Beza Mulugeta - Color Schemes

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Color Scheme Beza Mulugeta


This color scheme uses colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. The colors shown are yellow and purple. Yellow is one of the three primary colors and purple is a secondary color. The combinations that you can choose for this scheme are either one primary and secondary or two tertiary colors.


This scheme is a combination of three hues in equal distance on the color wheel. The colors shown are all the secondary colors. The colors can contrast while containing a balance that can bring out all the colors and be compatible.


This scheme is tints and shades of one color from the color wheel. The colors shown are the shades of blue. The shades of blue can be very dark or a very light shade of blue.


This scheme includes the colors black, white, beige, brown, grey, etc. The colors are of low saturation. The colors used are to unify diverse colors and have a minimalist appeal.

Accented Neutral

This color scheme contains a bright color in a neutral color scheme. The bright color shown is yellow. The accented color can make the room more bold and sets the atmosphere of the room.


This color scheme contains colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. There is a dominant color, which tends to be a primary or secondary color, and two on either side complementing, which tend to be tertiary. This color scheme is better used with warm or cool colors.

Split Contemporary

This color scheme is created by choosing one color and then two more colors that are adjacent to the complementary to the initial color. This main color shown is yellow and its complementary is purple so the two other colors are red-purple and blue-purple. This scheme is a combination of a complementary and analogous color scheme.


This color scheme is created by choosing four colors at the corners of a rectangle inscribed on the color wheel. The colors shown are four tertiary colors. There are two pairs of complementary colors in this color scheme.

Complementary Triad In this color scheme there are three colors.This color scheme contains one pair of complementary colors. The other color can be found halfway between the two other colors. It is shown that there is one primary, secondary, and tertiary color in the examples above.

Analogous Complementary In this color scheme there are four colors. It con-

tains one pair of complementary colors. Then select the two colors found right next to one of the complementary colors on the color wheel. The three colors found right next to each other can also be a monochromatic color scheme.

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