Summer2024 offersarich lineupof cannabis festivals, celebratingthe cultureand industryof cannabis Here aresomeofthe must-attend eventsfromJune onwards
Juneisalreadyhere!2024ishalfwayoutthe dooralreadyandit'stimetocelebratePride Month.Thecannabiscommunityhasbecome morediverseastheyearshavegonebyandit onlymakesourcommunitystronger.Sinceit’s timetocelebrate,let'stalkaboutsomeLGBTQ+ ownedcompaniesyoucansupportthismonth! Ifyoucan’tfindanyofthesebrandslocally, that'sokay!SupportPrideMonthhoweveryou can,evenifit’sjusttellingsomeone“Happy PrideMonth!”Alittlesupportcangoalongway.
Cann is a proudly queer-owned company If you haven’tyetheard,thereisahugemarketnowfor cannabis infused drinks that will ultimately, they hope, replace alcohol Or at least lower alcohol consumption The Cann company sells microdosecannabisbeveragesor,astheyputit, “we spike our seltzer with weed and it's actually delicious F*ck hangovers and texts to your ex” The typical can of Cann is made with 2mg THC and4mgCBD,thisdosageismeanttobelowas tonotoverpowerthedrinkerandtheycanhave more than one every hour Cann does sell more and less potent dosages, it’s all up to you to choosewhichyou’dwant Cannisalsowellknown for their Pride campaigns, they have donated to LGBTQ+causesformanyyearsnow
SWAY is Illinois’ first all-minority, LGBTQ, and veteran-owned dispensary and it’s located on Chicago’s Northside According to CBS News Chicago, the dispensary “is a collaboration between Edie Moore, a Black veteran who has foughtforequityinthestate'slegalmarijuanaindustry,andLGBTQcivilrights leaders and entrepreneurs Art Johnston and José "Pepe" Peña” Art and José have been in love since 1973 and have been passionate about representing theLGBTQ+communityforjustaslong SWAY’svisionistobuildinclusiveareas for the queer community and calls itself a “come-as-you-are, come-asyou’ve-always-wanted-to-bekindofplace.”Soifyou’reintheChicagoarea, stopby!I’msureyou’llbewelcomed
“Embrace your true colors and let your pride grow as freely as the cannabis plant. This Pride Month, celebrate diversity, equality, and the freedom to be yourself in every aspect of life.”Photo:Google
This cannabis company technically began in the 1980s when its founder Linnet Lockhart moved to Mendocino County in the Emerald Triangletogrowcannabis ShewasoneofthefirstqueerwomenintheareawhichiswhatinspiredtheVentosoFarmstagline,“queerto table”Theircannabisissungrowninsmall,holisticgrowswhichisnotcommonnowadays Lockhartrecallsgrowingherbusinessasthe legalityofcannabischanged,stating,“honestly,comingoutasbisexualwaseasierthancomingoutasacannabisfarmer”Butsheloves whatshedoes!Oneofthereasonsshelovesherfarmisthatshegetstoworkwithherpartner,Alex.Infact,Alexistheonewhotaughther howtogrowcannabisbetter TheirlovegrowswiththeVentosocannabistheysell Ifyou’reeverintheNorthernCaliforniaarea,lookfor someofhercannabis!It’ssaidtobeprettygood!
StoneRoad is a company that understands Pride is not just something we celebrateinJunebutshouldbecelebratedallyearlong ThisLGBTQ+owned business is based in California and has “only half an acre worth of greenhouses on a rural 57-acre spread, the land remains 99% wild and untamed” They source their water from a 460-feet-deep artesian well that stays at an ideal pH level for watering cannabis Everything on their farm uses the Earth’s gifts to their advantage while still respecting nature and sustainability StoneRoadevendoesfarmtours,ifyou’reeverinthearea!The company has a beautiful quote on it’s website, “Cannabis is nature’s best unifier, bringing together people from every place, background, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion” Lastly, Stone Road has a wide array of products,fromjointstoinfusedprerollstoconcentratestoounces,thereis somethingforeveryone TheirproductsareavailableinCalifornia,Oklahoma, MassachusettsandMissouri.
Ifyou’reacoffeedrinker,andIheartheLGBTQ+communityloves iticed, LandraceOrigins isthebrandforyou!Thisqueer-owned andminority-ownedcompanymakesinfusedcoffeethatpeople haveravedabout Thecoffeeandtheflowerstheysellgrowside by side! Cannabis plants and coffee plants like similar climates and care. Due to them growing together, they pair so well it’s almost criminal Developed by Amber Senter and MAKR House, the coffee and cannabis are grown ethically and with high quality SenteristheownerofLandraceOriginsandatthetimeof itsdevelopmentcompaniesrunbyqueerorBIPOCpeopleswere, and are, few and far between “We’re heavily under attack,” she says, “being Black and queer This is my advocacy, through my products making sure that I’m creating space for my people in mycommunity It’sveryimportanttovotewithyourdollar Make sure you buy from people that resonate with you” Landrace Origins Goods + Supply is available all over the country, check theirwebsiteforastorenearyou!
Not only is FarnsworthFineCannabis an LGBTQ+ owned and led businessinMassachusetts,theyalsohaveaQueerCannabisClub! If you’re wondering what kind of dispensary this is, here is a little hint.“AtFarnsworth,weputthismagicallittleplantonapedestal. Consider us a museum for marijuana, a palace for pot, a chapel for cannabis After centuries of stigma, it is our mission to give cannabis the setting that it deserves,” they reported People who have gone to Farnsworth have said it’s one of the most stylish dispensaries in the United States However, one of their coolest draws is the Queer Cannabis Club! This club is “a consortium of LGTBQ+ownedandoperatedbusinessesinthecannabisindustry.” Their goals are to create a strong queer community in cannabis, asitislacking,andtobringtogetheranyonewhoseeksto“expand thehumanconsciousness.”WhileFarnsworthisthefounderofthe Queer Cannabis Club, they are in partnership with Cann and A Different Leaf (A Journal of Cannabis Culture) If I’m ever in the Northeast,I’mgoingtovisitFarnsworth!
TeenCrisisatTarPits:Edible OverdoseSparksUrgentCallfor CannabisCrackdown
alifornia - A troubling incident at Los Angeles’LaBreaTarPits,whereeighthigh school students overdosed on cannabis edibles during a school field trip, has catapulted concerns about teen access to cannabis into the spotlight. This event underscores the urgent need for stricter regulations and comprehensive educational programs targeting substanceuseamongadolescents
The teenagers, who were visiting the paleontological site, displayed severe symptoms of overdose, prompting immediate medical attention. Such incidents highlight the ease with which teens can acquire cannabis products, including edibles, which are often mistaken for regular snacks due to their deceptiveappearance
Medicalexpertsandsafetyadvocatesare now sounding the alarm, stressing that whilecannabisislegalforadultsinmany states,itsaccessibilityposesasignificant risk to younger populations "There's a critical gap in our regulatory framework that allows minors to access such substances, often with serious consequences, " explained Dr Elena Ford, a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine
Read thefull story:
CautionintheSunshineState:Why FloridaCannabisStocksMayNotBea SureBet
FLORIDA-Cannabisstocksarerallyinghard in 2024. The New Cannabis Ventures Global CannabisStockIndexisupby335%sofar Of course, a major development is playing out: rescheduling If cannabis is moved from Schedule1toSchedule3,then280Etaxation will end, which will be very good for the American cannabis companies that have beenpayingit.
The American cannabis companies are doingwell,buttheyaren’ttheonlypartofthe market firing forward The NCV American Cannabis Operator Index has gained 351%, onlyslightlyhigherthantheGlobalCannabis Stock Index As we discussed last week, certainCanadianLPsthatareintheGCSIare doingsomuchbetterthantheindexandthe American operators Cannabis investors should avoid certain Canadian LPs While rescheduling looks like it will take place, which should be good for the MSOs due to tax reduction and improved cash flow, we remind readers that there may be some thingsthatwillnotbesopositive
Federalraidsin Mainereveal extensiveillegal cannabisgrow operationswith severe environmental andhealthrisks. High-potency cannabisfrom thesesitesposes significantlongtermmental healthrisks, necessitating stricter regulationsand publicawareness
Maine'sHiddenWeedHavens:TheDarkMental HealthRisksofHigh-PotencyCannabisGrows
Recentfederaldocumentshaveprovidedastartlingglimpse intotheclandestinecannabiscultivationoperations proliferatinginruralMaine Theseillicitgrowhousesare characterizedbylaborerslivingoutofsuitcases,sky-high electricitybills,andsophisticatedautomaticgrowing systems.Federalprosecutorsaremovingtoseizesomeof theseproperties,uncoveringdetailsthathighlightthe potentiallong-termmentalhealthrisksassociatedwith high-potencycannabisproducedinsuchenvironments.
Authorities have raided more than two dozen properties this year, with officials estimating there could be hundreds of illegal grow operations statewide These facilities are believed to be linked to organized, transnational crime groups, including those withtiestoChina
Last week, federal officials took steps to seize four properties in China, Corinna, Cornville, and Machias, identified as hubs for illegal cannabis cultivation
byHunterDublinBOSTON — Daily cannabis use may raise the risk of developing chronic diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to research presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) 2024 Annual Meeting The abstractaddstoagrowingbodyofevidence suggesting that smoking cannabis, much like tobacco, poses significant risks to respiratory health, according to Alison Rustagi, MD, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of California, San Francisco, and a primary care physician in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the San Francisco VA Medical Center,whopresentedtheresearchatSGIM
"Ourresearchindicatesthatcannabisuseis notbenign,"Rustagisaid "It'scrucialforboth the public and healthcare providers to recognize cannabis use as a potential risk factorforchroniclungdiseases."
Rustagi and her team analyzed crosssectional data from over 434,000 adults who completed surveys on risk-taking behaviors from2016to2020
They sought to investigate the relationship between cannabis use and the diagnosis of asthmaandCOPD
The preliminary findings showed that people who smoke cannabis daily are at a higher risk of developing respiratory conditions than nonusers. Amongadultsbetweenages18and34years,daily cannabisusewasassociatedwith:
A34%increasedoddsofdevelopingasthmain their lifetime (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 134; 95%CI,115-155)
A 39% increased odds of currently having asthma(aOR,139;95%CI,114-169)
A 56% higher odds of developing COPD (aOR, 156;95%CI,113-214)
Similar associations were observed in adults over theageof35years "Peopleshouldbeempowered to make informed decisions with relation to their health; they need to know that consumption of cannabis may carry risk," said Daniel Levey, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, whowasnotinvolvedinthecurrentstudy
1-2TspCannabis-infusedoliveoil(Adjust accordingtoyourtolerance anddesiredpotency)
Inalargemixingbowl,combinethe watermelon,cucumber,redbellpepper,red onion,andtomatoes Then,transferhalfofthe mixturetoablender Addthebasil,mint,red winevinegar,oliveoil,cannabis-infusedolive oil,andlimejuice.Blenduntilsmooth.Nowpour theblendedmixturebackintothemixingbowl withtheremainingdicedvegetables Stirto combine Seasonwithsaltandpeppertotaste
Nowjustletitchill,coverthegazpachoand refrigerateforatleast2hours,allowingthe flavorstomeldandthesouptochillthoroughly Oncechilled,stirthegazpachoandtastefor seasoningadjustments.Serveinchilledbowls, garnishedwithadditionalbasilandmintif desired
As the temperatures rise, there's nothing quite as refreshing as a chilled soup to coolyoudown ThisCannabisInfusedWatermelonGazpacho isnotonlyadelightfulblendof sweet and savory flavors but also provides the soothing effects of cannabis, making it an ideal dish for a relaxing summer day Easy to prepare and even easier to enjoy, this recipe is a must-try for June Sogrababagofyourfavorite herb,twistoneupandlet’sget CookingWithABuz!
Cucumbersarealsolowincalories andcontainagoodamountofwater andsolublefiber,makingthemideal forpromotinghydrationandaidingin weightloss.It'shighinbeneficial nutrients,aswellascertainplant compoundsandantioxidantsthat mayhelptreatandevenprevent someconditions.
Adjust the Cannabis Dosage: If you ' re new to cannabis-infusedcooking,startwithasmalleramount of cannabis-infused olive oil and adjust according to yourtolerance
Chill Thoroughly: Gazpacho is best served very cold. Make sure to give it enough time in the refrigerator beforeserving
FreshIngredients:Usethefreshestingredientsyoucan findtomaximizetheflavorofyourgazpacho
This Cannabis-Infused Watermelon Gazpacho is a delightfulwaytoembracetheflavorsofsummerwhile enjoyingthebenefitsofcannabis.It'saperfectstarter forasummermealorarefreshingdishtoenjoyonits own Give this recipe a try and elevate your culinary experiencethisJune!
Enjoy your cooking, and remember to consume responsibly!
Watermelonisadeliciousfruitto enjoyinthesummertimewithmany possiblehealthbenefits.Research hasfoundthatthenutrientsin watermelonreducebloodpressure andimprovecirculationtosupport hearthealth
Assummerapproaches,thequestfortheperfectskincare routine becomes paramount With the sun’s rays at their mostintense,findingeffectivewaystoprotectandnourish our skin is crucial While sunscreens and moisturizers are staplerecommendations,anewplayerisemerginginthe skincare arena cannabis This versatile plant, known for its therapeutic properties, is making waves in the beauty industry Let's explore how cannabis can be a gamechangerinprotectingyourskinduringthesummer.
Cannabis, particularly its non-psychoactive component cannabidiol(CBD),hasshownpromiseinvariousskincare applications CBD is rich in antioxidants and has antiinflammatoryproperties,makingitanexcellentingredient formaintaininghealthyskin Thesepropertieshelpcombat the effects of sun exposure, pollution, and other environmental stressors that are prevalent during the summermonths.
While CBD cannot replace sunscreen, it can complement your sun protection routine Studies suggest that CBD's antioxidantpropertiescanhelpreduceUVdamage
When combined with traditional sunscreens, CBD-infused products can provide a more comprehensive defense againstthesun’sharmfulrays Additionally,CBDcanaidin repairing skin damaged by prolonged sun exposure, reducingrednessandpromotinghealing
Summer heat can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leadingtodrynessandirritation.CBD-infusedmoisturizers andserumscanhelpreplenishlosthydration CBD'sability to interact with the skin’s endocannabinoid system promotes balanced oil production, ensuring your skin stayshydratedwithoutbecominggreasy.
Despite our best efforts, sunburns can happen CBD’s anti-inflammatory propertiesmakeitaneffectivetreatmentforsoothingsunburns Applyinga CBD-infused lotion or balm can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and expeditethehealingprocess
Thesummermonthscanexacerbateacneduetoincreasedsweatandoil production CBD's ability to regulate sebum production and its antiinflammatory effects can help keep acne in check. Using CBD-based cleansersandspottreatmentscanprovideanaturalalternativetoharsher chemicaloptions.
IncorporatingCBDintoyourskincareroutinedoesn'thave tobecomplicatedorexpensive.Here’saneasyDIYrecipe to create your own CBD-infused face mask to keep your skinglowingallsummerlong.
Mix the Ingredients: In a small bowl, combine the CBD oil, plainyogurt,honey,andaloeveragel Stiruntilyouachievea smooth,consistentmixture.
ApplytheMask: Cleanse your face thoroughly and pat dry. Usingcleanfingersorabrush,applythemaskevenlyacross yourface,avoidingtheeyearea.
Relax:Leavethemaskonfor15-20minutes.Duringthistime, the CBD will work to hydrate and soothe your skin, while the yogurt, honey, and aloe vera provide additional moisturizing andhealingbenefits
RinseOff:Gentlyrinseoffthemaskwithlukewarmwaterandpat your skin dry with a soft towel Follow up with your favorite moisturizertolockinthebenefits.
EnjoyRadiantSkin:Usethismaskonceaweektokeepyourskin hydrated,calm,andglowingthroughoutthesummer
CBD is proving to be more than just a trend in the beauty industry. Its incorporation into skincare routines, especially during the summer, offers numerous benefits from sun protection to hydration and acne control. By integrating highquality CBD products into your daily regimen or trying out DIY recipes,youcankeepyourskinhealthy,protected,andglowing allseasonlong
written by:
Summer 2024 offers a rich lineup of cannabis festivals, celebratingthecultureandindustryofcannabis Hereare someofthemust-attendeventsfromJuneonwards:
Taking place from June14-16,2024, in Berlin, Germany, this festivalisEurope’slargestcannabisexpo,featuringover400 exhibitors,35speakers,andattracting40,000attendees It’sa vibranthubforcannabiscultureandindustryprofessionals
Held on June 5-6, 2024, at the Javits Convention Center in New York City, this event is a premier B2B expo and conferenceforthecannabisindustryontheEastCoast
ScheduledforJune5-6,2024,inGreenfield,MA,andAugust 7-8,2024,inAllegan,MI,thisexpoisakeyeventforcannabis brands to connect with buyers and press, featuring a consumption-friendlyformatandlivelyafter-parties
HunterDublin CWCBExpoSet for June 29, 2024, at Wollam Gardens, Virginia, this festival offers a day of cannabis celebration with vendors, food trucks, music, and educational panels on growing and cookingwithcannabis
FromJuly19-21,2024,inPiercy,CA,thisfestivalblendsmusic and cannabis, set in the heart of the Emerald Triangle It featuresalegalcannabisretailarea,educationalpanels,and tastings
HeldfromAugust9-11,2024,inSanFrancisco,CA,thisfestival incorporates the Grass Lands cannabis area, where attendeescanexplorenumerouscannabisbrandsandenjoy mini-stageperformances
TakingplaceinOctober2024inSanBernardino,CA,thisfree eventfocusesoncommunityandfeatureslivemusic,art,and awidearrayofcannabisvendors
Theseeventsprovidediverseopportunitiestocelebratecannabisculture,explorenewproducts,andnetworkwithindustry professionals.Whetheryou’reaconnoisseuroracuriousnewcomer,thesefestivalsoffersomethingforeveryone.
KushStockFestivalT H E W O R L D O F
Authoredby Dr.PepperHernandezND,Ph.D.,CTC,CNHP,NHCSo did you know that cannabis is a superfood? I have been well aware of that starting over a decade ago when I started juicing leaves for health and wellness benefits Cannabis is an incredibly unique plant that contains over 400 different chemical compounds The number of vitamins, essential oils, and acids found in cannabis has led experts calling cannabis a “dietary essential” Cannabis is a particularly specialplantintheworldofnutritionbecausethe herb contains extremely high concentrations of cannabinoid acids Turns out, these acids are incredibly important for a human basic cell function.
Two of the primary cannabinoid acids that have beenstudiedthusfarareTHCaandCBDa.When you heat these acids via smoking, vaping, or cooking cannabis you break them down into slightly different chemicals. Specifically, some degrade them into psychoactive THC and cannabinoid CBD The process of converting thesecannabinoidacidsintotheir“active”formis known as decarboxylation, or “decarbing” Active THCandCBDhavetheirshareofbenefits,butthe one major downside to decarbing is that your body can only handle small amounts of these now-activatedcannabinoids
When you eat raw cannabis, your body can process extremely large amounts of THCa and CBDa without issue Your body then converts these acids into the nutrients it needs via your metabolism Consuming these cannabinoid acids is important because they help your cells communicate with each other via the endocannabinoidsystem
Allinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonly. Theinformationprovidedisderivedfromresearchgathered fromexternalsources PleasecheckwithyourCannabis EducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianorEducated&Trained CannabisTherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynewdiet orlifestylechange
WrittenbyDr PepperHernandezND,PhD,CTC,CNHPinECS& NaturopathicMedicine,CannabisTherapyConsultant,The FounderandEducationDirectoroftheCannabisHolistic Institute TofindoutmoreaboutherTelemedicine Consultations,EducationalPrograms,YouTubevideos,and othercreativecontent,youcanfindheronthemassiveinterwebsonallplatformsoratdrpepperhernandezcom
Consumingmorecannabinoidacidsmaybethekeyto the prevention of chronic diseases caused by endocannabinoid deficiencies. Endocannabinoid deficiencies are thought to play a major role in the developmentofmedicalconditionslike:
Organic regenerative cannabis juicing offers a unique nutritional profile, providing a rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats Fresh cannabis leaves are abundant in vitamins such as A, C, and K, whichsupportimmunefunction,skinhealth,andblood clotting,respectively Additionally,theseleavescontain significant amounts of folate, essential for DNA synthesisandrepair,makingcannabisjuiceavaluable additiontoanutrient-densediet Thehighchlorophyll content in the leaves enhances detoxification processes and supports overall cellular health, acting asapotentantioxidant
Furthermore, cannabis leaves are an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are crucial for maintaining heart health and supporting brain function These essential fats are often deficient in modern diets, and their presence in cannabis juice can help restore a healthier balance. The mineral content, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron, contributes to bone health, muscle function, and red blood cell production. Together, these nutrients not only support general health and wellbeing but also offer potential therapeutic benefits, particularly in reducing inflammation and promoting overallsystemicbalance
When choosing to include raw cannabis in your diet please make sure to use organic leaves and stems fromaregenerativefarm Cannabisisabiocumulator andwilluptakeallmetals,chemicalsandotherthings in the soil Grow your own or support a local, craftconscioussmallfamilyfarm
As the temperatures rise and the days get longer, our culinary cravingsshifttowardslighter,fresher,andhealthieroptions Summer cuisine is all about vibrant flavors, seasonal ingredients, and meals thatkeepyoucoolandenergized Thissummer,whynotaddanew twist to your dishes with cannabis-infused recipes? Incorporating cannabis into your summer meals can enhance your dining experience with unique flavors and potential health benefits. Let’s dive into some delightful, cannabis-infused recipes perfect for the warmmonthsahead.
Cannabis, especially its non-psychoactive compound cannabidiol (CBD),isbecomingapopularadditiontovariousrecipes Herearea fewreasonswhy:
Anti-InflammatoryProperties:CBDcanhelpreduceinflammation, making it a great addition for those looking to soothe aches and painsnaturally.
Anxiety Reduction: Incorporating CBD into meals can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, perfect for unwinding after a long summerday.
AntioxidantBoost:Cannabisisrichinantioxidants,whichcanhelp protectyourbodyfromfreeradicalsandsupportoverallhealth
Before we jump into the recipes, here are some essential tips for cookingwithcannabis:
Decarboxylation:Toactivatethecannabinoidsincannabis,itmust beheatedinaprocesscalleddecarboxylation Thiscanbedoneby bakingthecannabisatalowtemperature(around240°F)forabout 30-40minutes
Dosing:Startwithsmallamountsandgraduallyincreasetofindthe right dosage Remember, it can take up to two hours to feel the effectsofingestedcannabis
Infusion:Infusecannabisintoafatlikebutteroroil,whichcanthen beusedinvariousrecipes
Incorporating cannabis into your diet can offer various health benefits, including pain relief, improved digestion, and reduced inflammation, all while adding a
Leafygreenvegetableslikekaleandspinach arehighinvitamins,minerals,andfiber Adding avarietyofgreenstoyourdietmayhelpboost brainhealthandloweryourriskofsome diseases Leafygreenvegetablesarean importantpartofahealthydiet
Inalargebowl,combinethemixedgreens,cherrytomatoes,cucumber,avocado,redonion, andfetacheese.Then,inasmallbowl,whisktogetherthecannabis-infusedoliveoil, balsamicvinegar,salt,andpepper Nowjustalil“drizzledrizzle”ofthedressingoverthesalad andtossgentlytocombine.Serveimmediatelyandenjoytherefreshing,cannabis-infused flavors.
Fishisrichincalciumandphosphorusand agreatsourceofminerals,suchasiron, zinc,iodine,magnesium,andpotassium TheAmericanHeartAssociation recommendseatingfishatleasttwotimes perweekaspartofahealthydiet
First,preheatthegrilltomedium-highheat.Theninasmallbowl,mixthechilipowder,cumin, paprika,salt,andpepper RubthespicemixtureontotheMahifillets Thenbrushthefilletswith cannabis-infusedoliveoilandgrillthefishforabout3-4minutesperside,untilcooked throughandslightlycharred.Nextwarmthetortillasonthegrillforabout30secondsperside. Assemblethetacosbyplacingpiecesofgrilledfishoneachtortilla,thentoppingwith shreddedcabbage,dicedpineapple,andchoppedcilantro.Servewithlimewedgesfora zestyfinish
Chiaseedsareanexcellentsourceoffiber,which canimprovehearthealth,reducecholesterollevels andpromoteintestinalhealth Fibertakeslongerto digestandmakesyoufeelsatisfiedlonger,whichis howitcanhelpwithweightlossanddecreaseyour riskofdevelopingdiabetesorheartdisease
Inablender,combinethemixedberries,banana,spinach,almondmilk,chiaseeds,and cannabis-infusedhoney Blenduntilsmoothandcreamy,thenpourintoaglassandenjoya nutritious,cannabis-infusedsmoothietokeepyoucoolandrefreshed.
Incorporatingcannabisintoyoursummercuisinecanbringadelightfultwisttoyourmeals whileofferingpotentialhealthbenefits.Fromlightsaladsandflavorfultacostorefreshing smoothies,theserecipesareperfectforenjoyingthebestofsummerflavorswithaunique, cannabis-infusedtouch.So,grabyouringredients,fireupthegrill,andletcannabiselevate yoursummerdiningexperience!
HappyPrideMonthy’all!DuringthemonthofJune,we should do our part to support LGBTQ+ causes One way to do that is to buy from brands who donate to suchcauses.Solet’sgetintowhichcannabisbrands tolookfor!
Overthepastfewyears,LowellFarmshasbeenactive intheirPrideMonthcelebrations LowellFarms,in2019, designedtheirLimitedEditionPridePack Accordingto Leafly, it “directly benefited the LGBTQ community throughthefirsteverpartnershipbetweenGLAADand a cannabis brand, 10% of the sales from each Pride Pack purchased in June was donated, and every customer will receive a poster of the Pride Pack’s designer as a gift”. In 2022, they brought back the LimitedEditionPridePacksandcontinueddonatingto LGBTQ+ causes. Although these are limited editions, thecompanyisconstantlyadvocatingfortheLGBTQ+ community. Check out their Pride Festival, if you’re in theMichiganarea!
LEVIA is a cannabis company that is not shy about their support for Pride and Pride Month In 2022, this brand launched Limited Edition Pride Label infused drinks that feature Earth being “hugged” by a Pride flag During this time, LEVIA donated “$5,000 to Massachusetts’ Transgender Emergency Fund during their Trans Pride: A Celebration of Liberation event occurring on June 4th at Boston’s City Hall The donation will help provide homeless transgender individuals with temporary housing for a year, accompanied by staff to oversee and support the programbyprovidingresourcesformembersasthey worktosecuretheirownemploymentandhousingin thefuture,”reportsBEVNET Thisyear,itlookslikethey willbedoingthesame!
Ifyou’relookingtobrightenyourday,GoodDayFarms has the goods to cheer you up! Good Day Farm has been uplifting LGBTQ+ communities for a few years now Recently, their Pride Month celebration of 2022 consisted of releasing a Pride themed strain called RainbowSprinkles!Ifyou’reinMissouriorArkansasbe sure to keep an eye out for this strain! During the original unveiling of this strain, the packaging was verycolorfuland100%oftheproceedsweredonated to local charities that serve the LGBTQ+ community, “including the homeless youth nonprofits Lucie’s PlacesinArkansasandcommunitycenterTheCenter Project in Missouri,” reports High Times The Rainbow SprinklesstrainisanextensionoftheGoodDayFarm’s Sprinkles Collection This collection was also donated to supporting Breast Cancer Research with the Titty Sprinklesstrain BesuretocheckGoodDayFarm’sout ifyou’reintheirarea!
Thenamemightsoundliketheycouldbebehindthe times, but Dad Grass is hip and with it! In 2022, Dad GrassreleasedtheirPridecollection!Thiscollectionis for people who are more into CBD and CBD pre-rolls as Dad Grass is curated to be so therapeutic they’re appropriateforDads.TheirPridePackwasafive-pack of CBD joints, and it came with “Daddy Chill” (if you know, you know) branded hats and a cute, colorful shirt! According to High Times, “The designs are by Huberto Cruz aka I Scream Colour, and 100% of proceeds go to Equality California, a nonprofit that helpsqueervoicesinCaliforniabeheard.”Soifyou’re intheDadGrassarea,besuretocheckthemout!
YoumayhaveheardofMedMen,theyaretheretailer thatmanycallthe‘AppleStoreofWeed’andtheyare doingtheirparttosupporttheLGBTQ+communityin California In recent years, MedMen has partnered with the non-profit Equality California, the largest CalifornianLGBTQcivilrightsorganization Duringtheir partnership MedMen created limited edition Pride products like glittery gummies and rainbow bath bombs,tonameafew,wheretheydonated15%ofall profits MedMen has always shown support to the LGBTQ+ community, in fact, a large number of their executivesandemployeesidentifyassuch Theyhave walked in Pride Parades and have in-store Pride celebrations AccordingtoTheCannabisInvestor,“the companyhasalsoshowntheirsupportofotherLGBTQ organizations such as Rogue Artists Ensemble, ONE Archives Foundation, The Foundation for The AIDS Monument, Trans Can Work Alliance for Housing & Healing,ProjectAngelFood”
Green Thumb Industries has shown they are here to supporttheLGBTQcommunity TheyownretailerRise andEssence,togethertheyreleasedalimitededition vaporizer pen, a rainbow Rhythm A portion of the profits from this pen were donated to the GLBT Historical Society, a center dedicated to preserving, collecting,andinterpretinggay,lesbian,bisexual,and transgender people's history The Cannabis Insider quotes Katie Denton, Green Thumb Industries’ SVP of Marketing, “GTI proudly supports Pride Month, and we’re honored to share the stories of the LGBTQ community’s impact on legal cannabis.” The company continues to support the LGBTQ+ communitytothisday.Ifyou’reeverintheareaofa GTIownedretailer,stopinandseewhatthey’vegot!
TrulieveCannabisisthelargestfullylicensedmedical cannabiscompanyinFlorida,andintherecentpast, they partnered with Equality Florida Equality Florida began in 1997 to help fight against LGBTQ+ discrimination This partnership aided Trulieve CannabisintheirdonationeffortsduringPrideMonth AportionofallsalesfortheirrainbowTruPODs,TruSTIK vape pens, and other products all went to Equality Florida.TheTrulieveCannabisCEO,KimRiver,toldThe Cannabis Investor, “We have worked hard to create anenvironmentwhereeveryone regardlessoftheir sexual orientation or gender identity feels safe, comfortable, and welcome.” With their efforts, the LGBTQ+communityofFloridawasabletohelppeople in need. If you’re into vaporizers and things of that sort,besuretocheckthemout!
These are not the only brands that donate to the LGBTQ+ community There are others that did not makelimitededitionproductsandsimplydonatedto causes they feel strongly about. For example, The Source+ and PAX Labs have been active in their donations.BesuretodoyourpartincelebratingPride Month and see which brands or stores near you support the LGBTQ+ community. You might be surprised how many are out there! Stay safe and celebratePrideresponsibly.
Cannabisenthusiasts,rejoice!Aswe headintothewarmermonths,it's essentialtounderstandtherelationship betweencannabisconsumptionand hydration.Whetheryou'reaseasoned userornewtothescene,stayingcool andrefreshediscrucialforanenjoyable experience Let'sdiveintothemyths, facts,andtipsonkeepinghydrated whileindulginginyourfavoriteherb
Onecommonmisconceptionisthat cannabisdehydratesyou Whileit'strue thatTHC,thepsychoactivecompoundin cannabis,cancausedrymouth,this doesn'tequatetodehydration.Dry mouth,alsoknownascottonmouth, occursbecauseTHCtemporarily reducessalivaproductionbybindingto receptorsinthesalivaryglands. However,thisdoesn'tmeanyourbodyis losingfluids byTherinMiller
Regardless of cannabis use, staying hydrated is crucial Many people suffer from chronic dehydration without realizing it, and cannabis users are no exception Here are some practical tips toensureyoustaywell-hydrated:
1 **DrinkWaterRegularly**
Aim to drink at least eight glasses of waterdaily Increasethisamountduring cannabis sessions to counteract dry mouthandmaintainoverallhydration
Products like DripDrop, with a precise balance of electrolytes, can help your body absorb fluids more quickly and effectively.
3. **Avoid Excessive Alcohol and Caffeine**
Both alcohol and caffeine can dehydrateyou,solimittheirintakewhen consumingcannabis
The cannabis-infused beverage market is booming, offering an alternative to traditional smoking or edibles These drinks provide a consistent and predictable experience with premeasured amounts of THC and CBD While they won't necessarily hydrate you,theyofferarefreshingwaytoenjoy cannabis, especially when mixed with hydratingingredientslikecoconutwater orherbalteas.
Cannabis-infused beverages, such as Sungaze seltzers, are designed to cool you down while providing the desired effects of cannabis These beverages are particularly beneficial during summer as they combine the refreshment of a cold drink with the relaxation properties of cannabis Other popular options include cannabisinfused mocktails and teas, which can beeasilypreparedathome
Beyond beverages, there are numerous creative ways to incorporate cannabis into your summer routine to stay cool andrefreshed.Herearesomeideas:
Thesearefun,easy-to-maketreatsthat provideacoolingeffectwhiledeliveringa mildhigh Simplymixyourfavorite cannabistincturewithJell-Omixandchill untilset
2 **"Budsicles"**
Freeze cannabis-infused beverages or tinctures in popsicle molds to create a refreshing and mind-altering summer treat
3 **InfusedTopicals**
Products like the Cooling Flow Stick by Fairwindscansoothesunburnedskinand provide a cooling sensation without any psychoactiveeffects.
Cannabis contains various compounds, including cannabinoids and terpenes, that can help alleviate the discomfort caused by high temperatures Cannabidiol (CBD) has potential antiinflammatory and analgesic properties, makingitusefulforrelievingheat-related discomfort such as sunburns or overheatedskin.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, can help lower body temperature by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates temperature control Additionally, certain terpenes found in cannabis, like menthol, have cooling properties
Certain cannabis strains are known for their cooling effects and can enhance your summer experience. Strains like LemonHaze,GreenCrack,Blueberry,and PineappleExpressofferarangeofeffects, from uplifting and energizing to soothing and relaxing, all while providing a refreshingexperience
In conclusion, while cannabis doesn't directly cause dehydration, it's essential tostayontopofyourhydrationgame.By drinking plenty of water, using rehydration solutions, and enjoying cannabis-infused beverages and treats, you can stay cool and refreshed all summer long Cheers to a hydrated and elevatedexperience!
InaheartfeltinterviewwithTasteofCountry, country singer Jelly Roll opened up about his past struggles with addiction and how marijuana has helped him stay sober. Beyond his personal journey, the 39-yearold artist has become a vocal advocate against the distribution of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid causing widespread devastation
Personal Experience with Addiction: Jelly Roll, a former convicted drug dealer, has faced his own battles with addiction, making him acutely aware of the dangers posed by drugs like fentanyl He credits marijuana for helping him avoid relapse into harder substances such as codeine, Xanax,andcocaine
Public Campaigning: In January, Jelly Roll took his fight to the Senate Urban Affairs Committee, urging lawmakers to take decisive action against the supply and distribution of fentanyl His advocacy highlights the urgent need for effective measurestocombatthisepidemic
Rising Overdose Deaths: Fentanyl, a powerfulsyntheticopioid,isaleadingcause of overdose deaths in the United States Its potencymakesitparticularlydangerous,as evensmallamountscanbelethal
Impact on Communities: The widespread availability of fentanyl has devastated communities, leading to increased healthcare costs, strained public health systems, and significant social and economicconsequences
Awareness and Education: Celebrity advocacy, like Jelly Roll’s, plays a crucial role in raising public awareness about the fentanylcrisis Hispersonalstoryandpublic campaigns help educate the public on the dangers of fentanyl and the importance of seekingsaferalternatives
Policy Reform: High-profile campaigns can influence policymakers to prioritize the fentanyl crisis, leading to stronger regulations and increased funding for prevention and treatment programs JellyRoll’stestimonybeforetheSenatehighlightstheneedforlegislativeactionto controlthedistributionoffentanyl
Support for Harm Reduction Programs: Advocacy efforts can also promote harm reduction strategies,suchastheavailabilityofnaloxone(amedicationthatreversesopioidoverdoses) andsupervisedconsumptionsites.Thesemeasuresarecrucialinreducingthemortalityrate associatedwithfentanyloverdoses.
MarijuanaasanAlternative:JellyRoll’suseofmarijuanatomaintainsobrietyunderscoresthe potentialofcannabisasasaferalternativeformanagingpainandaddiction Thisperspective alignswiththegrowingbodyofresearchsuggestingthatcannabiscanbeaneffectivetoolin reducingrelianceonmoredangeroussubstances
Getthelatestscooponall thingscannabisfromThe ChronicMagazine-your go-tosourceforup-to datemarijuananews, helpfulresourcesandan excitinglifestyle
JellyRoll’soutspokencampaignagainstfentanyldistributionreflectsabroaderpublichealth effort to combat the opioid crisis. By sharing his personal experiences and advocating for policychange,hebringscriticalattentiontoadevastatingissueaffectingcountlesslives His story also highlights the potential role of marijuana in offering a safer alternative for those battlingaddiction