Ola alali portfolio

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mazaj C AFE

Ola AlAli Portfolio

mazaj C AFE





Table of Contents

Infographics Paintings, Illustrations, Drawings Typography Branding Interactive Design Photography

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The story of my land



“Story of Land�, is series of posters that visualizes what the Israli occupation did to my country; Palestine. 21x29.7 cm Photography and watercolor

The story of my land



The story of my land



The story of my land



The story of my land




Drawings Paintings Illustrations

Watercolor SelfPortraits



Realistic Watercolor portraits.

Watercolor SelfPortraits



Realistic Watercolor portraits.

Stylized watercolor portraits.



Watercolor SelfPortraits




Just In Sharjah


Although UAE has radically changed, old and traditional areas are still seen within the contemporary buildings.

Tourism brochure about the unique places in Sharjah.

Within the development of UAE, we still live the old and traditional neighbourhood.


Al Satwa - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Although UAE has radically changed, old and traditional areas are still seen within the contemporary buildings.

Al Satwa - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Within the development of UAE, we still live the old and traditional neighbourhood.

Al Satwa - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Many of the Emirati Locals are sticking to their old neighbourhood, despite the economical change.

University of Sharjah - Sharjah - United Arab Emirates

Restaurant streets, which waiters serve customers to their cars. Traditional habit but people now a days consider valuable and fun.

Many of the Emirati Locals are sticking to their old neighbourhood, despite the economical change. 4

Restaurant streets, which waiters serve customers to their cars. Traditional habit but people now a days consider valuable and fun.



Few illutrations that demonstrat what would tourists find so special about UAE!

Kitchen Tool



Digital illustration of kitchen tool.

Pencil Drawings


Analatical Drawing




Typography New York have sprouted up almost overnight. Only 30 years ago, Shenzhen was a small fishing village of a few thousand people, and

In both China and the Persian Gulf, cities comparable in size to

to maintain it.”beKoolhaas’s viewpoint is widely Holl has reason to exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linkedshared Hybrid,” isby oneclose of the most innova complexes anywhere in the world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network observers of the evolution of cities. But not even Koolhaas, it of enclosed a pedestrian zone in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at a price: only the wealthiest of B seems, was for what would come next. can afford to live completely here. Climbingprepared to

budgets, expanding a single subway line can seem like a heroic act. “In America, I could never here,” Steven Holl, a New York architect with several large projects in China, recently told me, re Rem complex Koolhaas said“We’ve to me several years ago asInwe headed latest in Beijing. become too backward-looking. China, they want to make e down the moment F.D.R. Drive New “but city is This is their in time.in They wantYork, to make thethe 21st20th-century century their century. For some reaso to make everything old. I think we somehow lost our nerve. ” over. It has nothing new to teach us anymore. Our job is simply 37

The New York Times Magazin

“The New, New City” magazine



Visually reflecting on “The New, New City” magazine contents.

York Times Magazine


end of Modernism or just an interruption Holl has reason to be exhilarated. His Beijing project, “L is one of the most innovative housing complexes anywhere eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network of enclose

recently told me, referring to his latest complex in Beijing. “We’ve become too backward-looking. In China, they want to make everything look new. This is their moment in time. They want to make the 21st century their century. For some reason, our society wants to make everything old. I budgets, expandinglost a single subway think we somehow our nerve. ” line can seem like a heroic act. “In America, I could never do work like I do here,” Steven Holl, a New York architect withhas several large in China, me,“Linked referringHybrid, to his”latest Holl reason to projects be exhilarated. Hisrecently Beijing told project, is one of the most complex in Beijing. “We’ve become too backward-looking. Inasymmetrical China, they want budgets, expanding a single subway line can seem likeeight a heroic act. “In America, innovative housing complexes anywhere in the world: towersI could joinednever by a do work to make everything ThisYork is their time. in They to make like I do here, ” Stevenlook Holl,new. a New architect withinseveral large projects in China, recently told me, network of enclosed bridges that create a moment pedestrian zone thewant sky. Yet this exhilaration also the 21statcentury their century. ForBeijing. some reason, become our society wants toto make referring to his latest complex in “We’ve too backward-looking. InClimbing China, they want to comes a price: only the wealthiest of Beijing’s residents can afford live here. to Holl has reason to new. be exhilarated. His project, “Linked Hybrid,” is one of the innovati everything old. I think we somehow lostmoment our Beijing nerve. make everything look This is their in ”time. They want to make the 21st century theirmost century. For some reason, our society wants to make everything old. I think we somehow lost our nerve.” anywhere in the world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a” isnetwork of enclosed bridges that cre Holl has reason to be exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linked Hybrid, one of the most innovative housing complexes anywhere in the world: eightof the most innovative Holl has reason to be exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linked Hybrid, ” is one in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at abridges price: that only the of Beijing’s residents ca asymmetrical towers joined byina the network of enclosed create awealthiest housing complexes anywhere world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network of enclosed pedestrian zone in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at a price: only the bridges that create a pedestrian zone in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at a price: only the wealthiest of Beijing’s Beijing’s residents can affordknow to live live here. here. Climbing to to The irony is thatresidents we stillcan don’t if postmodernism was the wealthiest of afford to Climbing

disorderly rows, have become playgrounds for wealthy expatriates fromtop Riyadh Moscow. Long-established cities like Beijing and at the acres of the of oneand of Holl’s towers, I looked out through a haze of smog luxury-housing towers own,inthe kind of alienating Guangzhou have morethat thansurround doubled his in size a few decades, their subdivisions that are so often cited as a symptom of the city’s unbridled, dehumanizing original outlines swallowed by rings of new development. Built at development. Protected by armed guards, thesecities, residential stood on phenomenal speeds, these generic or instant as theyhigh-rises have what was until quite recently a working-class neighborhood, even though the poor been called, no recognizable center, nodecades single identity. It a new freeway quality of theirhave construction makes them seem old. Nearby, is sometimes hard to think of them as cities at all. Dubai, which Hollthrough has the reason to be further exhilarated. Hisan Beijing “Linked Hybrid, cut neighborhood, disfiguring area that,project, however modest, was with life. innovative housing complexes in theislands, world: eight asymmetric lays once claimbursting to some of the world’s mostanywhere expensive private “If you take of Venturi’s ideas about the city,” said, referring to Robert zone Venturi’s network enclosed bridges thatHoll create a pedestrian in the sk groundbreaking work, “Learning From Las Vegas,” which called on architects to ca talso comes at a price: only the wealthiest of Beijing’s residents reconsider the importance of the everyday (strip malls, billboards, storefronts), “and put them in Beijing or Tokyo, they don’t hold any water at all. When you get into this scale, the rules have to be rewritten. The density is so incredible.” Because budgets, expanding a single line can seem likethe a heroic act. “Inwe America, I couldwith never of this density, cities likesubway Beijing have few of features associate a do work like Imetropolis. do here,” Steven Holl, a New York architect with several large projects in China, traditional

New York have sprouted up almost overnight. Only 30 years ago, Shenzhen was a small fishing village of a few thousand people, and Dubai had merely a quarter million people. Today Shenzhen has

In both China and the Persian Gulf, cities comparable in size to

to maintain it.”beKoolhaas’s viewpoint is widely Holl has reason to exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linkedshared Hybrid,” isby oneclose of the most innovative housing complexes anywhere in the world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network observers of the evolution of cities. But not even Koolhaas, it of enclosed bridges that crea a pedestrian zone in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at a price: only the wealthiest of Beijing’s residents seems, was for what would come next. can afford to live completely here. Climbingprepared to

he New, “The New, New City” magazine Typography




budgets, expanding a single subway line can seem like a heroic act. “In America, I could never do work like I do here,” Steven Holl, a New York architect with several large projects in China, recently told me, referring to his Rem complex Koolhaas said“We’ve to me several years ago asInwe headed latest in Beijing. become too backward-looking. China, they want to make everything look new. down the moment F.D.R. Drive New “but city is This is their in time.in They wantYork, to make thethe 21st20th-century century their century. For some reason, our society wants to makeIt everything old. I think our nerve.”Our job is simply over. has nothing new we to somehow teach uslost anymore.

The New,

The New York Times Magazine


end of Modernism or just an interruption Holl has reason to be exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linked Hybrid,” is one of the most innovative housing complexes anywhere in the world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network of enclosed bridges that

recently told me, referring to his latest complex in Beijing. “We’ve become too backward-looking. In China, they want to make everything look new. This is their moment in time. They want to make the 21st century their century. For some reason, our society wants to make everything old. I budgets, expandinglost a single subway think we somehow our nerve. ” line can seem like a heroic act. “In America, I could never do work like I do here,” Steven Holl, a New York architect withhas several large in China, me,“Linked referringHybrid, to his”latest Holl reason to projects be exhilarated. Hisrecently Beijing told project, is one of the most complex in Beijing. “We’ve become too backward-looking. Inasymmetrical China, they want budgets, expanding a single subway line can seem likeeight a heroic act. “In America, innovative housing complexes anywhere in the world: towersI could joinednever by a do work to make everything ThisYork is their time. in They to make like I do here, ” Stevenlook Holl,new. a New architect withinseveral large projects in China, recently told me, network of enclosed bridges that create a moment pedestrian zone thewant sky. Yet this exhilaration also the 21st century their century. For some reason, our society wants to make referring to his latest complex in Beijing. “We’ve become too backward-looking. InClimbing China, they want to comes at a price: only the wealthiest of Beijing’s residents can afford to live here. Holl has reason to new. be exhilarated. His project, “Linked Hybrid,” is one oftothe innovative housing complexes everything old. I think we somehow lostmoment our Beijing nerve. make everything look This is their in ”time. They want to make the 21st century theirmost century. For some reason, our society wants to make everything old. I think we somehow lost our nerve.” anywhere in the world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a” isnetwork of enclosed bridges that create a pedestrian zone Holl has reason to be exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linked Hybrid, one of mostto innovative housing anywhere in the world: eightof the most innovative Holl hasthe reason be exhilarated. Hiscomplexes Beijing project, “Linked Hybrid, ” is one in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at abridges price: that only the of Beijing’s residents can afford to live here. asymmetrical towers joined byina the network of enclosed create awealthiest housing complexes anywhere world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network of enclosed pedestrian in the sky. Yet this exhilaration comes at a price:also onlycomes the at a price: only the bridges thatzone create a pedestrian zone in the sky.also Yet this exhilaration wealthiest of Beijing’s residents can afford to live here. Climbing to The irony is that we still don’t know if postmodernism was the wealthiest of Beijing’s residents can afford to live here. Climbing to

disorderly rows, have become playgrounds for wealthy expatriates fromtop Riyadh Moscow. Long-established cities like Beijing and at the acres of the of oneand of Holl’s towers, I looked out through a haze of smog luxury-housing towers own,inthe kind of alienating Guangzhou have morethat thansurround doubled his in size a few decades, their subdivisions that are outlines so often swallowed cited as a symptom of new the city’s unbridled,Built dehumanizing original by rings of development. at development. Protected by armed guards, thesecities, residential stood on phenomenal speeds, these generic or instant as theyhigh-rises have what was until quite recently a working-class neighborhood, even though the poor been called, no recognizable center, nodecades single identity. It a new freeway quality of theirhave construction makes them seem old. Nearby, is sometimes hard to to thinkbeof further them asdisfiguring cities at Dubai, which Holl has the reason exhilarated. Hisall. project, “Linked Hybrid,” is one of the most cut through neighborhood, an Beijing area that, however modest, was with life. innovative housing complexes in theislands, world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a lays once claimbursting to some of the world’s mostanywhere expensive private “If you take of Venturi’s ideas about the city,” said, referring to Robert zone Venturi’s network enclosed bridges thatHoll create a pedestrian in the sky. Yet this exhilaration groundbreaking work,a “Learning From Las which called architectsresidents to also comes at price: only theVegas,” wealthiest of on Beijing’s can afford to live here. t reconsider the importance of the everyday (strip malls, billboards, storefronts), “and put them in Beijing or Tokyo, they don’t hold any water at all. When you get into this scale, the rules have to be rewritten. The density is so incredible.” Because budgets, expanding a single line can seem likethe a heroic act. “Inwe America, I couldwith never of this density, cities likesubway Beijing have few of features associate a do work like Imetropolis. do here,” Steven Holl, a New York architect with several large projects in China, traditional

New York have sprouted up almost overnight. Only 30 years ago, Shenzhen was a small fishing village of a few thousand people, and Dubai had merely a quarter million people. Today Shenzhen has

In both China and the Persian Gulf, cities comparable in size to

to maintain it.”beKoolhaas’s viewpoint is widely Holl has reason to exhilarated. His Beijing project, “Linkedshared Hybrid,” isby oneclose of the most innovative housing complexes the world: eight asymmetrical towers joined by a network observersanywhere of the inevolution of cities. But not even Koolhaas, it of enclosed bridges that create a pedestrian zone in the sky. Yet this exhilaration also comes at a price: only the wealthiest of Beijing’s residents seems, was for what would come next. can afford to live completely here. Climbingprepared to

“The New, New City” magazine

Visually reflecting on “The New, New City” magazine contents, using text only.



shrabiya consisting of 650°© esigers put together and pro-

11.30am–2.30pm Lead by: Nada Debs Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, Hospitality Lounge. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae


Mentorship Programme: “Sit in Shade’’ UAE Student Competition 2012 4pm–6pm

All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio’s Shylight from 2pm–8pm

All Day: Basma Al Fahim presents Rick Owens' Tower of Nard March 21st– April 5th in association with Design DaysDubai.

American University of Sharjah (Booth Number A38) College of Art, Architecture & Design, Sharjah, U.A.E. The College of Architecture, Art and Design (CAAD) at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) is committed to redefining education and creative practice in the region. Design faculty and students at

cher'traxler teamed up with a Lebanese woodworker to redenstructive system of the mashrabiyas. Mashrabiyas are delin screens often found in Middle Eastern architecture. Made mall lathed wooden elements connected together, these fine s are realised by skilled woodworkers and thus form an position within traditional Middle Eastern craftsmanship.

the process of lathing the small wooden parts for mashrabier'traxler focused on representing all steps of production, to raftsmen's work visible and understandable to the observer. a sideboard is composed of a network of more than 650 dife pieces of manually hand carved wood. It shows all producfrom rectangular slat to refined lathed decorative elements one object. With each stage, the sideboard's pattern gets more defined, detailed and fragile but at the same time more hree-dimensional. A transformation from a quite simple omplex, detailed and decorative piece of furniture.

CAAD have a history of making in applied and aesthetic contexts that

contribute significantly to the regional and international material culture made in the Gulf. The cross-disciplinary special topics course Form, Furniture and Graphics integrates principles ofgraphic and typographic form with furniture design. The goal is to expand the definition of furniture beyond normative function toward

Virginia Commonwealth University, Doha, Qatar

(Booth Number A40)

(2 hours) Khalifa. (Outside deck) Christofresh take on the future of luxury


ber 2011 Tashkeel has offered three projects which exemmmitment to promoting the work of artists and designers n, facilitating cross° cultural dialogue and bringing art to the wider community. The Khatt Foundation Type rkshop provided an opportunity for thirty graphic design nd practicing professionals to develop contemporary s. Design Road Dubai was a five-day programme, which n exhibition, seven parallel workshops and a series of The “Skate Biladi’’ project represents an initiative specified to raise awareness of art and design in the wider comd to encourage both creative and physical activity.

Lead by: Tasmena, Design Days Dubai Education team & Brazilian Designers; Leo Capote,Amaury, Pedro Bernardes & Hugo Franca from Coletivo Amor de Madre Gallery Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent.

The university is a hub for excellence in education & research in Art & Design that envisions a Qatari society which advances through art and design. VCUQatars educational focus on design thinking & creative processes to sustain successful economic & cultural growth. Furniture collection by Director of Fine arts, Constantin Boym and Laurene Boym uses as starting point the Autoprogettazione concept by celebrated master of Modernism, Italian designer Enzo Mari. In 1974, Mari published a set of his design drawings, calling on consumers to make furniture on their own, and to customize it according to one’s personal cultural tastes. Working with local craftsmen and students, we overlay Mari's designs with motifs of traditional Arabic craft: henna decorations, patterns of brass tacks, sadu cushions—to achieve unexpected and provocative results.

ECAL, Ecole Cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (Booth Number A37)

The ECAL/University of Art and Design features among the world’s top 10 Universities of Art and Design. For its first ever show in the Gulf Region, ECAL has chosen Design Days Dubai, in order to present a selection of projects created by the students of the Master of Advanced Studies in Design and Luxury Industry. Made in collaboration with major international luxury brands such as Baccarat, Swarovski, Bernardaud, Hublot, Christofle or TAG aviation, the students’ works show a fresh take on the future of luxury and craftsmanship.

“The Professional” Book



“The Professional” Book



ent Mashrabiya consisting of 650°© trian desigers put together and pro.


Public Seminar: “What Design Can Do for the Future” 7pm–8.30pm

nce October 2011 Tashkeel has offered three projects which exemy its commitment to promoting the work of artists and designers the region, facilitating cross° cultural dialogue and bringing art d design to the wider community. The Khatt Foundation Type sign Workshop provided an opportunity for thirty graphic design dents and practicing professionals to develop contemporary abic fonts. Design Road Dubai was a five-day programme, which luded an exhibition, seven parallel workshops and a series of minars. The “Skate Biladi’’ project represents an initiative specifily designed to raise awareness of art and design in the wider comunity, and to encourage both creative and physical activity.

“Opera Season” Booklet

21st March Wednesday


Lead by: Younes Duret Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, at Tashkeel

Public Workshop: Talli Furniture Making (using traditional Emarati materials)


Lead by: Leo Capote & Amaury Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae

Mentorship Programme: 20min one on one mentor sessions


Lead by: Nada Debs Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, Hospitality Lounge. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae


Mentorship Programme: “Sit in Shade’’ UAE Student Competition 2012 4pm–6pm

Lead by: Tasmena, Design Days Dubai Education team & Brazilian Designers; Leo Capote,Amaury, Pedro Bernardes & Hugo Franca from Coletivo Amor de Madre Gallery Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent.

All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio’s Shylight from 2pm–8pm

All Day: Basma Al Fahim presents Rick Owens' Tower of Nard March 21st– April 5th in association with Design DaysDubai.

Opera Season 2012-2013 American University of Sharjah (Booth Number A38) College of Art, Architecture & Design, Sharjah, U.A.E.

Royal Opera House Muscat

The College of Architecture, Art and Design (CAAD) at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) is committed to redefining education and creative practice in the region. Design faculty and students at CAAD have a history of making in applied and aesthetic contexts that contribute significantly to the regional and international material culture made in the Gulf. The cross-disciplinary special topics course Form, Furniture and Graphics integrates principles ofgraphic and typographic form with furniture design. The goal is to expand the definition of furniture beyond normative function toward

Virginia Commonwealth University, Doha, Qatar

(Booth Number A40)

The university is a hub for excellence in education & research in Art & Design that envisions a Qatari society which advances through art and design. VCUQatars educational focus on design thinking & creative processes to sustain successful economic & cultural growth. Furniture collection by Director of Fine arts, Constantin Boym and Laurene Boym uses as starting point the Autoprogettazione concept by celebrated master of Modernism, Italian designer Enzo Mari. In 1974, Mari published a set of his design drawings, calling on consumers to make furniture on their own, and to customize it according to one’s personal cultural tastes. Working with local craftsmen and students, we overlay Mari's designs with motifs of traditional Arabic craft: henna decorations, patterns of brass tacks, sadu cushions—to achieve unexpected and provocative results.

‫موسم‬ ‫األوبرا‬

٢٠١٣-٢٠١٢ ‫دار األوبرا السلطانية‬

ECAL, Ecole Cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (Booth Number A37)

The ECAL/University of Art and Design features among the world’s top 10 Universities of Art and Design. For its first ever show in the Gulf Region, ECAL has chosen Design Days Dubai, in order to present a selection of projects created by the students of the Master of Advanced Studies in Design and Luxury Industry. Made in collaboration with major international luxury brands such as Baccarat, Swarovski, Bernardaud, Hublot, Christofle or TAG aviation, the students’ works show a fresh take on the future of luxury and craftsmanship.

2 www.rohmuscat.org.om



Public Workshop: ‘‘chrob ou chuff’’—“drink and watch’’

m Blocks (2 hours) wn, Burj Khalifa. (Outside deck) Christoshow a fresh take on the future of luxury

Number A37)

Lead by: Li Edelkoort Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio’s Shylight from 4pm–10pm

All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher’traxler

udio mischer'traxler teamed up with a Lebanese woodworker to redee the constructive system of the mashrabiyas. Mashrabiyas are delie wooden screens often found in Middle Eastern architecture. Made many small lathed wooden elements connected together, these fine tice works are realised by skilled woodworkers and thus form an portant position within traditional Middle Eastern craftsmanship.

pired by the process of lathing the small wooden parts for mashrabis, mischer'traxler focused on representing all steps of production, to ake the craftsmen's work visible and understandable to the observer. e result a sideboard is composed of a network of more than 650 difent single pieces of manually hand carved wood. It shows all producn stages from rectangular slat to refined lathed decorative elements hin the one object. With each stage, the sideboard's pattern gets ore and more defined, detailed and fragile but at the same time more d more three-dimensional. A transformation from a quite simple le to a complex, detailed and decorative piece of furniture.

Lead by: Kwangho Lee Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa.





“Design Days Dubai” Schedule


Public Workshop: Arabic Lettering

Al Khaznah Tannery. 11am–1pm Public Workshop: Camel Lead leather (using by:Weaving Kwangho Lee traditional Emarati material) in cooperation with Al Khaznah Tannery. Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. 11am–1pm Registration: please register Lead by: Kwangho Lee online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Private Seminar (AED 500 perRegistration: participant):please ‘‘Bliss, Spirituality in www.designdaysdubai.ae Everyday’’ register online at 11am–4pm Lead by: Li Edelkoort (http://www.edelkoort.com/) Private Seminar (AED 500 per participant): ‘‘Bliss, Spirituality in Everyday’’ Hosted by: FN Studio 11am–4pm Location: Serkal Avenue, Al Quoz Lead by: Al Li Edelkoort (http://www.edelkoort.com/) Registration: register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Hosted by: please FN Studio Location: Al Serkal Avenue, Al Quoz Mentorship Programme: 20min one on one mentor sessions Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae 12pm–3pm Lead by: Nada Debs Mentorship Programme:Location: 20min one on one mentor Design Days Dubai,sessions Downtown, Burj Khalifa, 12pm–3pm Hospitality Lounge. Lead by: Nada Debs Registration: please Days register onlineDowntown, at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Hospitality Lounge. Public Talk: ‘‘chrob ou chouff’’“drink and watch’’ Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae 2pm–2.45pm Lead by: Younes Duret Public Talk: ‘‘chrob ou chouff’’“drink and watch’’(30mins talk & 15mins Q&A) Duration: 45minutes 2pm–2.45pm Location: Lead by: Nuqat YounesDubai DuretDesign Conference, DIFC Gate Building, the Atrium Duration: 45minutesat(30mins talk & 15mins Q&A) Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, PUBLIC OPENING DIFC Gate Building, at the Atrium 4pm–10pm


Sunday th March th March Sunday


Monday th March th March Monday

Public Workshop: Camel leather Weaving (using traditional Emarati material) in cooperation with

& Arabesque in Product Design 11am–1pm Public Workshop: Arabic Lettering Lead by: Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès & Lara Assouad Khoury & Arabesque in Product Design (Khatt Foundation) 11am–1pm Location: Days Dubai, AbiFarès Downtown, BurjAssouad Khalifa, Khoury Lead by: Design Huda Smitshuijzen & Lara education tent. (Khatt Foundation) Registration: please Days register onlineDowntown, at www.designdaysdubai.ae Public Talk Location: Design Dubai, Burj Khalifa, 2pm–2.45pm education tent. Lead by: Ahmed Al Angawi Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Public Talk Duration: 45minutes (30mins talk & 15mins Q&A) 2pm–2.45pm Location: Design Conference, DIFC Gate Building, at Lead by: Nuqat AhmedDubai Al Angawi the Atrium 45minutes (30mins talk & 15mins Q&A) Duration: Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, DIFC Gate Building, at Design Days Dubai—Ladies Day the Atrium 2pm–4pm Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, main tent.

Design Days Dubai—Ladies Day 2pm–4pm

Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, main tent.

Design Days Dubai—Public Opening 4pm–10pm

Design Days Dubai—Public Opening 4pm–10pm Public Workshop: Arabic Lettering & Arabesque in Product Design 4.30pm–6.30pm

Lead by: Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès & Lara Assouad Khoury Public Workshop: Arabic Lettering & Arabesque in Product Design 4.30pm–6.30pm

PUBLIC OPENING Nada Debs Meet & Greet at the bookstore 4pm–10pm 4.30pm–5.30pm




Registration: please register Lead by: Kwangho Lee online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent.


Lead Can by: LiDo Edelkoort Public Seminar: “What Design for the Future”


Lead by: Rabih El Hage Public Seminar: The Design Market:Design Discovering, Collecting & Investing Location: Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. 7.30pm–9pm Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Lead by: Rabih El Hage Location: Days Dubai, Downtown, All Day: Ongoing live performances by Design micher'traxler (Gradient Mashra-Burj Khalifa, education tent. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae biya) & Drift Studio's Shylight from

Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, 7pm–8.30pm education Lead by: Litent. Edelkoort Registration: please Days register onlineDowntown, at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Dubai, Burj Khalifa, (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio’s Shylight from 4pm–10pm education tent. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio’s Shylight from 4pm–10pm All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher’traxler

4pm–10pm All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio's Shylight from 4pm–10pm

All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher’traxler

Wednesday st March st March Wednesday

Public Talk: ‘‘chrob ou chouff’’—“drink and watch’’ 8.30pm–1.30pm Lead by: Younes Public Talk: ‘‘chrob ou chouff’’—“drink and Duret watch’’ Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, at Tashkeel 8.30pm–1.30pm Lead by: Younes Duret Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, at Tashkeel Public Workshop: Lego Links—Architecture & Design 11am–1pm Lead by: WTD Architecture & Design Magazine, Meitha Al Mazrooei Public Workshop: Lego Links—Architecture & Design Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. 11am–1pm Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Lead by: WTD Architecture & Design Magazine, Meitha Al Mazrooei Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae



Lead by: Kwangho Lee Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa.

Public Seminar: “What Design Can Do for the Future”

Public Seminar: The DesignRegistration: Market: Discovering, Collecting & Investing please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae

Tuesday th March th March Tuesday

Lead by: Kwangho Lee

Live Design Performance: Kwangho Lee styrofoam carving Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa.

Lead by: Kwangho Lee

Public Workshop: Camel leather Weaving coordination with Al Khaznah Tannery. Location: DesigninDays Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. 5pm–7pm


PUBLIC OPENING 12pm–6pm Live Design Performance: Kwangho Lee styrofoam carving

Public Workshop: ‘‘chrob ou chuff’’—“drink and watch’’ 8.30am–1.30pm

Leadou by:chuff’’—“drink Younes Duret and watch’’ Public Workshop: ‘‘chrob

Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, at Tashkeel Lead by: Younes Duret


Location:Making Nuqat Dubai Conference, at Tashkeel Public Workshop: Talli Furniture (usingDesign traditional Emarati materials) 11am–1pm

by: LeoMaking Capote(using & Amaury Public Workshop: TalliLead Furniture traditional Emarati materials)

Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Lead by: Leo Capote & Amaury Registration: please Days register onlineDowntown, at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Dubai, Burj Khalifa, education tent.


Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Mentorship Programme: 20min one on one mentor sessions 11.30am–2.30pm

Mentorship Programme: 20min one on one mentor sessions 11.30am–2.30pm


Lead by: Kwangho Lee Live Design Performance: Kwangho Lee styrofoam carving 12.30pm–1.30pm

Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa. (Outside deck) Lead by: Kwangho Lee Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa. (Outside deck)


Mentorship Programme: “Sit in Shade’’ UAE Student Competition 2012

by: Younes Duret Public Workshop: ‘‘chrobLead ou chouff’’—“drink and watch’’ 8.30am–1.30pm


Thursday nd March nd March Thursday

(using traditional Emarati materials). 4pm–6pm Public Workshop: Talli Furniture Making Lead by: Leo Capote & Amaury (using traditional Emarati materials). Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. 4pm–6pm Registration: register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Lead by: Leoplease Capote & Amaury Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Tbc Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Discussion Panel: Education & Design Tbc 7pm–8:30pm Lead by: Peter di Sabatino (AUS), Constantin Boym Discussion Panel: Education & Design (VCU Qatar) & Alexis 7pm–8:30pm Georgeacopoulous (ECAL) (AUS), Constantin Boym Lead by: Peter di Sabatino Location: Pavilion Downtown Dubai (VCU Qatar) & Alexis Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae Georgeacopoulous (ECAL) Location: Pavilion Downtown Dubai Registration: please register online atMashrabiya) www.designdaysdubai.ae All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient & Drift Studio's Shylight. 12pm–6pm All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio's Shylight. 12pm–6pm


Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, at Tashkeel Lead by: Younes Duret Location: Nuqat Dubai Design Conference, at Tashkeel

Highlights of Design Days Dubai: Highlights Design Launch: The ArabofDesign Map Days by Pink Dubai: Tank and Fikra Booth Number: A28

A research exercise by Pink Tank and Fikra into open/collaborative

Launch: The Arab Design Map byofPink Tank and Fikra forms design in the Arab world Booth Number: A28

A research exercise by Pink Tank and Fikra into open/collaborative On the occasion forms of design of in the the first Arabedition world of Design Days Dubai, Pink Tank and Fikra will be launching ADaM v1.0. The Arab Design Map project mapsofout connections between On the occasion thecollaborations first edition ofand Design Days Dubai, Pink designers the will region. ADaM v1.0 will be anThe investiga=tion Tank and in Fikra be launching ADaM v1.0. Arab Designof the relationships between designers in the and their comMap project maps out collaborations andregion connections between munity to discover connections comes out of these condesigners in the region. ADaM and v1.0 what will be an investiga=tion of nections. At Designbetween Days Dubai, the methodology thetheir mapping the relationships designers in the region of and comproject be explore through anand installation. ADaM first conmunitywill to discover connections what comes outisofthe these visual representation effortDubai, of design in this nections. At Design Days the networks methodology of region. the mapping project will be explore through an installation. ADaM is the first visual representation effort of design networks in this region.

Performance: Drift Design presents ShyLight Booth Number: A13

“We are curious about the future, not only the new technologies

Performance: Drift Design presents ShyLight that are changing design, but also the evolutionary developments Booth Number: A13

in“We nature and human culture. We strive to find comare curious about the future, not only thethe newperfect technologies bination knowledge and but intuition, science fiction and nature, that are of changing design, also the evolutionary developments fantasy andand interactivity. Our goal to create a dialogue between in nature human culture. We isstrive to find the perfect comthe viewerofand the objects create, embodied in tangible objects bination knowledge andwe intuition, science fiction and nature, that referand to realities that are and difficult to fantasy interactivity. Ouroften goal impenetrable is to create a dialogue between understand.’’ Ralph Nauta &weLonneke Gordijn. in tangible objects the viewer and the objects create, embodied that refer to realities that are often impenetrable and difficult to understand.’’ Ralph Nauta & Lonneke Gordijn.

Lead by: Nada Debs Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, Hospitality Lounge. Lead by: Nada Debs Registration: please Days register onlineDowntown, at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Hospitality Lounge. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae


WTD Architecture & Design Magazine at the bookstore 4pm–5pm

WTD Architecture & Design Magazine at the bookstore Public Workshop: Talli Furniture Making 4pm–5pm

Public Workshop: ‘‘chrob ou chouff’’—“drink and watch’’

(Khatt Foundation) Location: Days Dubai, AbiFarès Downtown, BurjAssouad Khalifa, Khoury Lead by: Design Huda Smitshuijzen & Lara education tent. (Khatt Foundation) Registration: please Days register onlineDowntown, at www.designdaysdubai.ae Location: Design Dubai, Burj Khalifa, education tent. Registration: please register online at www.designdaysdubai.ae

Live Design Performance: Kwangho Lee styrofoam carving

Nada Debs Meet & Greet at the bookstore 4.30pm–5.30pm Public Workshop: Camel leather Weaving in coordination with Al Khaznah Tannery.


Lead by: Design Days Dubai Education team & Brazilian Mentorship Programme: “SitTasmena, in Shade’’ UAE Student Competition 2012 4pm–6pm

Designers; Leo Capote,Amaury, Pedro Bernardes & Hugo Franca from Amor Design de Madre Gallery LeadColetivo by: Tasmena, Days Dubai Education team & Brazilian Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, Designers; Leo Capote,Amaury, Pedro Bernardes & Hugo Franca education tent.Amor de Madre Gallery from Coletivo Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa, education tent.

All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient Mashrabiya) &

Drift Studio’s Shylight from 2pm–8pm All Day: Ongoing live performances by micher'traxler (Gradient Mashrabiya) & Drift Studio’s Shylight from 2pm–8pm

All Day: Basma Al Fahim presents Rick Owens' Tower of Nard March 21st–

April 5th in association with Design DaysDubai. All Day: Basma Al Fahim presents Rick Owens' Tower of Nard March 21st– April 5th in association with Design DaysDubai.

About Drift: About Drift:

Both graduates from the Design Academy Eindhoven, Ralph Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn founded Studio DRIFT together with the vision of creating design that reacts to and Academy questionsEindhoven, human behavior 2006. Both graduates from the Design Ralph in Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn founded Studio DRIFT together with the vision of Nauta's in crafts, and production and creatingexpertise design that reactsmaterials to and questions human techniques, behavior in 2006. Gordijn's sense for shapes and strong concepts complement one another. Their designsinamalgamate nature and technology, ideology and Nauta's expertise crafts, materials and production techniques, and reality. Theirsense aim is make original andconcepts passionate designs, using the Gordijn's fortoshapes and strong complement one anbest materials and theamalgamate latest other. Their designs nature and technology, ideology and production technologies. reality. Their aim is to make original and passionate designs, using the best materials and the latest “In this time technologies. of information overload and exaggerated senses, we production hope that our work emphasizes the metaphysical quality of human sensations, that establishesoverload a point of balance in the midst of we the “In this time of itinformation and exaggerated senses, contradictions daily life, and that stresses immaterial spiritual hope that our of work emphasizes theitmetaphysical quality of humanand emotional values. of these goals, light hasinbeen one ofofour sensations, that itBecause establishes a point of balance the midst the favourite mediums; lightlife, expresses in immaterial a very directspiritual way.’’ and contradictions of daily and thatemotions it stresses emotional values. Because of these goals, light has been one of our favourite mediums; light expresses emotions in a very direct way.’’ Studio DRIFT’s work includes the Flylight, Fragile Futura 3 (FF3), Shylight, Dandelight and the Ghost collection. Their most widely known work FF3 is made with real dandelion are attached to theFragile light byFutura hand,3one by Shylight, one. Studio DRIFT’sseeds workthat includes the Flylight, (FF3), Dandelight and the Ghost collection. Their most widely known work FF3 is made Since 2006 their work has been exhibited at leading museums and with real dandelion seeds that are attached to the light by hand, one by one. fairs worldwide, including the Victoria & Albert Museum London, Salone del Mobile Since 2006 their work has been exhibited at leading museums and Milan, World Expoincluding Shanghai, Boijmans van Beuninfairs worldwide, theDesign/ VictoriaMiami, & Albert Museum London, gen museum, Design Week Tokyo, Design Act Moscow, Museum of Salone del Mobile Arts & Design New York and The Israel Miami, Museum. Milan, World Expo Shanghai, Design/ Boijmans van Beuningen museum, Design Week Tokyo, Design Act Moscow, Museum of DRIFT beenNew awarded their designs, including Arts &has Design York several and Thetimes Israelfor Museum. ‘Light of the’ from the German Design Council in 2008 for Fragile Future. In 2010 Nauta and Gordijin’s FragileforFuture Concreteincluding Chandelier DRIFT has been awarded several times their designs, won ‘The Hennessy Pavillion of ArtCouncil and Design London Prize’Fu‘Light of Moet the’ from the German Design in 2008 for Fragile and was by the andFragile AlbertFuture Museum in Lodnon. Most ture. In acquired 2010 Nauta andVictoria Gordijin’s Concrete Chandelier recently, Fragile 3.5 won the 1st (audience the won ‘The MoetFuture Hennessy Pavillion ofprize Art and Design award) LondonatPrize’ ZomerExpo, Gemeentemuseum and was acquired by the VictoriaThe andHague. Albert Museum in Lodnon. Most recently, Fragile Future 3.5 won the 1st prize (audience award) at the DRIFT’s Fragile Future series is developed in collaboration with the ZomerExpo, Gemeentemuseum The Hague. Carpenters Workshop Gallery in London and Paris. The GHOST collection is represented by Patrick Fine ArtinGallery. DRIFT’s Fragile Future seriesBrillet is developed collaboration with the Carpenters Workshop Gallery in London and Paris. The GHOST collection is represented by Patrick Brillet Fine Art Gallery.

Performance Carwan Gallery presents Gradient Mashrabiya consisting of 650°© Performance wooden pieces found by 2 Austrian desigers put together and proCarwan presents Gradient Mashrabiya consisting of 650°© duced byGallery a Lebanese carpenter. wooden pieces Booth Number: A12 found by 2 Austrian desigers put together and proStudio mischer'traxler teamed up with a Lebanese woodworker to rededuced by a Lebanese carpenter. fine the constructive system of the mashrabiyas. Mashrabiyas are deliBooth Number: A12


cate wooden screens often found Middle Eastern woodworker architecture.to Made Studio mischer'traxler teamed upinwith a Lebanese redeoffine many lathed wooden elements connectedMashrabiyas together, these the small constructive system of the mashrabiyas. arefine delilattice works are realised by skilled woodworkers and architecture. thus form anMade cate wooden screens often found in Middle Eastern important position within traditional Middle Easterntogether, craftsmanship. of many small lathed wooden elements connected these fine lattice works are realised by skilled woodworkers and thus form an Inspired by position the process of lathing the small wooden for mashrabiimportant within traditional Middle Easternparts craftsmanship. yas, mischer'traxler focused on representing all steps of production, to make the craftsmen's work visible and understandable to the Inspired by the process of lathing the small wooden parts forobserver. mashrabiThe a sideboard is composed of a network of more than 650 dif-to yas,result mischer'traxler focused on representing all steps of production, ferent pieces of manually hand carved wood. It shows allobserver. producmakesingle the craftsmen's work visible and understandable to the tion rectangular slat to refined lathed decorative elements Thestages result from a sideboard is composed of a network of more than 650 difwithin onepieces object.ofWith each stage, the sideboard's patternallgets ferentthe single manually hand carved wood. It shows producmore and more defined, detailed fragile lathed but at the same time more tion stages from rectangular slatand to refined decorative elements and more A transformation from a quite simple within thethree-dimensional. one object. With each stage, the sideboard's pattern gets table a complex, detailed and decorative piece moretoand more defined, detailed and fragile but of at furniture. the same time more and more three-dimensional. A transformation from a quite simple table to a complex, detailed and decorative piece of furniture.

American University of Sharjah (Booth Number A38) College of Art, Architecture & Design, Sharjah, U.A.E. American University of Sharjah (Booth Number A38) TheSharjah, College of Architecture, Art and Design (CAAD) at the American College of Art, Architecture & Design, U.A.E. University of Sharjah (AUS) is committed to redefining education and in the region. Design faculty and at (CAAD) at students the American Thecreative Collegepractice of Architecture, Art and Design CAAD have aofhistory of (AUS) making in applied and aesthetic contexts that University Sharjah is committed to redefining education contribute significantly theregion. regional and international material at and creative practice intothe Design faculty and students culture madea in the Gulf. The cross-disciplinary special topics course CAAD have history of making in applied and aesthetic contexts that Form, Furniture and Graphics principles ofgraphic and contribute significantly to theintegrates regional and international material typographic form withGulf. furniture design. The goal special is to expand culture made in the The cross-disciplinary topicsthe course definition of furniture beyond normative toward Form, Furniture and Graphics integratesfunction principles ofgraphic and typographic form with furniture design. The goal is to expand the definition of furniture beyond normative function toward Virginia Commonwealth University, Doha, Qatar (Booth Number A40)

The university is a hub for excellence in education & research in Art Virginia Commonwealth University, Doha, Qatar & Design that envisions a Qatari society which advances through (Booth Number A40)

Kwangho Lee: Life Carving of Styrofoam Blocks (2 hours) Performance: Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa. (Outside deck) Christofle or TAG aviation, students’ works show a fresh take on the future of luxury Kwangho Lee: Lifethe Carving of Styrofoam Blocks (2 hours) and craftsmanship. Location: Design Days Dubai, Downtown, Burj Khalifa. (Outside deck) Christofle or TAG aviation, the students’ works show a fresh take on the future of luxury and craftsmanship.

Exhibitions: Tashkeel, Dubai, U.A.E. (Booth Number A37) Exhibitions: Since October 2011 Tashkeel has offered three projects which exem-

Tashkeel, Dubai, U.A.E. (Booth A37) plifyNumber its commitment to promoting the work of artists and designers inSince the region, facilitating cross°has cultural dialogue and bringing October 2011 Tashkeel offered three projects which art exemand to the widertocommunity. Thework KhattofFoundation plifydesign its commitment promoting the artists and Type designers Design Workshop providedcross° an opportunity for thirty graphic design in the region, facilitating cultural dialogue and bringing art students andtopracticing to develop contemporary and design the widerprofessionals community. The Khatt Foundation Type Arabic Designprovided Road Dubai was a five-day Designfonts. Workshop an opportunity for programme, thirty graphicwhich design included an exhibition, seven parallel workshops and a series of students and practicing professionals to develop contemporary seminars. The Design “Skate Biladi’’ project represents initiative specifiArabic fonts. Road Dubai was a five-dayan programme, which cally designed to raise awareness of artworkshops and designand in the widerofcomincluded an exhibition, seven parallel a series munity, andThe to encourage bothproject creativerepresents and physical activity. specifiseminars. “Skate Biladi’’ an initiative cally designed to raise awareness of art and design in the wider community, and to encourage both creative and physical activity.

ECAL, Ecole Cantonale d’art (Booth Number A37)

art and design. VCUQ atars focus on design thinkingin Art The university is a hub foreducational excellence in education & research &&creative to sustain successful economic & cultural Design processes that envisions a Qatari society which advances through growth. collection by Director of Fineon arts, Constantin art andFurniture design. VCUQ atars educational focus design thinking Boym and Laurene Boym uses assuccessful starting point the Autoprogettazi& creative processes to sustain economic & cultural one concept by celebrated master of Modernism, Italian designer growth. Furniture collection by Director of Fine arts, Constantin Enzo 1974, Mari a set ofpoint his design drawings, BoymMari. and In Laurene Boympublished uses as starting the Autoprogettazicalling on consumers to make furniture on their own, anddesigner to one concept by celebrated master of Modernism, Italian customize according to one’s personal tastes.drawings, Working Enzo Mari.it In 1974, Mari published a setcultural of his design with local and we overlay Mari's designs calling oncraftsmen consumers tostudents, make furniture on their own, and towith motifs of traditional Arabic craft: personal henna decorations, patterns of customize it according to one’s cultural tastes. Working brass tacks,craftsmen sadu cushions—to achieve unexpected and provocawith local and students, we overlay Mari's designs with tive results. motifs of traditional Arabic craft: henna decorations, patterns of brass tacks, sadu cushions—to achieve unexpected and provocade Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland tive results.

ECAL, Ecole Cantonale d’artThe de ECAL Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland /University of Art and Design features among the world’s (Booth Number A37)

top 10 Universities of Art and Design. For its first ever show in the Region, ECAL of has Designfeatures Days Dubai, order TheGulf ECAL /University Artchosen and Design amonginthe world’s totop present a selectionofofArt projects created byits thefirst students of the 10 Universities and Design. For ever show in Master of Region, Advanced Studies in Design and Days Luxury Industry. Made the Gulf ECAL has chosen Design Dubai, in order intocollaboration with major international such present a selection of projects createdluxury by thebrands students of as the Baccarat, Hublot, Christofle or TAG aviaMaster ofSwarovski, AdvancedBernardaud, Studies in Design and Luxury Industry. Made tion, the students’with works show a fresh takeluxury on thebrands futuresuch of luxury in collaboration major international as and craftsmanship. Baccarat, Swarovski, Bernardaud, Hublot, Christofle or TAG aviation, the students’ works show a fresh take on the future of luxury and craftsmanship.




“United Arab Bank” Rebranding





28 28

united arab bank 34

united arab bank

united arab bank united arab bank

‫البـنـك العـربـي المـتـحــد‬

‫البـنـك العـربـي‬

United Arab Bank ‫البنك العـربـي المـتحـد‬

United Arab Bank ‫البنك العـربـي المـتحـد‬

united‫المـتحـد‬ arab ‫العـربـي‬ bank ‫البنك‬ United Arab Bank

‫البنك العربي المتحد‬ United Bank ‫المتحد‬Arab ‫العربي‬ ‫البنك‬

‫البنك العـربـي المـتحـد‬ United Arab Bank

‫البـنـك العربـي المـتـحــد‬

united arab bank

‫البـنـك العربـي المـتـحــد‬

The final steps towards the final logo was fixing the chosen typefaces along with the finalThe logofinal drawing. steps towards the final logo was Studying Arabic and fixing the the spaces chosenbetween typefacesthe along with the English logo drawing was a crucial finaltype logowith drawing. partStudying of the process in order to reach to final the spaces between the Arabic and logoEnglish design.type with logo drawing was a crucial Choosing between the last two options was according to position of the logo drawing with the typeface. We also had to choose where the Arabic type should go above the English or the other way around.

united arab bank

united arab bank

United Arab Bank united arab bank

Three final logo drawing with final logo type.

‫البـنـك العربـي المـتـحــد‬

‫البـنـك العربـي المـتـحــد‬

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank

Three final logo drawing with final logo type.

‫البـنـك العـربـي المـتـحــد‬

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank ‫المـتـحــد‬

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank

‫البـنـك العـربـي المـتـحــد‬

united arab bank

united arab bank

united arab bank


part of the process in order to reach to final logo design. Final Logo with chosen colour and typeface


“United Arab Bank� Rebranding




“United Arab Bank” Rebranding






unite und ite dab ar arba abnk bank

unitedunited arab bank arab bank

‫اﻟﺒـﻨـﻚ اﻟﻌﺮﺑـﻲ اﻟﻤـﺘـﺤــﺪ‬

bank united arab

bankbank arabarab united united


ATMATM screen screen prototype. prototype.

ATMATM machine machine Prototype. Prototype.



Bank Vehicle design.

‫أسرع بنوك الدولة نموا‬

The Fastest Growing Bank in the UAE


‫أسرع بنوك الدولة نموا‬

The Fastest Growing Bank in the UAE

Hello, AlAl i Profile Retail Banking SME Banking Corporate Banking Islamic Banking Investor Relations

united arab bank


Media Ce


united arab bank


united arab bank Sign up now!

my bank account


My Account #



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Contact Us

gin Lo


Customer Awareness

ord ssw Pa



united arab bank






united arab bank

Outdoors Poster and Advertisement.

The Bank website layout

‫اﻟﺒـﻨـﻚ اﻟﻌﺮﺑـﻲ اﻟﻤـﺘـﺤــﺪ‬


united arab bank

“United Arab Bank” Rebranding


UAB Tower Buhaira Corniche P.O. Box 25022 www.uab.com

Ola AlAli

American University Of Sharjah Tel: +971 6 5075222 Cel: +971 50 1234 552

Mohammed AAli IT Manager

Mohammed AAli IT Manager


united arab bank


UAB Tower Buhaira Corniche P.O. Box 25022 Tel: +971 6 5733906 www.uab.com

UAB Tower Buhaira Corniche P.O. Box 25022 Tel: +971 6 5733906

‫اﻟﺒـﻨـﻚ اﻟﻌﺮﺑـﻲ اﻟﻤـﺘـﺤــﺪ‬

July 1, 2013

united arab bank

Sahara Studio P.O. Box 24025 AlQoaz Area, FL 33124-2025 Dear Mrs. AlAli: United Arab Bank Corporation, a diversified financial holding company headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, (“Bank of America”) is pleased to have this opportunity to comment on the Advance Notice of Proposed rule making of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published in the Federal Register, concerning the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM Act”). United Arab Bank supports the goal of the CAN-SPAM Act and appreciates the opportunity to comment on this important matter. United Arab Bank is one of the world’s largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small businesses and large corp16,500 ATMs and award-winning online banking with more than nine million active users. The company serves clients in 150 countries and has relationships with 96 percent of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies and 82 percent of the Global Fortune 500. Bank of America Corporation stock (ticker: BAC) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Bill to Ola AlAli Sahara Trading Industrial Area Sharjah, 962 tel: +971 6 5665222

Date: INNVOICE # Customer ID


12-09-2018 123456 123


Financial Service Authority Periodic Fee Consumer Financial Education Body Fee Financial Services Compensation Scheme Levy Financial Service Authority Periodic Fee Consulting Services Consulting Services Consumer Financial Education Body Fee Financial Services Compensation Scheme Levy Consulting Services

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

231.00 3455.00 14566.00 246.00 2453.00 432.00 133.00 210.00 464.00



Other commercial entities, United Arab Bank communicates with its customers and potential customers for a wide-range purposes, but we also have a strong interest in seeing the reduction of unis listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Fortune 500 companies and 82 percent of the Global Fortune 500. Bank of America Corporation stock (ticker: BAC) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. United Arab Bank Corporation, a diversified financial holding company headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, (“Bank of America”) is pleased to have this opportunity to comment on the Advance Notice of Proposed rulemaking of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published in the Federal Register, concerning the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM Act”). United Arab Bank supports the goal of the CAN-SPAM Act and appreciates the opportunity to comment on this important matter.

‫اﻟﺒـﻨـﻚ اﻟﻌﺮﺑـﻲ اﻟﻤـﺘـﺤــﺪ‬ united arab bank

United Arab Bank communicates with its customers and potential customers for a wide-range purposes, but we also have a strong interest in seeing the reduction of unis listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Total Due

Important notes

‫اﻟﺒـﻨـﻚ اﻟﻌﺮﺑـﻲ اﻟﻤـﺘـﺤــﺪ‬ united arab bank

Paul Trowbridge Chief Executive Officer Tel: +971 6 5075222 Fax: +971 6 5733906 Cel: +971 50 1234 552

UAB Tower Buhaira Corniche



1. Total Payment due is 30 days 2.Please include invoice number on your check

Important notes

UAB Tower Buhaira Corniche P.O. Box 25022 www.uab.com

Paul Trowbridge Chief Executive Officer

Ola AlAli

American University Of Sharjah Tel: +971 6 5075222 Cel: +971 50 1234 552

‫اﻟﺒـﻨـﻚ اﻟﻌﺮﺑـﻲ اﻟﻤـﺘـﺤــﺪ‬ united arab bank

Tel: +971 6 5075222 Fax: +971 6 5733906 Cel: +971 50 1234 552

UAB Tower Buhaira Corniche



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mazaj‫اج‬ ْ ‫َمــــ َز‬

r mood



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‫َم َـزاج‬


‫ا ْج‬ ‫َز‬

yo u r mood


Oats are an effective mood booster. This is because they have a low glycaemic index (GI), as they slowly release energy into our bloodstream rather than by a quick rush that soon dips.



Lentils and Rice


Chicken and Spinach

Oysters contain a protein that’s rich in an amino acid called tyrosine. Your brain uses this amino acid to produce chemicals, which may have the ability to help enhance your mental function and elevate your mood.


studies have shown that antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risk of depression.

Fruits & Vegetables

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to many health problems – such as depression, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.



Choosing low GI carbs is one of the most important things we can do on a daily basis to help regulate blood glucose levels which in turn will help maintain our energy levels and ultimately our mood.

Grain bread

As dark chocolate is made with a high proportion of cocoa it also contains high amounts of the antioxidant molecules the flavonoids and the phenolic phytochemicals known for their positive health benefits.

Dark chocolate

Studies have shown increased depression, irritability, anxiety and tiredness in people with low selenium levels – so by just eating a few Brazil nuts a couple of times a week might help to improve your mood.

Brazil nuts



mazaj 65



Brown pasta Oysters

35 55

Brown rice



Atlantic salmon provides you with your entire daily requirement of essential fats. These fats have a powerful role in improving the body’s cells ability to take up essential hormones, including those involved in mood regulation-

‫اج‬ ْ ‫َمــ َز‬

Atlantic salmon



‫ــــ‬ ‫َم‬ az

‫اج‬ ْ ‫َمــ َز‬



َ ‫َم‬ ْ ‫ــز‬ َ ‫َم‬ ْ‫ــزاج‬ ‫ا ْج‬ ‫اج‬ ‫ َ ـ ـ ـ َز‬mazaj ‫مـــز اج‬mazaj َ ‫ َ ْ َمـــــــز َما ـج‬mazaj

‫ز ا ْج‬ َ ‫ـــــــز اـ ـ ـجـ‬ َ ‫َم‬ ‫م‬ َ J MAZA j

َ ‫َم‬ ‫ـــــــز ا ج‬ MAZA Jْ ‫ز‬ َ َ ‫َم َمــــ‬ ‫اج‬ mazaj ‫ــــــــــــز ا ج‬ MAZA J


‫َمــــ‬ 25





“Mazaj Cafe” Branding Branding


mazaj C AF E


“Mazaj Cafe” Branding



C AFE CAFE SNACKS Atlantic salmon Atlantic salmon provides you with your entire daily requirement of essential fats. These fats have a powerful role in improving the body’s cells ability to take up essential hormones, including those involved in mood regulation-


Studies have shown increased depression, irritability, anxiety and tiredness in people with low selenium levels – so by just eating a few Brazil nuts a couple of times a week might help to improve your mood.

Brown rice


Brown pasta

55 65

Oysters Oysters contain a protein that’s rich in an amino acid called tyrosine. Your brain uses this amino acid to produce chemicals, which may have the ability to help enhance your mental function and elevate your mood.

Chicken and Spinach Turkey Lentils and Rice




As dark chocolate is made with a high proportion of cocoa it also contains high amounts of the antioxidant molecules the flavonoids and the phenolic phytochemicals known for their positive health benefits.






Vitamin D deficiency is linked to many health problems – such as depression, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.


Choosing low GI carbs is one of the most important things we can do on a daily basis to help regulate blood glucose levels which in turn will help maintain our energy levels and ultimately our mood.

Fruits & Vegetables


studies have shown that antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risk of depression.

Oats Oats are an effective mood booster. This is because they have a low glycaemic index (GI), as they slowly release energy into our bloodstream rather than by a quick rush that soon dips.



Dark chocolate

Grain bread 55




Brazil nuts


mazaj CAFE




Brazil nuts and honey

Dark chocolate with bananas As dark chocolate is made with a high proportion of cocoa it also contains high amounts of the antioxidant molecules the flavonoids and the phenolic phytochemicals known for their positive health benefits.

Oats, yogurt and chocolate Choosing low GI carbs is one of the most important things we can do on a daily basis to help regulate blood glucose levels which in turn will help maintain our energy levels and ultimately our mood.

Coconuts with chocolate

d Life your moo


Studies have shown increased depression, irritability, anxiety and tiredness in people with low selenium levels – so by just eating a few Brazil nuts a couple of times a week might help to improve your mood.

When you’re stressed, the scent of coconut may blunt your natural “fight or flight” response.




Fuzzy brain? Drinking caffeinated black, green or oolong tea may elicit a more alert state of mind. - Green tea - Red tea - Moroccan tea - Black Tea Flavours Earl Grey Tea -English Breakfast tea -Jasmine tea




Enjoy a cup or two a day of milk based coffee for the joint benefit of some low GI carbs for energy regulation as well as a caffeine boos.

Water 55


Water is extremely important for our bodies to function properly – and even the smallest degree of water loss can impair our physical and mental wellbeing.

Fresh juices - Coconuts - Bananas



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‫ةقر اشل ا‬ ‫لخادلا نم‬ ‫جر اخل او‬

‫فشكتسا‬. ‫عتمتسا‬ ‫ة قرا ش لا‬

Interactive Design

Interactive design

Tourism Smartphone Application




where? ar


please sign in or sign up to proceed. sharjah inside – out


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Smartphone App to enhance tourism in Sharjah.


hilton hotel

places sahara center



restaurants & cafes




corniche road / sharjah

al nahda st/sharjah









light festival



sharjah biennial



water festival 2013

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Explore. Enjoy. Embrace. Sharjah

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cafes shay al shabab



events water festival 2013


university city / sharjah

Al Majaz Park / sharjah







11 to 21 december 2013

‫‪Interactive design‬‬

‫‪Tourism Smartphone Application‬‬






‫فنادق‬ ‫فندق هيلتون‬

‫مركز صحارى‬ ‫تنقل‬

‫إلى أين؟‬ ‫اختر موقعا‪.‬‬


‫شارع النهدة‪ /‬الشارقة‬

‫مطاعم ومقاهي‬ ‫المواقع‬ ‫فنادق‬ ‫أحداث‬ ‫مهرجان الماء ‪٢٠١٣‬‬ ‫مهرجان الضوء‬ ‫بينالي الشارقة‬

‫شارع الكورنيش ‪ /‬الشارقة‬





‫تعليقا ت‬ ‫صور‬

‫تعليقا ت‬ ‫صور‬

‫‪eng‬‬ ‫‪23‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬



‫يرجى تسجيل الدخول أو‬ ‫التوقيع على المضي قدما‪.‬‬ ‫تسجيل الدخول‬ ‫اسم المستخدم‬ ‫كلمة السر‬





‫مهرجان الماء ‪٢٠١٣‬‬ ‫تنقل‬ ‫حديقة المجاز ‪ /‬الشارقة‬ ‫‪971-6-6542278‬‬

‫مقاهي‬ ‫شاي الشباب‬ ‫تنقل‬ ‫المدينة الجامعي‪ /‬الشارقة‬


‫‪ ١١‬إلى ‪ ٢١‬ديسمبر ‪٢٠١٣‬‬ ‫تعليقا ت‬ ‫صور‬

‫تعليقا ت‬ ‫صور‬

‫االشتراك‬ ‫انشاء حساب جديد‬

‫الشارقة‬ ‫من الداخل‬ ‫والخارج‬

‫استكشف‪ .‬استمتع‪ .‬عانق‬ ‫الشارقة‬

Museum website

Interactive design



mazaj C AF E


Analog Photography



Prints produced in the Dark room, and taken with Pinhole Camera.

Analog Photography



Prints produced in the Dark room, and taken with analog camera.

Reminisce of the Past



Photographs from the past were projected on a wall to capture the reaction of people who relate to it.


Oats are an effective mood booster. This is because they have a low glycaemic index (GI), as they slowly release energy into our bloodstream rather than by a quick rush that soon dips.



Lentils and Rice


Chicken and Spinach

Oysters contain a protein that’s rich in an amino acid called tyrosine. Your brain uses this amino acid to produce chemicals, which may have the ability to help enhance your mental function and elevate your mood.



studies have shown that antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risk of depression.

Fruits & Vegetables

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to many health problems – such as depression, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.




Choosing low GI carbs is one of the most important things we can do on a daily basis to help regulate blood glucose levels which in turn will help maintain our energy levels and ultimately our mood.

Grain bread





Brown pasta

As dark chocolate is made with a high proportion of cocoa it also contains high amounts of the antioxidant molecules the flavonoids and the phenolic phytochemicals known for their positive health benefits.

Dark chocolate


Brown rice

Brazil nuts Studies have shown increased depression, irritability, anxiety and tiredness in people with low selenium levels – so by just eating a few Brazil nuts a couple of times a week might help to improve your mood.



Atlantic salmon provides you with your entire daily requirement of essential fats. These fats have a powerful role in improving the body’s cells ability to take up essential hormones, including those involved in mood regulation-

Atlantic salmon







mazaj CAFE

American University of Sharjah 2013/2014

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