Bee Magazine

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BEE Oh Honey Happy yourself healthy


CONT out there






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oh honey confident


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People often times ask themselves “what can i do to my myself happier? �you only have one chance on this earth, don’t waste being miserable instead do things that make you happy. Find simple things in life that make you happy. Enjoy life; when you begin to enjoy life better and others around you begin to enjoy being around you. Happiness comes in all different forms, you can be happy through your mind; most happy thoughts come from within you learn how to tame negative thoughts and approach everyday with new things. To become a happier person you need to surround yourself with people that will make you happy. People that will

push you to be a better version of yourself and inspire you to do achieve greater things. Always look at everything you do as a cup half full mindset not half empty. You choose yourself happiness, the things that bring you the most joy in life are the simple things that bring you the most happiness. Happiness can come from relationships you have, it came come from doing something you love, it can come from being around the people that mean the most to you. Everyone in life just wants to be happy and find their own happiness in the things they love.

unique Everyday i look around and see the latest trends. As times ges on the more and more trendy it is to dress in your own style. When i was younger i wore all of my sisters clothes. She established her own style at a young age. I on the other hand had no real sense of style, and all i wanted was to fit in. i remember that one day i decided that i wanted a jean jacket. This was my first big decision on what i wanted in my own unique personal style. As i found my own jean jacket, that i began to deck out with patches, i found that i was finally finding myself. This journey in finding my style helped me find who i was as a person. The steps i took in fashion where reflected on my personality. It's never enough to be unique, mostly because there will be someone else out there like you. It may feel like everyone around you may all be the same, but every human is unique in their own way. The main thing i recommend when finding your own unique style is thinking about all the qualities you admire in other things. Here are some steps to finding you unique self. Find what makes you the most happy Try not to worry as much/ or stress too much Be confident

The first step of being happy mostly means to choose the things you naturally ar drawn to. For me i a naturally attracted to bright and colorful things. They make me the most happy. For the second step of trying not to worry about things, or stressing too much i keep a journal, this allows anything that distracts from my unhappy to go away or get out of my system.and for the third step of being confident, it’s important to show how unique you are though you confidence, mostly because confidence itself is a very attractive quality in people.All of these steps have helped me make most of my life decisions. I had a had got life once highschool hit. Like most i didn’t really have friends, and i found myself envying others. As i grew up i met people who made me happy so i built my life around them, and with them. Happiness became a driving force for my uniqueness. I found myself unhappy following others. I couldn’t handle the “trends” of the “music”. And you know just because everyone else is doing it, this does not mean you have to do it or like doing it. If everyone was the same we would get nowhere.


BEE adventurous

To be an adventurer. Anything and everything is a new adventure. I had to tell myself his to so i could try new things without freaking out. Most adventures start with something new, or unfamiliar. One adventure i have had in my life had forever changed the way i view things. It started one evening with some friends i haven't hung out with these people for that long but i immediately realised what this was going to be an adventure. We head out to a lake on a misty day. I really thought it was just going to be a day at the ake but it turned into a walkway past the lake into a quarry . this wharry had a mini lake that had fresh water and a giant hill . my friends called it melancholy hill. This whole adventure showed me who my friends really were. I have been to numerous high school parties and those adventures i found boring and sad, but as i was with these friends i was happy and i decided to swear that i would never put myself into a highschool party unhappy and settling for my friends ever again.


yourself It’s can be hard sometimes, caring and being worried about what people think of us. I feel that way sometimes but I have found that you feel happier when you don’t care .you should never feel like you cant be yourself. everyone’s free to express who they are in anyway they want. This is the oldest you are and the youngest you will ever be so don’t let anyone tell you who to be. Feeling insecure can happen to anyone. It can be hard seeing people with their perfect lives on the internet especially now with social media being a big part of people’s lives. Seeing other people feeling free to be who they want to be inspires me and makes me feel comfortable to be who I am. Being yourself could mean dressing how you want even if its different. Many public influencers have their own style and finding your own and being comfortable with it is great. There are also so many different ways to find yourself like listening to your favorite music even if it’s different or not popular. Many people express themselves through art, i find are very soothing, painting what you see and feel can help release anything you don’t want to feel or want to exhibit. It’s important to feel and be confident. If working out and eating healthy makes you feel confident dot it, if not doing anything makes you feel confident, don’t do

anything. Finding something you’re good at can make you feel confident if your not sure what you’re good at find something it truly makes you feel good about yourself.having great friends that are truthful and uplifting is great for your spirit. Friends that encourage you to feel better, do better,and are proud of you, are great always keep around. It’s great when people are proud of you. Keep anything that makes you feel insecure and unhappy away from you whether that’s people or social media. Unfollowing people that make you feel less of yourself or not good enough is helpful even a social media break is healthy. Instead of following people that make you think twice about yourself, follow someone inspiring that you can relate too or gives out good advice and makes you feel good about yourself. I like to express myself with music, i find that being good at something is empowering, i really enjoy playing the guitar i many not be the best but when i practice and it sounds nice im so proud of myself. There are so many ways to be different and express yourselves you just just have to find what you are comfortable or even what your not comfortable with. If it makes you happy go for it


BEE outthere


When i was younger i was a shy kid. Every once and a while i see that shy part in me comes out. Finding who i wanted to be involved me putting myself out there. To bee outhere in life it means exposing your true identity in order help shape others, and society. If you keep everything in and don't share talents, things that were meant to help others will be postponed until you put yourself out there. I wouldn't have made any of the friends i have now unless i had put myself out there. So my piece of advice that i give to you i be brave, bold and don't be afraid to go get what you want because if you don't , someday you will regret it. Whether it's relationships, of family matters always speak your mind. This doesn't mean going out there offending people and being rude just because you feel obligated to tell them you opinion on their outfit. The whole point of speaking the truth is to allow others to find out who you really are by revealing yourself instead of holding it in.


BEE strong


Being strong willed and strong hearted is a trait that many feel is a great character to have. Each day of your life is different yet they are all the same. Sometimes I become so overwhelmed with myself and get frustrated. I think that nothing will ever go right and that I should just give up, but I believe that if I stay strong in all that I do, I can overcome anything. Anything is possible if you believe. Challenges are a part of everyday life. They make us stronger and without them life becomes somewhat meaningless because we have nothing to compare the good times to. These challenges come in many forms. For some, the challenge is doing well at school, for others it is getting to grips with financial worries. Regardless of the challenge, facing up to it is key. Doing so will make you feel like you can take care of yourself, it will also make you understand the value of what you have now. Facing challenges is a way to push you to make you strong to show you what your capable of. staying strong is the hard times is difficult but it helps you grow as a person and learn from the challenges and become stronger.


BEE different


Sometimes it’s okay to be different. Its okay to be set out from the crowd. Most people want to fit in with the crowd, they want to be apart of the popular kids. Dare to be different, dare to stand out from everyone around you. Being unique is something special, and it takes time to know your uniqueness. Every human being that has ever lived, or ever will live, is unique. You are truly one of a kind. We all know that we as humans, share the usual bits and pieces that most of us have in common but we are all different in our own ways. Your life experiences your gone through makes you the person you are today. They way you were grown up in your family with your parents and the things you learned as a young child makes you unique from everyone else. You make have learned some things that are the same

as others but you all learned in a different way, and there is no one on the planet that learned the exact same things you have. It is the combination of everything that you have learned and the various things that you have done that make you truly different from everyone else on this planet. Others may share some of your talents and abilities, but there is no one who is identical to you. It is rather like an artist painting a picture; even if another artist were to copy the picture as closely as possible it would never be identical. Different brush strokes or combinations of paint would have been used, and each masterpiece is its own. Setting you apart from everyone else shows you the beauty in being different.

relaxed Being relaxed can mean many different things, you just have to find what you think relaxing is. Relaxing can be so many different things like taking a break from homework or anything that brings you stress. Good way to release stress can be doing yoga, painting, listening to music, dancing , or reading a book. finding what makes you relaxed is so helpful and if you are not sure what relaxes you there are so many different things you can try. It’s great to have so many different options and being able to try everything. The three major relaxation techniques are breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation.Taking slow, long, deep breaths, which is also known as abdominal belly breathing is a great technique. Breathing meditation for five minutes can reduce, stress, anxiety, help concentrate, and cool down temper flares. If your not sure how to use breathing techniques there are many options that you can find online that are will be very helpful. There are many ways to achieve a relaxed mind. Meditation is the best way to relax your mind and cultivate mindfulness meditation can. Meditation can help with heart health, chronic pain, anxiety,

and stress. The mind heart and body can improve when regularly meditating. Many people practice meditation because it improves the mood, boost immunity and can help with pregnancy. Meditation can be easy with the simple steps of sitting or lying comfortably while closing your eyes and simply breathing naturally and clearing your mind. Practicing meditation balances the body system. If you are not interested in meditation there are other things like reading your favorite book, going for a walk, listening to music or listening to or sleeping.If your having trouble sleeping there relaxing sleep music videos that is soothing and helps you fall into a fast deep sleep. Many people that i know have recommended sleep music because they have struggled with falling asleep and have found that it has helped them and noticed a big difference on their mood and energy. Everyone is different and deals with different experiences that they need to relax and release stress from which is why it is so great to have so many different options and techniques to help you. Trying things with friends can be relaxing as well like going to the spa, taking a vacation, getting massages, pedicures, or even drinking tea or having a glass of wine together. Talking about what brings you stress can take the weight off your shoulders and you might get some great advice too, you just have to find what’s best for you.



musical 22

Being musical is very important to me. Many people express themselves with the types of genres and artist they listen to. Music can inspire you to be comfortable with yourself and express yourself in anyway. Music is also a way for people to relax and release stress. My favorite artist tells stores in her music that sound like a dream or even that people can relate to. Music can change your perspective in life it can also change them mood you are in just depends on what you are listening to and what you like and enjoy. It cool when you can relate with people that like the same music as you and

meeting new people with the same interest makes thing more exciting. Going to musical vents can fun you can meet new people as well as spending time with people you enjoy being around. See your favorite artist in concert is the most magical thing ever. Finding music that really speaks to you and that you can relate too is great. Music is awesome because you can listen to it whenever like when you in the car with your friends or alone doing homework, on a walk, painting, traveling and so many other places. Find what kind of music you love and express yourself in anyway you want, music is for everyone.

healthy How to parent your mother 101 So if you read the title, you hopefully understand what I’m getting at here, but if you don’t...keep reading So I’m 18 years old. My mother is 46 but for the sake of me typing out her name every time. We’re just going to call her mom Anyways, my mom has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression. She was on medication, but let’s just say that didn’t work out. Currently she works full time night shift in a small town, she used to have a car but that’s also a long story. So we have a divorced woman living in a small apartment who is mentally ill, walks to work and lives paycheck to paycheck. I live with my dad and I am currently attending to college at Johnson County Community College. This isn’t only a story about my mom, but it’s about me too. I think one of the hardest parts of my relationship with my mom is the fact that I feel neglected. Trust me, I don’t like the way that sounds either, but my mom is busy in her own world, paranoid, and half the time too depressed and emotionally unavailable. And the other half, overbearing and over loving.Blame it on what you will, a bad childhood, the tragic death of her mother, genetics. The thing is, I want better for her, but there’s nothing I do if she doesn’t want better for herself. And I truly don’t believe that she does. She is truly delusional and she doesn’t even know that she is crazy. I could tell you about the tragic story of my parents, how and why they got divorced, I could tell you about the straight decline after the death of my nana, I could write about that one day during the summer of 2016 when my mom decided to show up at my house and tell my family about how she had decided she was going to kill herself resulting in us calling the police. Or that one night when she forgot to pay a parking ticket and she got arrested and had to be bailed out. I could write in grave detail about how every time these things happened, I contemplated my future and the futures of my siblings. I looked at how one of the most important people in our lives was somehow stunting our growth and confusing us beyond explanation. So many things that my mom has done, she has no idea the effect it has had on her family. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t wished my mom was somehow out of my life somehow so I wouldn’t have to worry so much all of the time. I can’t tell you how many times I have cried over the fact that In past experiences have struggled so much with our relationship. I used

look at other people’s relationships with their moms and I wished that mine could be the same. I wondered how someone could be so selfish and not even know it. How do I deal with it? I truly, I don’t know I go a day at a time. I try to enjoy the good days with her. I try not to worry because worrying doesn’t fix anything. The situation to me truly feels hopeless. My mom lives in a world where everyone around her is the enemy except for her children. She is a person who neither forgives or forgets. My mom is one of the most stubborn people I know. But she’s my responsibility now. I am an 18 year old with a 46 year old kid. Yeah she’s “independent”, she makes her own money, whatever. She doesn’t trust banks, she’s terrible with money, she spends and doesn’t keep track of any of it. She’s not healthy: mentally, physically, emotionally, and she just generally doesn’t take good care of herself. Nevertheless she is my mom.It’s hard and it took me a while to understand that my situation wasn’t typical or or even anywhere similar to most people. I try not to wish too much I try to be happy that I have a mom (some of the time) I could try and get her help but she doesn’t want it. I could tell her that she is crazy and she wouldn’t believe me. Sometimes I think she’s too far gone, she’s up in space and my arms are ropes that will never be long enough to pull her back to earth. This could have been avoided, she could have accepted help when it was offered to her instead of seeing the help as a threat. But I can’t control her, I never can, I never will and it would be a lie if I didn’t want to force her. She is her own person. I could brush her off and not have a good relationship with her. But I try, because even if she is far gone I try to hope for the future and for the better. Her state of living is currently very depressing for every point of view you look at it from. Except for her, it’s her life and it’s the quality that she has fallen to. You cannot help someone who doesn’t not want to be helped. And you can not force someone to get help. And for now, it’s just okay until it’s not. The point is to try to see the good in others and leave the bad behind - Emily Clark





Having low confidence can prevent you from being able to jump onto new opportunities that present themselves to you. If you don’t feel good enough or smart enough to take an opportunity, you’ll certainly never be able to reap the rewards of success or learn the lessons of failure. Increasing your confidence and improving your self esteem can make you more likely to be successful. When you are positive that you are good enough, you then become good enough. Becoming more confident is simply a matter of changing your perspective and finding the positivity in each of your actions. When you find that positivity, you will see opportunities in front

of you that you’ve never seen before. Having confidence opens your eyes and gives you the courage to take action. Sometimes, it is easier to show compassion to others, than it is to show compassion to ourselves. When you consciously choose to be kind and generous to others, you are practicing the actions you should also be giving to yourself. Having confidence is within yourself, encouraging yourself; giving yourself a pep talk. When you face something in life you don’t think you can achieve you have to always go in with a mind set that you can achieve new things.

oh honey We are here to give you advice on being ok with your beautiful self. There will be times when people will walk by and wave at you and you wave back only to find out that they are not waving at you but that’s ok because we are here to tell you, you are not alone. If at any moment you crash into your neighbor‌ you are not alone.If you pants yourself in a public place, you are not alone. And if you constantly use words incorrectly you are not alo

neThere are a lot of things that make us insecure, but you just gotta work through them. Our failures make us who we all are today, we need bad days to have good days. Learning from your mistakes is the best way to accomplish things. One of my biggest failures came from something so simple. Today learning from past failures has made me realize that my biggest failures are the funniest ones




izzy HI! I’m Izzy Pierce I’m 17 years old and I like to listen to music and dance around my house,but who doesn’t.i love art music and anything that has to do with design.I have crazy sister who loves fashion, an Emily who loves design, a mother whos an interior designer, and a jolly dad who loves computers. I was born and raised in the kcmo area, and i love a good adventure. I got the idea of doing this magazine because I really value the idea of a bee hive working together to make a whole. also how encouraging it is to “bee” something, or do something different with you life to make you a better you. I did the graphic design, some articles,some ads, and the organization in this magazine.

annalise My name is Annalise Corpus and I’m a high school student at Olathe South. I admire and have a desire for fashion and I also love photography. I love being able to capture the life through a camera lens. This magazine is a huge accomplishment and I’m so excited to have it published. It gives you positive tips on how to be yourself and a better way to live your life. Our goal is to make you become a better you, We hope you enjoy it!

emaly My name is emaly Lebaron, i am 18 years old. My favorite thing to do in my free time is listen to music or play the guitar. Music is really one of the most important things in my life it relaxes me and changes my mood. My favorite artist is elizabeth Grant,she’s really inspiring and i love the stories she tells in all of her songs. I have great friends that i really enjoy being around that are supportive and fun. I come from a really large family which i’m very proud of and love. My two favorite colors are black and blue because black goes with everything and blue is always a mood. Both of my parents are from mexico from a colony my great great grandfather started. Mexico is definitely my happy place, most of my family lives there and its where i’ve made most of my best memories.


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