1216 Magazine, Issue 5 - Summer 2020

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1216 The Magazine of Ohio Dominican University

Sharing the Fruits of Our Contemplation in the Face of a Global Crisis

contents features 2 Sharing the Fruits of Our Contemplation in the Face of a Global Crisis As the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread in the U.S., faculty and staff took quick, creative and decisive action to minimize the impact to students.


4 Telling the ODU Story During a Pandemic By leveraging the power of video, social media, and relationships with local media outlets, the ODU story continued to be told as a new chapter in the university’s history was written. 6 Contemplata – Faculty Perspective: Sharing My Contemplation at Home and Abroad Before the pandemic limited travel abroad, longtime ODU professor Imali Abala, Ph.D. visited her home country of Kenya to share her passion with students halfway around the world.

departments 8 Campus Happenings 10 Alumni Profile 11 Pursuing Innovative and Mission-Centric Partnerships 13 Student Point of View 14 Class Notes Front cover: Manuel Martinez, Ph.D., vice president for Academic Affairs, in Erskine Hall.



1216 The Magazine of Ohio Dominican University

1216 is published twice a year for alumni, students, parents, friends, faculty and staff by Ohio Dominican University. The name “1216” represents both the founding year of the Dominican Order and ODU’s street address – a touchpoint for a publication that closely examines a particular topic or theme that is unique to each edition. It strives to engage readers, develop interest and provide a better understanding of how the university is helping students connect their passion with God’s purpose for their lives. Magazine Staff Editor Tom Brockman Managing Editor Mark Cooper Designer Monica Martin Contributors Imali Abala, Ph.D. T.J. Eveland, Ph.D. Col. Richard Fambro ’04 Terrin McCullough ’20 Thomas L. Pommering, DO Fred Takavitz Mission Statement As a Catholic liberal arts university in the Dominican tradition, Ohio Dominican University is guided in its educational mission by the Dominican motto: to contemplate truth and to share with others the fruits of this contemplation.

Dear Friends, I hope this issue of 1216 Magazine finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. Over these past few months, the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted and impacted our lives in ways we could hardly have imagined when the year began. Similarly, Ohio Dominican University has experienced challenges – and has been forced to make decisions – that we never thought we would have to consider, such as moving all instruction online, having employees work from home, imposing temporary layoffs of some staff and administrators, and even postponing Commencement – the celebratory climax of the year. It’s important to note that this issue was produced prior to the tragedy in Minneapolis and the subsequent nationwide protests. I invite you to view a statement that I shared with the campus community and alumni about those events at ohiodominican.edu/Statement. Considering the magnitude of this global health crisis, it seemed fitting that the focal point of this issue of 1216 be on the pandemic. This edition examines how, despite a global crisis, Ohio Dominican continues to provide an outstanding education, as it has for the past 109 years, albeit via remote learning. I realize that you too have been impacted by this crisis, which is why I want to thank you for your continued support. While these certainly are unprecedented times, we truly are all in this together, and we will make it through this difficult and uncomfortable situation. In contrast to the sense of loneliness that many of us have experienced over the past several months, our Catholic tradition offers a potent antidote – the richness of solitude. Throughout the centuries, Christian mystics have modeled the transforming power of solitude as an invitation to experience divine love. One of the most famous such mystics, St. Catherine of Siena, would have understood our troubled response to the current health crisis all too well. Catherine was born in the mid-14th century, when a great plague known as the “Black Death” was ravaging the entire continent of Europe. Despite losing several family members, she managed through her intense faith to live a life of joy. Catherine also cultivated a love of solitude in childhood, during which time she experienced an intense awareness of God’s presence.

Ohio Dominican educates individuals committed to intellectual, spiritual and professional growth, who develop into lifelong learners, serving others in a global society. They in turn become ethical and effective leaders grounded in the pursuit of truth, justice and peace.

While it remains unclear what long-term effect this crisis will have on our lives, our university, and our country, the resilience of our campus community has never been on display as clearly as it is now. The Dominican spirit remains alive and well at 1216 Sunbury Road – and today, it is stronger than ever.

Please send address changes and comments to alumni@ohiodominican.edu.


Ohio Dominican University was founded by the Dominican Sisters of Peace.

I wish you and your family continued health and happiness in the months ahead.

Robert Gervasi, Ph.D. President

1216 SUMMER 2020


Sharing the Fruits of Our Contemplation

in the Face of a Global Crisis By Tom Brockman, Editor

Like so many businesses, organizations and colleges across the country, the rapid outbreak of COVID-19 stretched the university in countless ways – from the delivery of its courses, to the recruitment of future students, and to the celebration of its newest alumni. However, it also galvanized the campus community and served as a reminder of its resilience, which has been a common theme throughout Ohio Dominican’s history. The coronavirus had the attention of ODU’s health services staff at the beginning of spring semester as it began to spread from China. One of the university’s first moves was to create a task force to meet weekly to plan the campus response to a potential outbreak, and report to the university’s Leadership Team. The group first met in early March and included representatives from offices across campus. As Ohio Governor Mike DeWine held daily news conferences and announced new directives related to social distancing, it became clear that topics that were once considered to be audacious, such as moving classes entirely online, would soon become reality.

2 Ohio Dominican University

Left: Matthew Ponesse, Ph.D., associate professor of History, takes a selfie during his HST 305 Ancient Greece and Rome class in mid-April. Right: Anjel StoughHunter, Ph.D., assistant professor of Sociology, teaches an online class in mid-April.

Bottom: Students, faculty and staff attend the Celebrating Academic Leadership Awards ceremony, which took place virtually on May 1.

On March 18, for the first time in its history, ODU officially became an online-only university for the duration of the spring semester. In the days leading up to that point, the university’s IT staff worked around the clock to ensure that the necessary technology infrastructure was in place to handle the increased demand. At the same time, staff in Faculty Services trained faculty who needed additional assistance in utilizing ODU’s online learning platform, PantherLearn. Faculty spent their spring break developing online components of their courses so that they were prepared to deliver their courses remotely. Of course, academics wasn’t the only area impacted. Athletics was forced to cancel all spring meetings, practices and competitions. Admission counselors were challenged with recruiting students remotely since on-campus and high school visits were no longer possible. Counselors responded quickly to create a comprehensive Virtual Visit Experience to allow students to “visit” campus online and speak with counselors over the phone. Meanwhile, the outbreak forced the closure of the residence halls. The 445 students who lived on campus

at the beginning of spring semester quickly dropped to a few dozen, many of whom were international students or students who did not have alternative accommodations. Following Governor DeWine’s orders to cease all dine-in operations, Sodexo staff continued to deliver meals three times a day to every student who remained on campus. Staff from ODU’s Wellness Center visited with students over the phone or through video conferencing to support their physical and mental wellness. Advising staff worked with students remotely to help ensure they didn’t fall behind in their academics. Tutors assisted students over the internet to address any academic needs they may have had. All of this was communicated regularly to the campus community via its weekly campus newsletter, on its social media channels, and through a webpage developed specifically to share important resources with students, faculty and staff. Even though campus was startlingly quiet this past spring, it very much continued to run on all cylinders, which is a true testament to the strength and determination of the Dominican spirit. 1216 SUMMER 2020


Telling the ODU Story During a Pandemic

Left: Communications staff developed and shared encouraging messages on its social media channels throughout spring semester. Middle: Rachel Smith ’21 is featured in a story on WSYX-TV on March 31 that highlighted life as a college student during the pandemic. Right: Jeremy Sony, web content manager, takes a selfie in his home office. By Tom Brockman, Editor

Every person who has ever taken a class, taught a course, or spent a day on campus has contributed in some way to ODU’s story. And it’s a story certainly worth sharing. As the chief storytellers on campus, the Marketing and Public Relations staff constantly looks for unique and creative ways to share stories to help to connect the campus community, engage alumni, promote academic offerings, news and events, and elevate ODU’s brand throughout and beyond Central Ohio. This magazine is just one example of that effort. However, storytelling can be challenging in the era of social distancing and self-isolation. In the early days of this pandemic, realizing the possibility of significant disruption to our daily lives, staff committed themselves to delivering messages that would reflect a positive and encouraging tone to a campus community dealing with a situation that no one could have imagined just weeks earlier. Communications staff requested and collected photos of faculty and staff in their home offices, and shared them regularly on social media. Similarly, employees were invited to submit brief recorded messages of encouragement, which were incorporated into a compilation video and shared with students.

4 Ohio Dominican University

Staff members leveraged relationships with local journalists to share stories on Columbus airwaves and in newspapers. As an example, local ABC affiliate WSYX-TV featured Rachel Smith ’21 after the Psychology and Biology major was permitted to remain on campus due to her role as an essential employee at a local rehabilitation and treatment facility. Jessica Hall, director of ODU’s Career Development Center, was featured in an article in The Columbus Dispatch discussing the potential impact the virus could have on the job market for new graduates. In addition, President Gervasi was featured in an article in The Catholic Times that explored the impact of the outbreak on the university. Fortunately, ODU decided to revamp its virtual tour just last fall to allow students near and far to experience campus with thousands of high-resolution, 360-degree images. Little did anyone know at the time just how vital the virtual tour would become just months later when students would be prohibited from visiting campus. The global pandemic forced offices across the university to improvise and overcome the challenges of working remotely. However, the innovation and creativity of ODU’s faculty and staff provided countless opportunities to capture the fascinating story of this unforgettable moment in ODU’s history.

Timeline of ODU’s Response to the


President Gervasi informs campus community of task force’s creation.






Leadership Team announces expansion of online-only learning through the end of spring semester and postponement of Commencement.

Students who remain in the residence halls are relocated to suites in Siena and Lynam Halls to ensure safe social distancing.

ODU is notified that it will have access to nearly $1.2 million through the CARES Act, half of which is to be used to support student financial needs.







ODU announces creation of Student Emergency Fund to help support students who have been impacted financially by coronavirus outbreak.



Faculty Senate approves a temporary policy to offer students the opportunity to utilize a Pass/ Fail grade option to ease the stress on students who had to adapt to the online format quickly, and also to mitigate the disparities in online access throughout the student body. Also, ODU announces that all summer courses will be offered online only.





Leadership Team announces revised fall semester calendar to enhance campus safety that includes elimination of fall break and extension of Thanksgiving break, which also will mark the conclusion of on-campus learning until the spring 2021 semester.

Non-essential employees begin working remotely.



Human Resources shares a survey with employees to better understand their comfort level in returning to campus to work.

Leadership Team decides to extend spring break through March 17. When classes resume on March 18, they will be delivered in an online-only format through March 31.



ODU announces formal plans to host a special Commencement ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 4, after receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from graduating seniors.

ODU Coronavirus Task Force meets for the first time.

ODU launches Class of 2020 tribute page at ohiodominican.edu/ClassOf2020 to celebrate this year’s graduating class.


14 MAY






ODU announces plans to resume in-person learning during fall semester. Leadership Team extends work-from-home order through June 12.

Employees begin to resume working on campus.

ODU’s newly resurfaced Gold Lot sits empty during the university’s transition to online learning and working. 1216 SUMMER 2020


Contemplata – Faculty Perspective

Imali Abala, Ph.D., professor of English, poses with a student while teaching creative writing at Kisii University in Kenya during summer 2019.

Sharing My Contemplation at Home and Abroad By Imali Abala, Ph.D., Professor of English

For many of us, the recent health crisis has served as a stark reminder of how quickly our world – and lives – can be flipped upside down. Like many of my colleagues, the months that I spent apart from my students make me appreciate the opportunities I have had throughout my career to work alongside these astonishingly wonderful minds. After all, they are the reason I do what I do. Students are my passion in every sense. It’s a passion that has kept me teaching at ODU for 28 years, and it’s a passion that has taken me around the world. Last summer, I was inspired to apply for the competitive Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship to

6 Ohio Dominican University

teach at Kisii University in Kenya, my home country. This fellowship offered me an opportunity to engage in a collaborative and creative capacity-building project with their faculty members and students. My incentive for this undertaking was simple: to return home and to share my intellectual expertise in creative writing with budding writers. Most importantly, I wanted to inspire young writers to use their voice to make a difference in our world because I believe words have the power to transform people’s hearts and minds for the better. I worked with 125 undergraduate students who were interested in creative writing; and they most certainly did not disappoint. Through a series of robustly crafted activities and workshops, these students were subjected to a rigorous writing experience like no other. Weekly peer review and critique sessions were routine as students shared their work with each other. That is where all the

Additional opportunities the ODU community has had to share its contemplation abroad.

A Kisii University student takes a break during one of Dr. Abala’s creative writing classes.

magic happened. They wrote on a variety of social issues: from the grind of everyday living, gender, justice (or a lack of it thereof ), politics, corruption, to poverty. I can only imagine what they’ve written about the COVID-19 outbreak. I shared with them my own novella, “The Dreamer,” and my host, Dr. Christopher Okemwa, had students read and stage his play, “Otenyo.” Poignantly, the duality of our shared experience culminated with Friday afternoon performances where students demonstrated their newly acquired skills and highlighted their creative endeavors in charged heartwarming and tear-jerking oral performances rendered in poetry. We also read, discussed and enacted Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun,” Francis Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City,” and William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” This truly was one of the best experiences of my life. I am certain that I made an impact in my students’ lives, and I have even been able to continue to mentor them via email and WhatsApp. This experience is a perfect example of what contemplating and sharing the fruits of our contemplation means to me: Changing one life at a time through writing. While the coronavirus outbreak kept me from traveling abroad again this summer, I am eager to share the fruits of my contemplation – both at home and abroad – for many years to come.

ODU’s First Lady Jen Gervasi (middle) joined a group of students, faculty and staff for a weeklong service trip in early March to San Juan, Texas, near the U.S. – Mexico border. During the trip, they worked with Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley to volunteer at its Humanitarian Respite Center, which provides basic services to refugees.

Natalie Chang, director of International Education, and Happiness Mapira, registrar, visited Zimbabwe in mid-February to build connections with and recruit students to attend Ohio Dominican. Approximately 20% of ODU’s international students come from southern Africa.

1216 SUMMER 2020


CAMPUS HAPPENINGS Despite having to make a rapid and unprecedented transition to remote learning and working, the commitment and flexibility of the ODU community allowed the university to operate as normally as possible during the COVID-19 outbreak. Spring Commencement Postponed to Oct. 4 In accordance with Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s directives regarding large events and social distancing, ODU was forced to postpone its May 9 Commencement ceremony. On that date, the university launched a special tribute webpage to recognize this year’s graduating class. To celebrate the Class of 2020 in person, the university plans to hold a special Commencement on Sunday, Oct. 4, at 3:30 p.m., with baccalaureate taking place at 1 p.m. in Alumni Hall.

ODU Named a Wonderful Workplace for Young Professionals The Columbus Young Professionals (CYP) Club named Ohio Dominican one of its top 40 “Wonderful Workplaces for Young Professionals” for 2019. The recognition is based on the university’s ongoing engagement and support of young professionals and millennials in the Columbus region. ODU staff accepted the award at CYP’s Year-End Celebration last December in downtown Columbus.

Amy Thomas, director of Human Resources, and John Naughton, vice president for Enrollment and Student Success accept the award during the CYP banquet.

8 Ohio Dominican University

Online MBA Ranked 10th in U.S. Among Faith-Based Institutions ODU’s online MBA program has been ranked the 10th best in the United States among faith-based colleges and universities, and fourth best among all online MBA programs in Ohio, according to Online MBA Report, a national ranking service. In determining these rankings, Online MBA Report reviewed criteria that includes the academic reputation of a given school’s online MBA program, as well as its campus-based MBA program; the program’s value as it relates to tuition; relative MBA program enrollment numbers; admissions selectivity; and program quality and rigor. Online MBA Report evaluated more than 300 U.S.-based online MBA programs.

Accreditation of ODU’s Business Programs Reaffirmed by ACBSP The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Board of Commissioners has reaffirmed accreditation of the business programs at Ohio Dominican. ACBSP accreditation certifies that the teaching and learning processes offered through ODU’s business-related programs, which include Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Risk Management & Insurance, and its Master of Business Administration, meet the rigorous educational standards established by the ACBSP. ODU’s business programs were first accredited by the ACBSP in 2009, and the university is required to go through the reaffirmation process every 10 years to maintain its accreditation.

ODU Awarded $180,000 Grant to Provide Technology-Related Scholarships

The state of Ohio has awarded Ohio Dominican a grant for nearly $181,000 to support students and strengthen the state’s workforce development in numerous technology-related fields. The five-year, $180,810 Choose Ohio First grant will provide scholarship assistance to students who are studying in its Computer Science program. ODU is one of 35 colleges and universities across the state that will receive funds from the Choose Ohio First program. A total of $20,580,770 will be awarded over the next five years to support as many as 1,400 Ohio students.

Ohio Dominican Named to Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Honor Roll for Second Straight Year

For the second consecutive year, the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society has named Ohio Dominican one of the nation’s leaders in preparing students for lifelong career success with career-relevant knowledge and skills. ODU is one of only 122 colleges and universities across the country, and the only one in Central Ohio, to be named to PTK’s 2020 Transfer Honor Roll, which identifies the top four-year colleges and universities that have created dynamic pathways to support community college transfers. Inclusion on the PTK Honor Roll is based on criteria that includes institutional engagement, collaboration, impact, and achievements related to the transfer of community college students.


pring event

President Robert Gervasi, Ph.D. with Chancellor Randy Gardner at the Choose Ohio First announcement on Dec. 12, 2019.

1216 SUMMER 2020


A Passion to

Serve and Help People By Col. Richard Fambro ’04, LEAD B.S. in Business Administration Superintendent, Ohio State Highway Patrol

It’s kind of funny that I grew up down the street from the Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy, but I rarely saw a Trooper growing up. After going to Fort Hayes Career Center, I went to Ohio State. But I was trying to do too much – struggling to balance a job with college. My grades suffered, I found myself on academic probation and I was removed from the university. I knew I wanted to help people and, for a short time, I considered joining the Columbus Police Department; but I realized I didn’t think I could go back to police my old neighborhood and arrest people I grew up with. But I had a friend in the Patrol Academy and the Patrol was doing a strong push for minorities and females at that time. That’s how it all started for me. My wife Renee is an ODU alumna (Class of 1994, Political Science), so we are Double Dominicans. She is an attorney. I met her when she was working for the Patrol and I was the Lancaster post commander. When I started talking about going back to college and was considering ODU, Renee said, “It’s a great school – that’s where I got my undergrad degree!” My ODU experience was shaped by faculty members like Janet Monseur Durr and Dr. Godwin Duru, who both pushed me. I learned valuable life lessons from both of them. Renee would say the same about Dr. Ron Carstens. In law enforcement today, we need service-minded people who are willing to put the needs of others ahead of their own interests. At ODU, people want to help others and give from their heart. I hope young people considering a career in law enforcement realize that it is a call to serve and help others. That’s what we are all about in the Patrol, and I think that’s what ODU does. My rise to superintendent is a result of my ODU education. Without my ODU degree, I sincerely doubt that I would be here today. 10 Ohio Dominican University

Pursuing Innovative and Mission-Centric Partnerships T.J. Eveland, Ph.D., director of Graduate Programs in Business, participates in a videoshoot in mid-February to explain ODU’s Educational Partnership Program. By T.J. Eveland, Ph.D., Director of Graduate Programs in Business

It is said that while pregnant, St. Dominic’s mother had a dream that a dog came from her womb carrying in its mouth a flaming torch. She interpreted this dream to mean that her son would be a great preacher who would light the world on fire with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How true that dream turned out to be. Since joining the faculty of Ohio Dominican a little more than a year ago, this story has motivated me in countless ways, among them to connect the university’s graduate business programs with our region’s top employers. Late last year, we launched our Educational Partnership initiative to connect with employers, prepare future leaders, and provide educational opportunities that would not otherwise exist by establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with these organizations. Employers can become an Educational Partner with ODU at no cost. Meanwhile, their employees can take advantage of benefits that include waived application fees and as many as three graduate courses tuition-free through our Business Administration, Sport Management, and Healthcare Administration master’s programs. Earlier this year, we finalized agreements with companies such as Quantum Health, and public organizations such as the City of Grove City and

the Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce. We have leveraged these partnerships to initiate talks with employers such as Alliance Data, Morgan Stanley, Mount Carmel Health Systems, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and the City of Gahanna. Even while following Governor DeWine’s stay-at-home order, we kept advancing these conversations via video conferencing. While the program has been a success, it remains critically important that any partnerships we establish align with ODU’s mission. Potential partnerships are not simply pursued in the spirit of only growing enrollment, but also in furthering our mission as a faith-based institution. To that end, Sr. Diane Traffas, OP, ODU’s vice president for Mission and Identity, and Professor of Political Science Ron Carstens, Ph.D., led an effort to develop a central document titled, “Aligning Our Mission with Our Students’ Future.” The brochure articulates the core elements of our Catholic, Dominican identity and, importantly, addresses mission-related questions for consideration as we explore these potential new partnerships. This strategic approach allows ODU to pursue academic partnerships that, in addition to increasing enrollment and visibility in the marketplace, support our institutional mission, which has never been more important than today. To learn more about our Educational Partnership Program, visit ohiodominican.edu/Partner. To view the “Aligning Our Mission with Our Students’ Future” document, visit ohiodominican.edu/Alignment.

1216 SUMMER 2020


Taking a Comprehensive Approach to Enhance and Protect ODU’s High-Performance Student-Athletes By Thomas L. Pommering, DO, Head Team Physician, Ohio Dominican University and Division Chief of Sports Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital (In Partnership with Nationwide Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine)

While the coronavirus outbreak sidelined Ohio Dominican’s spring student-athletes, the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine team continued to research ways to not only help student-athletes excel on the field once play resumes, but also keep them healthy. We believe providing quality care is about building working relationships with every Panther student-athlete, and that process started well before the health crisis. Our team gives careful thought to each athlete’s circumstances. What motivates them? What are their personal goals? What are the greatest risks to health and performance? The answers to these questions become data points that are incorporated into a plan designed to help each athlete succeed.

All aspects of well-being are considered, including nutrition. Nationwide Children’s has developed programs that actively engage athletes in how nutrition affects performance. Nutrition clinics and counseling are also available. The investment in these efforts not only influences athletic careers, but also pays lifelong dividends to ODU’s athletes. An equally important aspect of Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Sports Medicine program is injury prevention. Like all areas of medicine, the primary goal is to prevent injuries, rather than heal them. While we stress the significance of proper training and conditioning, we also work with each athlete to build strength in areas perceived as being vulnerable to injury. So, as you cheer on the Panthers in competition, know that the speed, agility and strength on display doesn’t happen by accident. It takes a lot of work behind the scenes to make their performances possible.

Our Sports Medicine team is there. For every season. For every Panther. NationwideChildrens.org/Sports-Medicine

12 Ohio Dominican University

Student Point of View

Terrin McCullough ’20 participates in a class from home following ODU’s transition to online-only learning.

Completing My ODU Journey During a National Emergency By Terrin McCullough ’20, B.S. in Business Administration

As I sat at home during the coronavirus pandemic completing my online coursework, I couldn’t help but reflect on the significance of what was happening. Before the pandemic, my life was running at 100 mph. At the end of February, I completed a 10-month internship at Huntington National Bank, and a couple of weeks later, I started a new job with the City of Columbus. All this as I was entering the final stretch of my senior year as a full-time student at Ohio Dominican. When President Gervasi first emailed us about the decision to move all face-to-face classes online, I didn’t fully understand what was happening because I was out of town. It didn’t hit me until I received an email from the Office of Residence Life notifying us that we had to leave campus within a matter of a week, and we had only one hour to remove items from our room. Talk about getting my attention! As a graduating senior, I was lost for words. Here I was having to quickly figure out how to transition to all online classes. Fortunately, each semester I tried

to take at least one online class so I could have the experience, so it wasn’t completely foreign to me. However, going from one online class to all online classes was a big change. I have to say, though, all of my professors were very understanding and patient about the transition. It truly was a new learning experience for us all. As I reflect, the “new normal” wasn’t so bad for me. In my free time, I was able to work out more, read, and hang out with my family. Although the job market is not as strong as I would like it to be at this point in my life, I am confident in my ability to start my career in the near future. Of course, I’m disappointed that, as a resident assistant, I didn’t have an opportunity to say goodbye to my fellow residents. And although Commencement had to be postponed, I am excited to walk across the stage during a ceremony later this fall. In one respect, I think this experience better prepared me for what life may throw at me down the road. And despite the challenges of the past several months, I never lost sight that “it’s always a great day to be a Panther!”

1216 SUMMER 2020


Class Notes Panthers are a busy bunch, so take a look below to see what your former classmates are up to! Leonitta Turner ’83 has been named Director of Human Resources for the Charleston County Aviation Authority in Charleston, South Carolina. Orlando Uriarte ’89 has been named Vice President of Sales at the Action Group, Inc. in Columbus, Ohio. Laura Jordan McGlothlin ’92 has a new position with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Kevin Green ’98 has been selected for induction into the Mohawk Valley Baseball Hall of Fame. Donna Holycross ’01 has been named Business Development Specialist at Commodore Bank. Priscilla Hammonds MBA ’04 has been promoted to Assistant Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion and Community Relations at Grange Insurance. Andrea Pore ’05, Assistant Principal at Bishop Watterson High School, was mentioned in an article in January 26, 2020 edition of The Catholic Times titled, “One class can make a difference in students’ faith journey.” Freshaun Porter ’06 has a Christian documentary, “Rez Documentary: Road to the Making of Establishing Christian Psalms,” on IMDb. It will soon be available on Amazon Prime. He and his wife also debuted their Gospel album, “Miracle Moolah.” Mary George-Whittle ’06 is a board-certified Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains. She previously served as the Director of Spiritual Care at Mary’s Woods at Marylhurst in Lake Oswego, Oregon, and Mohun Health Care Center in Columbus. She had an essay chosen to appear in the March 2020 issue of Homiletic and Pastoral Review. John O’Grady ’08 has been elected President of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners for 2020. This is his third term of office and his fifth time as board president. Justin Nahvi, MBA ’08 has been appointed Director of the City of Delaware’s Finance Department. Justin most recently served as Financial Director and Assistant City Manager for the City of Marysville. Katherine Snyder ’08 is Associate Dean of Students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

14 Ohio Dominican University

Ronald C. Todd II ’09 currently serves as Governor Mike DeWine’s Minority Affairs Liaison. Ronald also serves as the co-chair of the governor’s RecoveryOhio Minority Health Working Group. Richard Duarte Brown ’12 is a participating artist in “Interrupted Life: Incarcerated Mothers in the United States,” a traveling public art exhibition supported by the Ford Foundation. Duarte’s works have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and in the Columbus area at the Frank Hale Cultural Center at The Ohio State University and the William Thomas Gallery. Joshua Eck ’12 has been selected as the “T” in the PTA Award (formerly called the outstanding educator award) at both the building and district level for the 2019-2020 year at Copley-Fairlawn City Schools. Jill Anderson Guinan ’13 serves as a Case Manager at Celebrate One, which is an Ohio Public Health Department program to reduce infant mortality in Columbus. Mario Casselli ’13 serves as an Account Manager at Lower. com, a national lender. In 2019, he became a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator, and in 2015 he earned his real estate sales license. Hank Schaab ’16 recently began a position as an Assistant Prosecutor with the Office of Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein. Brandi Smith ’16 has been named Vice President of Business Development for Associa Real Property Management. Brandi has more than 15 years of property management, land development, and real estate experience. Kendall White ’18, a Management Analyst with Franklin County Job and Family Services, recently moderated “Walking a Mile in My Shoes,” a gun violence youth summit that discussed fighting gun violence within Central Ohio neighborhoods. Mariam Ali ’18 is a Case Manager at Celebrate One, the Ohio Public Health Department program to reduce infant mortality in Columbus. Lindsey Blanford MBA ’18 has accepted a position with Stryker Orthopedics as a Joint Replacement Sales Associate.


Deacon Gilbert Plummer ’84, April 26, 2020

Ashley Swartz ’14 and Alex Nikias ’14, June 3, 2018

Charles “Chick” Campbell ’88, January 10, 2020. Chick was a longtime teacher and baseball coach for Pickerington Schools.

Montana Fishel ’15 and Justin Childers ’18, January 10, 2020 Hannah Young ’18 and Jaivon Gresham, February 8, 2020 Zachary Ratliff ’19 and Maya Steller ’20, May 23, 2020

Shantel Grigsby-DeCoux ’02, December 13, 2019 Craig Kleiman ’05, December 19, 2019 Bruce L. Eddins ’10 (MBA), April 28, 2020

New Arrivals

Friends and Family

Timothy Michael, son of Chris Jones ’13 and Katie Buzenski Jones ’05, born May 19, 2020

Irene Bruen, December 9, 2019, mother of Sr. Virginia Bruen, O.P. ’68

Ansley Ryan, December 16, 2019, daughter of Justin Duehren ’11 and Samantha Wolfe Duehren ’11

Robert “Bob” Osborne, former faculty, December 23, 2019

Twins John Marie and Finnian Michael, children of Patrick Foley ’16 and Margaret Foley, March 30, 2020

Warren Kappeler III, former instructor, died January 14, 2020

In Memoriam

Charles Eckstein, February 11, 2016, husband of Ruth Kelso Eckstein ’48

Judy Johnson Conkey, March 31, 2020, SMA graduate

Art Beach, March 7, 2020, longtime friend and supporter of ODU

Anna Marie Boehler Krauss ’42, April 17, 2020, mother of Carol Krauss Walker ’67

Nancy Wolfe Lane, March 16, 2020, former member ODU Board of Trustees

Marion Virginia Burke Heil Kepley ’47, April 28, 2020

Dorothy Winters, March 25, 2020, mother of Tom Winters ’72, Mike Winters ’75 and grandmother of Matthew Winters ’09

Sr. Thomasine Hardesty, O.P. ’48, April 5, 2020 Mary Flautt Yourchik ’53, November 25, 2013 Marie Groom Bresson ’57, April 3, 2020 Marianne Conley Phelan ’57, January 7, 2020 Sr. Marialein Anzenberger, O.P. ’58, December 7, 2019 Sr. Annunciata Chen, O.P. ’59, May 12, 2020 Patricia Snap Barkley ’61, May 7, 2020 Margaret Skobrak ’67, April 15, 2020

Dave Archibald, March 25, 2020, former Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing Art Herrmann, April 6, 2020, former Board Chair, ODU Board of Trustees Jacqueline Orlando, April 8, 2020, wife of Dr. Leo Madden, faculty Bill Shauck, May 1, 2020, husband of Judy Dailey Shauck ‘61

Madonna Gamble Chancellor ’69, April 4, 2020 Julie Straub ’69, May 11, 2020, sister of Danny Straub ’69 and Paul Straub ’72 Sr. Margaret Walsh, O.P. ’71, December 15, 2019 Thomas “Tom” Burke ’71, January 27, 2010, former husband of Evelyn Kirwin Burke ’70; father of Kathleen Burke ’11 Gregory H. McDonald ’72, December 21, 2019 Kathleen Grabaskas Beal ’73, April 25, 2020

Keep up with your classmates! Access our most recent Class Notes as featured in ODU’s monthly alumni e-newsletter, the ODU Insider, at ohiodominican.edu/Insider. Not receiving the newsletter? Update your information at ohiodominican.edu/AlumniUpdate.

William A. Manierre, Jr. ’83, May 7, 2020

1216 SUMMER 2020


Turns out generosity is contagious, too. Dear ODU Alumni and Friends, The magazine you are holding was published on the heels of the most unusual and disruptive spring semester in ODU’s 109-year history. When classes began in January, who could have imagined the upheaval, isolation, and daily concerns the COVID-19 pandemic would bring into our lives by the time Spring Break arrived? Still, as ODU dealt with the prospect of protecting students, faculty and staff from a highly contagious virus, we also learned how creative, adaptable and determined we all are to fulfill the university’s mission. The economic shutdown hit many of our students hard. Job loss, food insecurity, and the ability to cover basic necessities quickly became a reality for some students. On March 30, ODU launched a new Student Emergency Fund to provide critical funding for students who suddenly found themselves in need. In April, the federal CARES Act provided even more student aid. However, many students didn’t qualify for the federal aid, which made the Student Emergency Fund even more valuable. Our alumni and friends responded to the call for support. A flurry of gifts came in within hours of the moment we launched the fund, and a steady stream of financial support continued through the month of April. We saw another significant uptick in gifts after our Spring Appeal mailing went out. Then on the international Day of Giving on May 5, we saw one of the single busiest online giving days ever. What was truly exciting was to see the number of first-time donors to the university, as well as contributions from alumni and friends who had not made a gift in years. Roughly a decade ago, researchers from the University of California-San Diego and Harvard University conducted a study that showed generous behavior spreads between people and that those who benefit from kindness are more inclined to help others. I am inspired by the spirit of giving that “infected” so many people who care about ODU in response to this crisis. If you caught the giving bug this spring, feel free to spread it far and wide. On behalf of the students you helped, we are sincerely grateful. Mark Cooper Vice President Advancement and External Relations

16 Ohio Dominican University

Why I Give to ODU very fortunate to be a part of the Ohio “ I’m Dominican family. The members of this

special community are focused on living their lives in a manner that is consistent with Catholic values and the pursuit of a greater purpose. The blessings that I have realized through my involvement with ODU have far exceeded my contributions, and my affinity for Ohio Dominican makes it easy for me to give to an institution that I believe in.

Fred Takavitz Senior Vice President, DHL (retired) Chair-Elect, ODU Board of Trustees

In addition to being a generous donor, Fred shares his gifts and talents with ODU in other ways. Recently retired as a senior vice president from DHL, Fred has leveraged his experience and connections to open doors at Central Ohio logistics companies to help ODU expand its Supply Chain Management program. Fred serves as the chair-elect of ODU’s Board of Trustees. His example demonstrates the many ways you can make a positive impact in the lives of our students.

Support ODU. Make a Gift Today. ohiodominican.edu/Give

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