1 minute read
Ashylynn Huston Pickens Scholarship
NoBro Farms LLC Endowment
4-H Inspires me to...
try things even when I am scared to do it. It has shown me that even a failure can be turned into success depending on how you look at it. It is all about what we learn and take away from the experience. It has taught me to try everything and find what you are passionate about and don’t be afraid to share that with others. It has helped me use what I thought was a weakness of being scared to my advantage. I am not the only one that has faced it, and it helps me recognize it in others and try to help bring them out of their comfort zone to try new things.
During her 5 year 4-H career, Ashlynn Huston, participated in approximately 25 community service projects and served as a camp counselor and workshop leader. She volunteered her time helping others with their livestock projects. Her favorite activity was showing goats.

What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Leadership, citizenship, speaking opportunities, and showing. These are areas that have been very impactful in my life.