1 minute read
Haven Hinton Choctaw Nation Scholarship Choctaw Nation Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
inspire as many people as I possibly can and help them become the best version of themselves. 4-H has helped me conquer some of the biggest fears in my life and it has made me want to encourage others to do the same.
During her 9 year 4-H career, Haven Hinton participated in numerous community service projects and workshops focusing on Food Science and Health and Fitness. She currently serves on the State Leadership Council as the Southeast District Representative and also serves as the Johnston County President. Her passion for food and healthy living has led her to conduct workshops and demonstrations in elementary classrooms and clubs across the district, where she demonstrates how to cook meals and snacks and gives tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of her favorite activities was helping foster kids decorate Christmas cookies at a countywide foster care event.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Public speaking has brought me out of my comfort zone and forced me to be brave! It made me a more confident person and helped me discover my passion for communicating with people.