Ashley Park- Color Scheme

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Color Schemes By:Ashley Park

Complementary A complementary color scheme consists of 2 colors from the opposite sides of the color wheel . Some examples of complementary colors are orange and blue , red and green , and I choose to demonstrate violet and yellow. Complementary colors are 2 contrasting colors that some people don’t usually think would look good , but it does.

Triadic A triadic color scheme consists of 3 colors that are equally spaced on the color wheel . Some examples are red , white , blue and orange , violet, green . Usually a triadic color scheme is the primary colors or the secondary colors.

Monochromatic A monochromatic color scheme consists of tints and shades of 1 color. A monochromatic color scheme is not just black and white . A monochromatic color scheme can be based on any color on the color wheel .

Neutral A neutral color scheme consists of a lot of neutral colors. Some examples are brown , black , white , tan , beige , and grey. This color scheme does not consist of any colors on the color wheel .

Accented Neutral An accented neutral color scheme is very similar to a neutral color scheme , an accented neutral color scheme consists of neutral colors with 1 small pop of color. Some examples are brown , black , white , tan , beige , grey, and an accent color such as blue or violet.

Analogous An analogous color scheme consists of 3 to 4 colors that are in a row. Some examples are blue , blue-violet, violet, red violet, and orange , yellow-orange , yellow. This color scheme usually includes at least one tertiary color.

Split-Complementary A split-complementary color scheme consists of 3 colors, your main color, the 2 colors surrounding the complementary color. An example is yellow, blue-violet, and red-violet. Another example is blue , yellow-orange , and red-orange .

Tetrad A tetrad color scheme consists of 4 color, 2 sets of complementary colors. An example is yellow, orange , violet, and blue . Another example is red , violet, green , and yellow. This color scheme usually includes 2 primary colors and 2 secondary or 4 tertiary colors.

Complementary-Triad A complementary triad color scheme consists of 3 colors, 1 set of complementary colors and 1 tertiary color in between the 2 complementary. An example is blue , orange , and red-violet. Another example is yellow, violet,, and blue-green . This color scheme is usually 1 primary color, 1 secondary color, and 1 tertiary color.

Analogous-Complementary An analogous complementary color scheme consists of 4 to 5 colors, 1 set of complementary colors and the 2 surrounding one of the complementary colors. An example is yellow, violet, blue-violet, red-violet.

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