22nd Annual Super Bowl Fashion Show!
Off The Field’s top priority is to provide support in the community through our philanthropic efforts. For the past 22 years, our Super Bowl Fashion Show has provided both financial and volunteer support in each of the Super Bowl host cities.
Your presence here, today, is an indication that you are committed to making a positive impact - not only in your own communities - but right here in Arizona.
I encourage you all to help spread our message and expand our reach by using the hashtags
#NFLWivesFashionShow & #OffTheFieldNFLWives, as you share your experience on social media. We are confident you will be inspired by today’s agenda and empowered by our dynamic guests, members, models, sponsors, and collaborators.
As President of Off The Field NFL Wives Association, it is truly an honor to serve you and the community. The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been and the memories we’ve made along the way. Off The Field has already gifted me with years of memories and I look forward to building more - TOGETHER!
To our Off The Field Board of Directors, thank yousincerely! Today would not be possible without your
dedication to service, unity, sisterhood and support for our beloved organization.
To our Fashion Show Co-Chair Ericka Lassiter and our Co-Chair Ashley Brown - thank you for embracing our cause and spearheading our fashion show, taking our impact to new levels. We are honored!
To the Fashion Show Committee Chairs - thank you for your leadership and commitment and to the Committee Members - thank you for sharing your style, creativity and willingness to serve.
To our sponsors - thank you for your partnership and collaboration. Words do not adequately express our gratitude for your support and contribution. Your belief in us and our mission inspires us.
Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall- thank you for the opportunity to grace your runway and represent your vision with elegance and grace.
To our guests - we are ecstatic to have you! Without you there is no show. Without you there is no impact, no contribution to the community. Thank you for supporting Off The Field and being an instrumental part of our vision.
Rachel McKenzie President, Off The Field NFL Wives Association“Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler” LET THE GOODWELCOME to Off the Field NFL Wives Association PRESIDENT, OFF THE FIELD NFL WIVES ASSOCIATION
Wearedelightedtohaveyouhereinthebeautifulstate ofArizona,inacitythatisannuallyratedamongthe nation’smostdesirablecommunitiestolivein,visitand dobusiness,Scottsdale,Arizona!
Weareyourco-chairsfortoday’ssoldoutevent.Iam AshleyBrown,oneoftheco-foundersofOfftheField NFLWivesAssociation,wifeofRayBrown,former20yearNFLplayerandcoach,andmomtotwoamazing youngadultsMiriamandTrey.
MynameisErickaLassiter,formerPresidentofOffthe Field,widowofNFLdefensivebackfortheArizona Cardinals,KwamieLassiterandtheproudmotherof #DemLassiterBoysItisapleasuretobebackherein mystateofArizonaforthethirdtimeandco-chairing thisfabulousevent.
Weareexcitedaboutonceagainpartneringwith MacerichandScottsdaleFashionSquaretohostour annualcharityfashion.Thiseventallowsusto celebratethepinnacleofthefootballseasonwitha fashionableandfuneventthatultimatelysupportsthe missionofOffTheField
Aportionoftheproceedsfromthisyear’seventwillbenefit theCarisSportsFoundation,foundedin2019tohelpkids andtheirfamiliesmeetthecostsassociatedwithrecreational andcompetitivesports.OffTheFieldmemberRaquel McNabb,wifeofNFLLegendDonovanMcNabb,isthecofounderofCarisSportsFoundation Theirmissionistogive youththeopportunitytoparticipateinorganizedsportsby removingfinancialobstaclesthatkeepthemonthesidelines. Theorganizationisdedicatedtothateffortbyproviding financialsupporttokidswhoneedassistance.Economic barriersshouldnotpreventyouthfromtakingpartinthe sportstheylove.
Wewouldliketoexpressoursincerestthankstoeveryone whohashelpedusmakethiseventpossible.Thankyouto ScottsdaleFashionSquareandMacerichforhostingusat yourbeautifulcenter.Thankyoutoallofoursponsorsthat areheretosupportus,ourselflessvolunteers,theOffthe FieldFashionShowcommitteemembers,ourBoardof Directors,thestyleandglamsquad,andSLEEntertainment. Withoutallofyou,thiseventwouldnotbepossible.
Lastly,congratulationstotheKansasCityChiefsand PhiladelphiaEagles!Enjoytheshowandfeelfreetotake advantageofsomeamazingshoppingthisafternoon Several retailersareofferingapercentageofsalesbacktoour organizationtohelpwithoureffortstoraisefundsforlocal charitieshereinArizona.
Off The Field is the Official National Football Players’ Wives Association who serve as football ambassadors dedicated to unite the diverse talents and collective voice of women in the football industry
Off The Field NFL Wives Association was established on February 16, 2006, in Washington D.C., as a national non- profit
organization. The organization is comprised solely of the spouses and significant others of active and retired NFL players
OTF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that strives to be a resource to its members and their communities . The purpose of the OTF is to have an alliance of women within a network who are
fully committed to collectively affect change within themselves as well as their surrounding communities
Through our charitable efforts, OTF has donated over one million dollars into the hands of service providers, including hospitals and non- profits who support children and families.
Susan Casper is the co-host of Sonoran Living on ABC15 Arizona, the longest running television lifestyle show in Arizona. A television personality for more than 25 years, Susan hosts and produces the two-time EMMY Award-winning monthly series, “Community Connection with Susan Casper ”
Susan has a passion for helping others and when she’s not on television, you will find her helping out in the community as a motivational speaker, volunteer, mentor and advocate for women and girls
Susan, a wife and mom of twin teen girls, served five years as an executive board member of Dress for Success Phoenix, is a founding member of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women (Phoenix Metropolitan Chapter) and member of the National Association of Black Journalists
You can watch Susan on Sonoran Living weekdays at 9am on ABC15.
Caribe Devine anchors 12News at 5, 6 and 10 with Mark Curtis Caribe began her career at 12News in 2005 as weekend weather anchor and live shot feature reporter, before moving to weeknights in 2011 as chief meteorologist.
Caribe has been recognized for her work during breaking news coverage of the 2018 violent riots at a President Trump rally in downtown Phoenix, with an Edward R. Murrow Award and National Emmy Award Nomination. She is an Emmy nominated and Associated Press “Best Anchor” and winner of numerous Emmy Awards for best evening newscast in a large TV market.
Caribe was born in Longview, Texas, but considers El Paso, Texas, her hometown. While in high school, Caribe was news anchor for the Andress High School student news broadcast but decided on a different path in college.
She graduated from the University of Texas El Paso with a degree in Elementary Education. Soon after college, fate brought Caribe back into news broadcasting and she landed her first job as a weather caster at KFOX-TV in El Paso, Texas. She also worked as weekend weather anchor and reporter at KTSM-TV in El Paso before coming to 12News
Caribe holds a certificate of Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University and is a member of the National Weather Association and the National Association of Black Journalists.
Caribe has two daughters: Nevaeh born in October 2009 and Aviva born in December 2013.
Follow Caribe Devine on Facebook and on Twitter.
Destry Jetton is a contributor and fill-in host for Arizona Midday. The Arizona native hosted the show for 16 years before deciding to pursue other passions. Destry is a graduate of Tempe High School and Arizona State University – where she earned two degrees; one in Broadcast Journalism and the other Elementary Education
Destry started her broadcasting career interning in the 12News newsroom. Her first job was in St. Joseph, Missouri where she was the 10PM anchor and covered everything from record breaking snowstorms, education stories and chasing an ostrich on the loose!
From Missouri, Destry went to Waco, Texas where she covered the Presidential Race, tornadoes, The Branch Davidian Compound tragedy and other big stories in the area.
Before coming back to Phoenix, Destry worked in Tucson as the morning show anchor. During her time there she reported on the September 11th terrorist attacks, the University of Arizona shooting and many wildfires.
During her time on Arizona Midday, Destry has cooked with some of the Valley’s top chefs, gone into the community to bring viewers at home advice on a range of topics from home décor to business, plus interviewed celebrities like Jessica Lange and Mark Wahlberg, and shared cool crafts. In 2015 Destry and the Midday team took the show to Super Bowl Central in Downtown Phoenix for Super Bowl XLIX As contributor, Destry continues to be an integral part of the show.
Destry’s family is what is most important to her. She has a twin sister, a younger sister and 3 brothers She also has two children of her own –Hayden and Blythe Destry has been married to her high school sweetheart, Terry, for 25 years. For fun, Destry loves going to Arizona Cardinals and ASU football games, hiking in the Valley’s beautiful mountains, reading and hot yoga.
LatashaWilson-Batch-TreasurerofOTFNFLWivesAssociation,isthe ExecutiveDirectorofBestoftheBatchFoundation
LatashareceivedaBSinPsychologyaBAinPhysicalEducationfrom JohnsonCSmithUniversity,aMSinHumanDevelopmentinSportsfromthe UniversityofTennesseeandaMSinProfessionalCounselingfromCarlow UniversitySoulmatetoCharlieBatch,togetherinlifeandservicetheyhave threefour-leggedkids:IndyaSnickersandCairo
Iftheworldweremerelyseductive,thatwouldbeeasyIfitweremerely challenging,thatwouldbenoproblemButIariseinthemorningtornbetween adesiretoimprovetheworldandadesiretoenjoytheworldThismakesit hardtoplantheday"--EB
AshleyQuiglessBrownistheco-founderofOfftheFieldNFLWives AssociationSheisaconsultantwithBeautycounterattendedHoward UniversityandholdsaBachelorofArtsdegreefromtheUniversityof Memphis
Ashleyismarriedtoformer20-yearNFLPlayerandCoachRayBrownThey aretheparentsoftwoyoungadultsMiriamandTrey
Itisapleasuretobuildsomethingspecialalongsidehard-workingselfless anddedicatedwomen
ShericeBrownisthePresidentofTheLanetteGroupSheBrownsFitness andShericeBrownRealEstate
Passionatelydevotedtooutreach,ShericeisoneoftheFoundingBoard MembersofOfftheFieldNFLWivesAssociation
ShericeismarriedtoTimBrown;formerOaklandRaider,HeismanTrophy winnerand2015ProFootballHallofFameInductee SheandTimhave5 children:Taylor,Tish,Timon,andtwinsTimothy,Jr,andTamarThe familyresidesinDallas,Texas
ValarieBarrettEverettbrings25yearsofcorporateexperienceandafelong dedicationtocommunityservicetoOffTheFeldNFLWivesAssociationInherrole asOTFboardmember,ValarieservesontheStrategcPlannngCommittee,chars thefashionshowAwardsCommitteesupportsmarketingandmembership endeavorsSheisanactiveLifeMemberofAlphaKappaAlphaSorortyInc
Valarieisacontributngwriter,mostrecentyforThePlaybook,thepublication distributedtoa32NFLTeamsSheisagraduateofthePennsylvaniaState UniversityValariemarriedformerNFLveteranMajorEverett(EaglesBrownsand Falcons)in1988
Theunexpectedgftthatkeepsgivinginthisunquesisterhoodisthecamaraderie andmutualrespectwehaveforoneanother”
ProudwifeofretiredNFLrighttackle,RobertHicks,ShawnetteSapp-Hicks hasbeeninstrumentalinthegrowthandsuccessofOffTheFieldNFLWives Association(OTF)sincejoiningtheorganizationin2016 ShawnetteholdsaBachelorofSciencedegreeinElectricalEngineeringfrom CaliforniaStateUniversity,Northridge,aswellasanMBAfromthe UniversityofMiami
MostrewardingisherroleasmotherofMikaylaandRobertIIIBalancing thedemandsofwife,mother,career,andOTF,hastaughtShawnettethat theonlylimittosuccessisone’smindset–whatyoubelieveyoucan achieve
RomondaJordanisCo-FounderofOfftheFieldNFLWivesAssociationand hasservedontheBoardofDirectorssincetheinceptionRomonda obtainedaBAinSpeechCommunicationfromtheUniversityofNorth CarolinaatChapelHillSheisthewifeofformerNFLProRandyJordan enteringhis9thseasonastheRunningBackscoachfortheWashington CommandersRomondaandRandyhavethreechildren:Raven,Jalenand Justin
“Beinginvolvedincharitableorganizationsgivesmeagreatsinceof fulfillmentasamentor,rolemodel,andleaderandhavingtheopportunity toconnectwithwomengivesmegreatjoybecauseofthebondweshare!”
AnhonorgraduateofNorfolkStateUniversityinNorfolkVirginiaErickaisarealtor andservedasthePresidentofOffTheFieldNFLWivesAssociationfrom2009-2021 InadditiontobeingthecurrentPresidentofTheKwamieLassiterFoundation,Ericka alsoservesonboardsforTheSickleCeFoundationofArizona,TheFootballPlayers HealthStudyatHarvardUniversity,andFEM-FL(FamiyExperiencesManagingFootball Lives)asanadvsoryboardmemberSheisaproudmemberofDeltaSigmaTheta SorortyInc ErckaresidesnChandler,Arizonawithherchildren:EricKwamieII,Kwinton,Kwincy andnephewDarius
KnownasTheGameChanger,TammaraMcDonald,istheCo-Founderand ExecutivePartnerofImperiumBusinessGroupandaConsultantPartnerof RMRSportsManagement
TammarobtainedaBachelorofScienceDegreeattheUniversityof HoustonTammaraandherformerhusband,retiredNFLPlayer,Ricardo McDonald,have3children:(twins)AustinandAutumn,andBryce “Thetrueworthofaperson,shouldevidentlyandvividlybeseenintheir actionsworksserviceandthelivestheytouch!”
ThePresidentofOffTheFieldNFLWivesAssociation,RachelMcKenzieis thefounderofTrey4LogisticsLLC
SheholdsaMasterofBusinessAdministrationandBachelorofArtsin MassCommunicatioandisconstantlyembarkingonwaystobuild communitiesthatfosterempoweringgirlsandwomenthroughcommunity development
“Behindeverysuccessfulwomanisatribeofothersuccessfulwomenwho haveherback!”
TamikoMcKenzie,BoardmemberoftheOffFieldNFLWivesAssociation sinceitsinceptionSheisthemotherofKeithJr,13andtwinboysKalen andKarson11Tamikoismarriedto8-yearNFLPro,KeithMcKenziecurrentlytheDefensiveLineCoachatBallStateUniversity
TamikoisaformerEconomicDevelopmentProfessionalandis passionateaboutbuildingpositiverelationshipsandbeingacreativeand impactfulleaderwithinandoutsideoftheuniquecommunityoftheNFL “Themostpracticalwaytochangewhoyouareistochangewhatyou do”JamesClear
Linda,aSeniorAssociatewithCalcagni&Kanefsky,focusesherpracticeon criminaldefenseandinternalinvestigationsLindahasyearsoftrial experience,aswellasanexpertiseincomplexinvestigationsandappellate practice
LindaservesontheBoardofDirectorsofOffTheField–NFLWives AssociationandisontheFamilyAdvisoryBoardoftheFootballPlayers HealthStudyatHarvardUniversitySheisagraduateofNewYorkUniversity (BA)andtheBenjaminNCardozoSchoolofLaw,JD
LindaismarriedtoFormer12-yearNFLTackle,RomanObenandtheyarethe proudparentsofsonsRJandAndré
Anordainedminister,RevDrTamlaWilsonfoundedTheWaitingRoom InfertilityMinistryandCapesOff,agroupfocusedonholisticself-carefor womeninministryTamlahasover20yearsofexperienceinthefinancial andinsuranceindustriesandisDirectorofInstitutionalRelationsat BridgewayCapitalManagement
Themotheroftwosons-HudsonandHolland-sheisveryactiveinthe communityisanexcitedofficerboardmemberandproudlifetimemember ofOfftheFieldNFLWivesAssociation
“Ifyoursuccesshasnotmadeanyoneelsebetter,thenyouhavenotbeen successfulatall”
LaToyaPace-Smithisamulti-facetedleaderEntrepreneurMarketingMavenand BusinessStrategistwithapassionforinspiringwomenandchildrentoachieve theirgoalsanddreamsAmbitioustohercoreshehasextensiveexperiencein boththecorporateandentrepreneurialenvironmentsinmarketingstrategy strategcpartnershipsandbranddevelopment
LaToyaintuitvelytakesavisionandmakesintorealitythroughsoundstrategy deveopmentandcreativemarketingschemesShehasappliedherextensive expertisetoassistingOffTheFieldexecuteseamlessprogramming,socialand brandstrategiesthroughouttheyear
OTFNFLWivesAssociationVicePresident,CynthiaZordichisthe founderofnflthreadne,EditorofThePlaybook,co-authorofWhenThe ClockRunsOutandco-hostofYNSLivew/NFLThreadonFireside Sheismarriedtoformer12-yearNFLSafetyMichaelZordich,nowa defensivebackscoachatCentralMichiganUniversity
“TherearesomanydynamicNFLwomenjustlightinguptheworldIam sopleasedtotelltheirstories,sharetheirjourneys,offerinsightinto theNFLexperienceandprovideplatformstohelpourNFLcircles GROW!
Nicole Bidwill is Vice President for the Arizona Cardinals Football Club, a National Football League franchise that has been in her family since her grandfather, Pro Football Hall of Famer Charles Bidwill purchased the team in 1933. Nicole’s father Bill ran the day-to-day operations for decades, as a result Nicole has grown up with the team. Her first job out of college was as a marketing assistant for the Cardinals. She spent several years as the club’s Director of Gameday Entertainment. Nicole championed to bring the cheer program in-house and hatched the mascot, Big Red, during halftime in 1996. She helped found and continues to participate in the grant approval process for Cardinal Charities; a 501(c)3 grant-based program supporting local 501(c)3s that promote education, healthcare, and alleviating poverty.
Nicole can be spotted in the community on a regular basis with the Arizona Cardinals Community Relations Crew She is also frequently accompanied by one of her therapy animals; supporting those in the community who need it the most. Nicole and her English Mastiff, Hank, make their rounds with visits to hospitals and homes of chronically ill children, hospice patients, and foster children. Nicole recently added 2 Therapeutic Shire horses, Sugar, and Gunther, to her team of
therapy companions. The horses have been trained and developed by volunteers and professional trainers to have meaningful interactions with foster children, cancer patients, people experiencing addiction, depression, anxiety, and homelessness. Nicole and her therapy animals have appeared in parades, at schools, and during Covid they put on drive-thru birthday parties.
Nicole is a devoted philanthropist whose recent awards are a good indication of the impact she has made in her community. She has received the Girl Scouts’ Promise Award, which is bestowed on organizations and individuals that parallel the Girl Scout Law She has received the FBI’s Community Service Award; the Inspiring Greatness Awardfrom Not My Kid; and the People Choice Winner from Dancing with the Stars for raising a record-breaking donation for the National Kidney Foundation
Nicole served on the Commission to Prevent Violence Against Women for the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith, and Family in 2014-2015.
Nicole graduated from Marymount University with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration. She lives in Phoenix and has two teenage boys.
Thesummerafterhighschool,KimMcWaterslearnedshewas pregnant Shedecidedtokeepherbabyandforfeitafull-ride scholarshiptoASU.Atage18,likehermotherbeforeher,Kim becameateenagemomwithnoeducation,noworkexperience, andnomarketableskills.
In1984,ayearafterherfirstsonwasborn,Kimbecamea receptionistatUniversalTechnicalInstitute(UTI). Whileraising hersonasasinglemom,Kimworkedonhercollegedegreeand startedclimbingtheranksatUTI.Shewasnamedpresidentin 2000andchiefexecutiveofficerin2003 Sheledthecompany’s IPOandbecameArizona’sfirstfemaleCEOofapubliccompany. UTIbecamethenation’sleadingproviderofautomotive techniciantraining.In2019,KimretiredasCEOandremainedon thecompany’sboarduntilMarch2022 Shecurrentlyservesasa directorforPenskeAutomotiveGroup(NYSE:PAG)andWillScot MobileMiniHoldings(NASDAQ:WSC).
KimrecognizeshowfortunatesheisthattheformerCEOofUTI tookachanceonasinglemomwithnojobexperiencein1984. Accesstoemployment,education,andresourcesgaveKimthe opportunitiessheneededtobuildabrighterfutureforherselfand herfamily.
tHelpingotherstransformtheirlivesforthebetterhasbeena centralfocusofKim’scareerandlife AtUTI,shepartneredwith industryleaderssuchasBMW,Ford,Mercedes-Benz,and Porsche,totrainandpreparenontraditionalstudentsforwellpayingcareersinthetransportationindustry.Withamissionto change
Forthepastthreedecades,Kimhasactivelyservedontheboardsof multiplenon-profitorganizationstohelpat-riskwomenand children,includingFreshStartWomen’sFoundationandtheBoys andGirlsClubsoftheValley.Sheisalsoafoundingmemberofthe TechForceFoundation,whichprovidesstudentsaccesstoeducation andcareerpathwaysintheskilledtrades.
KimjoinedFreshStartasitsPresidentandCEOinFebruary2021, afterservingnearly20yearsonitsboardofdirectors.FreshStart-a Phoenix-basednon-profitservingmorethan3,000womeneachyear and50,000+womenduringits30-yearhistory–primarilyserves womenjustlikeKimwasin1984.Themajorityaresinglemoms earninglessthan$25,000peryearwhodesperatelyneedsomeoneto believeinthemandtoprovidetheaccessandresourcesnecessaryto buildabrighterfutureforthemselvesandtheirchildren
Asabusinessleaderandphilanthropist,Kimhasreceivednumerous honors,including:MostInfluentialCorporateBoardDirectors, WomenInc.Magazine;MostAdmiredCEOsand40Under40bythe PhoenixBusinessJournal;50MostInfluentialWomeninArizona,AZ BusinessMagazine;DistinguishedWomenAward,Northwood University;BillShoverLeadershipAward,Vitalant;andFounders’ CircleandVisionaryawards,FreshStart.
KimlivesinNorthPhoenixwithherhusband,Chris Shehasthree adultsonsandthreebeautifulgrandchildren
Dr. Kimberly Post has been with HonorHealth in Scottsdale, Arizona, since 1991. In her long tenure with HonorHealth she has served in many roles including staff nurse, service line leader, CNO and Operational Vice President. For the past three years she has served as the Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer, where she leads system operations that include the hospital division, ambulatory services, joint ventures, and the clinical operations of the HonorHealth Medical Group. Her ultimate professional goal is in her current leadership role where she is charged with developing and deploying strategic initiatives, day to day operations, and ensuring that all systems, resources and people are in place to achieve the goals and mission of the organization
Dr. Post has a bachelor’s in nursing, a master’s in business administration, and a doctorate in nursing practice with an emphasis in leadership from Case Western Reserve University, where she was awarded the Outstanding DNP Graduate award. She also completed an executive fellowship at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. She was recognized as one of the Most Influential Women in Arizona in 2018 by the Phoenix Business Journal.
Dr. Post enjoys traveling with her husband of 38 years, reading, and spending time with her 3 children, 4 grandchildren, and 1 spoiled dog
HealthOutpatientClinicinTempe,Arizona.Wifetoformer NFLDefensiveTackle,LouisLeonard,Laceyknowsfirst-hand theplightofformerathletesandtheirfamiliesstrugglingwith mentalhealth,chronicpain,andsymptomsofCTE
BorninFresno,CaliforniaLaceyLeonardistheoldestof4and wasraisedinaclose-knitfamily.SheattendedFresnoStateon atrackscholarshipwhereshemetherhusbandtheir freshmanyearofcollege.
Withherdowntoearthpersonality,itonlytakesafew minutesofconnectingwithhertounderstandwhypeople instantlyengage.Soughtafterforherwitty,transparent,and inspirationalmessage,Laceyisapowerfulkeynotespeaker andcontinuestousehervoiceatvariousspeaking engagements.Mostrecently,LaceyspokeatOfftheField’s Lunch&LearnsponsoredbyHonorHealthandHallofFame health.She’salsobeenthekeynotefortheWomenoftheNFL conferenceaswellasCalifornia’slargestfemaleinstitution, CCWF
PriortoopeningTackleHealth,Laceyworked15yearsin medical,clinical,andfiscaloperationsatUniversity California,SanFrancisco.There,shewasinstrumentalinthe developmentofthefirsteverstudent-runclinicwhich broughtequalhealthcareservicestotargetedand underservedcommunitiesinFresno,California.
In2022,Laceytookaleapoffaithandlefthercorporatecareerto opentheirfirstBehavioralHealthOutpatientfacilityfocusingon healingthosesufferingwithmentalhealthandsubstanceabuse. AtTackleHealth,theirgoalistodeliverqualitybehavioralhealth servicesandprovideservicesforthelackofcareformental healthandaddiction Havingtheuniqueadvantageofbeing marriedtoaformerNFLplayerandcoupledwithunderstanding whatthesefamiliesdealwith,Laceywantedtodestigmatize mentalhealthandaddiction,especiallyasitrelatestosports. Havingasonwholostateammatetosuicideonlyfueledher passionandsheknewcreatingaconfidentialtherapyprogram tailoredtounderstandinghowthewholepersonmustbetreated, notjustthesubstancemisuseormentalhealthconditionwas imperativetodeliveringtherightcare.
Activeinthecommunity,LaceyisaproudmemberofDelta SigmaThetaSororityInc.,OfftheFieldPlayerWives’Association andservesonthePlayersAdvocacyCommittee,whichensures retiredplayershavemoreaccesstoinformationconcerningtheir rightsundertheNFLConcussionSettlement Passionateabout advocatingforjustice,Laceyhasbeenfeaturedonnumerous mediaoutletsincludingABCNews,NBC,GoodMorning America,andNewsNation.
AlthoughLaceyisgratefulforallthatshe’saccomplished, nothingcomparestothejoyofherlife,herhusbandLouisand theirtwochildren,LandonandLleyton.Tostayconnected, Lacey’sofficialIGis@LaceyLeonardor
TeriSmithwashiredasSpecialCounseltotheExecutive DirectorattheNationalFootballLeaguePlayersAssociation onAugust4,2009.ShewaspromotedtoDeputyManaging DirectorinAugustof2010,ActingCOOinFebruaryof2019 andthenbecametheNFLPA’sfirstfemaleandBlackCOOin Marchof2021.
PriortojoiningtheNFLPA,Teriparticipatedinmulti-million dollarmergerandacquisitiondealsfornumerousFortune500 companiesasacorporateassociateatLatham&Watkins, whichwasrankedasthe2ndbestlawfirmintheworldatthe timeshewashired Shehasadvisedavarietyofstart-up organizations,includingnon-profitsfoundedbycurrentand formerprofessionalathletes
Teriproudlyreceivedherundergraduatedegreein Accounting,summacumlaude,fromHowardUniversityin 1997andherJurisDoctorfromColumbiaUniversitySchoolof Law2001.SheislicensedtopracticelawintheStateofNew YorkandtheDistrictofColumbia.
TeriSmithisthefirstfemaletobenamedcounselattheNFL PlayersAssociation.AsChiefOperatingOfficer,Terihasa diverseroleandabroadrangeofresponsibilitywithinthe NFLPA.Shehaswideinfluenceandresponsibilityfornotonly
NFLPA staff but also for players and their families. In this role, Teri provides direction of over 150 employees and advises the Executive Director on discreet legal matters and NFL front office communication.
In 2013, she led an internal team in launching “The Trust”, an independent initiative whose sole purpose is to serve former players The Trust is funded by money negotiated in the 2011 Collective Bargaining agreement Her responsibilities included overseeing hiring personnel, drafting and executing relevant legal documents She continues to serve as Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees She also sits on the Board of Fight For Children, a DC-based non-profit organization
As a previous adjunct professor in Georgetown’s Sports Industry Management program, Teri taught a sports law class and had a direct influence on many of the future leaders of the sports industry.
Currently, she is the Chair of the Women in Sports Initiative for the Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Association. In the past, she was named Sports Business Journal Forty Under 40: Class of 2015. Teri is a frequent panelist in the sports arena and continues to pursue opportunities to educate and assist those up and coming.
Teri was raised in Charlotte, NC and now, she and her family reside in Washington, DC.
Arizona Cardinals
Armani Exchange
Beauty Below
Benedict’s Catering
Breakthru Beverage Distributing
Bruce Kirkwood of Elegant Sounds (Violinist)
Bryan Mendez
Caddie Shack
Caribe Devine
Caris Sports Foundation
Christian Louboutin
City of Scottsdale
Dance Studio 111
Daniel’s Jewelers
Envision For You
Experience Scottsdale
Football Player's Health Study at Harvard University
Forever Young Foundation
Free People
Hall of Fame Health
Haute Media
House of LR&C
It’s Lyn Styles
Johnny Was
LaToya Pace Smith/ LPS Consulting Firm
Las Vegas Raiders
Leidan Mitchell Salon and Spa
Lexus Experience
Louis Vuitton
Margaret Merritt
Michael Kors
National Football League
Neiman Marcus
NFL Players Association
NFL Thread
Purely Sedona
Rory Steele
Samsung Scotch & Soda
Scottsdale Fashion Square
Shop It Forward
Shannon's Kitchen
SLE Steve Levine Entertainment & Public Relations
Smith & Nephew
St. John
Starrior World
Susan Casper Smith
Tiffany & Co.
Tory Burch
Woodson Whiskey
Alexa is a Seattle native currently residing near Phoenix, AZ She graduated from Washington State University with a BA in Sports Management She currently serves her community as a doula (Pregnancy and Birth Coach) and fitness trainer She is partnered with former player Hamza Abdullah, who is now a coach, speaker, and mentor They share 4 amazing children; Layla, Aqil, Maryam, and Muhammad-Yaseen
A former rower for the University of Kansas where she met her husband, Hakeem, Kayla was born and raised in San Jose California and misses the sunshine every day She and her husband live in Cincinnati, Ohio as he takes on season 3 with the Bengals Last year, she had the opportunity to walk the fashion show and go watch her husband start in Super Bowl LVI
Jennifer grew up in Youngstown, Ohio She moved to Los Angeles when she was 18 and worked as an aesthetician and freelance “special effects” makeup artist for many Hollywood movies She has had a love for volunteer work and giving back Jennifer is married to Adam Archueta, a current NFL commentator for CBS Sports and former safety for the St Louis Rams They own a restaurant (Core Life Eatery) and recently launched The Adam Archuleta Football Academy They have 3 Children, Jett, Hawk, and Piper
Ketonya is a professional makeup artist and fashion model currently residing in Phoenix, AZ She’s the owner of Style Stalkers, LLC, an imaging consulting entity and FabyLASH, a luxury mink lash brand worn by celebrities such as Wendy Williams, Tiffany Haddish, and Viola Davis Ketonya graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Fashion Merchandising and a minor in Advertising She’s married to NFL Alumni Michael Bankston and together (through separate unions) they have a blended family of 1 son and 3 daughters and most recently they became grandparents to an amazing grandson!
Jessicaisaregisterednursewholoveshelpingothers andgivingheralltohercalling Shegraduatedwithher master'sdegreefromArizonaStateUniversityinthe ScienceofHealthCareDelivery Inhersparetime, Jessicaenjoyscooking,travelingandreading.Jessica hasthreekidswithherhusbandKelvinBeachum,Jr (ArizonaCardinals):Kalena,KelvinIII,andJanelle
Paige was born and raised in MN where she met her fiancé, Anthony Harris She attended The University of Minnesota and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education She recently joined The Women of The NFL on their charity committee and looks forward to their conference in July Paige was a 13x Grand Champion at the MN State fair with her llama “Coco” and a 2-time National Champion at ESPN Wide World of Sports for competitive cheerleading
Ashley is the Co-founder of Off The Field NFL Wives Association and the co-chair for the 22nd Annual charity fashion show Ashley attended Howard University and graduated from the University of Memphis with a business degree Ashley is passionate about making a difference in the community and impacting the lives of others Ashley has two children, Miriam and Trey She is married to former 20-year NFL player and coach Ray Brown
Erin is an Arizona native and went to high school with her husband Mike Brown (Chicago Bears & KC Chiefs) just down the street at Saguaro HS She graduated from U of CO at Boulder She has been involved in multiple nonprofits, including being a founding member of Off The Field She is owner and principal designer of www ErinBrownDesign com where she specializes in residential & commercial interior design She and Mike have two kids, Kyla and Sam They currently reside in San Clemente, CA where Erin just finished #ProjectSoCalCasa, a gut remodel of their own home
Kris graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Kinesiology She married her husband her senior year and decided to stay at home with their two children: Amani and Aram Kris has been working as a personal stylist for J Hilburn custom menswear the past 8 years In her free time, she enjoys studying scripture, long walks or hikes with her pup, volunteering, reading, and trying out new recipes
of Dallas, Texas, Timon embodies a combined in modeling and sports psychology She graduated ola Marymount University with a B S degree in gy in 2020 and plans to continue studying sports gy and understanding the mental health of Additionally, she has modeled and aspires to to model at fashion shows, photo shoots, runway
d Relationship and Christian Life coach, O of Tackle Health--a licensed behavioral utpatient facility in Tempe, Arizona She a proud boy mom!
a former track and field athlete and conference hamp She graduated with a Master’s degree e University of Nevada She started the NES podcast, celebrating women in and around and her own lifestyle brand, AtoyaBurleson com as 3 kids: Nate, Nehemiah, and Mia She is to CBS Mornings host, Nate Burleson She working out, coaching track, and empowering
Kendra is a graduate of Arizona State University where she earned her degree in Education (secondary mathematics) and ran track She taught high school math for 12 years and coached varsity cheer Currently Kendra owns her own custom menswear line, Divine9s com that specializes in men's suits She is a 7th generation from Arizona and is excited to see the Super Bowl in her hometown She and Seth Joyner reside in Arizona and Philadelphia where Seth works in broadcasting
Fatima has been a licensed hairstylist in the valley for over 23 years She is married to the sexy retired offensive lineman, Anthony Clement They have 5 children, 1 grandson, and a granddaughter on the way
an Arizona native, has been a salon owner for the years “If it makes you feel beautiful do it!” Debbie is ud mother of six beautiful children and six hildren She enjoys spending time with family and and loves to travel Debbie and her husband, Rick gham, also love giving back to the community and ering their time at Arizona Cardinal events
and many more Mary has two sons, Mike Jr (secret service) and Allen (Walmart manager) Mary was married to Mike Davis, who passed away a year ago, known for one of the greatest interceptions in NFL history (right red 88)
Mia is currently a sophomore at Texas Christian University pursuing a BFA in Musical Theatre and a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation She is a proud member of Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Psi Omega Mia is the recipient of TCU's Chancellor's Scholarship in Theatre She is an emerging leader pursuing a professional theater career in New York after she graduates She is the daughter of proud parents Janet Dorsett and former Dallas Cowboys and NFL Hall of Famer, Tony Dorsett
Alisia graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with an undergraduate degree She graduated with a Master’s degree from Loyola University Chicago She is a psychotherapist who has treated children, adolescents and families for 20 years Alisia has her own private practice entitled Inspire Hope LLC Alisia has 4 daughters:
ImanisaTVbusinessaffairsexecutiveatCreativeArtists Agency(CAA)andtheCo-Founderofeducationalbrand, Starrior(wwwstarriorworldcom) Sheisagraduateof Tulane,wheresheplayedD-Ivolleyball,theRiceUniversity MBAprogram,andtheUniversityofTexasSchoolofLaw SheresidesinLAwithherhusband,JamesFarrior(15-year NFLretireeand2XSuperBowlChamp),andtheir4 children,Demi(9),Marli(9),Lia(7),andBaldwin(5) For funImanenjoystravelingandplayinggolf
Becca was born and raised in Austin, Texas She graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Accounting She works at Deloitte as an Advisory Consultant and IT Specialist She loves to cook and enjoys spending time with friends and family Becca met her boyfriend Kwamie Lassiter II at KU Kwamie is currently playing for the Cincinnati Bengals
Nicole played volleyball at the University of Florida And attended law school at Santa Clara University She is an attorney specializing in intellectual property licensing Nicole has 3 children: Jackson, Max and Petra and she is married to two-time pro bowler, and 13 year former long snapper for the 49ers, Brian Jennings
Raven is a former Division-1 collegiate volleyball player She graduated from the University at Buffalo with a bachelor's degree and currently is a high school health and PE teacher, a volleyball coach, and a fitness coach Raven has been involved with football since she was a child Her father, Randy, played for the Jacksonville Jaguars and currently coaches for the Washington Commanders Raven's hobbies are working out, creating fitness content, spending time with friends and family, and watching football
Romonda is a co-fou providing resources bloom wherever the communication deg Chapel Hill She is t development for cyb d ili h l
Jessica grew up in the midwest and attended the University of Green Bay in Wisconsin After experiencing many winters there, she moved to Arizona where she met her husband, Shawn Lauvao They've decided to plant their roots here and
Jennifer is currently the Executive Director of the nonprofit, Beyond the Entertainer, which is dedicated to showing that there is more to the entertainer than what meets the eye Additionally, she is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Nonprofit Management and Leadership and started her own consulting firm to help others establish their own nonprofits Jennifer has 3
Catina is a new home real estate professional at the top of her game! She graduated from Syracuse University and is the proud mother of three young adults: Shelby, Destiny and Lexy She is married to Thomas Lewis
DeBorah is President of consulting firm, Touchdown Presentations, LLC and a public speaker, trainer, coach, and the inventor of the patented Lil'MorStix, a cosmetic tool She graduated from Syracuse University with a bachelor's degree in Information Management and Technology and a masters degree in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, and she serves on the Syracuse School of Education’s Board of Visitors DeBorah is the widow of Pro Football Hall of Famer, Denver Broncos #44, Floyd Little
Beverly is an alumnus of Ouachita Baptist University and the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences
She is a former speech pathologist, news reporter and Realtor and has been married 42 years to Hall of Famer, James Lofton She is mother of David, Daniel & Rachel and grandmother of 3
Alyssa is a former collegiate softball athlete where she attended the University of Connecticut before receiving her Master's Degree from the University of Tennessee She is currently an Events and Special Programs Manager for Sports Academy, a full circle training facility She is also the CEO/Founder of Glamourlyss Design, LLC where she creates custom gameday pieces for wives and other family members across all sports Alyssa has 1 child, Tre (Reginald Kahlil Mckenzie III) and is married to Kahlil McKenzie
Yolonda graduated wit from NC State Univers husband loves to win S
I went to South Dakota State University and received my Bachelors of Science in Nursing I worked as a travel nursing for 5 years I was able to explore every corner of the United States from
Originally from Jamaica, Racquel grew up in South Florida and attended the University of Miami, earning both her B A degree in Communication and a Master’s degree in Education She is currently a Professional Real Estate Advisor for Russ Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty, in Scottsdale, Arizona Racquel has 3 children: Ashlynn, 26, Amara, 23, and Aiden, 17 She is married to Jamir Miller, former All Pro NFL Player, and together they have the Jamir and Racquel Miller Family Foundation
Renee enjoys supporting students as a Reading Specialist and providing social emotional learning opportunities Renee also enjoys hot yoga, Peloton workouts, watching zombie movies, and spending time with family and friends
U dancer for Block Agency and the owner of her family brand, Team Knuckleheads, which includes sports training, life of football support, and raising awareness, funding, and resources for Autism and learning disabilities Isabel has 3 kids: Brooklynn, Clifton III, and
Jennifer loves bei Philadelp children Jennifer has her esthetician license and wants to open up her own spa She also loves doing hair and makeup
Church which encourages, supports and empowers all women of God Meko has 3 sons: Lanson, Justin and Quentin as well as 1 grandson: Bryson She is married to the former AZ Cardinals/NY Giants Offensive lineman Lance Smith
University graduated Georgia S M m t
Dr Raunda Williams has a doctorate in Educational Leaders with a concentration in personnel service and mental health She graduated from Grambling State University, the same as her husband did a few years prior Dr Williams has two daughters, Laura Williams and Lee Williams, and 6 stepchildren When not attending events with her husband a traveling to basketball tournaments with her daughter, Raun is the caregiver for her mother who suffers from ALS Dr Williams enjoys travel, fitness and learning new things
ev and Dr Tamla Wilson is the founder of The Waiting Room fertility ministry She is also a partner and director of stitutional relations at a money management firm working ith corporations, foundations and endowments as well as ublic pension plans An ordained minister, she gives a word hrough her IG lives multiple times a week and has a website amlawilsonministries com She will be launching a website to low more exposure to the word Tamla is the proud mother f
Barb has four wonderful children ages 14-22 who she shares with her husband, Hall of Fame 49ers quarterback, Steve Young She and her husband co-chair the Forever Young Foundation, a top rated non-profit organization focused on children Her passion has been in the development of Sophie’s Place, a dedicated music therapy room in children’s hospitals across the country Barb also helped develop and produce three LOVELOUD festivals bridging religious and LGBTQ communities through music d
Manjanique Alexander is a native of Salt Lake City Utah, but because of her husbands career she has lived all over the country and has been an active member of each of her teams charitable initiatives as well as serving with her husband Lorenzo with their non profit, the Lorenzo Alexander ACES foundation which emphasize accountability, Community, and education through sports Her greatest accomplishment is raising four kids that are just as passionate about serving their communities Her husband is 15 year NFL vet Lorenzo Alexander They currently reside in Paradise Valley Arizona with their 4 children Vanessa, Zoie, Mason, and Myles
Nicole is a philanthropist, a licensed attorney, a mom of 3 incredible kids, and has been happily married to retired NFL player, Billy Cundiff, for almost 19 years After graduating from Drake University and attending law school, Nicole practiced law for almost 4 years before choosing to focus on their growing family As a result of the nomadic life of the NFL, she also became somewhat of a relocation expert In 2012, Nicole co-founded Colleen’s Dream Foundation in honor of her mom’s battle with ovarian cancer In the last four years, Colleen’s Dream has granted almost $1 million to ovarian cancer research at leading research institutions around the country Nicole loves working out, attending sporting events, reading, wine tasting, traveling, and listening to live music
Aikisha Holly Colon is a native of Jackson, Mississippi She graduated from Clark Atlanta University and is currently a TV personality on OWN's Belle Collective She is a partner and coowner of Bricks and Hops Beer Garden in Bronx, NY Aikisha is the President and Executive Director of the Willie and Aikisha Colon Foundation and also the Vice President of her family’s nonprofit organization,The Holly Foundation Aikisha is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, the wife to retired NFL Player, Super Bowl Champion and Radio/TV Personality Willie Colon, and the mother of two children William Muriel, IV and Holly LaSonia-Grace
Angela Allen
Valarie Everett
Monica Brooks
Ashley Brown
Chandra Nims-Brown
Sherice Brown
Kandace (Kandi) Campbell
Melissa Carpenter
Latrisha Centers
Lydia Corbin
Ericka Dorsey
Iman Farrior
Ebone Granger
Maureen Holcombe
Susan Hudson
Chrystal Jakes
Diatra Penelton James
Romonda Jordan
Ericka Lassiter
Candace McDonald
June D McKenzie
Tamiko McKenzie
Ebony McKinley
Jocelyn Pierce
Holly Robertson
Shawnette Sapp
Heather Shaughnessy
Ashley Danielle Smith
LaToya Pace Smith
Andrea Taylor
April Taylor
Nicole Thomas
Cynthia Zordich