REME Careers
What has been happening in REME Soldier Wing? REME Soldier Wing Update Scribe: WO1 (ASM) Reed – REME Soldier Wing WO
lot has changed since the last REME Soldier Wing (RSW) Update in July 2019 – career management has been on a steady path of continuous improvement. We have been looking both in and out at how the process can be made more efficient, freeing up the career managers to spend more time actively delivering career management to REME Soldiers. A concerted effort has been made to improve how REME Soldier Wing communicates. The introduction of the REME Career Management Facebook Group has been central to this and the take up has been impressive. With over 3300 serving REME now subscribed, information is hitting exactly where it is needed instantly. It is an exclusive group with membership constantly monitored to ensure that everyone in the group is still a current serving member of the Corps; those that have left are removed. The publication of the Job List for all ranks and the reinvigoration of the Posting Preference Proforma (PPPs) in a new PDF format provides improved visibility of available
posts and the opportunity for numerous preferences to be submitted. Consequently, an improvement in the quality of PPPs has been witnessed, with more realistic aspirations being submitted based on what is available. Equally, five vlogs on how an Assignment Board works, how to complete a PPP, the FCR process and how the Promotion and Employability Boards work have now been published. A Field Force Representative (FFR) now attends each Assignment Board in direct support of the career manager. Current military input is now injected into all Assignment Boards by the FFR, as well as adding military judgement – they are being used to clarify any PPPs that don’t make sense to the board, or to discuss other options if all preferences have already been taken. So, don’t be surprised if the FFR gives you a call during an Assignment Board! RSW also deliver mock Promotion / Assignment Boards to units that have requested training. These have been designed
SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE NEVER STOP LEARNING Use your Standard Learning Credits (SLC) towards outstanding technical training. 7 May
Introduction to structured problem solving using Lean Sigma
15 June Technical report writing More courses to be added throughout 2021. Virtual courses exclusive to armed forces personnel. Pay as little as £45 when you use your Standard Learning Credits.