1 minute read
Recreation and Leisure Arts
Ray Parker Memorial Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
share what I have learned with others, to make a difference in my community, and inspires me to strive to become the best possible version of myself.
Kate Wardlaw has been an active 4-H member for over 6 years. She has held offices on the club and county level and was honored to have recently been chosen as a State 4-H Ambassador. She has organized 7 county level community service projects and taught over 50 workshops. Kate enjoys working with the younger 4-Hers and sharing what she has learned with others.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
The biggest influence 4-H has had on my life is in developing my public speaking skills. When I was younger, speaking in front of large groups was not always easy for me. Through 4-H’s speaking contests and Share the Fun, I found the support and encouragement I needed to overcome my shyness. This has made giving speeches, teaching workshops, presenting class projects or playing the flute in front of large groups much easier and helped me build my self-confidence.