Abbie Clements - Color Schemes

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Color Schemes By: Abbie Clements By Abbie Clements

Color Schemes

Complementary Complementary colors are found by looking at the colors directly across from each other on the color wheeel. Some popular examples of this are orange and blue and yellow and purple. This color sceme dsplays two colors that have very different qualities from each other but come together in a satisfying way.

Triadic Triadic color schemes are colors on the color wheel that form a tringlar shape whe connected to each other. A popular example of this are primary colors. Primary colors are often a popular color scheme found in children’s rooms.

Mono Chromatic Mono-chromatic color schemes feature just one color off of the color wheel. these can include different shades of the same color such ad light and dark blue. Monochromatic blue rooms are the most popular nowadays.

Analogus Analogus color schemes consist of 4 colors that sit right next to each other on the color wheel. These include tertiary colors, such as blue-green, in a combination including blue and green. Another exaample of this may be colors spanning from yellow to red-orange.

Split Complementary Split complementary color schemes consist of three colors on the color wheel, starting wit one and then two next to the one directly across from it. An example of this is blue, red-orange and orange-yellow. This color sceme is simlar to complementary but it uses the color next to what would be the color’s complement.

Complementary Triad Complementary Triad color schemes consist of two complementary colors and the one directly 90* from the middle. A popular example of this would be red, green, and orange. Only half of the color wheel is used when finding these colors.

Analogus Complementary Analogus complementay colors include two complementary colors and the two colors surronding the main one’s complement. An example of this would be green as the main color and then red, red-orange, and red-violet. This is similar to the split complementary style but it uses the color in between as well.

Tetrad A tetrad color scheme includes any four colors that have a logical relationship on the color wheel. there can be square tetrads, rectangular tetrads and adjacent tetrads. An example of this would the colors orange, green, red and blue on the color wheel because they form a rectangular tetrad on the color wheel.

Neutral Neutral color schemes incorperate colors such as gray, brown, whilte, and black into their rooms. Thus supports a minimalstic style that does not incorperate many bright colors. The color gray promotes a peaceful and relaxed feeling in people, so this color scheme may be a good option for peoplewho want to have that feeling in their house.

Accented Neutral Acecented neutral rooms include many of the same colors that neutral rooms do except they have one color that adds a pop of color into the room. A popular example of this would be a room that incorperates lots of grays and ebiges but has many green planets and decorations to add a pop of color. This style can avoid the “blandness� of a neutral room while still keeping its benefits.

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