Color Schemes Breanna Dore
A complementary color scheme are colors directly across from each other on the color wheel. When combining these complementary colors, they cancel each other out, creating colors such as black, white, brown, and gray. These colors might also be known as opposite colors.
This color scheme is comprised of three colors that are all evenly spaced on the color wheel. The most basic triadic color scheme are the primary colors and the secondary colors. This color scheme is generally very busy, but you can choose different shades of a color and settle it down.
A monochromatic color scheme uses tints and shades of one specific color. Tints are achieved by adding white, while shades are made by adding a darker color. Using this color scheme attracts attention and creates focus.
This scheme is based on colors such as white, black, gray, beige, and brown. Neutral colors are based on colors that are very low in saturation. Neutral colors make good backgrounds.
Accented Neutral
The color scheme that is associates with neutral colors plus an accent color is the accented-neutral color scheme. Neutral tones that are used are black, gray, white, beige and many other colors. Even though this color scheme sounds easy to achieve, it can have its struggles.
Analogous An analogous color scheme uses colors next to each other on the color wheel. This color scheme is usually found in nature and is appealing to the eye. When choosing this color scheme, you must make sure you have enough contrast.
Split Complementary
This color scheme uses a base color, and then the two secondary colors on either side of its complement color. When using this color scheme, the base color is used as the main color and the secondary colors are used as accents. The color scheme is more comfortable to the eyes.
Four colors that form a rectangle on the color wheel is called a tetrad color scheme. All the colors in this scheme are evenly spaced throughout the color wheel. This scheme is very vibrant and colorful.
Complementary Triadic
Analogous Complementary
When finding this color scheme on the color wheel, start with two complementary colors and the third color will be halfway between the two colors. This color scheme is very busy and there is no distinct base color.
To find this color scheme start with a main color and find its compliment. Then choose the two colors directly next to the compliment or main color. You can also use different shades and tints of these colors.