Color Schemes By: Bella Davis
complementary Complementary colors are acrooss the color wheel . Usually a primary color and a secondary color together form complementary colors. Examples: yellow & purple , red & green , and blue & orange
triadic Triadic color sxhemes are three colors that are an equal distance apart from each other on the color wheel . They form a triangle . These typically are the three primary colors (red , blue , yellow) or the three seconfary colors (orange , green and purple)
monochromatic Monochromatic color schemes are where there is only one color from the color wheel . Then the room has all the tints and shades of that one color. Example blue , light blue , and dark blue .
neutral A neutral color scheme has little to no color. This color scheme uses a lot of white , grey, tan/brown and blacks. This color scheme has a very clean , neat look to it.
accented neutral
Accented neutral is similar to neutral because it uses a lot of white , grey, bown and black . Accented neutral has one accent color from the color wheel that is used throughout the room as a pop of color. The accent color is usually a brighter color so it will pop in the room
Analogous is three or four colors that are next to each other on the color wheel . It is typically 4 colors. It can be any set four colors as long as they are next to each other on the color wheel . Example: yellow, yellowgreen , green and blue
split complementary Split complementary is three colors. One set of complementary colors is chosen and then the two tertiary colors on the sides of one of the complementary colors are used and then that complementary color is no longer used . Example: Red , yellow-green and blue-green
A tetrad color scheme is four colors. A tetrad on a color wheel forms a rectangular shape between the four colors. There is 2 main combinations to form a tetrad on a color wheel . Example: orange , green , blue & red and orange , blue , yellow purple .
complementary triad
Complementary triad is three colors. There is one set of complementary colors. Then draw a line out from the middle of the complementary colors. The line drawn from the middle can come out of either side of the line between complementary colors. Example: yellow-green , purple and orange .
analogous complementary
Analogous complementary is four colors. One set of complementary colors and one set of analogous. The analogous colors are the three colors on one side out of the two complementary colors.