Oklahoma Electric Co-op News April 2020

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For members of

Volume 68, Issue 10

CO-OP c t i c r E e l m a o O klah NEWS

April 13 is National Lineworker Appreciation Day PAGE 6 PLUS >> OEC, OEC Fiber continue operations amidst COVID-19 pandemic >> Meet the 2020 Youth Tour, Camp RYLA winners >> Five reasons your LED light bulbs may be flickering

April 2020

Board of Trustees Percy Moreu, President District2Trustee@okcoop.org

District 2

Rusty Grissom, Vice President


Ronnie Tharp, Sec. Treasurer


Bob Usry, Asst. Sec. Treas.


Mike Argo


Ronnie Grover


Shirley Idleman


John Jensen


Danny Watters


District3Trustee@okcoop.org District9Trustee@okcoop.org District8Trustee@okcoop.org District1Trustee@okcoop.org District4Trustee@okcoop.org District5Trustee@okcoop.org District6Trustee@okcoop.org District7Trustee@okcoop.org

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 http://www.okcoop.org

FROM the

TOP Patrick Grace, CEO

Senior Management Co-op Manager...............................Patrick Grace Chief Financial Officer.........Preston O’Brien, CPA VP of Engineering...........................Thad Peterson VP of Operations...............................Marty Hayes VP of Administration...........................Jonna Buck VP of HR and Legal Services............Tracy Mowdy VP of Metering................................John Spencer VP of Information Technology.....David Goodspeed Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.

Co-op News Editor Brianna Wall

Hidden Account Numbers Worth $200 Each month, OEC will pay $50 to the two co-op members who locate their hidden account numbers inside the Co-op News that month. The hidden account numbers will be placed at random within the text of each issue and not on the mailing label. The amounts will simultaneously increase in $50 increments until one or both account numbers are located by their respective owners or until the maximum of $500 is reached. 1. One of the hidden account numbers must be your own. 2. You must advise OEC by phone, mail or in person at the co-op’s office by the 15th of the month. If you find your account number call the Member Relations department at 217-6708.

A lot has changed since you received our last magazine, and I know we are all feeling the effects of COVID-19 by now. I wanted to take this time to reassure you we are still here, taking care of business to ensure your lights stay on and your internet stays connected. OEC is considered critical infrastructure, which means that no matter what happens, we will still be able to meet your needs. Our mission of providing safe, reliable, affordable electricity continues, even in times such as this. While we continue to ensure things keep running smoothly for OEC and OEC Fiber, we are taking precautions for the safety of our employees. We have closed our lobbies to the public and equipped as much of our staff as possible to work remotely. While some human contact is unavoidable, we are utilizing technology to conduct meetings virtually so we can continue providing you the best service possible and bringing high-speed broadband where no one else will. Keep in mind the situation is changing rapidly, and additional measures might have to be taken. I encourage you to stay connected with us via social media (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) or visit www.okcoop.org/coronavirus for the latest updates. I would also like to take this time to recognize our lineworkers. April 13 is National Lineworker Appreciation Day, and the job itself continues to be ranked among the top 10 most dangerous jobs on multiple lists. We do not take this lightly and work hard to keep safety at the forefront of our priorities. Next time you see an OEC lineman, be sure to give him a "thank you" for all the work he does to make sure your lights (and TVs, smart devices, air conditioners, etc.) stay on.

contents 4

OEC, OEC Fiber continue operation amidst COVID-19 pandemic


Honoring the lineworkers of OEC for National Lineworker Appreciation Day


Four area students named winners of 2020 Youth Tour contest


Five reasons your LED bulbs might be flickering

4 5 13 14

Operation Round Up Report


Remember to thank a lineworker April 13


WFEC Generation Report Tasty Treats Classified Ads










This spring, consider using a rain barrel to save energy. Rain barrels capture rainwater from a roof that can be used later for watering your lawn, garden or indoor plants.

Source: energy.gov

Four ways you can celebrate Earth Day by reducing your energy use.



OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors

Alan Davenport, president Beckie Turner, vice president Ronnie Fulks, secretary/treasurer Betty Allen • Pat Ragsdale Vivian Gibson • Vickie Gray Carla Kimberling • Travis Scott

Next Meeting www.okcoop.org/oru Applications Due www.okcoop.org/oru Applications available at www.okcoop.org/oru OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement Beginning Balance 2/19/20 ............................. $180,841.11 March deposit ..................... $21,018.44 Checks issued ...................... -$3,176.92 Reimbursed Check ............. $10,000.00 Interest .................................... $152.23 Approved, not paid ............ -$30,618.11 Ending balance 3/12/20 .... $178,124.95 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking


OEC, OEC Fiber continue operations amidst COVID-19 pandemic


e at OEC and OEC Fiber • Temporarily suspend late fees and continue to operate to disconnects for non-payment for ensure service to you is not anyone directly affected by the virus. affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. OEC Fiber has adopted the We continue to closely monitor the following safety procedures: emerging situation with service to • Good Hygiene Practices- All our members and subscribers at the employees are practicing good forefront of our concerns. Rest assured, hygiene/hand washing/covering we are following all recommended mouth with tissue CDC precautions, and when coughing/ we hope you are, too. sneezing or the use At OEC, our Stay updated their arm rather purpose is to improve than hands as a our members’ quality via Facebook, continued practice. of life through the All employees will Twitter, safe delivery of be cognizant of and highly reliable, Instagram or avoid touching eyes, reasonably priced mouth, nose, face. www.okcoop. electric service, We send regular innovative energy communications to org/coronavirus programs and subscriber-facing exceptional member employees to follow service. Allow us to the recommended reassure you that we CDC precautions and provide hand will continue to uphold our values in sanitizer throughout our facilities. these unprecedented times. • Appointment Call Ahead- All OEC More specifically, we pledge to: Fiber scheduled appointments • Ensure that your electric service receive a call before visits are made. continues to be reliable. OEC Fiber representatives ask • Maintain excellent service to our basic health and safety questions members while keeping everyone safe to screen the potential location for by closing our lobbies. You may still dangers concerning coronavirus make payments via the SmartHub contamination. mobile app, online at www.okcoop. • Recommended 8-foot working radiusorg or at one of the dozens of PaySite All employees and members are asked kiosks located throughout our service to maintain an 8-foot working radius area, as well as the payment dropduring business interactions. off in our drive-thru lane at 242 24th Avenue NW in Norman. • Use of Member’s/Subscriber’s Personal Property- All OEC • Make custom payment arrangements employees limit touching member/ by phone or on SmartHub.

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020


For those who prefer simplicity and convenience

Use your smartphone's camera to scan the bar code or visit www.okcoop.org/rates to see which rate is best for you or to switch rates!

Renewables: 48% Natural Gas: 35% Coal: 3% Blend from SPP purchases: 14%


Introducing the new Standard Residential Rate



subscriber’s personal property and request that the member/ subscriber handle their own property. • Unsafe Work Environment Declaration- At any time, OEC members/subscribers and employees have the right to claim an unsafe work environment and request a rescheduled appointment. Our network is built to handle peak use at any time to meet the full needs of families’ demands for entertainment, school assignments and late-night deadlines. This same network is available to support our subscribers if they are at home throughout the day. We have gig speeds available throughout our service area to meet the ultimate needs of these families. At press time, OEC Fiber continues to explore additional ways to expand the initiative if the virus forces school closings. Finally, OEC Fiber is committed to the guidelines set forth in the FCC’s Keep Americans Connected pledge. The OEC Foundation board continues to meet virtually, as well, to meet the needs of those applying for Operation Round Up® assistance. We are here to help members through this crisis. Rest assured that we will keep you up-to-date on any changes to our operating policies primarily via email, social media and at www.okcoop.org/ coronavirus. Please call us at (405) 321-2024 or chat with us via www.okcoop.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and — recently added — solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources.

Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation and Southwest Power Pool purchases during November 2019.

To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit www.okcoop.org/solar. Visit www.okcoop.org/solar-garden-tours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman.




Clifford Madden of Blanchard


Tanner Tindell of Yukon

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020

Cole Hoffman of Blanchard

Jacob McFarlane of Norman


Remember to thank a lineworker April 13


ineworkers serve on the frontlines of our nation’s energy needs, and on April 13, 2020, OEC, along with other electric cooperatives across the country, will honor the brave men and women who work hard to keep the lights on. Line crews work around the clock, sometimes in difficult and dangerous conditions, to keep power flowing to our local communities. Whether they’re restoring power after a major storm or maintaining critical infrastructure to our electric system, lineworkers are at the heart of our co-op. [3028422219] When a storm hits, they set aside their personal priorities because Mother Nature doesn’t work around holidays, vacations and birthdays. A service-oriented mentality is one of the many admirable characteristics of an electric lineworker. OEC is proud to honor the dozens of lineworkers that maintain 5,500-plus miles of power lines in our service territory. OEC invites all co-op members to take a moment and thank a lineworker for the important work they do. On April 13, you can use #ThankALineworker on social media to show your support for the brave men and women who power our lives.

Thank you to OEC's lineworkers Aaron Criswell Andy Bills Ben Cooper Ben Persall Brad Hunter Brad Scott Brent Glover Brogan Goodwin Chris Croslin Clifford Madden Clint Mobley Cole Hoffman Connor Keith David Moore Derek Lumm Jacob McFarlane



Jake Calvert James Jeffries Jared Voegeli Jason Miller Jeff Daniels Jimmie Turnpaugh Joe Bartram Jonah McCorkle Josh Keen Kirk Gless Marty Hyde Matt Caldwell Mike Lee Nate Hulse Nathan Foster Nathan Heft

Randy White Ricky Young Ryan Frazier Ryan Trowbridge Scott Romo Shane Dominey Tanner Nelson Tanner Tindell Tim Gilbert Travis Barton Travis Beverly Travis Danley Travis Jones Trevor Gilroy Trevor Little Waylon McClellan

Ryan Frazier of Washington



OEC crowns 2020 Youth Tour, Camp RYLA winners By Brianna Wall


OEC awarded all-expenses-paid trips to eight extremely talented high school juniors during the 2020 Youth Tour Banquet held Feb. 21. The top four finishers — Cecilia Alali from Westmoore High School, Taylor McGill from Tuttle High School, Grace Miller from Blanchard High School and Kade Schuermann from Community Christian School in Norman — won a seven-day trip to Washington, D.C. on Oklahoma's Youth Tour. The other finalists — Noah Coats from Tuttle, Paige Montgomery from Newcastle High School, Steven Steincamp from

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020


Community Christian School in Norman and Maximus Willis from Newcastle High School — won trips to Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). Both trips are tentatively scheduled for this summer. This year’s contest prompt was reflective of OEC’s mission to improve our members’ quality of life through the safe delivery of highly reliable, reasonably priced electric service, innovative energy programs and exceptional member service. OEC provides electricity to its members, but that is not what makes us a co-op. A cooperative is a self-help organization founded to satisfy the unmet needs of the members it serves. Youth Tour contest applicants were asked to apply the cooperative business model to an unmet need or problem in their community and write a business proposal. Finalists created PowerPoint presentations and “pitched” their co-op business idea in front of OEC trustees, senior staff, representatives from their schools, their families and three independent judges. “I am impressed by all the applicants and their passion for service,” said Tory Tedder-Loffland, OEC's education and outreach programs director. “What makes a co-op special is why it is in business and what it does with its revenue and these finalists understand that.” As the cornerstone of OEC's youth and leadership programs, Youth Tour has evolved over the years to encourage students to utilize technology to aid their presentations. "We believe [these aspects of the program] will benefit these students as they enter the world of higher education and, eventually, the workforce," said TedderLoffland. [6606300507] The panel of judges included Rep. Merleyn Bell (House District 45 from Norman), Jim Friedemann, a leadership coach for Focal Point Consulting, and Brennah Kostelecky, former Youth Tour winner (2015) from Oklahoma City. As winners of the 2020 Youth Tour, Alali, McGill, Miller and Schuermann will travel to the nation's capital in June along with 70 of their peers from across the state — those 70 others will have also won their local electric co-op's Youth Tour contests. They will spend the week touring Washington, D.C.'s historic monuments and museums, meeting with Oklahoma's Congressional delegation and making new, lifelong friends. In partnership with local Rotary clubs, OEC sends four Youth Tour alternates to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) summer camp. While at Camp RYLA, Coats, Montgomery, Steincamp and Willis will learn improved techniques of leadership. Their enthusiasm and technique are brought back to their communities, where their positive influence impacts those around them. RYLA introduces a large number of young people and their families to the Rotary ideals of service each year. It helps bridge the communication gap between the generations and helps improve relationships among youth groups, families and the community. "I am confident OEC will be very well represented both in Washington, D.C. and at Camp RYLA," said OEC CEO Patrick Grace. "The board and I are happy to support programs that encourage our next generation of co-op members to dream big and become the community leaders we know they are capable of becoming."

OEC names Leadership Summit, scholarship winners OEC awarded two $500 scholarships in February to Oklahoma Youth Expo participants in our sevencounty service area: one to Jackson Caves of Amber-Pocasset FFA and one to Tylor Brown of Minco FFA. The two stellar students were selected to attend the 2020 Leadership Summit, a one-day leadership workshop where those in attendance learn team-building and leadership skills. Unfortunately the workshop was cancelled along with the Oklahoma Youth Expo due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the winners are still set to receive their scholarships. Caves, a senior at Amber-Pocasset High School and a 2019 OEC Youth Tour winner, participates in public speaking, livestock judging and showing, basketball, golf, 4-H and Technology Student Association among others. Brown, a senior at Minco High School and 2019 OEC Youth Tour finalist, loves barrel racing and training horses. She is a member of the Oklahoma High School Rodeo Association and enjoys helping small businesses through community service at the Minco Chamber of Commerce. As of publication, both Energy Camp (May 26-29) and Youth Tour (June 19-25) remain scheduled. Organizers at Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives will continue to monitor the situation and follow state, federal and CDC guidelines.





WE ARE NOW OFFERING ALL THREE TO EVERYONE IN OPEN ZONES! If your zone isn’t open yet, stay tuned!

Visit us today for more info or to sign up at

www. 10

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020


How will you celebrate Earth Day? Earth Day is considered one of the world’s largest civic events, and on April 22, we can all be part of this global movement to help the environment, even as we are social distancing. First, we want to share some things that we’re doing right here at OEC to better our own little corner of the world. Over the past few years, we’ve launched green initiatives such as a partnership with Norman Public Schools to bring renewable energy education to local students, enhanced focus on electric vehicle charging and education, as well as continued efforts with our wholesale power provider, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, to grow its already-robust renewable energy portfolio. There are many ways we as individuals can help the environment, and some are easier than you’d think. Here are a few simple actions you can take now to reduce your energy use. Audit your light bulbs. Swapping out any remaining incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs can make a big difference in home efficiency, and it’s one of the easiest ways to reduce your energy bill. Maintain your HVAC system. Replace your home air filters to allow your HVAC system to run more efficiently. Air filters

prevent dust and allergens from clogging your HVAC system. Changing the filters makes your unit run more efficiently – keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Examine your smart or programmable thermostat. Make sure it is programmed for the current season and family schedule. This is one of the best tools at your fingertips, however, you can only achieve these efficiencies and savings if it is programmed properly and adjusted periodically to keep pace with changes in household routines. Seal window and doors. Seal leaks with weather stripping and caulk to keep cool air indoors during warm months and prevent cold air from penetrating the indoors during colder months. Sealing gaps around piping, dryer vents, fans and outlets also helps to seal the envelope and increase efficiency. While these suggestions may not be glamorous actions worthy of a press release or event, they do make a difference. And we’re always here to help if you want more information on how you can save energy. Stop by our office or give us a call. As we celebrate Earth Day this April, let’s continue to work together and make a positive impact on our local community – and our beautiful planet. www.okcoop.org


Adapted from TheSpruce.com, written by Elizabeth McGrath

Five reasons your LED bulbs might be flickering


n general, flickering lights are caused by a simple drop or fluctuation in household voltage that causes the lights to dim momentarily. A variety of common issues can cause your lights to flicker, and understanding the specific causes will tell exactly what to do to solve it.

Additional energy efficiency questions? Contact our certified energy efficiency solutions specialist Daniel Lofland at daniel. lofland@okcoop.org


BULB TYPE Fluorescent light bulbs are more prone to flickering than LED and other bulb types. Low or high temperatures, aging bulbs or tubes, and normal warm-up cycles can all cause fluorescent bulbs to flicker. Small amounts of flickering aren’t a cause for concern, but if constant flickering or dimming are occurring, replace your fluorescent bulb to correct it. If the new bulb or tube still flickers, it is likely that the fixture has a bad ballast. You can replace the ballast on old fixtures (upgrading to an electronic ballast in the process), but it's usually simpler to replace the entire fixture. OUTDATED DIMMER SWITCHES Dimmer switches are a common source of flickering with LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs. Older dimmer switches and current conventional dimmers are designed for use with standard incandescent light bulbs, and they often don't work well with LED bulbs. If your LED is controlled by a dimmer,

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020

the easiest fix is to buy a good-quality "dimmable" LED bulb. If that doesn't solve the problem, replace the old dimmer with a new dimmer designed for LED bulbs. You will still need to use dimmable LEDs with these dimmers, but the new switch will be optimized for LEDs and likely will give you better performance.

LOOSE LIGHT BULBS Bulbs that aren't screwed in all the way or are otherwise attached incompletely can make for a weak electrical connection with the light fixture's contacts, resulting in flickering. Simply tightening the bulb usually solves this problem. If this occurs with a fluorescent tube, try rotating the tube in the fixture mounts to make sure the metal pins on the ends of the tube are making good contact. In older lamps or light fixtures, the sockets themselves may wear out so that the bulb can no longer make good contact with the metal tab in the bottom of the bulb socket. In this instance, you will need to replace the socket or the entire light fixture. FAULTY LAMP SWITCH OR CORD PLA bad connection in your lamp or fixture’s on-off switch can result in flickering. Troubleshoot the connections by wiggling the on-off switch. If your lights dim as you do this, you


probably have a bad switch. In-line cord switches are easy to replace. If the switch is part of a lamp socket, simply replace the entire socket (also an easy job, but it requires a bit of simple wiring). Cord plugs can also be the source of bad electrical connections. Make sure the cord plug is in good shape and is not loose in the electrical outlet. If necessary, replace the plug end or the entire cord.

INSUFFICIENT CURRENT Large current draw on a circuit can cause lights to dim but not really flicker. If you notice your lights dimming briefly when certain appliances (such as a refrigerator) kick on, or if the lights stay dim while a toaster or heater is running, the electrical circuit is overloaded and there's not enough current available for the lights. The real problem is that those highdemand appliances should not be on the same circuits as the lighting. Recent electrical codes require that high demand appliances each be served by their own dedicated circuit, but in older homes, it's common for the refrigerator, dishwasher, and other appliances to be served by the same general circuits that serve the lighting fixtures and standard outlets. This may well cause the lights to dim each time the appliances kick in. If your light fixtures are using high wattage incandescent light bulbs, you may be able to rectify the situation by replacing them with low-wattage LED bulbs that provide the same illumination while drawing less power. Or, you can simply plug the lamp into a different circuit. But the fact remains that your electrical service is probably insufficient for the load. Consult with an electrician; you may need to add one or more circuits to correct this problem.


WHEN FLICKERING INDICATES A SERIOUS PROBLEM Flickering lights are normally not a cause for alarm. But sometimes they can indicate a more serious underlying issue. Constant or severe drops in lighting can result from circuit overloads or faulty connections somewhere along the circuit. Both problems can be serious safety concerns and should be discussed with an electrician.

No-Cook Spinach Artichoke Dip Ingredients  1 sweet onion, cut into quarters  8 cloves garlic, or more to taste  1 (14 ounce) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped  1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained  1 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise

1 (8 ounce) package shredded Parmesan cheese  1 (1.4 ounce) package dry vegetable soup mix (such as Knorr(R))  1 (8 ounce) package reduced-fat cream cheese, softened  1 (8 ounce) container reduced-fat sour cream

Directions Blend onion and garlic in a food processor until finely chopped. Add artichoke hearts; process until chopped. Add spinach, Parmesan cheese, and vegetable soup mix; process until well incorporated. Transfer mixture to a nonmetallic bowl. Blend cream cheese, mayonnaise, and sour cream in the food processor until smooth; stir into artichoke mixture. Recipe from allrecipes.com




Note: OEC does not endorse or guarantee any of the products or services in these ads.



• ‘69 c10 lwb clean title, street legal built, 355 sbc with nitrous hughes built turbo 400, $11,500 obo, text or call for pictures. 318-3769. • ‘56 Ford, cannot finish restoration due to health issues, have all parts, some new, primed for paint, call Lynn for more info. 255-0824. • I have several old car repair manuals, fix your ford ,1971 to 1954, chiltons mustang cougar 1965-73’, motors, 1969-76 and 1972-82, xix total make offer. 570-4457.

• ‘12 GMC crew cab truck, 220k mi, 4WD, VGC, 2nd owner, $16,000 obo; Custom built 9’ long smoker on new 12Lx7W s/a trailer w/new 6-ply tires, $3750 obo; Kenmore 80 series lrg capacity washer/dryer, $200 obo; GE profile quiet lrg washer/ dryer $600 obo. 590-3394 or 308-5742. • ‘98 Dodge Durango 4x4, s/b v-8, not running, body in good condition, clean title, $1000 OBO. 659-7542. • Motor $200; transmission $100, you pull it for 1999 Chevy Malibu V6-3100 start car & hear motor call & leave msg. 215-3535.

Tinhorns R Us 5.25% Taxes

• ‘03 Chevy Silverado LS 1500 2WD ExtCab, Maroon Pickup, 5300 V8, Garage Parked, Excellent Condition, 31,775 Actual Miles, Mechanic Owned, $12,000. 872-3080. • ‘94 Chevy pickup, club cab, good condition, runs on CNG (compressed natural gas) or gasoline, 5.7 Liter V-8, runs great, well maintained, 234k miles. 924-0541. • 20’ flat-bed trailer, $900; 16’ cattle trailer, $750; ‘81 International/Bluebird bus converted for hunting/activities, gas/auto trans, $3000, leave msg. 381-3500.

J & J Livestock Commission Company SAVE!

Buy direct from the Manufacturers! Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe

(405) 381-4044

• ‘97 Ford F150 with tow package, good tires, toolbox, engine locked up, leave message or text, $400 obo. 314-0257. • ‘97 Silverado 1500 2WD, Ext Cab, V8, 115k miles, dark green, runs great, AC works, $3500, Tuttle. 834-4824. • ‘97 Jeep Wrangler, 4cyl, standard, 131,000mi, black, 4½ lift, 35in tires, soft top, 50in and 20in light bars, $5800, leave msg. 408-1910. • ‘18 Chevy Cruze LT Sedan; “Still New”, <5,000 miles; Purchased brand new Sept ‘19; Red Sport body; back-up camera; heated seats; much more. 485-2331.

Fax: (405) 381-5181

Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available


For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692



Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020


All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted FARM & EQUIPMENT

• 2124 for new holland tractor front end loader, diesel, Tuttle area, $12,500. 381-2052. • 5 foot Brush Hog with AllisChalmers Snap Coupler hitch in good condition, $300. 388-0655. • Vermeer 504 Super I, 4X5 string tie round baler, $4650; Angus weaned 9 month old heifers and bulls, 7 months bred cows. 8725749 or 596-9573. • 16 Ft trailer with railings $200; 17 Horsepower cub cadet with belly mower $700; Large selection of phonograph records. 365-4162. • 25x45 pole barn, 4 skylights, 1 garage door, white with green trim, wanting 4,000, will haggle on price, you take it down, located in Blanchard. 808-7709. • Horse shoeing equipment complete set-up $1,000, may sell some stuff separately, call Dana. 250-5877. • 6ft Gannon box blade, 1946 H Farmall Tractor Restored. 352-4326. • 1957 International Harvester 300 utility tractor w/front end loader, runs good, new hydraulic pump, front tires & seat, $1200. 202-0543. • 16x9x34 Goodyear rear tractor tire and tube 100, Harris heavy duty torch w/40’ hose 150, 45 used t-post 6ft w/300 plus clips. 830-5857.

• 3 Ton MHC Galv Creep Feeder, 96” Tall, Comes with Cages and adjustable bar, 8 Ply 7x15 Radial Tires, Used very little: stored inside, call or text. 620-3523. • 4010 John Deere tractor on LP very good cond, $4500, Tuttle. 381-2697. • 2017 John Deere X394 FourWheel Steer - 48” Deck; used two seasons; Asking $4200; Please call between 4:30 & 8 pm. 640-7639. • BEFCO 209 3 pt hook-up fertilizer spreader-orange, used very little, good condition, $300 cash. 794-4897. • 2015 Big Tex 14GN-28, 7000# single axles, 16” tires, $4500; 24 ton Northstar log splitter on trailer Honda GX 160, lightly used, $1200. 623-9438. • Wanted salvage rough tractors from 1960-2020, 2WD or 4WD. 641-7728. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES

• 60” Toshiba flatscreen TV, works perfect, get ready for football and bad weather weekends, $350. 366-6166. • 2 display cabinets, both round top, glass doors & glass shelves, 6’Tx3’Wx1’D, gold trim, $200 each. 479-2080. • 1995 Refurbished Wurlitzer Piano Console - $375; 3 yr old Whirl Pool Ceramic Stove Top $350, Judith. 250-5007.

• 80” cinnamon brown tweed sofa, like new, $350; oak coffee table $100; oak glass top end table, $35; sell all for $400. 321-6635. • Vintage Duncan Phife dining set drop leaf table w/six chairs buffet; vintage coffee table set w beveled glass inserts w three side tables; large oval trestle table. 366-6166. • Antique dresser with mirror, space for chair or vanity bench $100 obo, please leave msg if no answer. 386-4964. • Lazy Boy recliner, excellent condition, paisley fabric, different brown tones with touch of gray-blue, manual recline, like regular chair in upright position, $225. 485-2019. • Custom wood growth charts, handcrafted, wood burned, fourteen stain options, pine $75, oak $85, name customization available, makes a great baby shower gift. 550-5943. HAY & FIREWOOD

• Firewood for sale: Greenwood $85; 1 year seasoned $100; Delivered and stacked locally. 639-5420. • $50 Bermuda Round Bales in NE Norman. 561-0017. • Firewood for sale, $75, you pick up, ask for Jerry. 212-7560. • 4’x5’ rd love grass, $25/bale; Sm sq straw, $5/bale; Sm sq bermuda, $8/bale; Sm sq alfalfa, $10/bale. 459-6543.

• Small square premium bermuda grass horse hay in 21 bale bundles, loaded on your trailer, sprayed and fertilized. 850-1005. • Bermuda grass hay, 6x5 round bales, sprayed and fertilized, 4 bale minimum, call or text. 570-4550. • Firewood, $75 for pickup, delivery price depending on location. 365-5534. • Bermuda grass hay round bales, 5X6, sprayed, horse and cattle quality, can deliver minimum 10 w/extra charge, leave message. 623-7478. • Quality Bermuda Hay, 4x6 net wrapped, $65/$75, Goldsby. 401-4012. • Small square Bermuda; grass bales and prairie grass bales sprayed and fertilized $6 a bale will load, sw okc. 473-7395 or 392-4855. • Round bales for sale, corn $40 a bale, Sudan $65 a bale, Grass $40 a bale, call Jim or Tim. 613-9128 or 708-2428. • Excellent quality Bermuda hay fertilized, weed sprayed, heavy bales, sm sq bales @ $7 ea, Lexington area. 740-6431. LIVESTOCK & PETS

• 8 yr old polled hereford bull $1000, 10 yr old beefmaster cow due to calf in august $900, leave msg. 329-4562.


Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work

35 years experience






CAREER AGENT Office: Office: 1311 N. Porter Avenue 1311 N. Porter Avenue Norman, OK 73071 Bus: (405) 329-1830 Norman, OK 73071 Bus: (405) 329-1830

(405) 329-1830




• Animal transport cage, great for hauling sheep, goats, hogs, etc, 6ft-L,47’-W,38’-H, great condition, well built $225. 387-4638. • Free to caring indoor homes, tabby kittens, white bibs and mittens, 2 neutered boys, 1 girl, Lexington. 761-0672. • 10 cow calf pairs, 5 springers, 2 bulls, 3/4 black angus, hoover dam, connealy and northern improvement. 391-3688. • Animal transport cage, great for hauling sheep, goats, hogs, etc, 5ft-long, 47in-wide, 38in-tall, great condition, well built, $225. 387-4638. • Handfed and socialized parrotlet and cockatiel chicks, prices vary depending on species and mutation, DNA sexing available; parrot diets and toys available. 401-4887. • For Sale or Lease, young bulls Charolais, Angus & Limo; For Sale or Lease: Young Black Angus, Charolais, Limo & Brangus Bulls. 520-1604.

Storage SolutionS

All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Homing pigeons have to many have to sell, price depends on how many you buy starting at $2, if buy more then 10; Also lovely raised kittens for sale $65, all have shots must go to a loving homes ready for adoption. 474-4261. • Bulls for sale, Registered Irish Black/Angus Cattle Bulls for Sale, great American breed, excellent genetics, docile, heat tolerant, highly fertile, in central OK. 831-1689. MISCELLANEOUS

• 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Cemetery in Norman, in (sold out) Garden of Apostles, package includes granite and bronze double head plaque $8,700 obo. 589-1389. • 668 once fired .38 special cases, includes 6 fifty round plastic Case-Gard cases, $26. 184 once fired .357 Magnum cases, $25. 485-4672. • Heavy Duty Tarps: 6x12, $10; 12X25, $20, call John. 620-5708. • H&R 38 caliber (short), revolver, $200; Bersa Thunder 380 caliber semi auto, 2 clips, new, $325; Sig Sauer P365, new, 2 clips $450, tack for sale. 620-5238.

• Ashley wood burning stove, good condition, blower, cast plates instead of fire brick, asking $250. 570-4457. • Heavy duty bandsaw horse drawn John Deere sickle mower old antique corn Sheller outdoor cooking wok railroad spike coat and hat hangers. 820-0618. • Ruger P89DC 9mm semiautomatic handgun, black with box and paperwork, 3 High capacity magazines included, $300. 203-8501. • 5 cemetery plots in a row at Chapel Hill Cemetery 10 miles east of Lexington, $200 each; leave message. 268-9043. • Aluminum Handi-Cap Ramp, 17’ long by 3’ wide, with hand rails, $200. 250-4418. • Marlin camp rifle 9mm NIB $650; S&W 915 pistol NIB custom and original grips $650 magazines for both items are interchangeable, cash. 431-0157. • Pecan halves fresh hulled 2019 paper shell crop, substantial qty available, $6 per pound. 391-3319.

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Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers 16

• Troy-Bilt taffy tiller, Poulan 1900 chainsaw, both have stored several years, Ryobi 40 volt 14‚ Äù brushless chainsaw, battery & charger, 2 years old, $60 for the Ryobi. 684-0350. • Craftsman 40in lawn sweep, $55; Fimco Industries 25 gal sprayer, $125. 387-2858 or 615-0602. • H&R 38 cal revolver short 5 shot $200; Bersa Thunder 380 cal Semi auto 2 clips 10 rounds new $325; Horse tack, Motorcycle trailer $500. 620-5238. • New quilts, sev colors and patterns, $100; Bunch interior primed 3-panel doors w hinge/ knob cuts; sev sizes dbl pane windows; many bevel-glass light fixtures; dbl and single garage doors; misc new lumber. 366-6166. • Farm Fresh Brown Eggs, $3 dozen or 2 dozen for $5, 11701 U S Hwy 77 Lexington, corner of Roberts rd & Hwy 77. 205-4146. • Near complete from early 70s early set of southern living recipe books. 366-6166. • Old wooden windows some in good shape large assortment of all thread bolts antique wrench. 820-0618.

Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020

Winter Specials

Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair

Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available.

1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069

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All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted

• Large wood Charcoal cooker/ smoker, heavy duty, customer made, two inside racks, 36” tall, 15” wide bargain at $95, call or text. 292-6299 or text 620-3523. MOBILE HOMES, RVS & BOATS

• ‘02 Georgetown Forrest River 37 Foot RV, 58,000 miles, Ford V10 Engine, 2 Slide Outs, 2 Air Conditioners, Kitchen, Loaded, Generator, Very Good Condition, Norman, $21,000. 616-902-2894. • Cool vintage, 1971 Gypsy Trihull boat w/custom trailer and Evinrude motor requiring reassembly, recent restorations to fiberglass body, owned by same family, all offers considered. 381-6249. • Fishing boat 14 foot king commander, and a 35 horsepower Johnson motor and a trailer in good condition, $1000 for all three. 381-3189. • ‘01 60x16 Palm Harbor 2 bedrooms $14000; Vinyl Insulated Skirting, Insulated Roof Coating, ALL appliances, new carpet 2017 new air conditioner 2015, Non smoker no pets. 245-8151.

• 32 ft ‘08 Gulfstream Kingsport 5thWhl, sleeps 6, frontBR, frig runs elec orGas, dual propane and disposal tanks, everything works, $7900, F250 available also. 918-650-2084. • 20 ft Pontoon Boat, 50hp Mercury motor, Sun Tracker Bass Buggy, good condition , New trailer, tires, $3,500, Thunderbird Lake area. 401-1859.



• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair,All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion, 40yrs experience, competitive prices, Danny. 3292230 or 779-5362. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230. • Remington model 7400, 3006 auto with Leupold Vari X3, 3.5X10; rifle is excellent, scope is mint; $800 for both or may separate. 570-0072. • Large wood and charcoal cooker/smoker, Heavy Duty, Custom Made, Two Inside racks, 36” tall, 15” wide, bargain at $95. Call 292-6299 or text 620-3523. • Fresh Brown eggs, Organic, Free Range Hens, $3 dozen. 795-1030. • W: Ham Radio / Shortwave Gear, etc- Older is OK. 641-7582. • Brother 361 printer, Schulze Pretreat, The Maxx Press, New $28,241, asking $14,000 OBO, Blanchard. 760-8268.




(Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock In Front MUSTANG PAWN and GUN of Water Tower


Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152


STrucTural PiPe SaleS We build:

Cattleguards H-Posts Corner Posts Triangle Pipe Racks


• Noritake China, Candice pattern, 12 place setting with serving dishes and platter, perfect condition; split king Tempur-pedic bed with dual remote controls. 485-3722. • Horse Shoeing Equipment Complete set-up $1,000, might sell some separately, call Dana. 250-5876. • Propane tank in good condition with regulator, this tank is ready for install and use,2 50 gallon, $245. 201-7266. • Local 100% Raw Honey with Pollen Tuttle, Blanchard, Newcastle, 18 Gallons will divide, leave message I’ll call back with Pricing. 392-3123. • John Deere LX255 15 HP Riding Mower, needs coil, $100. 321-0095. • Paddle boat, Orange/white, Good usable condition, $450; Wood burning stove, Cabinet design, With electric fan, It is a controlled air stove to regulate burning rate, $250, leave msg. 381-3500.

Perfect for:

Corrals Barns Fences

All sizes custom-cut pipe

“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We Now Have Culverts Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver www.okcoop.org




• Want to sell your acreage property? Contact Metro Brokers Acreage Specialist, www.OkRealtySolutions.com, call or text to get started today. 417-1849. • 5 to 80 acres 180th and hwy 9, wooded ponds, views surveyed, pecan large redo trees rounded by Indian land privatese, starting at 25,000. 386-6629. • 2bd steel house on 80 acres of land lots of turkey, ducks, and deer needs improvement, Tuttle area, $500,000. 381-2052. • 3700 Sq Ft custom home in Tuttle area, 1.8 acres with pond, 4 Bedrooms, 3 bath, Flex room, Granite countertops, 1500 Sq Ft shop, $660,000. 817-879-0550. • Beautiful 120 acre mountain hunting/ATV retreat NW of Talihina, Off grid 30x50 insulated metal building sleeps 17 $224,999, Call Curtis. 474-0478. • 320 acres MOL farm, grazing land, 4 income producing wind turbines, 3 ponds, stocked with fish & spring fed, Okarche & NW Expressway, Niki Grider, Elite Key Realty. 802-5524.

• Newalla: 2bd/1bth, appliances, wood floors, 1/4 acre, a frame for a shop, cul-de-sac; near 59th and Harrah-Newalla Road; Empty, move-in ready. 608-9320. • 1 acre commercial zoned 4 3/4 miles east of Tuttle on highway 37, call for more questions. 794-4612. • Lake Eufaula Pixie Woods, 2 corner lake lots, 150 frontage 200 deep, well/septic, 23k or best offer, call for directions. 417-1616. • FSBO beautiful 800 sqf home on 5 acres 2 bed, 1 bath, outbuildings, cellar and circle drive $88,000 call for more info. 255-8596. • Acreage at 414 Hoffman Dr Norman, OK, fenced, water, electricity, cleared for building and a shop, $150,000. 366-1848. • FSBO 120 acres m/l, close to Foss Lake, NW corner of Hwy 73 & N2070 Rd, rural water & electric. 392-4804 or 640-4653 • 6 ac w/new water well; septic, electric; 16x80 2bd/2bath mobile home and old farmhouse; pecan trees, Corbett/Lexington Area, $73,500 FIRM; Text questions or interest. 593-6542..

• 2¼ Beautiful improved Acres, Fenced, Large trees, well, septic, electric, storm cellar, Must Sell, Reduced 10-K $37,500, Two miles from T-Bird, 2402 168 Ave NE 405. 990-9235. WANTED

• Looking to buy toys, Star Wars, GI Joe, MASK Masters of the universe, Thundercats, legos, Transformers, Imaginext, calico critters, call or text Eric. 306-1462. • I buy Mineral Rights. 347-1907. • Appliances, AC units, Mowers, Hot Water Tanks, Cars, Farm Implements, Computers, almost any Metal Scrap will haul it away for free. 225-6769 or 306-6927. • Senior needs reasonably priced engineer to assess sunroom construction for permit renewal. 366 6166. • 100 acres mol of grass to lease for cows, beginning May 1 or sooner. 740-4955. • Need someone to build Pergola have lumber & hardware, need labor only; also need someone to help out on large acreage, mowing, cleanup, chainsaw work. 990-0027.

Call us at: (405) 741-4400

Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area.

“Wealth is not measured in dollars.”

Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing

Bulldozers & Trackhoes Call Bruce 580-641-1952


Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • April 2020

• 22 Rifle or Revolver, older is OK, voice or tex. 641-7582. BUSINESS

• Handyman for Hire:off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. All types of construction, 39 yrs exp. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 496-5265. • Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs experience & insured. 366-0722.

Located at: 7200 S. Sooner Rd. Oklahoma City



All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755. • Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker Owner, Residential, Commercial, Homes on Acreage, Acreage, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers in most areas of Oklahoma, active licenses #142160 & #175498, call or text Rhonda at (405) 8080705 or Cody Simmons, Realtor® (405) 203-2449 active license #183016. www.sunshinerealty. realtor. • Brushog, boxblade: tilling, dirt and gravel work, driveways, tree removal, yard cleanup, fences Kevin 872-9576 or 365-6875 • Greg Moore Excavation: Septic systems, grading, backhoes, dozer, driveways gravel or concrete, building pads, BBB accredited, service and honesty is our goal. 388-5430. • Meyer Masonry: Brick, block, rock, 35yrs exp, free estimates. Keith, 527-4934. • Affordable lawncare and mowing: weeding, spraying, some tree work, Noble to Lexington area, call Jim at 693-5341.

• Clint›s Lawn Care: mowing, weed trimming and edging; one to five acres; Newcastle, Blanchard, Tuttle and Bridge Creek; I›m a Veteran with years of lawn care experience. 229-1046. • Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 3292230 or 779-5362. • Taylor Auto Sales: 634-3565. • Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message. • Pipe fence construction and repair: 40 years experience, Tony Keller 694-8490. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230. • “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495.


• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084. • Portable buildings: 12x20 lofted barn $3830 or $177.31/ mo; 8x10 mini barn $1465 or $67.82/mo; 10x20 cottage barn $2840 or $131.48/mo. 405-8720338 or bargainbarnsusa.com • Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40=$17,300; 4 0 x 5 0 = $ 2 6 , 9 0 0 ; 40x100=$49,000, price includes concrete & installation. 405-8720338 or bargainbarnsusa.com. • Bargains Barns: 18x21 steel carport=$1195; 12x31 RV cover=$2085; 20 x 21 garage=$4285; 24x31 garage=$6195, financing available. 405-872-0338. • Clean up & haul off: trash & debris from properties and building interiors. For a professional, neatly finished job, call Jerry Richardson, insured, references. 850-0577. • CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930.

• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202 • Thinking Garden? Have tractor, will plow: Don, 387-4433. • Seamless Guttering: Country Ridge Enterprises New installation or replacement, repairs, clean out and leaf guard. Local Norman company. Insured *Free Estimates* Call James. (405)623-2354. • Outdoor services: dirt & gravel work, driveways, brushog, tilling, boxblade, yard cleanup, tree removal, fences built or repaired Kevin 365-6875 or 872-9576. • Tractor work, brush hogging, box blade. 365-7572. • I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572. • Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572. • $ Houses Wanted $: Will buy houses in any condition, close quickly, all closing costs covered, leave message if no answer, 456-9316.

Insured, Free Estimates

Painting • Fence & Deck Staining Texturing • Carpentry • Interior Exterior • Commercial Residential • Sheetrock

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