1 minute read
Brianna Deeds BA Pratt Memorial BA Pratt Memorial Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
Be active and diverse. Do not limit yourself to one project; there are many out there that you will fit right into. You can still be active in your school activities and still be very involved in 4-H.
During my IO year 4-H career I have spoken with over 4,000 people through speeches and demonstrations. I have taught workshops to over 25,000, whether that be through officer duties or just volunteering. I have reached over 50,000 through community service projects ranging from my community to around the United States.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Leadership, because it has taught me to have confidence in myself. That is important to have so that younger members can look up to you. Throughout my 4-H career, the speech contests, teaching workshops, and speaking at events has flourished me into the leader I am today, which has helped me obtain the leadership roles I have earned.