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Kylee Detrick Horticulture and Plant Science
Oklahoma Horticultural Society
4-H Inspires me to...
be present at most meetings so I can see my friends and make connections with others. It inspires me to be involved in my community through service projects and volunteering. It inspires me to be a better leader, and improve my speaking skills. It also inspires me to do better each time I compete in numerous competitions.
During Kylee Detrick’s 7 years of her 4-H career, she has participated in 40 community service projects and conducted 9 workshops that have reached at least 15 people each consisting of youth, kids, and adults. Kylee Detrick also does a lot of leadership activities such as running for office, giving speeches, and leading community service projects. Kylee’s favorite activity was leading her club in painting rocks for inspirational encouragement for the Oklahoma City VA Rock Garden. Kylee likes painting rocks for other people because she loves to make people’s day when they are having a bad day. Kylee volunteers at the Yukon Manna Pantry by helping box canned goods given through the postal food drive each year and donating vegetables from her garden. To date, she has donated over 400 pounds of vegetables from her garden.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Kylee Detrick recalls being very shy when speaking in front of people. Being encouraged to participate in public speaking and team problem solving activities has given her the courage to speak in front of groups both large and small. Public speaking will be a skill that she will carry with her regardless of her career choice.
Jack Geary
Leadership Jerry and Julie Kiefer Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
improve myself and my community and fill the needs I see around me.
During his 7 year 4-H career, Tulsa County 4-H Hall of Fame recipient Jack Geary participated in over 40 community service projects and led numerous club and county events, reaching hundreds of 4-H members and other youth and adults in the Tulsa area. His most unique opportunity to promote 4-H was making Tulsa Drillers mascot Hornsby an honorary 4-H member at a Tulsa Drillers baseball game.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Community has been the aspect of 4-H that has influenced Jack’s life the most. In his club and county he has worked to develop a strong sense of community among members, encouraging them to participate in 4-H events and even meeting outside of 4-H. 4-H has also encouraged him to look outside of himself and see how he can help to make life better for all those who live in his community.