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Color Schemes Blaise Boeve

Complementary Colors Complementary colors are colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel. These colors contrast and are easy to tell apart. An example of complementary colors are blue and orange.

Triadic Colors Triadic colors are colors that form a triangle on the color wheel. These colors also have high contrast and are easy to tell apart. An example of triadic colors could be red, blue, and yellow.

Neutral Colors Neutral colors are colors that could match with almot anything. These colors are so popular because of this. Examples of neutral colors are black, white, and grey.

Accented Neutral Colors Accented colors are neutral colors with a small amount of a bright color. The neutral colors bring out the bright color and make it pop. An example of accented neutral colors would be black, white, and yellow.

Monochromatic Colors Monochromatic colors are just tints and shades of one color. This color scheme makes everything look uniform. An example of monochromatic colors are light blue, blue, and a navy blue.

Analogous Colors Analogous colors are three or four colors that are right next to each other on the color wheel. This color scheme could symolize warmth or coldness depending on the colors. An example is red, red-orange, and orange.

Split Complemperary Colors Split contemperary colors are the colors right next to the chosen complemetary color. These colors add more value than complementary colors. An example of split complementary colors are blue, red-orange, and yellow-orange.

Tetradic Colors Tetradic colors are four colors that are logical. These colors add variation and make the space colorful. An example of tetradic colors are red, orange, green, and blue.

Complementary Triad Colors Complementary triad colors are two complementary colors and the color directly between them. These colors make a color scheme that has three completely different colors. An example of complementary colors are blue, orange, and red-violet.

Analogous Complementary Colors Analogous complementary colors are a color, it’s complementary color, and the two colors directly next to the complementary color. This color scheme results in complementary colors but adds shade and variation. An example of analogous complementary colors are blue, orange, yellow-orange, and red-orange.

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