1216 Magazine, Issue 3 - Summer 2019

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1216 The Magazine of Ohio Dominican University

Serving the World with Purpose

contents features 2 Contemplata – Faculty Perspective Service: A Hallmark of an ODU Education for Over a Century Ohio Dominican’s commitment to service has always been about giving back while preparing students to live a life grounded in the pursuit of truth, justice and peace.


4 A Commitment to Improving Our Community Whether it’s picking up knitting needles or a garden rake, the ODU community constantly searches for ways to make a difference. 6 Changing Lives Around the World Every year, Panthers pack into vans and planes to help improve lives hundreds and thousands of miles away.

departments 7 Embracing a Tradition of Giving with the Dominican Sisters of Peace 8 Campus Happenings 10 Alumni Profile: Becoming a Lifelong Learner and Giver 11 A Partner in Service 12 Student Point of View Front cover: Alli Kern ’22 and her teammates on the women’s basketball team deliver Meals on Wheels to a client in April 2019.



1216 The Magazine of Ohio Dominican University

1216 is published twice a year for alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff by Ohio Dominican University. The name “1216” represents both the founding year of the Dominican Order and ODU’s street address – a touchpoint for a publication that closely examines a particular topic or theme that is unique to each edition. It strives to engage readers, develop interest and provide a better understanding of how the University is helping students connect their passion with God’s purpose for their lives. Magazine Staff Editor Tom Brockman Managing Editor Mark Cooper Design Monica Martin Contributors Casey Konrad Ryan Louallen ’20 John Mascazine, Ph.D. ’82 Virginia McCormack, Ed.D. Brandee Norris ’06 Kelly (Litt) Parrett ’14 Sr. Diane Traffas, OP Mission Statement As a Catholic liberal arts university in the Dominican tradition, Ohio Dominican University is guided in its educational mission by the Dominican motto: to contemplate truth and to share with others the fruits of this contemplation. Ohio Dominican educates individuals committed to intellectual, spiritual and professional growth, who develop into lifelong learners, serving others in a global society. They in turn become ethical and effective leaders grounded in the pursuit of truth, justice and peace. Please send address changes and comments to alumni@ohiodominican.edu.

Dear ODU Alumni and Friends, This issue of 1216 marks the one-year anniversary of the re-introduction of a University magazine that brings the voices of various members of our campus community and our talented Marketing and Public Relations staff to all of our alumnae/alumni and friends in Ohio, across the country and around the world. The positive feedback we have received indicates that it is a welcome dose of news and information about ODU, and I hope you are enjoying the publication. Each issue of 1216 focuses on a central theme, permitting us to dive in-depth into a subject of interest to all who know Ohio Dominican and its mission. If you are an alumna or alumnus, then the focal point of this edition – service – will resonate with you. It is one of the four pillars of Dominican life (Prayer, Study, Community, and Service) and is woven into the fabric of our campus life: service to students, service to others, service to the community, and service to God. Through the eyes of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners, you will read about the profound impact that is made by ODU’s commitment to service. Tackling societal issues from hunger and poverty to human trafficking and disaster relief, the Ohio Dominican community has established a reputation for showing up, rolling up our collective sleeves and working hard to help others. Our athletic teams and student organizations each have an adopted cause that makes service a priority along with their attention to academics, practice, competition, and the demands of student life. Of course, the hoped-for result of this dedication by students to perform service during their college careers is to produce compassionate, well-rounded alumni who will make service an ongoing part of their lives. The world really is a better place because of Ohio Dominican University, as this issue of 1216 illustrates. Enjoy the remaining weeks of summer, and I hope you will plan to visit campus soon.

Mark Cooper Vice President Advancement and External Relations

Ohio Dominican University was founded by the Dominican Sisters of Peace.

1216 SUMMER 2019


Contemplata – Faculty Perspective


A Hallmark of an ODU Education for Over a Century Students pick up trash near Alum Creek in this undated photo.

“May I be of service?” These are words closely associated with

students, alumni, faculty and staff at Ohio Dominican University. Service is a natural part of our Dominican identity and charism, as it permeates salient and hidden ways in which our community exemplifies the four Dominican pillars: prayer, study, community, and ministry.

By John Mascazine, Ph.D. ’82, associate professor of Education & Virginia McCormack, Ed.D., professor of Education

Service, an extension of preaching in action, is what made St. Dominic and his followers somewhat unique. The Dominicans were among a new effort to go out and serve wherever the need arose. The accent on active service persuaded many to join the Dominican family, and even today, attracts individuals to join as Dominican Associates, including several ODU faculty and staff. The history, significance and impact of this Dominican tradition encourage and inspire the campus community to explore, grow and demonstrate a commitment to meet the challenges of the world today. Identifying, coordinating and promoting university-wide service opportunities truly takes a team. Fortunately, we have a wonderful campus community that enthusiastically shares their time, talents and passion throughout

2 Ohio Dominican University

Members of the campus community volunteer at a food pantry in 1984.

the year by participating in various projects and events, including serving meals at the YWCA Family Center; participating in social and creative events with Dominican Sisters of Peace who are in assisted living at the Mohun Health Care Center; and attending service mission trips abroad. On campus, the Center for Dominican Studies hosts a series of lectures and panels that support that year’s CORE academic theme and help to highlight our service roles and responsibilities within the campus, local and global communities. Off campus, faculty use their passion and knowledge to help make a difference in our community. An example of this outreach is their participation on advisory boards,

Ohio Dominican hosts a blood drive in 1969.

such as on the Board of Trustees for St. Joseph’s Group Home, Inc., a nonprofit group that provides food, medical service, counseling, and services necessary for the care of women with intellectual disabilities. Service opportunities and fidelity to commitment strengthen the Ohio Dominican University community by reminding us of the Dominican Motto: “laudare, benedicere, praedicare,” which translates to “to praise, to bless, to preach.” This motto inspires personal and social responsibility by expanding our efforts beyond ourselves and our comfortable surroundings.

“To the servant of God... every place is the right place and every time is the right time.” – St. Catherine of Siena 1216 SUMMER 2019


A Commitment to Improving Our Community PA student Darian Rose checks the blood pressure of a client at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Center in west Columbus.

By Tom Brockman, Editor

Every year, the Ohio Dominican community spends more than 7,000 hours participating in events, activities and initiatives that benefit charities, disadvantaged populations, and other deserving causes. However, that number does not reflect the countless hours spent planning and coordinating these events by groups of students, faculty and staff who, despite juggling academic demands and responsibilities, are committed to finding ways to make our world a better place. An example of student outreach off campus is our Physician Assistant Studies master’s students who spend more than 500 hours every year volunteering their time and talent to provide much-needed healthcare throughout the region. During the year, a group of students volunteers to provide health screenings, such as taking blood sugar and pressure readings at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Center, which is operated by Catholic Social Services on Columbus’ west side. 4 Ohio Dominican University

Physician Assistant students also volunteer regularly at LifeTown Columbus, a simulated town that helps students with developmental disabilities practice life skills that will help them throughout their lives. Students are also committed to service while on campus. During winter break, a group of student workers at the Computer Helpdesk learned how to knit with the intention of creating unique and comfortable hats and scarves to be donated to homeless men, women and children in and around Columbus. By Thanksgiving of this year, the group hopes to have knitted and donated 500 items. Every semester, the University hosts a blood drive for members of the campus community to give the gift of life. At the drive in February, the ODU community donated enough blood to potentially save 102 lives, far exceeding the Red Cross’ goal for the drive.

Above: Computer Helpdesk student worker Alexis Mason ’21 knits a hat to donate to Columbus’ homeless population. Left: Kendall White ’18 led a book drive during spring 2019 that collected 1,100 children’s books, toys and games to be used by families at the Ronald McDonald House. Photo courtesy of Kolaiah Harvey.

In the spring, a team of Public Relations & Marketing Communications students who took first place in a national public relations contest used their prize money to create a student scholarship in honor of public relations professor Natalie Kompa. The scholarship will benefit students who have a passion for, and desire to study public relations and pursue a career in that field. You can read more about this team’s impressive accomplishment in the Campus Happenings section.

The campus community is also committed to keeping ODU and its surrounding neighborhoods looking beautiful. That enthusiasm is demonstrated by robust participation in events such as Panther Pride Pitch-In, Make a Difference Day, and numerous weekend clean-ups around campus. During these events, students not only beautify our community, they also have an opportunity to meet, interact and build relations with our neighbors.

In April, ODU’s admissions office hosted a public discussion on the topic of the current opioid epidemic facing Central Ohio and the country. This important event was scheduled after a group of students from Cristo Rey and Bishop Ready high schools presented the idea during ODU’s Catholic High School Visit Day in 2018, which included a special service project competition component.

The Dominican spirit is at work on and off campus, and the ODU community’s commitment to service is proof that compassion knows no bounds.

1216 SUMMER 2019


Changing Lives

Around the World By Tom Brockman, Editor

Ohio Dominican’s commitment to service extends far beyond Central Ohio. Every spring, members of the ODU community volunteer to participate in one-week service trips to locations both inside the United States and abroad. While many individuals tend to associate spring break with relaxation and adventurous road trips, ODU offers students an opportunity to spend this time volunteering, often in less than ideal conditions. In March, a group of students and staff participated in ODU’s annual Appalachia Service Trip. During this weeklong trip to Rutledge, Tennessee, participants completed a wide range of projects to help those who live and work in this poverty-stricken region. Led by campus chaplain, Fr. Paul Colloton, the group joined students from Saint Xavier University in Chicago and the University of Notre Dame to split and deliver wood to area residents, visit residents at a local nursing home, and clean up yard waste outside and complete improvement projects inside a children’s home. The hours were long and the sleeping arrangements were not the most comfortable, but the contributions made by this group in just a matter of days were profound.

Lives were touched that week, and work is already underway to prepare for next spring’s trip to Appalachia to build upon this foundation of hope, grace and love. At the same time the Appalachia trip is underway, ODU has ODU PA students provide medical care traditionally led a during a service mission trip to Haiti in service trip abroad to spring 2018. the island nation of Haiti. During this trip, participants volunteer at the New Life Children’s Home, an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, and Physician Assistant master’s students provide nourishment and medical care to individuals in some of the country’s many remote, impoverished villages. Traveling abroad presents its own set of unique challenges, as our volunteers learned this past spring. Unfortunately, this year’s trip had to be postponed after the U.S. Department of State issued a Level 4 Travel Advisory due to crime and civil unrest in Haiti. Despite the ongoing volatility that remains in this region, organizers are currently exploring the possibility of rescheduling the trip to take place later this year. The selfless work, contributions and sacrifice of the students, faculty and staff who participate in these trips illustrate ODU’s commitment to having a positive impact on the lives of others, no matter how far they may live from 1216 Sunbury Road.

McKinzie Bissel ’21 caulks window trim during a service mission trip to Rutledge, Tennessee in spring 2019.

6 Ohio Dominican University

Embracing a Tradition of Giving with the Dominican Sisters of Peace By Sr. Diane Traffas, OP, Vice President for Mission and Identity

“This I know: the one who sees cannot turn away.” As soon as I read this beautiful quote by Sister Sharon Kanis, a Notre Dame Sister from Baltimore, Maryland, I was captivated by its simple elegance and deep meaning. The principle involved clearly implies that once I see a wrong needing to be righted, I cannot not see it. I am duty bound to confront it as an encounter with God in the person of my neighbor. My choice is replaced by my responsibility. This is the spirit in which I see a collaboration between the Dominican Sisters of Peace and the Ohio Dominican community to extravagantly confront the line that divides hearts that are being broken, and hearts that attend to the brokenness. Soon after retiring from a career in education and health care in 2009, Sister Nadine Buchanan, OP became aware of an organization called CATCH Court, whose mission it is to help young women who are confronting issues of solicitation and drug addiction. After visiting with several of these women, Sister Nadine felt drawn to ease the pain she could see in these ladies’ – as she calls them – eyes and actions. She almost immediately began her own unending service of being Christ to guilt-ridden and shamed women who were experiencing both physical and spiritual hunger. Sister Nadine began to deliver meals and other necessities, and she would remind them that they are good and that God loves them just as she loves

Sr. Nadine Buchanan, OP with students from St. Francis DeSales High School during ODU’s human trafficking service project in January 2019.

them. She has driven these women to shelters, listened for long hours to their stories, wiped away their tears, and even has escorted them to the hospital for emergencies. The women trust her completely as evidenced by their enthusiasm when they spot her little gray Toyota sedan edging up Sullivant Avenue in west Columbus. Her tremendous compassion is perhaps one reason why students at Ohio Dominican have been attracted to Sister Nadine’s ministry, and have been so inspired to support it. For example, one cold morning this past January, about a dozen ODU students collaborated with students from St. Francis DeSales High School in Columbus and William V. Fisher Catholic High School in Lancaster to advance a project for victims of human trafficking and homelessness. Not only did these volunteers join in the practical work of collecting 150 new sweatshirts, packaging 50 food and hygiene kits, and making 10 fleece blankets to donate, they also helped to raise nearly $2,000 to present to Sister Nadine for her ongoing loving outreach. These kinds of servant leadership attitudes and actions demonstrate the important commitment of Ohio Dominican students to giving back. Just as importantly, it shows that they possess hearts that are wide open to developing their intellectual life guided by solid reasoning and a respectable moral compass.

Students package food and hygiene items to be donated to victims of human trafficking and homelessness during an event in January 2019. 1216 SUMMER 2019


CAMPUS HAPPENINGS Spring semester was full of excitement and energy at Ohio Dominican. Between national student honors, prestigious university partnerships, and an outstanding class of new graduates in our alumni family, there’s no better time to be at ODU. ODU to Serve as Host of Central Ohio Chapter of Fulbright Association The Fulbright Association has approved Ohio Dominican to serve as the host institution for its Central Ohio chapter. As the newest of its more than 50 local chapters, ODU will provide Fulbright alumni and visiting Fulbrighters with diverse opportunities for networking, professional development, mentoring, cultural enrichment, and community service. ODU President Robert A. Gervasi, Ph.D. lectured as a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Classics at the University of Zimbabwe in 1995.

ODU Holds 111th Commencement Ceremony ODU officially welcomed 236 students into its alumni family during its 111th Commencement ceremony on May 11. Sr. Margaret Ormond, OP, president of Dominican Academy and former prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, delivered the keynote address.

The Board of Directors of the Fulbright Association’s new Central Ohio Chapter at ODU.

$1.2 Million Grant to Fund Scholarships for Teachers in STEM Ohio Dominican has been awarded a five-year grant totaling $1,193,659 from the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program to recruit and train secondary school teachers who specialize in the areas of science, mathematics, technology, and computing. The majority of the grant funds is dedicated to providing scholarship and activity dollars to students who, upon earning their teaching degree, commit to teaching STEM in schools located in underserved communities.

8 Ohio Dominican University

Named a Military Friendly School for 10th Year Victory Media has again named Ohio Dominican a Military Friendly School. The organization also has named the University a Gold school, ranking it in the top 10 percent of private colleges and universities in the United States that don’t offer a doctorate. The 2019 Military Friendly Schools list recognizes colleges, universities and trade schools that are doing the most to embrace America’s military members, veterans and spouses as students, and ensure their success on campus.

Members of ODU’s student-run public relations firm, 1911 PR, after taking top honors at the “Educating Our Energy Future” national competition.

NCAA DII Women’s Basketball Elite Eight a Success

Public Relations Students Take First Place in National Competition A team of seven Public Relations and Marketing Communications students took top honors in the EdVenture Partners and American Petroleum Institute’s “Educating Our Energy Future” national competition. The team developed a public relations campaign that raises awareness among America’s youth about the importance of natural gas and oil in today’s society. The students presented their idea to executives with EVP and API in January of 2019 in Washington, D.C. The $10,000 prize will benefit ODU’s Public Relations Student Society of America chapter and ODU’s student-run public relations firm, 1911 PR. The students also used the money to create a student scholarship honoring their adviser, assistant professor of Public Relations, Natalie Kompa.

Dominican Sisters of Peace 10th Anniversary The campus community celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Dominican Sisters of Peace on April 24. During a ceremony, attendees participated in a prayer ritual, which included the blessing and planting of two burning bushes next to its statue of St. Catherine of Siena. ODU’s founding congregation, the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs, became the Dominican Sisters of Peace on April 12, 2009.

Ohio Dominican welcomed visitors from across the country as it hosted the NCAA Division II Women’s Basketball Elite Eight and championship game from March 26-29 in Alumni Hall. The games aired to a national audience on CBS Sports Network. Lubbock Christian University defeated Southwestern Oklahoma State University to become national champions. ODU previously hosted the event in 2017, and will again host the tournament in 2021.

Student-Athletes Shine During Spring Semester Ohio Dominican’s athletic teams continued their success throughout the winter and spring seasons. Both the men’s and women’s basketball teams qualified for their respective conference tournaments. Women’s basketball head coach Lynsey Warren won her 100th career game while leading the Panthers. Men’s basketball players Sam Hickey ’20 and Hasan Varence ’20 earned first-team all-conference honors and surpassed 1,000 career points during the season. During the spring, the softball team won the conference title and was regionally ranked while also raising more than $2,000 for the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation. The baseball team placed second in the conference, winning over 30 games for a second consecutive year. The golf and track and field programs enjoyed high finishes in their respective conference tournaments, and the women’s golf team raised more than $2,000 for Nellie’s Champions for Kids, a nonprofit organization that provides financial and emotional support to children who are fighting cancer. In the classroom, ODU student-athletes continued their success by achieving a cumulative GPA of 3.1 for the eighth consecutive year.

ODU President Robert Gervasi, Ph.D. pours Holy Water on one of two burning bushes planted to celebrate the 10 th anniversary of the Dominican Sisters of Peace on April 24, 2019. 1216 SUMMER 2019


Becoming a

Lifelong Learner and Giver By Kelly (Litt) Parrett ’14, B.A. in History Grants Coordinator, Mid-Ohio Foodbank

When I began my journey at Ohio Dominican, I had no idea how my experience would shape my life in beautiful, challenging, and meaningful ways. I was drawn to ODU for the intimate, small campus feel, the incredible faculty and staff, and the Dominican motto: “to contemplate truth and to share with others the fruits of this contemplation.” Yet, I was unaware at the time how instrumental in my development these elements would turn out to be. During my sophomore year, I joined an ODU group that went to El Salvador for a service immersion trip. We assisted at a local orphanage, where I can still remember holding the hands of little Lucy and Mateo, and seeing their smiles light up the crib-filled room. My eyes were opened to a real, raw, and pervasive reality of poverty that I had never witnessed before. As a History major, I was curious about the past and how it influences the future, so I was thrilled to have an opportunity to participate in a semester-long internship in Washington, D.C. As I stood in front of Kevin Carter’s photograph, “The vulture and the little girl,” in the Newseum, the image of the small Sudanese child hunched over from starvation flooded my spirit and my heart. Pictures of poverty and hunger followed me, and it was at that moment that I felt both a call and responsibility to service and advocacy work.

10 Ohio Dominican University

While pursuing a minor in Peace and Justice at ODU, I learned that service and justice are inextricably tied. I was empowered and encouraged by mentors to pursue a post-grad year of service as a Dominican Volunteer where I served as an advocacy associate with an NGO to the United Nations in New York. I learned about service and advocacy on a global scale, and saw how connected this big world of ours truly is. In my professional life, I’ve continued to see the threads that connect me back to my time at ODU by working in fundraising with LifeCare Alliance, in an advocacy role with the Dominican Sisters of Peace, and now at the Mid-Ohio Foodbank, where I have an opportunity to work alongside compassionate individuals who are committed to stabilizing families today and helping them access resources tomorrow so they can thrive for a lifetime. ODU enabled me to grow as a servant-leader and discover a passion to curate and share stories that need to be told in our world today. Perhaps the most impactful part of my time at Ohio Dominican was realizing that the truth we find can translate to service and advocacy and, when coupled with the contemplations and truths of others, can create a ripple effect leading to a more just world.

A Partner in Service By Casey Konrad, Volunteer Coordinator, YWCA Columbus

As the volunteer coordinator for YWCA Columbus, I have seen firsthand the impact that volunteers can have on the population they are serving. Throughout the four years that I’ve worked at YWCA Columbus, I’ve met hundreds of people who are dedicated to making a difference in our community. Located just minutes from Ohio Dominican University’s campus, our YWCA Family Center relies heavily on volunteers to provide services that directly affect both residents and staff members. YWCA Columbus’ mission is “eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.” We support this mission in a variety of ways. We host leadership programs for teenage girls and young women who have a passion for social change and serving our community. Our YWCA Kids Place offers affordable and high-quality childcare for families in Gahanna and Westerville school districts. We host thought-provoking discussions through our Community Conversations events, which highlight current matters and explore how Columbus residents experience race and gender issues on a daily basis. YWCA also provides shelter to homeless women and families in Franklin County at the Center for Women and the YWCA Family Center. Recently, we’ve adopted a bold advocacy and engagement agenda because we know that programming alone is not enough; we need policy changes to help us fulfill our mission now and over the long term. YWCA Columbus has maintained a close partnership with Ohio Dominican since the Family Center opened its doors in October of 2005. Many students and staff members have volunteered at the Family Center through the years. Some students have babysat children while families attend enrichment courses, and others have helped to organize our donation rooms, which has helped to make them more accessible for our staff members to find what our residents need on a daily basis. Most importantly, Ohio Dominican and their food services provider, Sodexo, has generously provided our families with a dinner each year. At the Family Center, we rely 100% on the community to provide, serve and clean up dinner. Each night, a volunteer group will serve meals to an average of 160 people, and ODU

Zachary Ratliff ’19 organizes donations at the YWCA Family Center in spring 2019.

always exudes kindness, warmth and compassion to those who are experiencing a difficult time in their lives. While one dinner may seem like a small act of kindness, it makes a huge impact on our families. Each meal that is provided allows families who are experiencing hardship to come together for not only nourishment, but for needed quality time with each other. Just as it does for all families, sitting around the same dinner table provides both children and parents with structure and stability to their day. ODU has created this opportunity for over 1,500 families throughout our nearly decadelong partnership. Beyond the immediate impact to the families, volunteering with classmates and coworkers creates a shared experience that brings people closer together. Volunteering is not only impactful to those being served, but also to those who are giving their time. Ohio Dominican’s unwavering commitment to supporting women and families in the community who are in need is admirable, and YWCA Columbus looks forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come. If you are interested in volunteering at the YWCA Family Center, please contact Casey Konrad at 614-253-3955 or ckonrad@ywcacolumbus.org.

1216 SUMMER 2019


Student Point of View

ODU Student-Athletes Returning the Support By Ryan Louallen ’20, Public Relations and Marketing Communications major and member of the ODU Panthers Football team

As a student-athlete, I’ve experienced firsthand the impact that our campus and local community has had on our success on the field. Every Saturday during the fall, Panther Stadium is packed full of parents, students, alumni, and loyal fans from throughout the Columbus community. There is nothing like hearing a roar from the stands as we take the field prior to a game. Our experiences as student-athletes, no matter the sport, wouldn’t be the same without our community’s passionate support. In fact, the incredible support that we receive throughout the year is a big reason why we are so passionate about giving back and showing the same level of respect that is so generously shown to us. Every year, ODU’s 400 student-athletes participate in over a dozen community service projects, activities and initiatives, totaling over 2,000 hours of service to and for the Columbus community. Whether it’s the golf teams supporting Nellie’s Champions for Kids (NC4K), which is an organization that provides financial support to families of children who are fighting cancer; our cheerleading squad teaching children at a local school how to cheer; our baseball team reading to local

elementary school students; our women’s basketball team delivering meals on wheels every Monday; or our football team helping our neighbors with chores around their home during Make a Difference Day, we are committed to showing both the campus and Columbus community that we’re not only determined to excel on the field and in the classroom – we’re here to help make a difference in the lives of others. Perhaps one of the biggest and most incredible realizations that we’ve experienced throughout our volunteerism is that our lives are being touched just as much as those we help. These experiences have planted a seed in each of us that will continue to grow and inspire us to give back throughout our lives. My classmates echo that same sentiment when asked about their participation in service opportunities. “Being able to go out into the community and have an impact on people’s lives by giving back with my team is an incredible thing,” said Brittleigh Macaulay ’20, a member of the women’s basketball team. “I am very fortunate to be a collegiate athlete. Many people look up to us and we should always strive to be an example of doing what’s right, especially when we have the opportunity to help someone in need,” said Seth Gerken ’20, a member of the football team. What this all comes down to is the importance of building relationships within the community and demonstrating our appreciation and gratitude for the generous and continuous support we receive day in and day out, on and off the field. As ODU student-athletes, we are committed to using our position as leaders in the community to doing everything we can to help make Columbus a great place to live, work and learn. We believe that showing a simple sign of kindness may be all it takes to brighten someone’s day, make someone’s life a little bit easier, or even influence someone to join our big Panther family!

Members of the football team help residents in the Teakwood neighborhood with yardwork during Make a Difference Day in spring 2019.

12 Ohio Dominican University

Why I Give to ODU the generous financial assistance I received as a student, “ Without an Ohio Dominican education would not have been within reach.

The aid I received didn’t just help me afford my education, it allowed me to make wonderful memories and close friendships that remain to this day. I choose to give to Ohio Dominican every year because I know my gifts are making a difference in students’ lives, just like those gifts did for me.

Brandee Norris ’06, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Regional Development Officer, West Virginia University Foundation

Ohio Dominican is proud to have alumni and friends like Brandee who are passionate about making the world a better place. Giving back takes many forms, such as Brandee’s purchase of seats to support the refurbishment of the Matesich Theatre. Brandee was so inspired by her time as a student worker in ODU’s Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations that she’s dedicated her career to helping students.

Make a Gift Today: ohiodominican.edu/Give

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