1 minute read
Hayley Brown Child Care Kathy Rutledge Memorial Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
Take the initiative and not to wait around for something to happen.
In her 2 year 4-H career, Hayley Brown participated in 24 community service projects. Her favorite activity is working with the Special Education kids.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
The biggest aspect of 4-H that has helped me the most, would be the people. My social skills have developed tremendously. I was closed off and not willing to talk to most people. If anyone had asked me a question, I would look to my mom or sheepishly answer. I have grown as a person and have started to put myself out there. With the help of 4-H I have started volunteering for leadership positions, offering to teach classes, and taking the initiative in many other aspects of my life.
Alexis Haynes
Citizenship Gene and Judy McKown Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
give back to my community.
During her 7 year 4-H career, Alexis Haynes participated in 100 community service projects and conducted 30 workshops and classes that reached more than 2,581 youth and adults. Her favorite service project is the Rockem Sockem sock drive that reaches 1,000 foster kids in Oklahoma and Texas. She leads a project to help cancer kids and donated 50 Lego sets to Children’s Hospital in OKC, help a family that lost their 15 year old son to Cancer, and gave 30 board games to kids with cancer. She also co-leads in a bear drive that raises 1,500 bears that have been donated in Oklahoma and Texas.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Public Speaking. I started out doing speeches and would stumble through them. I can now get in front of my club, other 4-H clubs and my county club without even second guessing myself.