XLV Reunión de Ministros - OLADE

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OLADE se prepara para realizar, junto a los ministros de los 27 países miembro la XLV Reunión de Ministros


de Ministros

de OLADE en Tarija, Bolivia.

La Reunión más importante del año para el sector energético regional




OLADE is prepared to carry out the XLV Meeting of Ministers of OLADE, together with the ministers of the 27

XLV Meeting

of Ministers

Member Countries in Tarija, Bolivia.

The most important meeting of the year for the regional energy sector




XLVMeeting of Ministers

President Evo Morales attended the launch of the Meeting of Ministers held in Tarija on August 31st and has personally committed in convening the countries to participate. “It is a very important international meeting. We expect the 27 countries can participate to discuss energy matters. The Congress will allow us to share our experiences. After knowing about OLADE’s mission, we believe it is important to promote policies, programs and projects to avoid lack of energy,” said the president.

The XLV Meeting of Ministers takes place in a context of global economic crisis and approval of the new Sustainable Development Goals. In this context, OLADE promotes a space for debate between the main authorities of the energy sector in the region and between countries and funding agencies of the sector, "the priority is energy integration; it is a process that must be undertaken at all times and integration will bring energy from countries with sources and resources to other countries with shortage of them,” says Fernando César Ferreira, Executive Secretary of OL The Meeting will take place in Tarija on October 30th at Los Parrales Hotel, organized by the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and OLADE, sponsored by Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) Corporation, the National Electricity Company (ENDE) Corporation, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the CAF.

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