The rural country house of Gallinaro rises on a hill
facing up the beautiful Gallinaro valley, with the
village, elds and churches.
Our studio drawn up a comprehensive plan of investment,
going to remark two di erent scenarios (one
of them is divided into a further two) that would
allow to maximize the usable spaces and the
economic return of the transaction through the
careful planning of involved spaces.
With this in mind, our work is based on three fronts
and, therefore, three di erent design proposals for
The rst option consists in static consolidation and
restoration of the building, removing or minimizing
the causes of degradation, and at the same time
demolishing some areas to earn the buildability
It provides the integration of the old with the new
building by the addition of modern architecture to
the ancient one; in this way the duality modern-old
born generates a reworking of the existing language...