Craftsman Magazine - September 2021

Page 28

Overseas Exercise



The US fleet after being transported to the Port of Koper

Task Force Postojna developing their redeployment plan




Field Company of 5 Battalion REME led the deployment to Slovenia as a sub-unit aligned to the OF4 TEG HQ on the 22nd May 2021. The TEG was deployed on Ex DEFENDER 21, a multinational exercise supporting the deployment of US forces to demonstrate the capability and capacity of deploying into Europe at Very High Readiness (VHR). The 2 Fd Coy Task Force was located in Postojna, working in the mountainous environment with the mission of providing movement control, C2 of the LSA and operational capability to execute RSOM and R-RSOM operations. Along with supporting the US movements team at the port of Koper. Whilst 2 Fd Coy provided the C2 and the bulk of the workforce, the Task Force incorporated a multitude of TEG capability to enable the mission from across 104 Log Sp Bde; including Kings Troop from 247 Gurkha Signal Sqn.

Throughout we worked alongside several of our NATO counterparts specifically members from US forces of the 221st Quartermaster Company and 627th Transport Detachment as well as members of the 157th Logistics Regiment of the Slovenian host nation forces. Building partnerships and trust in this environment has proved invaluable as we have been able to learn best practice from each other and develop our combined SOPs for future operations.

Operating in a COVID-19 Environment The deployment to LSA POSTOJNA provided great difficulties due to the impact that COVID-19 has had on the world. The pandemic has presented constraints in planning and initial deployment, allowing us to show the flexibility and positive mentality that 5 Bn REME has in order to complete the mission; whilst adhering to the Force Health Protection measures. All Military Personnel on the exercise were required to conduct two Lateral flow tests weekly to ensure that they were able to complete their jobs whilst staying safe from COVID-19. With the great challenges of operating in a restricted environment, the risk of soldiers suffering with mental health was much higher than usual. This was helped with weekly sports competitions, integrating with the US and Slovenia Forces. Soldiers played a variety of sports; Football, Volleyball, Baseball, American Football and Rugby to name a few of many.

Mission Complete UK and US Forces combining for the successful running of the CMA at LSA Postojna

Vehicle Mechanics from 2 Field Company utilising their trade knowledge as they work on a US Humvee 28

The mission was completed successfully, allowing for supplementary time to conduct sports as well as a variety of visits around Slovenia. These included visiting the Lakes of Bled and Bohinj, seeing the Historical Capital city of Ljubljana and exploring the famous Triglav National Park.

Paddle boarding in Lake Bled, Slovenia

Members of TF KOPER during a very competitive Volleyball competition

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