Watch Derby Theatre’s new learning videos at:
Beyond the Curriculum
Discover Derby Theatre: A Learning Theatre
Opportunities for children and young people to connect with us in their own time
Our model here at Derby is unique – we are transforming the landscape of theatre and learning by providing special access to professional theatre-making and nurturing creativity in all ages.
Youth Theatre We run weekly sessions that develop confidence, technique and skills. We work towards a major annual show on the main stage and in our studio theatre. Age 8 – 10 years: Tuesdays in term time 5pm – 6.30pm Age 11 – 13 years: Sundays in term time 10am – 11.30am Age 14 – 16 years: Sundays in term time 2pm – 3.30pm Age 17 – 19 years: Sundays in term time 11.45am – 1.45pm £70 a term* We currently have a waiting list for most of these groups. Once you apply we will let you know as soon as a place becomes available.
Our innovative approach to threading learning through everything we do has gained us national recognition and reputation:
*For all our youth groups there are a limited number of half price and free places available for families with limited financial means – please enquire. The next in-take for our youth theatre will be in July/August 2016 and spaces will be offered initially to those people at the top of our waiting list. If you would like to be added to our waiting list then please contact our Box Office on 01332 593939.
“Increasingly the most crucial theatre in the region because of its emphasis on learning, nurturing and nourishing”. Lyn Gardner, The Guardian We have something for learners at all stages, which can be tailored to meet your needs and can be anything from a simple workshop to a long term developmental partnership. To enquire about any aspect of our Learning Programme, contact the Learning Department.
Caroline Barth, Head of Learning
Nicky Bellenger, Creative Learning Associate
Beth Williams, Stage Management and Learning Coordinator
Theatre Thinkers Tell us what you think The last Thursday of every month in term time, 4.30 – 6pm Have you ever wanted to know more about how a theatre works across all the different departments? Our Theatre Thinkers group
Cheryl Mitchell, Creative Learning Assistant
meets monthly to work with professional designers, programmers and marketing professionals, amongst others. You will also help us make important decisions and put on events that make Derby Theatre even more buzzing for young people. Free group. Contact us to reserve your place Age 11–19 years
Young Technicians
Costume & Prop Hire
Our annual course for Young Technicians runs fortnightly and looks at all aspects of the theatre including lighting, sound, stage and design. The final term of the year is left open for practical experiences and shadowing here at the theatre. If you would like to join the list for the next Young Technicians course starting September 2016 then please contact the Box Office.
We hire costumes and props to schools and colleges. We have over 2,500 costume pieces built up over many years and are always adding to our stock. We can even make you something specific if we aren’t too busy. Our Head of Wardrobe is on hand to help with patterns, books and brilliant advice. Contact Tim Heywood:
£35 per term Age 11-19 years
Photo credit: Robert Day
The learning continues… Derby Theatre works in partnership with the University of Derby to deliver a number of unique and exciting theatre-related degrees, including Technical Theatre and Contemporary Theatre and Performance. Students get invaluable industry experience, learning alongside the professionals in Derby Theatre, a venue owned by the university.
Derby Theatre’s Learning Programme for Schools, Colleges and Young People
Derby Theatre Holiday Workshops
Once Upon A (Workshop 1)
April to June
Derby Theatre National Theatre Connections Festival
Thu 28 April – Sat 7 May
Hamlet & All’s Well That Ends Well double bill
Tue 24 – Sat 28 May
Mask Work with Trestle Theatre
Thu 16 June
The Complete Deaths
Thu 16 – Fri 17 June
Once Upon A (Workshop 2)
Tue 5 July
Augustus & His Smile Show & Workshop
Thu 7 July
Derby Theatre Summer School
Mon 22 – Fri 26 Aug
Complicité Teaching & Devising
Wed 12 Oct
Alice in Wonderland Relaxed Performance
Thu 5 Jan
Come and join Derby Theatre professionals for a week to learn new skills and create a brand new story for a mini performance to be shared on the final day with friends and family... Summer School – Mon 22 to Fri 26 August Age 8 – 12 years £65 per person
Refer to our autumn brochure or check our website for information about the following shows that qualify for a school party rate of £9.50 per ticket plus every 11th ticket free for a teacher/supervisor for:
To book tickets for performances, call the Box Office on 01332 59 39 39 or email
All’s Well That Ends Well
To book workshop places or to make an enquiry about any aspect of our Learning programme, contact the Learning department:
The Complete Deaths
School tickets for Alice in Wonderland are from £10 each plus every 11th ticket free
Caroline Barth, Head of Learning: 01332 593944
Coming by coach? We can help you to arrange the drop-off point.
Nicky Bellenger, Creative Learning Associate: 01332 593919 Beth Williams, Stage Management and Learning Coordinator: 01332 593913
We can also assist you with any questions you may have when completing a risk assessment for your visit.
I loved the opportunity to work with professional actors and directors.
Derbyshire Community Foundation For Derbyshire for good
Box Office: 01332 59 39 39 |
Derby Theatre’s Learning Programme is sponsored by Reprotec
Derby Theatre is part of
Year 10 student Archbishop Ilsley Catholic Technology College
We would like to thank the following organisations for their generous support:
KEY Performances
Photo credits: Robert Day, Steve Gretsy, Richard Richards & Chris Webb
For specific workshop pricing please refer to individual events.
Cheryl Mitchell, Creative Learning Assistant: 01332 593913