1 minute read
Jacob Raulie Performing Arts
Edwin and Winona Presley Memorial Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
pursue a STEM career and be open to teaching others about the topic.
During his 7 year 4-H career, Jacob Raulie has performed in countless magic acts at local, district and state levels. He has also been named as a finalist in the canCode international Scratch Teen Hackathon, a winner of the state 2020 Computer Hackathon and a first place state winner of the International Kangeroo Math Competition. He has donated over 20 hours playing the glockenspiel for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive and local nursing homes for the past 4 years. One of his most memorable events was leading a Pi Day State Scratch Coding workshop in 2020.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Roundup was a great experience because I got to experience college life. I also got to perform onstage in front of the entire 4-H delegation and had opportunities to code and do robotics.