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Serena Woodard Rule of Law Alumni Rule of Law Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
reach for the stars and never let go of my dream.
Throughout Serena’s 10 year 4-H career, she has participated in several community and leadership activities. During her term as a National 4-H spokesperson, she was able to visit different states and talk with those who specialized in production agriculture. Her favorite memory was making a witch sock puppet her first year as a 4-H’er and placing with it at the Tulsa State Fair.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
The aspect that has influenced my life greatly is that 4-H feels more like a family than an after-school activity. Your 4-H family will always be there to lift your spirits.
Jentri Rayburn
Tracey Cox Memorial
Tracey Cox Memorial Endowment & Rule of Law Endowment

4-H Inspires me to...
challenge myself. I never knew what I was capable of until educators, volunteers, and other leaders encouraged me to become the best version of myself.
Jentri Rayburn’s 10 year 4-H journey consisted of creating her own service project, “Socktober”, in which she impacted nearly 10,000 people, being a buddy for individuals with special needs, and giving back to her community by being involved in 20 different service projects throughout her 4-H career. She also enjoyed assisting new members to embark on their own 4-H journey and helping them to achieve their goals.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Not only have I learned immensely from 4-H, some of my favorite memories happened because of this program. The friends and mentors I have made throughout my 4-H career will last a lifetime.