OKLAHOMA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Your trusted energy advisor
Volume 67, Issue 11
May 2019
Oklahoma Electric
Eight high school juniors named Youth Tour, Camp RYLA winners PAGE 6
Board of Trustees Percy Moreu, President District2Trustee@okcoop.org
District 2
Mike Argo, Vice President
Rusty Grissom, Sec. Treasurer
Ronnie Tharp, Asst. Sec. Treas.
Ronnie Grover
Shirley Idleman
John Jensen
Danny Watters
Bob Usry
District1Trustee@okcoop.org District3Trustee@okcoop.org District9Trustee@okcoop.org District4Trustee@okcoop.org District5Trustee@okcoop.org District6Trustee@okcoop.org District7Trustee@okcoop.org District8Trustee@okcoop.org
Oklahoma Electric Cooperative 242 24th Ave NW | PO Box 1208 Norman, OK, 73070 321-2024, FAX 405-217-6900 http://www.okcoop.org
Senior Management Co-op Manager...............................Patrick Grace Chief Financial Officer.........Preston O’Brien, CPA VP of Engineering...........................Thad Peterson VP of Operations...............................Marty Hayes VP of Administration...........................Jonna Buck VP of HR and Legal Services............Tracy Mowdy VP of Metering................................John Spencer Mgr of Fiber & Broadband.........David Goodspeed Oklahoma Electric Co-op News is published monthly by Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, 242 24th Ave. NW, Norman, OK 73069, (USPS865-700). Subscription rates: $6.00 per year for non-members, 50¢ per year for members. Periodical postage paid at Norman, OK and other additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to: Oklahoma Electric Co-op News, PO Box 1208, Norman, OK 73070.
Co-op News Editor Brianna Wall
Hidden Account Numbers Worth $50 Each month, OEC will pay $50 to the two co-op members who locate their hidden account numbers inside the Co-op News that month. The hidden account numbers will be placed at random within the text of each issue and not on the mailing label. The amounts will simultaneously increase in $50 increments until one or both account numbers are located by their respective owners or until the maximum of $500 is reached. 1. One of the hidden account numbers must be your own. 2. You must advise OEC by phone, mail or in person at the co-op’s office by the 15th of the month. If you find your account number call the Member Relations department at 217-6708.
FROM the
TOP Patrick Grace, CEO
As most of us are well aware, we are coming up on storm season here in Oklahoma — in fact, some of us have already experienced some storms. It's a good time to remember what happens if you happen to lose power. First, safety is our top priority — the safety of the public and our workers. While we always work as quickly as we can to get power restored following a storm, we must always keep safety at the forefront of our minds. OEC's board of trustees has placed high priority on preventative maintenance, system hardening, vegetation management and other practices that put us in the best position to withstand storms. Once storms hit, restoration happens at a controlled, safe pace. Speaking of storm season, I have committed to updating my emergency bag in the case a dangerous storm is heading my way, and I highly recommend you do the same. In it I have water (be sure to check the expiration date if you keep bottled water stored from one season to the next), snacks, a battery-powered weather radio, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries and more. Don't forget supplies like medications and medical equipment, glasses and contact solution, infant formula, diapers, pet food, sleeping bags, a change of clothes and a fire extinguisher just to be on the safe side. You can download a list of recommended supplies at ready.gov. Whatever storm comes, you can be sure OEC and our crews are working safely to restore your power as quickly and efficiently as we can.
contents 5
Access to MyUsage site, mobile app ending this month for 8,000 OEC members
OEC gives 120 free trees to members for Arbor Day
OEC Fiber celebrates first year of progress
What to do during a power outage following a storm
4 5 12 14
Operation Round Up Report
OEC awards Youth Tour trips to four local high school juniors
WFEC Generation Report Tasty Treats Classified Ads
OEC member, Native American artist Linda Kukuk illustrates first children's book
Avoid placing items like lamps and televisions near your air-conditioning thermostat. The thermostat senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the A/C to run longer than necessary.
Source: energy.gov
OEC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Betty Allen • Leroy Bayliff Alan Davenport, president • Ronnie Fulks Vivian Gibson • Vickie Gray Carla Kimberling • Beckie Turner Travis Scott • Harlen Fipps, ex-officio
Next Meeting June 13 Applications Due May 24 Applications available at www.okcoop.org/ORU OEC Foundation, Inc. Financial Statement
OEC Foundation grants $10,000 to Veterans Corner
he OEC Foundation, Inc. board of directors granted $10,000 via the Operation Round Up® program to Veterans Corner at its March 14 meeting. Veterans Corner, a nonprofit organization located in the Goldsby/Newcastle area, provides a friendly environment to help all certified veterans and dependents complete the required documents for VA benefits. The organization also provides financial assistance to the most needy veterans and their families, including assistance with medical expenses, meals, rent and more. The $10,000 grant will help Veterans Corner continue to assist veterans in need. The board granted $5,000 to Loveworks Leadership in Norman, a nonprofit committed to helping middle school students discover their potential and live into their dreams. The grant funded supplies for training, passion discovery and the Box City project, an annual event for students to leave all electronics and comforts at home to sleep outside in a cardboard box, raising awareness and funds for homelessness. Dibble Senior Citizens received $2,500 for food and supplies, and Tuttle Special Olympics received $1,500 to help fund its participation in the Special Olympics Summer Games in May. Nine individuals and families received a total of $6,449 for assistance with eye exams and glasses, dentures, household items and the construction of two handicap accessible ramps. The next meeting will be held June 13. Applications are due in OEC's office by May 24. Contact Tory Tedder-Loffland, OEC education and outreach programs director, at 217-6726 or ORU@okcoop.org for questions about the ORU program.
Beginning Balance 3/25/19 ............................. $224,810.03 April deposit ....................... $20,295.33 Checks issued ................... -$21,400.00 Debit card purchases ............ -$1,196.95 Approved, not paid ............. -$17,477.50 Ending balance 4/18/19 .... $205,030.91 Financial Statement by: Amanda Dierking
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
Access to MyUsage app, website ending May 29 for 8,000 members
Renewables: 27% SPP purchases, blend of fuels: 68% Generation: Coal: 2% Generation: Natural Gas: 3%
eginning May 29, OEC is enhancing the user experience for our 7,800 PrePaid member-consumers. This means access to the MyUsage app and website that has housed all PrePaid accounts since the program's inception in 2006 will end. PrePaid members will instead manage their accounts using OEC's SmartHub site and mobile app. "Those who have made payments using the SmartHub app are already somewhat familiar with it," said Jonna Buck, vice president of administration. "Previously, PrePaid members who logged into SmartHub to make a payment saw an incorrect account balance due to the lack of synchronization between our two software systems. Beginning May 29, PrePaid members will see accurate, up-to-date account balances in SmartHub." Members will continue to have the ability to process credit card and e-check payments via SmartHub, and they will be able to view their daily energy use data there, as well. [8231334301] Notification settings are unique to each account and private, therefore those will not be transferred into SmartHub. All PrePaid members will receive an email and/or text message notification when their account balance reaches $25 unless the notification settings are updated. PrePaid members may log into SmartHub beginning May 29 to update these settings. Further instructions will be sent to all Access to the PrePaid members closer to May 29. MyUsage mobile All information, including a list of frequently app and website asked questions, may be found at www.okcoop. org/prepaid. Brief tutorial videos to help will end May members navigate the new interface will be made 29. OEC PrePaid available prior to the May 29 launch date. PrePaid members are encouraged to keep members will begin their eyes on their mail box, email inbox and text messages as May 29 draws near. We are excited to utilizing SmartHub offer PrePaid members added functionality and a to manage their more user-friendly interface for a better member PrePaid accounts. experience.
Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), OEC's wholesale generation and transmission power provider, has an impressive renewable portfolio that includes wind, hydro and — recently added — solar. OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman, began producing power in February 2017, and Tuttle's 40-acre Solar Farm began operation in March 2017. As more solar facilities come online, expect to see it added to WFEC's generation report, increasing the already robust mix of renewable energy sources.
Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation and Southwest Power Pool purchases during February 2019.
To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit www.okcoop.org/solar. Visit www.okcoop.org/solar-garden-tours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate 35 and Highway 77 in Norman. www.okcoop.org
By Brianna Wall
OEC awarded all-expenses-paid trips to eight extremely talented high school juniors during the 2019 Youth Tour Banquet held March 28. The top four finishers — Caleb Coodey, a homeschool student from South Oklahoma City, Jackson Caves from AmberPocasset High School, Madison Smith from Blanchard High School and Alexea Burroughs from Norman's Community Christian School — won a seven-day trip to Washington, D.C. on Oklahoma's Youth Tour. The other finalists — Tylor Brown from Minco High School, Madison Buchanan from Community Christian School, Paige Langford from Newcastle High School and Conrad Moffatt from Lexington High School — won trips to Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). Both trips will occur this summer. This year’s contest prompt was reflective of OEC’s mission to improve our members’ quality of life through the safe delivery of highly reliable, reasonably priced electric service, innovative energy programs and exceptional member service. OEC provides electricity to its members, but that is not what makes us a co-op. A cooperative is a self-help organization founded to satisfy the unmet needs of the members it serves. Youth Tour contest applicants were asked to apply the cooperative business model to an unmet need or problem in their community and write a business proposal. Finalists created PowerPoint presentations and “pitched” their co-op business idea in front of OEC trustees, senior staff, representatives from their schools, their families and three independent judges.
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
OEC crowns 2019 Youth Tour winners “I am impressed by all the applicants and their passion for service,” said Tory Tedder-Loffland, OEC's education and outreach programs director. “What makes a co-op special is why it is in business and what it does with its revenue and these finalists understand that.” As the cornerstone of OEC's youth and leadership programs, Youth Tour has evolved over the years to encourage students to utilize technology to aid their presentations. "We believe [these aspects of the program] will benefit these students as they enter the world of higher education and, eventually, the workforce," said Tedder-Loffland. The panel of judges included KorDale Lornes, assistant director of marketing and communications at Red River Valley Electric Association, one of OEC's 27 sister co-ops located in Marietta, Oklahoma; Kelly Wells, director of planning and communication for Norman Regional Health System; and Jack Ferrell, retired manager of marketing and member services at OEC. As winners of the 2019 Youth Tour, Burroughs, Caves, Coodey, and Smith will travel to the nation's capital in June along with 70 of their peers from across the state — those 70 others will have also won their local electric co-op's Youth Tour contests. They will spend the week touring Washington, D.C.'s historic monuments and museums, meeting with Oklahoma's Congressional delegation and making new, lifelong friends. While at Camp RYLA, Brown, Buchanan, Langford and Moffatt will learn improved techniques of leadership. Their enthusiasm and technique are brought back to their communities, where their positive influence impacts those around them. RYLA introduces a large number of young people and their families to the Rotary ideals of service each year. It helps bridge the communication gap between the generations and helps improve relationships among youth groups, families and the community. "I am confident OEC will be very well represented both in Washington, D.C. and at Camp RYLA," said OEC CEO Patrick Grace. "The board and I are happy to support programs that encourage our next generation of co-op members to dream big and become the community leaders we know they are capable of becoming."
Youth Tour is a part of OEC's youth development initiative OEC L.E.A.R.N.: Leading, Educating, Advancing and Rewarding the Next generation. L.E.A.R.N. encompasses the catalog of youth programs OEC offers to students, teachers and schools in our service area. It offers leadership-based and curriculum-based programs, both of which help develop the next generation of co-op leaders and memberconsumers. Visit www.okcoop.org/LEARN for more information. www.okcoop.org
Monty and Reagan Strickland of Purcell pick up their free magnolia tree as part of OEC's Energy-Saving Trees giveaway
Planting energy savings one tree at a time 8
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
Have you heard the myth that utility companies want to get rid of all the trees? Well, it's not true in OEC's case. In fact, we encourage our members to plant as many trees as they'd like, as long as the trees are planted in the proper location in conjunction with electric lines. They can even help you save money on your electric bill. As one of only two certified Tree Line USA Utility electric co-ops in Oklahoma, OEC partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation in April to give away 120 trees to members who signed up online. Daniel Lofland, OEC's energy efficiency and solutions specialist, offered tips on how to maximize the benefits of a strategically placed tree. "First, look up. If there are overhead power lines where you are wanting to plant a tree that could grow to be 20 feet tall, plant it at least 10 feet away from that line," he suggested. "Also, it is extremely important to call Okie to have all underground lines located before you plant a tree of any kind. Any costs from damage incurred without having lines located first is on the homeowner." The direction your home faces plays a critical role in deciding where to plant trees. In which rooms in your home do you spend most summer afternoons? Consider planting trees to shade those windows from the hot summer sun. [1628110103] "This is a great time of year to determine where to plant trees next fall and spring simply by surveying your property and pinpointing which windows would benefit best from being shaded," Lofland said. "Again, be sure to call Okie (811) to ensure you don't hit a line when digging, and check one more time to make sure the tree won't interfere with overhead power lines." The Energy-Saving Trees program is part of the Arbor Day Foundation's Time for Trees initiative to plant 100 million trees in forests and communities around the globe and inspire 5 million tree planters to help carry the mission forward. For more information and a full tree planting guide, visit the tree trimming and vegetation management page at www.okcoop.org.
Construction continues as OEC Fiber celebrates first year achievements By Kayla Brandt
t's been one full year since OEC broke ground on the OEC Fiber project. While we've reached many milestones since April, 2018, we still have a long way to go. OEC Fiber crews continue to work as quickly and safely as possible to bring affordable, reliable high-speed fiber services to each our members. We've made some incredible progress so far. • 775 miles of fiber built (which is almost enough to stretch from Oklahoma City to the Grand Canyon!) • 22 Fiber Huts built and connected at each OEC substation • First pilot zone opened on January 16, 2019 • First live-to-the-public zone opened on February 11, 2019 • Over 750 online in two months of connecting subscribers! As you can see in the photo on this page, rigorous construction is involved in bringing high-speed internet services to the homes of our 43,000 members and other customers across central Oklahoma. We would like to thank our very patient membership for keeping up the excitement as we continue to grow. Be the first to know when we open new zones by following us on Facebook (use your smartphone's camera to scan the code to the right or visit www.Facebook.com/OECFiber). If you have signed up for updates via www.OECFiber.com you will be the first to know when your particular zone opens and you can sign up! www.okcoop.org
Local artist, OEC member selected to illustrate new children's book BY MEREDITH RASNIC
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
Three years ago, Linda Kukuk received an email that she was convinced was a scam. After conducting further research online about the names and information mentioned in the email, Kukuk realized the information she had received was legitimate. Not only was it legitimate, but it would provide an incredible opportunity for her dreams to come true. The email Kukuk received was from a publisher at the Disney company who had found Kukuk’s personal website. The Disney executive was so impressed with her work, the company wanted to hire her to illustrate a children’s book they were in the midst of publishing. “They essentially told me that if I agreed to take on the project, they wanted to hire me to start working on the illustrations immediately,” Kukuk said. An OEC member from Oklahoma City since 2007, Linda Kukuk is a member of the Choctaw nation and a self-taught artist. She was employed at Tinker Air Force Base for 38 years and has always enjoyed and sold art. "I have participated in art shows all across the city and knew when I retired from Tinker that I wanted to focus more on my art, specifically watercolor pieces.” Kukuk has never had art lessons but has always experimented with crayons, pencils and paint from the time she was a young girl. Her watercolor art is what sparked Disney’s attention and paved the way for Kukuk to illustrate the children’s book, "Wilma's Way Home: The Life of Wilma Mankiller", written by Doreen Rappaport. “I was initially very hesitant to take on the project, but after a lot of prayer and encouragement from family and friends, I decided to do it and now that it’s all said and done, I am so glad I did!” The author of the book, Doreen Rappaport, lives in New York City, but came to Oklahoma in order to do research for her story. After spending some time in our great state, Rappaport knew she wanted an Oklahoman, specifically a native artist, to do the
illustrations so the book was as authentic as possible. Thus, Disney went to work and found Kukuk to do the job. “I was given the words and the layout for each page and then commissioned to create 25 paintings for the book in September of 2016,” Kukuk said. “Once I read the words, my mind immediately began working to find the best way to portray those images for children.” Kukuk is best known for her detailed scratchboard art, but she also paints in watercolor, which is the medium she used to illustrate the book. She explained, “I would do a detailed pencil sketch of each page on paper, because each sketch had to be approved. Disney reviewed the sketch and typically, I had to make revisions. Once fully approved, I would complete the piece in watercolor on Aquabord (textured clay board). It is easier to make changes on Aquabord than on watercolor paper, so if Disney wanted some minor changes, even at this point, I was able to make them.” The entire project took about a year to complete and the book was just released in February. “It has been so fun to walk through a store and see a published book full of my artwork. I have also had two book signings, and meeting people who are excited about the book and what it means to Native people has been very enjoyable.” She invites you to join her to learn not only about the life of Chief Mankiller in the new book, but about Native American culture as a whole. “This has been an unexpected, yet great adventure and I am so glad I have been able to share my talents with the public and now, my OEC family."
Meredith Rasnic, OEC marketing and member relations intern, is a junior at the University of Oklahoma's Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication. She writes feature stories periodically for the Co-op News magazine. www.okcoop.org
Take action now to reduce your summer cooling costs
e know summer electric bills can be a struggle, but we have good news! Implementing a few simple, energy conservation habits can mean big savings this summer, and we want to help you save that hard-earned money. Join us throughout the month of May for our 30 Days of Savings and you will walk away with helpful tools to curb your energy use and find savings — you could also win some great prizes! Members who sign up for 30 Days of Savings will receive either a brief email or text each day for 30 days leading up to June 1 that will contain a low- to no-cost energy efficiency tip that's practical and simple to perform. Those who post how they implemented the energy-efficiency tip on Facebook or Instagram using #myOECsavings will be entered to win a Nest thermostat or an Echo Dot. "We hope members who take part in 30 Days of Savings will discover that saving money on their electric bills is simpler than they might think," said Daniel Lofland, energy efficiency solutions specialist. "A few new habits — or changing some others — could bring big savings this summer." Sign up at www.okcoop.org/30daysofsavings.
Win a FREE Nest thermostat or Echo Dot!
Strawberries Confectioners sugar
Follow the instructions on your pancake mix of choice. Heat a pan and add butter. Add small drops of pancake batter onto the hot pan and flip when golden brown. Because of their size, they will only need to cook on either side for approximately 30 seconds. Start stacking your mini pancakes with layers of Nutella. Top with strawberries and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. These will look like you spent hours preparing them for a special Mother's Day breakfast! Recipe and photo courtesy of Amanda Hawkins from The Fresh Direct blog
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
What to do during a power outage following a storm By Molly Hall, SafeElectricity.org Weather, accidents, and storms can disrupt the electricity we are so used to having. Sometimes electricity flickers momentarily then comes back. Serious damage to power lines and the electric grid can cause outages for days or weeks. Safe Electricity has valuable information to keep you safe and comfortable during a power outage of any length.
LONG-TERM POWER FAILURES If you use a standby generator, be sure it has been installed and wired properly. If improperly installed, a generator could cause dangerous conditions for OEC's linemen working to restore the power. Your generator could be damaged when the power is restored if a double throw disconnect is not used and properly installed. Of course, it is also important to be sure that a fresh supply of fuel to power the generator is on hand and stored properly. To make an outage easier to cope with, keep an adequate supply of the following on hand at all times. These should be kept in a cool, dry place and all members of the family should know where to find them. • Flashlights • Battery-operated radio • Candles and matches • Extra supply of batteries for flashlights and radio
Use your smartphone's camera to scan this barcode and download OEC's SmartHub mobile app to report outages and stay up-to-date on restoration efforts.
• Basic first-aid supplies • A small supply of drinking water and food • Baby supplies if an infant is in the home
Never go near downed power lines; let qualified OEC employees handle these situations.
SUMMER POWER OUTAGES Keep freezers and refrigerators closed to keep food fresh. Frozen food is generally safe to eat if there are still ice crystals on it. Wrap blankets around the appliances to provide extra insulation. Bottled water, canned soda and juices eliminate dependence on the refrigerator if stored in a cool place. Air conditioners should be turned off during power outages. Do not turn them back on for several minutes after the power has been restored. Notify OEC at 405-321-2024 if you use life support equipment in your home or if a family member or neighbor is serving in the Armed Forces and is currently away from home for an extended period of time. www.okcoop.org
Note: OEC does not endorse or guarantee any of the products or services in these ads.
• •
AUTOS, PARTS & ACCESSORIES ‘81 Yamaha XS-1100 special Restoration started not completed has parts bike, tagged and running, 98% complete, $3,200 invested must sell make offer, Glen. 872-3615. ‘82 Honda Goldwing interstate, 1 owner, low mileage, must sell, make offer, Glen. 872-3615. ’00 ¾ ton Chevy Suburban, loaded, leather, 4x4, towing package, running boards, luggage rack, seats 8, 209k miles, $3750, lv msg. 845-4477. ‘08 HD Sportster, XL 1200 low, 105th Anniversary, #120/2000, windshield, backrest, 2996 miles, current tag, pictures upon request, $5000. 650-7172.
• ‘05 Chevy Suburban, exc cond, $8,750. 224-6328. • Club golf cart parts: seat $100, charger $200, 48v motor $75, enclosure, exc cond, $40; tinted windshield, good cond, call for details. 833-7223. • ‘03 Red Pontiac Grand AM GT, 210,000 miles, purchased in 2011, $2,500, will send pics upon request, text or call. 971-4550. • 4 Z71 Alloy 6 Lug Rims & New A/T Tires 265/70R 17 Caps, Lugs $550; Bond Arms Derringer 45 L Colt $400; Benelli 12Ga Auto $400; New Browning 10Ga Pump $500; LN Browning B80 12Ga Auto $600. 815-1071.
Tinhorns R Us 5.25% Taxes
• 90th Anniversary Harley Electraglide, all the bells and whistles, very clean bike with under 40K miles, adult owned, VERY nice ride, $5500. 392-5092. • 4 speed transmission for 77 mustang; 6 cyl motor for 65 mustang; 289 motor for 65 mustang; 302 ford motor and transmission; 76 ford 460 motor and transmission. 642-1927. • Engine Hood for 2013-2016 Kia Soul; $150 or best offer, Kenneth Howeth. 213-9392. • ‘04 Chevy Tahoe 170k original miles, Adult owned and in very good condition, runs and drives good, and everything works $4000 obo. 885-8543.
• ‘90 Dodge power wagon 4WD single cab pickup 116,000 miles $7500; ‘70 GMC C-50 water truck with 283 engine, salvaged vehicle with good motor, $1000. 520-2844. • Must Sell '07 Ford Taurus, needs battery & back windshield; Eaton 10 speed RTLO14610A transmission; Flatbed w/Ibeam & hoist built to it; 40 hp electric motors powering a 5x6 centrifugal pump mounted on a HD trailer, call between 6pm & 9pm. 408-6753 or 590-3394. • ‘05 Jaguar, V6, S-Type, beautiful light blue, no accidents, two owners, great condition, new tires, mileage 111,160, $6,500. 412-9881.
Buy direct from the Manufacturers! Manufacturers of Culvert Pipe
(405) 381-4044
Fax: (405) 381-5181
Farm Pond Pipe, Elbows, Tees, Meter Cans, Arched pipe. We stock 12” through 120” diameter pipe in lengths of 16, 20, 24, 30 & 40 feet. We can make any size or length • Delivery is available
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted
FARM & EQUIPMENT 310A Backhoe Loader, mechanically sound, No Leaks, Original paint, 90% Rear tire tread, 80% Front tire tread, New Starter & Solenoid, New Alternator, New Muffler & Pipe, New Filters & Fluids, Good Seat, No tears, No cracks, No holes, Jerry Richardson. 850-0577. Wanted tractors dead or alive, any kind any size, quick response. 641-7728 or 352-4816. Shipping containers: Great Secure Storage - 40' and 20' shipping containers, RTO available. 405-783-4370. Favorite Incubator, Leahy Mfg Co Redwood used for ostrich and emus, kept inside. 556-0963. Gooseneck 2014 Aluminum Brave by Cherokee 20'x7' 2-6000# Axels; tack area, Used less than 12 halls; $17,500 OBO. 485-9284. John Deere 4520 4wd, 60hp, loader, 295hrs, $32,000; 2016 John Deere 2025R, 17hrs, 3cyl, diesel, 62inch mowing deck, hydro, $15,000. 623-1460. ‘13 JD Tractor 5093E, 4WD, Cab, H&A, 170 Hrs hay spike; forks; bucket; drag; JD 10' brush hog, call for info. 642-1745.
• 5 ft roto tiller 3 point hook up. 642-1927. • ‘03 John Deere 6415 tractor 100HP 2WD $29,000; ‘98 Ford Terrain King tractor with boom mower approximately 50 HP $9,000, Max. 520-2844. • W&W 16' bumper pull, 6' tall, 3-horse slant/stock trailer in Moore/Norman area, good tires with spare, mats, walk-in tack, escape door, $4500 obo, can send pics, call Leslie. 306-3134. • 2002 Yazoo Kees 72” ZT Max zero turn mower with a fuel injected 27 hp Kohler motor, cuts good used to mow 2 acres yard, Good condition, $2000 OBO. 570-0857.
• Custom wood growth charts, handcrafted, wood burned, thirteen stain options, pine $75, oak $85, name customization available, makes a great baby shower gift. 550-5943. • Walk-in tub, excellent condition, factory warranty, paid $6000, asking $4000. 473-2303.
FURNITURE & APPLIANCES • Beautiful dining room table set, 6 Chairs (2 Captain), 18 in leaf, matching China cabinet, $650 cash only. 317-8006. • Very Good futon with mattress, blond wood Heavy and in great condition $75, leave VM w/ your number. 826-4019. • Vermont Casting wood burning stove, excellent condition, will handle up to 20” logs, $1,600. 514-1747. • Relax The Back chair, bought for $2700, selling for $1,000. 213-5442.
LIVESTOCK & PETS • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • Young black bulls for Lease or Sale. 520-1604. • AKC Siberian Husky puppies; 2 males $500 ea; 4 females $600 ea. 640-9769. • Very good black cattle, 6 -5yr long bred to angus bull, 3 bulls, 4 heifers, ang hoover dam sired 8 to 10 months, leave msg. 391-3688.
HAY & FIREWOOD • Firewood $75 a rick, delivery price depending on location. 365-5534. • Round bales for sale, 5 x 4 Bermuda grass, sprayed and fertilized, located in Northeast Norman. 570-4550.
• Black Angus bull calves 6 to 8 months old, $650-850 each; Kobelco SR70 trac hoe with 30" bucket with heat and ac with thumb capability, $20,000 obo, in good shape. 370-7386. • Chickens, Copper Marans, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Hatching Eggs, Baby Chicks, Disease Tested, NPIP Farm, Text is best, Ninnekah. 779-8278. • Registered Longhorn Cattle, selling herd of 15, excellent, color, horns, and bloodlines, can send pics on request, located in Blanchard, call or text. 664-4577. • German Shepherd pups $400 POP. 613-4007. • Pigmy goats for sale, $45 for males, $50 for females, very friendly and social, please text. 779-3124. • 1-3 weeks old goslings: Buff American, White Chinese & Roman Tufted, $15-20 ea, fertile eggs $2 ea, 6 months old Golden Hybred Drakes $10 ea, Slaughterville. 872-8870. • 25-month-old shorthorn bull, $1750. 872-3697. • Bunnies, baby turkeys, chicks, baby geese (gander) ducklings, peacocks and guineas for sale. 527-5105.
Tank pumping & installing • Dozer & backhoe dirt work
35 years experience
CAREER AGENT Office: Office: 1311 N. Porter Avenue 1311 N. Porter Avenue Norman, OK 73071 Bus: (405) 329-1830 Norman, OK 73071 Bus: (405) 329-1830
(405) 329-1830
CLASSIFIED ADS • 4 male peacocks for sale; 2 blue and 2 blue/white mixed, $50 and $75. 391-3294. • Free 2 neutered, Mimi Donkeys 8 yrs old Good with kids while feeding, one red, one gray, they do have a cross on their backs. 496-4201. MISCELLANEOUS • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • 4 cemetery plots in Lake Pointe Garden, Resthaven Memory Gardens, OKC, Section 15E, Lot 234, spaces 1-4, $4,000 ea (negotiable), leave msg. 659-5959. • Reward: $5,000, 2010 Keystone Sprinter 297 TRET Travel Trailer w/wheel chair lift OK tag 540FTG stolen Wednesday Sept 12. 655-2510. • Yanmar 1500 Garden Tractor w/tiller attachment, brush hog, spring tooth and finish mower, $2,250 or OBO. 314-1787. • Ladies wedding ring set, simple, elegant, classic, size 6, 14K, ~1/3 TCW, NO CZs, retailed $2400, great starter set, asking $750. 630-7522.
Storage SolutionS
All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • 4 cemetery plots in Lake Pointe Garden, Resthaven Memory Gardens, OKC, Section 15E, Lot 234, spaces 1-4 $2,500 each (negotiable), leave msg. 659-5959. • Beautiful 1/2carat diamond ring, white gold band, sz5, $1,000 firm. 410-7532. • American Mahogany 2in & 21/2in thick 6ft-16ft live edge extremely rot/insect resistant, $8 per board feet. 381-3345 or 620-4436. • 90th Anniversary Harley Electraglide, all the bells and whistles, very clean bike with under 40K miles, adult owned, VERY nice ride, $5500. 590-2451. • Two recliners both good cond, one tan, $100, one brown, $200; '03 Ford Taurus 4dr sage green, good cond, 139k mi, new tires, $3,000. 410-7532. • Antique Hoosier oak cabinet over 100 years old, good cond, hinges need repair, enamel baking area, flour bin with sifter, two glass doors, one large wooden door and three drawers, cabinet on rollers, $550. 485-2019.
• Saddles endurance, plantations, 2 old western saddles, pads, girths, and misc tack, selling at a fair price, leave message. 391-3688. • 1949 KOKEN barber chair, all hydraulics work, good condition, have serial #'s, $650 obo. 637-4877. • 2 gas weed trimmers, still in box, elect hedge trimmer new, Black&Decker leaf blower vacuum, new, garden dump cart, new, rear tine tiller, sand blaster. 392-4605. • Upright smoker. 642-1927. • Wanted: Ruger or Other 22 Rifle. 641-7582. • KVA-125 Generator 156KW, John Deere Diesel, 4cyl, $10,000; 2-John Deere propane generators - motors still good $500. 520-2844. • ADCO RV roof cover, brand new still in box, fits 18-24 ft roof $150; very old violin w/coffin style case $175. 432-6173. • Heavy built rustic sliding barn door hardware also rustic door handles horseshoe coat and hat hangers. 820-0618. • Red oak and white oak utility trailer flooring and 3 point equip. 820-0618.
Serving Norman & the surrounding area since 1891 Non Profit, Perpetual Care Storage Sheds
Solutions as unique as your storage needs
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“Freedom to choose upright &/or flat marker memorials.”
20’ and 40’ Containers
Better Barns We Have CULVERTS, Too!
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Ask About FREE DELIVERY of buildings and containers 16
• 70's metal Tonka toys very large, best offer; Portable toilet, shower bench and walker w/ no seat, $20 each, Stephanie. 872-7071. • 16" Craftsman Chain Saw $110; 16" Stihl Chain Saw $185; 2 Echo Weed Eaters $110 each. 872-8286. • Gardner-Denver air hoist $1175; Airco AC/DC welder, 250 amp on wheels $385; 16 foot HD aluminum ladder $685; 10,000# recovery winch never used $365. 919-4340 or 308-3341. • Miami sun, 3 wheel 3 speed, 24" adult bicycle, w/new gas motor, $500; Torker Tristar, 3 wheel, 3 speed, 24" adult bicycle, $200. 684-0350. • Picnic tables, fold up & roll will seat 12-16 with and without seats, $25; Air hockey table $90; Infant car seat $60. 364-2826. • Oneida South Seas Community Silver Wear Set Service for 8, Kenneth. 213-9392. • Sheet of glass, 3/16""thick 8'9""long37'3/4""tall $25; Flag pole 27' long, $25, lv msg. 274-3502. • Wheel Chair, 4 Walkers, 1 Handicappped Shower Chair, 1 Handicapped Toilet Chair, exc cond, $200 for all. 818-6518.
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
Winter Specials
Serving the metro since 1973 Construction and Repair
Are YOU or someone you know looking for a career? Bob Usry & Sons, Inc. is hiring! Journeyman plumber position available.
1800 Industrial Blvd. Norman, OK 73069
364-1001 or
All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • Stowmaster 5000 towbar with elec cable and mounting brackets $275; Native American signed 20x24 framed signed art by Woody Crumbo and George Geionty $125 each. 620-5644 . • Unimproved resort lot on Lake Texoma in gated community for sale or trade for ? info available at http://laketexomaoakridge.com/ $6000 OBO or trade. 255-2804. • Husqvarna chainsaw, 20" 450 Rancher, new in box, never used, paid $360, asking $250. 464-1492. • Wanted: Ruger .22 Rifle or Bolt Action is fine. 641-7582. • One set new iron Decorative Driveway gate very nice Gate it is 2-10ft long color black very heavy, garage kept, $1700,00 cash. 204-9528. • Direct to Garment Equipment, Brother GT 361 Printer, Schulze Pretreat, The Maxx Press, Purchased new ($28,241) in September 2016, must sell $16,000 OBO, Blanchard. 760-8268.
• •
STrucTural PiPe SaleS We build:
Cattleguards H-Posts Corner Posts Triangle Pipe Racks
MOBILE HOMES, RVS & BOATS 21’ Damon RV, 97 Ford V10 motor, 50Kmi, fridge, microwave, 4 burner stove/oven, generator, AC, furnace, full bathroom, overhead double bed, 2 fold-down beds, Make Offer. 919-5135. 18' Stratos fish and ski boat, Evinrude 115, total refurb, new interior and more, late model trailer, ask $6,500, some trades considered. 535-5866. 20' Pontoon Boat, Sun Tracker Bass Buggy, 50 HP Mercury Motor, $4,000. 401-1859. ‘11 Keystone RV Passport Super Lite M-199ML, Good condition with one slide out, Very Clean, non smokers Sleeps 4, Easy to pull for weekends or long distance $7,800. 496-1491. 2000 terry bumper pull slideout; 25 ft enclosed utility trailer; enclosed car hauling trailer; 1997 ford super cab work truck. 642-1927. 20' 2004 Tracker pontoon boat with Mercury 115 HP 4-stroke motor, nice interior, shade top, storage cover, lots of new equipment, nice newer trailer, call for more information. 206-6886.
• '94 Harris 24' Pontoon w/ 3.0 L/125hp Mercruiser I/O engine, new upholstery, vented cover, potti, grill, swivel deck seats, skis, life jackets+, near Lake Thunderbird, $10,000. 360-3490. • 15ft aliner solidwall folddown 0nly 1200#, $11650; Nissan exterra 22,000mi $21750, Tuttle. 550-0387. • ‘11 Mobile home 3 bed 2 bath clear title already in a Mobile home community park in Noble $30,500. 388-2732. • 33 ft travel trailer 4 season 3 slides 2017 model, stored inside also with outside kitchen. 392-5458. • Used WENNEBAGO RV, drives good but needs some repairs, asking price is 2,000, Wayne. 579-8535. • ‘17 Thor Palazzo Motor Home, Model 36.1, Cummins 340 HP, 17,992 Miles, 2 Slides, Auto Leveling, 1 & 1½ Baths, Great Cond, $125,000. 823-8872. REAL ESTATE • For Sale By Owner 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Home at 904 Beaumont Square Norman, text or leave a message. 574-5601.
• Want to sell your acreage property? Contact Metro Brokers Acreage Specialist, www.OkRealtySolutions.com, call or text to get started today. 417-1849. • Structural pipe: H-posts, single posts, corner posts, cattle guards, sucker rods, will custom build, delivery available. 207-0101. • FSBO 2½ acres in Bridge Creek SD, Willow Lake Estates, perfect piece of property to build your family home on, asking $35,000 OBO, only serious inquires. 206-9754. • Approximately 26 acres, SW corner 108th and Lindsey off of Hwy 9, heavily wooded, 10790 E Lindsey, $235,000, Craig. 550-0924. • Beautiful off-grid mountain/ hunting/atv retreat in SE Oklahoma, located NE of Talihina, 120 acres with a fully contained lodge that sleeps 17, $239,500. 474-0478. • 5acres, unimproved, wooded, hickory, blackjack, cedar trees, fenced, 6½ miles from Little River State Park, Thunderbird Lake, $30,000. 693-0824.
Perfect for:
Corrals Barns Fences
All sizes custom-cut pipe
“The PiPe Man” 405-207-0101 We Now Have Culverts Call for sizes & prices • We Deliver www.okcoop.org
CLASSIFIED ADS • FSBO beautiful country living, 2 acres, 1600 sf(mol) house under construction, as is, vaulted ceiling, sky lights, 3 bed, laundry room, 1mi N of Hwy9 on Peebly Rd next to Lake Thunderbird, close to Casino, Sonic, Dollar Store, and large Grocery Store, $47,500. 990-9235. • 2 acres, 2,016 Sq Ft, Solitaire, 3bed, 2 bath, Shop 30'X50' (ACHV), Storm Shelter, Handicap Accessible, beautiful place, $160,000. 318-8464. • FSBO 280 acres crop land/ pasture split by Haystack Creek, Greer County, older 2 bdrm home, barn, grain bin, well, septic, borders Elm Fork Red River, great for farming and hunting $1600/acre, call or text. 659-5681. WANTED • Lawnmowers, running or not. 882-6206. • Ham Radio Gear, Shortwave, Morse Code, Antennas etc. 641-7582. • Looking for GM trucks or truck parts for 1973-1987 pickups. 227-6772
• A used 8 foot water trough that doesn't have to hold water. 321-0095. • Looking to buy unwanted comic books, in bulk or one at a time, call or text Eric. 306-1462. • Wanted: SKS Rifle Any Condition. 641-7582. • Looking for an old C-Band 6 to 8ft satellite dish, big ugly dishes, metal mesh preferred, fiberglass OK; will remove from post, evenings. 200-4375. • Person needed to brush hog one lot in Twin Mountain Estates in Eufaula in exchange for wood or pay, in preparation for rent. 343-1328. • Want to purchase a super 8 movie projector in good working condition or someone to repair mine, call Don. 794-2672. • Buying Sand Plums, will trade jelly, go shares for permission to harvest sand plums, apples, pears, prickly pears, persimmons, other fruit; Want rose rocks. 802-4227. • Looking to purchase extra large cattle mineral plastic buckets, I’ll pay $3ea Need 20 -Prefer Blue Leave message. 395-7450.
NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS • Bluegrass Concert/Jam; Bass Workshop (5-6 pm) / Open jamming (5-9:15 pm) / Pre-show (6:15 pm) / Bluegrass Concert (6:30 pm); May 11, three bands on stage with jamming rooms; 3925 SE 29, Del City; Greater Oklahoma Bluegrass Music Society (nonprofit org); $8; GOBMS members, $5; Group rates available. 317-2618 or 226-9191. • Cleveland County OHCE Quilt Show, May 10-11, 9 am to 4 pm, Cleveland County Fairgrounds, 601 E Robinson St Norman, OK, Admission $5, Door Prizes, Vendors, Demonstrations & Quilt Raffle, Proceeds from the show help support our Scholarship fund, Contact Shem Hamil at 659-4384 for more information. BUSINESS • Computer & Phone Lines: Off-duty fireman. Installation, repair, trouble shooting, etc. 245-5502 or 381-2007. • American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 2455502 or 381-2007.
• Handyman for Hire:off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. All types of construction, 37yrs exp. 2455502 or 381-2007. • C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting.com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 496-5265. • Garden plowing and tree pruning: If you need these services, call Don at 387-4433 and leave a message. • Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs experience & insured. 366-0722. • JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.
Building farm ponds & private lakes in OEC’s service area.
“Wealth is not measured in dollars.”
Farm Pond and Lake Construction Along with Fence Rows • Land Clearing Building Pads • Shearing
Bulldozers & Trackhoes Call Bruce 580-641-1952
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • May 2019
All phone numbers are area code 405 unless otherwise noted • House Cleaning and Organizing: Errand Assistance, free estimates, bonded, 835-9850. • Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 3292230 or 779-5362. • CNA Caregiver: Would love to care for/sit with your loved one in home or hospital, 14 yrs experience, great references, $15/hr. 410-7532. • Woodcraft: Furniture repair, Restoration, Custom wood projects, Fair prices. Russ. 887-5870. • Affordable lawncare and mowing: weeding, spraying, some tree work, Noble to Lexington area, call Jim at 693-5371. • Pipe fence construction and repair: 40 years experience, Tony Keller 694-8490. • Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362 or 329-2230.
• Properties & building interiors Clean-up & haul off: Tree trimming, 70ft reach Bucket truck, Insured, References 405-850-0577 Jerry Richardson • CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930. • Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202 • Bowman's Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084. • Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40 = $17,300; 40x50=$26,900; 40x100=$49,300. Price includes concrete & installation. 872-0338 or lagene@ bargainbarnsusa.com. • Bargain Barns: 18x21 steel carport=$1195; 18x31 RV cover= $2185; 20x21 Garage= $4515; 24x31 Garage= $6705 Financing available. 872-0338.
• Portable buildings: 12x20 Lofted Barn $3830 or $177.31 per mo. 8x10 Mini Barn $1465 or $67.82 per mo. 10x20 Cottage Barn $2840 or $131.48 per mo. Call 405-872-0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com. • Outdoor services: dirt & gravel work, driveways, brushog, tilling, boxblade, yard cleanup, tree removal, fences built or repaired Kevin 365-6875 or 872-9576. • Tractor work, brush hogging, box blade. 365-7572. • I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572. • Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572. • Shell's Machine Quilting & Design: Longarm machine quilting, binding service, & custom designed quilts, see www.shellsmachinequilting. com (405)431-9945. • Timber Tree Service: 30 year experience in tree care, call Randy McCarter @ 405-821-1027. • Sewing Machines Repaired: Blanchard, OK. 387-3313.
• Siding & Windows: Call Hurst Siding & Windows for free estimate. 364-0098 or email Ron@hurstsiding.com. • Greg Moore Excavation: Septic systems, grading, backhoes, dozer, driveways gravel or concrete, building pads, BBB accredited, service and honesty is our goal. 388-5430. • Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker Owner, Residential, Commercial, Homes on Acreage, Acreage, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers in most areas of Oklahoma, active licenses #142160 & #175498, call or text 808-0705. www. sunshinerealty.realtor. • Concrete: No job too small 268-3444 • Brushog, boxblade: tilling, dirt and gravel work, driveways, tree removal, yard cleanup, fences Kevin 872-9576 or 365-6875 • Meyer Masonry: Brick, block, rock, 35yrs exp, free estimates. Keith, 527-4934. • Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message. • Custom cabinets: for new construction or remodel, choice of wood, raised panel doors, roll out shelves, free estimate, references available. 527-6025 or 550-6403.
(Fair Top Prices Paid) Rifles - Handguns - Shotguns We have over 2,000 New & Used Guns In Stock In Front MUSTANG PAWN and GUN of Water Tower
Tue-Sat 9-6 • 126 W Hwy 152
J & J Livestock Commission Company For Selling or Buying Cattle at Oklahoma City National Stockyard in Oklahoma City Office (405) 602-5026 James Eaton (405) 685-1712 Jimmy Eaton (405) 682-6244 Mobile (405) 831-7692
Commercial Quality Contractor We Provide all of Your Concrete Needs
Drainage Solutions Barn and Stable Foundations ADA Ramps and Pathways Located in Noble, OK
Contact Info: Phone: (405)655-3295 Email: rbconcrete@speedmail.us www.okcoop.org
W W W . O K C O O P. O R G