans six months to raise the 120k pounds purchase price, or face eviction.
Warfare to Welfare, Logo of the Veterans Services Centre
At the time of writing this newsletter, in the first month over eleven thousand pounds has already been collected. The billionaire Mr John Caudwell has seen the work that the group carry out, following a personal visit and was so impressed that he has offered to fund match whatever is collected by the volunteers from fundraising events that are planned. Hopefully this vital community centre can be saved and expanded; to be there for Veterans for many years to come. It is somewhat ironic that this vital Veterans community facility has had The Queens Award for Voluntary Service bestowed upon it, by the very same people who wish to close it. Sadly, some of the retired Branch members and their wives will be attending the first funeral of the year on Friday 10th March. A chance to say farewell to the Wife of our late Branch Life President, Major Gordon Beddow, Mrs Jean Beddow recently passed away aged 93; less than two years on from the passing of her beloved Husband.
Capt (Retd) Lee Gibson REME, 1965-1995
Scribe: Major (Retd) Glyn Davies REME
I regret to inform the Corps of the death of Capt (Retd) Lee Gibson REME on the 23 December 2022 at his home on Stamford, Lincs following a bravely fought illness.
Lee was a Corpsman through and through, having joined the Corps as a boy soldier in September 1965. The alternative he told me was the local bricklayer’s yard. In signing up, Lee followed in the footsteps of his father “Buster” Gibson who had been awarded the Military Medal for heroic actions in North Africa during World War 2. His elder Brother, Peter, also served in the Corps and rose to the rank of Major.
Lee was an ebullient character; full of humour and wit never failing to win over all those he worked alongside. It was in his DNA to help others and many members of the Corps will have been helped by Lee during his time as a Clerk, Chief Clerk and Staff Assistant. His entry into a room never failed to lift the mood of all this present. He had a welldeveloped sense of the ridiculous, however, he was careful to stay the right side of the line.
He overstepped the mark on one occasion when he realised that a member of 4 Armd Wksp Detmold had been posted to the embassy in South Korea and that on that day the individuals Long Service and Good Conduct Medal had arrived in the unit. Lee explained that there wasn’t time to arrange a presentation parade and it would be many months before the medal could if at all be presented. The Sgt asked “well can’t you give it to me and I’ll sign for it” Lee thought this was an admirable solution and both went away happy - until later that day when on final interview with the CO, Lt Col Phil Kay REME, the Sgt expressed his outrage that his medal had been presented by a Warrant Officer and not a General. History does not record the words exchanged between the Chief Clerk and his CO but it can be taken that the air turned “blue”.
During his service, Lee served in many theatres including BAOR, UK, Bahrain, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Hong Kong. His time
at HQ 3 Div in Soest was a particular high point in his career where he served and assisted many Comd Maint’s of that period.
Having left the military in 1995 he went on to secure a senior management position with the National Farmers Union but left having taken the plunge with six others to take over the running of a pub, The Lord Burleigh, in Stamford. Lee was at the heart of this cooperative and handled all the finance as well as contributing to the overall profits of the establishment
Lee’s passion was motorbikes and having bought a monster of a bike decided with a friend Derek to drive to North Africa (the original Hairy Bikers) to retrace the footsteps of his Father who had fought so gallantly against Rommel’s forces in WWII.
He had married Barbara in 2001 and no doubt helped by Barbara’s position within the travel industry, became hooked on travel visiting most of Europe and Asia. On one occasion in India they had both gone for dinner at a remote restaurant in NW India only to find they were dining alongside the Director General of the NFU. Lee’s old boss.
His leisure time caused him to reflect somewhat on his lack of formal education and so alongside his deep interest in medieval history and the Tudor period, Lee embarked on an Open University degree course, graduating after 5 years of hard work with a BA. His interest in classical music was another facet to his personality and he could often be seen on his motorbike with the radio blaring from the onboard speakers.
You will not find a plaque or monument to Lee’s achievements, there is no poem to commemorate his diligence and there is no book listing his witty remarks but for those who knew him or whose lives were touched by his presence and the memories he created will last forever. He was a man at peace with himself and he is sorely missed. He leaves his Wife Barbara and Stepson Doug.
WO1 (ASM) RA (‘Bob’) Skinner
Scribes: Chris Malbon & John Wood
Bob Skinner joined REME on 2nd August 1962 and trained as a VM(A). Most of his service was spent in the UK or BAOR but attachments also took him to Cyprus, Northern Ireland, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf on Op GRANDBY.
However, it was as a tracked vehicles specialist that he excelled and this would ultimately lead to his long and successful involvement with the Warrior programme. In the early ‘80s, the Warrior was entering a crucial phase in its development, time was short, and the prime contractor, GKN, was under pressure to get it into full production. 5 MAG (Maintenance Advisory Group) was tasked with providing a REME liaison person at GKNs Telford plant to ensure the production vehicles would be supportable in the field. This was no easy role; the prime contractor was
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Lee Gibson
understandably resistant to making any changes to the vehicle at this late stage and there was an initial reluctance to accept a REME presence on site. It was going to require someone who not only had the relevant experience but was also tough enough to handle difficult relationships and stand up to significant pressure. At the time, the only person that REME Records could offer had no ‘A’ (Armoured) vehicle experience and the outcome looked bleak but then Bob Skinner was posted into Vehicles and Weapons Branch. Here was someone who could be up to the challenge, a ‘swap’ was arranged and Bob relocated up to Telford to take on the job. With his depth of knowledge, practical approach to problems, natural good humour and ability to get on with people at all levels, no matter how difficult they might be, he was quickly accepted and made himself an indispensable part of the project team. In fact, so successful was he that, when his tour came to an end, GKN would not let him go and he stayed on there after he retired. His award of an MBE for his work on the programme was particularly well deserved.
When he left the Army, he and his Wife Wendy set up home in Carlisle and he was then able to turn his attention to his other interests; and especially his knowledge of vintage toys. He became a well-respected dealer in antique toys and was known for the excellent quality of the items he sold. This was not down to chance because, while he would frequently tell his customers that an item came from a ‘house clearance’, they were actually carefully selected by him at auction. He and Wendy formed a formidable and very efficient team known for the slick way in which they would set up their spacious stall at a fair always arranged with military precision and an eye for detail. He was a great character whom it is a privilege to have known.
Bob died on 22 August 2022 and he will be much missed by Wendy, Julia and Jo and all his many friends and colleagues.
Death Notices
BAYLISS – Former Cpl William Michael Bayliss, later known as Bayliff, passed away on 06 February 2023 aged 83. Dates of service 1957-1963.
HALL – Former WO2 Barry James Hall passed away 19 December 2022 aged 48. Dates of service 1991-2014.
HAYNES – Former SSgt Ian Haynes passed away on 27 December 2022 aged 69. Dates of service 1969-1993.
POFFLEY – Maj (Retd) MA Poffley, (Mike) passed away on 29 January 2023 aged 76. Dates of service 1963-2003.
SEYMOUR – Former SSgt Clive Frederick Seymour passed away on 11 February 2023 aged 79. Dates of service 1959-1983.
THOMAS – Former LCpl Ceon Thomas passed away on 12 February 2023 aged 39. Dates of service 2007-2014.
Death Notice Requirements
In order to publish a death notice we require the following information: Surname, first name, rank, full date of death, ages and dates of service. An obituary with additional career and life information is welcome. To inform us of the death, please contact Ms Bev Bate, Corps Welfare Manager on ( 07936 902415 or
SSgt (Retd) Ian Haynes
Scribe: Ron Osgathorpe.
It is my sad duty to report the death of SSgt Ian Haynes who died on 27th December 2022 at the age of 69. Ian was born in Bristol on June 5th 1953 and enlisted into REME at the age of 16 in 1969. After his trade training, as a Tels Tech, he had various postings covering the UK, Germany, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands; his last posting between August 1990 and October 1992 was in Cyprus. Ian’s service ended on the 4th June 1993 in the rank of SSgt. After leaving the Corps Ian, and his Wife Cheryl, spent nearly 20 years in Saudi Arabia while working for BAE Systems. On returning to the UK they settled in Walpole St Peter, Norfolk. Ian was an avid sailor and very quickly became a valued member of the sailing community, very ably supported by Cheryl. Ian is sadly missed by all those who knew him, and by those members of the Corps who met him.
The REME Charity
The Trustees of The REME Charity acknowledge with sincere thanks the donations received during the month of FEBRUARY 2023. They also wish to acknowledge the regular subscriptions received from the Officers and Soldiers of the Corps and retired members of the REME Institution:
If you would like to see how your money is spent, we welcome one or two observers at The REME Charity meetings. The meetings are held midweek, approximately every three weeks. If you would like to observe a meeting, please contact The REME Charity Secretary on ( Mil: 95481 4527 or Civ: 07936902415 in the first instance.
The REME Charity is here for both veterans and serving personnel in times of hardship or need. Contact via SSAFA ( 0800 731 4880 or The Royal British Legion ( 0808 802 8080 or your Unit Welfare if serving. All enquiries and information is dealt with in the strictest confidence.
If you wish to discuss any benevolence need you can contact us on ( 07936902415,
Anyone wishing to leave a legacy to The REME Charity, which is exempt from inheritance tax, can add a codicil to their will. Our registered charity number is 1165868
The Craftsman is YOUR magazine, air YOUR views, share YOUR news
Bob Skinner – Artificer Course
Donations Feb-23 From Amount 13/02/2023 REME Coarse Angling Winter Meet £95.00 23/02/2023 Mrs Janet Beveridge in memory of Alexander Beveridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£50.00 10/02/2023 Nathan Moorey-completed Marathon de Sables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£266.41 13/02/2023 Tom Green £5.00 13/02/2023 Andy Rodgers £10.00 21/02/2023 Sarah Lumb-In Memory of father Cpl David Ronald Lumb £105.00 Date sent to Craftsman 28/02/2023 Total Donations (Feb) £531.41 Total £’s paid in Grants (Feb) . . . . . . . . . . .£25,937.57 No. Grants (in Feb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Average Grant (Feb) £648.44
Officer Assignments
London Gazette April 2023
14 February 2023
Intermediate Regular Commissions (Late Entry)
Warrant Officer Class 1 Loic Kervin MANNEVILLE 25063415 to be Captain 13 June 2022 (Belated Entry)
21 February 2023
No Entries
28 February 2023
No Entries
07 March 2023
The following have been awarded the 1st Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Military)
WO2, S. C. FRETWELL, REME, 25043742
WO1, R. J. LEACH, REME, 25052093
WO1, G. D. SARGEANT, REME, 25062442
WO2, M. TRICK, REME, 25063407
The following have been awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Military)
SGT, C. EDWARDS, REME, 25182602
CPL, C. T. FOSTER, REME, 30013650
WO2, R. P. GETHING, REME, 25145852
SSGT, J. T. GREEN, REME, 30013615
CPL, J. D. HEPWORTH, REME, 30013654
SSGT, B. D. LOCKYER, REME, 30013568
CPL, D. S. McNEILL, REME, 25231850
SGT, M. T. OAKLEY, REME, 30013619
MAJ, T. W. R. PUGH, REME, 30024118
SSGT, D. J. SIMMS, REME, 30013621
SGT, K. A. STEPHENS, REME, 25216947
SSGT, T. TAYLOR, REME, 30017835
CAPT, I. A. TAYLOR, REME, 30013720
SSGT, R. G. WILSON, REME, 25062062
Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover 45 The CorpsCommunications Team Are you emailing the right person? The Craftsman Magazine Editor The Digital Media Manager Change of postal address Submissions (Digital and Print) Other Communications and Media requests
Lieutenant Unit assigned to Date of Assignment Colonel LOVELOCK AA DIRECTOR FUTURES – SO1 ES CAP DEV 17 Apr 23 LOWEN JD MBE PJHQ UK – SO1 OPS CSG 20 Apr 23 PETERS RA MBE NATO JFTC – BRANCH HEAD CURRENT OPERATIONS TFC 0010 03 Apr 23 Major ALGATE MV DSA MAA - DSA MAA OPASSURE DT ENG3 20-Apr-23 CASWELL PA HQ FIELD ARMY DCOS EQPT - SO2 EQPT GENERATE 24-Apr-23 DOWN AJ 102 BN REME 124 COY - COY COMD 03-Apr-23 KEEN KM DSEME LYNEHAM RAS - SO2 OFFR TRG SENIOR 16-Apr-23 LOVELL MA 29 EOD AND S GSU GP WKSP - OC WKSP 24-Apr-23 REYNOLDS PG HQ 1 AVN BDE FIND - DCAM COMO 01-Apr-23 WEBB ALK FIELD ARMY TROOPS - SO2 ES 24-Apr-23 Captain BARRACLOUGH W 1 RHA LAD HQ – OC 24-Apr-23 BENTLEY MI 19 REGT RA WKSP REME – OC 24-Apr-23 CAPEL-SHYU J HQ 3 UK DIV - SO3 ES TRG 06-Apr-23 CIRIELLO RJ 23 PARA ENGR REGT WKSP REME - OC WKSP 01-Apr-23 EASTMAN CD Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 EVANS KL DSEME LYNEHAM 8 BN REME ALAMEIN COY – UWO 03-Apr-23 FIELDER SHAW J 103 BN REME – ADJT 24-Apr-23 FORSTER J MBE Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 HARDMAN AJ Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 HARRISON MF Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 HOER MM 3 BN REME – ADJT 24-Apr-23 HUTCHISON RS 3 BN REME - OPS ENG 05-Apr-23 McAFEE OJ Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 MURDOCH JC 3 BN REME - 3 BN REME – RCMO 05-Apr-23 NOLAN DJ 22 ENGR REGT LAD REME - OC LAD 24-Apr-23 SCARSFIELD RW Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 SMITH MI 9 BN REME HQ COY – QMT 05-Apr-23 TIKO V DCTT HQ LYNEHAM - SO3 TRG STRAT 3 17-Apr-23 TREVARTHEN M Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23 WARNER T FS BN REME 15 COY - SO3 IA and O 01-Apr-23 WELSH P RHQ REME - CORPS ADJT 24-Apr-23 WILLIAMS SA DSEME LYNEHAM RAS - INSTR ART TRG 03-Apr-23 WREATHALL SA Defence Academy Technology Division Army Career Courses – BTC 26-Apr-23
#TheREMEFamily Are you ex-serving REME? Did you have a partner or family who were in REME? Where are they Now? is a new feature giving you the chance to share your stories with the wider REME family. If you have a story to share, email it to
Corps Calendar 2023
More information regarding Corps Mess Functions can found by scanning the QR Code, or by accessing the ‘REME Connect’ website or alternatively email; for all general enquiries. Dates are accurate as at the date of print - refer to the monthly Craftsman for any changes.
APRIL 2023 14 16 REME Reunion Weekend 20 HQ Officers’ Mess – Corps Spring Guest Night 24-25 REME RSM Forum 26 Engineering Awards Lunch MAY 2023 03 Southern RAJA Careers and Employment Support Event – REME Museum 03 STEM UTCs REME Engineering Cup 11 HQ Officers’ Mess Corps Dinner Night 11 REME Colonels Command Group JUNE 2023 08 Founders Day at Royal Hospital Chelsea 15 REME Junior Officer Conference and Dinner Night 22 Beating Retreat and Cocktail Party JULY 2023 06 Sports Awards Dinner 23 Regimental Sunday at Royal Hospital Chelsea TBC SSE Candidate Briefing day SEPTEMBER 2023 07 Corps WO’s & Sgts’ Mess Dinner night 14 HQ Officers’ Mess Corps Dinner Night 14 REME Colonels Command Group 22 REME Institution Dinner 28 REME Memorial Day at National Memorial Arboretum TBC The Countess of Wessex Cup TBC Airborne Officers’ Dinner Night OCTOBER 2023 01 Corps 81st Birthday 19 MG REME Conference 19 HQ Officers’ Mess corps Autumn Guest Dinner Night TBC Sep/Oct- Northern RAJA Careers and Employment Support Event –Catterick TBC Commando Officers Dinner Night TBC REME QM Dinner Night NOVEMBER 2023 09 Field of Remembrance 18 REME Reserves Conference DECEMBER 2023 01 St. Eligius Day
REME Reunion Weekend 2023
Friday 14th – Monday 17th April 2023
staying at the Delta by Marriott Hotel Warwick
Half Board en-suite Accommodation
Drinks Receptions ⚫ Gala Dinner ⚫ 1940s Theme ⚫ Live Entertainment ⚫ Casino Standards Parade & Band ⚫ Church Service
Association Conference with Tea & Coffee
10% Off Bar Prices All Weekend ⚫ On Site Car Parking (complimentary)
Saturday Coach Trip – Stratford-upon-Avon
Sunday Coach Trip – National Memorial Arboretum
2 Night Package £179pp □
1 Night Package £115pp □
Extra Night Sunday £59pp □
Double Room (Sole Use) Supplement £20pn □
Saturday Trip – Stratford INCLUDED on 2 night bookings □
Depart Hotel 1000 / 1100 / 1200 Return 1430 / 1530 / 1630 (please delete)
Sunday Trip – National Memorial Arboretum £7.50pp □
Your Details: REME Branch: …………….……………….
Name ………………………………………………………………………....................... ...............
Address ...………………………………………..…………………………....................... ............... ………………………………………………………………………....................... ...............
Post Code …………………….......... Phone Number…………………………………………………….
Email ...………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Names of other persons on this booking form: Number of Persons………
Rooms Required: Double….……... Twin…………. Single…..……. (£20pn limited)
Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate all special requests this will be done on a first come first served basis and are not guaranteed. There are limited walk-in showers at this venue and are not guaranteed.
Special Requests i.e. diet requirements, walking difficulties etc.
GDPR Consent: Contact By Phone □ Contact By Email □ Contact By Post □
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Book Now to avoid disappointment, places are limited.
Cheques to be made payable to Mount Pleasant (IOW) Ltd - IOW TOURS.
By Making a Booking with IOW Tours you agree to our Trading Charter (our T&Cs) - details can be found on our website and will be sent with your confirmation. •
A non-refundable BOOKING FEE of £20.00pp is required with this booking form by 17th January
Full payment is due by 17 February 2023
Payment Plans/Staged Payments accepted contact us for more details
Call IOW Tours on 01983 405116 (MON – FRI 9am to 5pm) to make your booking and pay by Card
Pay Direct into our Bank Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-90-09
Account No: 58799768
Please use your POSTCODE as reference
Cancellation charges apply as follows:
14 day or less 100%
15 – 27 days 50%
28 – 42 days 30%
More than 42 days –Booking Fee Only
01983 405116
Insurance. IOW Tours
this for you. Phone
Insurance Declined □
recommend that you take out Travel
can arrange
for details.
Pleasant (IOW) Ltd T/A IOW Tours, 51 High Street, Shanklin, IOW. PO37 6JJ
405116 Mount
REME Reunion Week end Weekend 2023 14th - 17th April 2023 14th - 17th 2023 FINAL CALL! OVER 130 PLACES SOLD! 130 PLACES SOLD! The Delta Hotel by Marriot, Warwick The Delta Hotel Marriot, Warwick Contact IOW Tours now on: 01983 405116 Tours now on: 1940’STHEMED GALADINNERNIGHT FANCYDRESS! (OPTIONAL) Be mystified and amazed by Simply Magic! Dance the night away with The Daisies! Very Special Guests Sir Winston & Clementine Churchill