samantha's digital portfolio

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Samantha’s Digital Portfolio Contact me at:

Table Of Contents

My Design Firm

Page deisgn firm Page 2...Re-modeled room Page 3...Matieral and mood boards Page 4...New build Page 5..Dream teen room

We created a our own design firm. We had to made cards and ads for our firm. We promoted our firm on a poster board.

Mine was called “Home Designs�. I based my aesthitic off of diffrent shades of browns. all of my assesorices were brown and i added plants to seperate colors.

Re-Modeled Room For this project we redesigned a room in our own house. We took a fieldtrip to diffrent house and diffrent models.Our goal was to be inspired by them.

I choose my down stairs living room, i felt that the re modeling was nessarsy. It was an outdated room.

Material And Mood Boards We made many mood and matieral boards in this class.These were nessasary for explaining our ideas and displaying them as well.

Mateirals we could put on them included items such as carpet,wood,and fabric samples. We could also include paint sample add color. Textures were fun to play with.

Teen Dream Room This was by far my favorite project. We choose a color scheme and designed . This had to include a piece of furniture that our cilent wanted.

I choose a white and black theme. My client needed tpo incude a shelf they wanted.

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