1 minute read
Rule of Law Graduating Senior Rule of Law Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
Be the best person, leader, friend, and family member I can be.
During Murphy’s 9 years spent in 4-H, she has participated greatly in the Public Speaking and Performing Arts project areas. She has served in leadership roles from club level to national level. She performed in 4-H Has Talent and State Vocal Contest at the 100th Roundup where she placed second. She has also received 1st place in both district and state speech contests. She says that her favorite memory was her very first Roundup where she decided she wanted to be a true leader.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
The aspect of 4-H that has had the biggest influence on Murphy’s life is the leadership. Serving on the State Council has taught her life skills including how to be a great leader, as well as a friend to everybody she meets.