addie decarlo - color schemes

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Color Schemes Addie DeCarlo

Complementary Complementrary color schemes use one base color and it’s complement. A complement is the color’s exact opposite on the color wheel. This color schemetypically consists of one warm color and one cool color.

Triadic A triadic color scheme includes any three colors that are equally apart on the color wheel. These three colors usually form a triangle. Typically, one color is dominant while the other two are accents.


The monochromatic color scheme focuses on one color. However, it uses different shades and tones of that color. Its common to use white along with the single color.


Neutral colors are not located on the color wheel. Neutral color schemes can range from whites and cremes charcoals and black. Designs wtih this color scheme often look very minimalistic and professional.

Accented Neutral

This color scheme is very similar to the neutral color scheme. However, instead of only having neutral colors, it includes one color on the color wheel. For example, it can look like beiges, whites, and accents of blue.


The analagous color scheme includes a group of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. It typically uses one base color and two secondary colors placed around it. Another example of an analagous color scheme would be yellow, yellow green, and green.

Split Complementary This color scheme uses 3 hues. Select one main color and 2 colors on either side of its complementary color. The base color is the main hue, while the other two are accents and highlights.

Tetriad This color scheme uses any 4 colors with logical relationships on the color wheel. For instance, the colors will form a shape on the color wheel. Examples of shapes can be a square or rectangle.

Complementary Triad In this color scheme, you begin with two complementary colors, and the third is halfway between the two others. Each of these colors will only be found on one side of the color wheel. The three colors are also distributed evenly around the color wheel.

Analagous Complementary This color scheme mixes analagous and complementary color schemes. You begin by choosing a main color and it’s complement. Then, you choose two colors either next to the main color or the complement.

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