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From the Top with CEO Patrick Grace
Summer is here, which means we've just wrapped up another successful year of our youth programs as the Youth Tour winners returned from their week-long trip to Washington, D.C.
Beginning in July and August, we spread the word about our robust youth development and leadership programs, as well as hands-on electricity and safety education, for kids of all ages. Our seven-county service area includes 26 school districts ranging from some of the smallest in the state to the third largest. OEC's board of trustees has made investing in the next generation a priority of OEC's since 1964 when the first Youth Tour winners were awarded and the program has only grown since then.
As a utility, we develop plans and goals for 10 years into the future. The same goes for our youth programs. Making investments early in the youth in our area prepares them to lead their communities.
Something new OEC did last year was sponsor area robotics teams. With technology advancing and extracurricular funding for schools decreasing, we feel it is important for students in our schools to have the opportunity to explore activities like robotics. Ensuring schools are able to support a robotics team helps expose the kids, especially those in smaller communities, to all the possibilities of future careers in the fields of science, math and engineering — like one at an electric co-op.
Our team plans to expand the Get Charged! program, a hands-on curriculum focused on electricity-based science projects developed by OEC, to more grade levels in the coming year, as well. Get Charged! meets state requirements for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.
We are always looking to improve the communities we serve and enjoy bringing programs like these to our schools. Visit www.okcoop.org/ LEARN for more information.