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OEC Claims Three National Awards

The Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in June awarded OEC’s marketing and member relations team with three trophies during its annual, nationwide contest. OEC's employee magazine received a first place for Best Employee Publication for the third year in a row; the informational brochure sent to new OEC members when they connect service won first place for Brochures, Pamphlets and One-Time Publications; and, an article titled "The Future of Electric Rates" written by Editor Brianna Wall published in April, 2018 earned third place for Technical Writing.

“This is the third year in a row our employee publication has earned the first place trophy in the Employee Publication category,” said Autumn McMahon, manager of marketing and member relations. “We have an incredibly hard-working team that ensures the materials we send to our members and our employees are of the highest quality, and we are always proud when someone else acknowledges our hard work.”

OEC's employee publication, The Quarterly Plug, aims to keep employees and their spouses, board trustees and retirees of OEC abreast of the latest co-op happenings and events, as well as celebrate achievements and recognize those who are giving back to their communities.

“This particular contest includes work from co-ops in a variety of industries — not just electric co-ops — whose budgets are much larger than ours," said McMahon. "It’s truly an honor and inspires us to continue working to ensure OEC’s materials are the best they can be.”

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